Chapter 11
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Once he passed through the gates of the small store, which was no more than two stories, he found in front of him a lot of shelves on which a large number of equipment, tools and special products were placed. Although he was absolutely certain that everything on these shelves was considered an invaluable treasure, especially for a player at his current level, he knew very well that these products were just a front for more valuable treasures hidden in this store. , One NPC stood in front of all these shelves wearing a dark purple armor. This NPC was very hard to be noticed amid the dim light of the store. Once Ibro arrived in front of this green NPC, he heard him say:

“Welcome adventurer. What are you doing here?”

“I heard a lot about the store's reputation and decided to visit it, as I might like a magic tool and buy it.”

“Enog store is not a place for poor beggars like you.”

“Poor and beggars? Are you talking about me, Enog?”

Enog laughed out loudly before saying:

“I knew how much money you have. You only have copper coins and cannot buy my treasures with that cheap currency.”

“Who told you that what I own is not enough to buy your most valuable item?”

Enog laughed again as if heard a hilarious joke before saying as if he was enjoying a show in front of him:

“Oh really? Then you can buy this masterpiece. You are a dark magician and this wonderful staff is precious to you.”

Ibro smiled happily, as he wanted to get it. This long staff with pointed sides and deep inscriptions in some of its part indicated that it was not an ordinary staff. But nevertheless Ibro could not guess the exact grade of this staff, it might be silver or gold grade. Equipment at Rioneed were classified as basic, copper, silver, fine gold, dark gold, epic, legendary, platinum and mythic grades. What would happen if he jumped out and stole this baby from Enog hands? It was just a fantasy as he knew very well that these thoughts were just his own illusions and he couldn’t approach even half meter from the NPC in front of him before he became dead. Enog was a 35 level intermediate wizard NPC.  He swallowed his saliva, restrained his desire to get the staff, and then said sarcastically as that player from his previous life did:

“It's not a good staff Enog. How much is this worn out staff in your hands?”

Although he felt severe pain from his words, he must follow the same steps of the player from his past life. According to what that player said at the forums, if he praised Enog equipment then he would ridicule him and expel him from the store. But if he showed dissatisfaction then Enog would offer him a special mission and trigger that unique quest. He would undoubtedly win that tool after he finished this easy task. That task was about getting a thousand units of silvermoon ore. That player said in his topic back then the place where he got that big amount of ore from. It was a leveling place away from any novice village, which was surrounded by areas full of monsters at 7 and 8 levels. Although the monsters that dropped this silvermoon ores were just one level higher than the level of the player, the main problem was how to reach and get out from this area safely. Killing those monsters were easy task for an experienced player like Ibro. The task was really simple when you consider the big reward of this quest. Enog facial features changed immediately, and it seemed that he was seriously insulted. He said in a threatening tone:

“Are you sure that the staff in my hand is worn out and you cannot see how precious it is adventurer?”

Ibro felt a strange pressure coming from Enog. He swallowed his saliva and quickly retrieved every little detail of what this player said about Enog and this quest. He did not remember if that player said at his topic that Enog was angry with him. This Tasanian player seemed to Ibro that he had hidden some important information deliberately as he did not mention this response from Enog at his thread. This didn’t bode well to Ibro. Enog stood before him waiting for his response with extreme anger and no patience while that previous green aura changed to yellow. That NPC would be hostile to him if he behaved wrongly. Would he apologize to Enog about what he just said? Or should he continue to underestimate the staff? He had no time at all to think as if that aura turned red, that NPC would attack him immediately. His brain seemed to lose track of any good thoughts, so he decided on impulse. If he died now he wouldn’t lose anything as his level still a big zero. He decided to risk it all and replied:

“Yes, that staff is bad, and I don't see it useful for a good black magician like me.”

Enog moved his fingers suddenly and the staff disappeared. He then approached the wide marble counter separating him from Ibro and stared at him directly in the eye and his anger was boiling on his face. He said in slow deep tone:

“And what is your ideal staff requirement, good dark magician?”

Ibro swallowed his saliva with difficulty and tension. He felt that he was about to receive his first fatal kill in the game. Before he thought about what he had to say and do, Enog flickered his fingers again and a completely different staff from the previous one appeared in his hand. It looked more luxurious, elegant and from a higher grade than the previous one. Ibro felt a sudden blow of hot air that stroked him. He almost moved backwards from his place except for the marble counter in front of him which he gripped strongly in time, or so he would be blown in the air right now. He gritted his teeth while Enog said in a strong tone:

“Do you like this staff, good dark magician?”

Ibro shook his head immediately without any hesitation to show his approval to Enog threatening question. He felt that if he had not agreed on this question, Enog would not hesitate to kill him several times before his anger could calm down. Nevertheless, to his disappointment Enog facial features did not change for the better, instead, it turned into the worse. Ibro felt he was standing in front of a ferocious beast that was about to eat his prey. Enog then said in a tone that made Ibro body to shiver spontaneously:

“Then you have to pay for it now, good dark magician. I think it will not be too expensive for an ignorant rude person like you.”

“How much is it, Mr. Enog?”

Ibro tried to show respect for him unsuccessfully, as Enog continued saying with his fierce look:

“Its price is very cheap, just ten million gold coins. pay or I will hold you in my store for a year.”

Now Ibro wanted to go back in time and kill this deceptive Tasanian player. Was this the easy task in which the player got a valuable prize and a powerful tool? This lie would cause him to lose everything. If the matter was limited to just his death, he would not worry, because he would not lose anything at his current level. But if the penalty would be for this crazy NPC to hold him for a whole year, this meant that he would never be able to escape from this detention. An entire year in detention and without playing was like a death sentence to him. He suddenly thought about what just this crazy NPC said. What was the level of this staff to make its cost reach a terrifying ten million gold? In his past life, he had never heard of any tool that reached to this crazy number! Suddenly his train of thoughts was interrupted by a soft voice ringing in his ears:

“System Prompt: NPC Enog has just given you a legendary quest. Congratulations on getting the first legendary quest in all domains of the game. As a reward for your accomplishment, you will be awarded a tip that may help you succeed in your quest.

Legendary quest: buy the legendary staff from Enog shop.

Quest details: Within five minutes, you should be able to purchase the staff that Enog offers.

Quest Prize: You get the legendary Minior Staff + you will get the privilege of entering Enog Shop once every six months + a special prize from the game for you.

Quest failure: You will lose the privilege of entering the Enog shop + being detained in the Enog shop for a full year.

System Propmt: do you accept the legendary quest?”

He didn’t think at all, once he heard the name “ legendary quest” he said loudly:

“I agree.”

“System Prompt: player accepted the legendary quest.

“Quest hint: Enog does not know math!”

“Damn, it's a legendary mission!”

He never felt excited and shocked before in Rioneed like he was feeling right now. It was a legendary quest that would award him a legendary staff! Legendary quests and legendary equipment were always rumors circulating among the players in his previous life. The first quest he received turned out to be a legendary quest! Even if he failed he would not feel any regret. He was more determined to win that quest. Five minutes for him to get the staff! The first thing that his mind concluded was that getting a staff did not require him to have this huge amount of money. The key to this quest lied in that hint.  He should take advantage of the hint the game gave him. What did the game mean by saying that Enog didn’t know math? To pay anything to any NPC, you take the money out of your Inventory and put them in front of this NPC. If he was paying to another player he could just wire the money to their profile directly from his Inventory. This hint wasn’t related to counting the money as Enog would know the count when he collected the money. The secret lied in another hidden aspect. Time was ticking second by second. Ibro brain started to work vigorously and that hint became a big question mark in front of him. All he needed to do was to solve this question and he would win a legendary staff. He looked again at his Inventory and his 100 copper coins lied there in shame. He knew that if he turned those copper coins to gold coins they weren’t enough even to get him one gold coin. He suddenly stopped thinking and his brain froze! It just hit him like lightening. He knew what that strange hint meant.  It seemed that his good fortune had not yet abandoned him. He said with a great joy to test his idea:

“The price of that staff is ten million gold coins. You know I have copper, not gold coins. Tell me how much does it cost in copper coins?”

Enog face showed confusion, while Ibro eyes shone with brilliant light. Enog really didn’t know how to do simple math! Ibro began to feel more confident about succeeding in this quest. He just had to keep pushing Enog towards mathematical operations, and he might find his chance by then.

“I don't know, do you have any gold coins? Do not fool me young adventurer!”

“I am not fooling you Mr. Enog. You know that I only have copper coins in my Inventory.”

“I don't want any copper coins. I want gold coins".”

“Excuse me Mr. Enog, I only have copper coins. We can convert gold coins to copper coins and I will pay the price of the staff.”

“I only sell my magic tools in gold coins young adventurer.”

“Are you going to back down from your offer? This is weird because Enog store reputation is well known to everyone. If you give up on your offer it will probably negatively affect your store reputation.”

Ibro wasn’t a fool! If the game presented to him this NPC on a golden plate, how would he let him escape from his hands then? If he did so he would be a big fool. Enog look showed obvious hesitation. Ibro looked at the little digital clock next to the quest red mark at his profile. He only had less than two minutes left before losing this quest. If he succeeded it’s heaven for him but if he failed he would move to hell. There was no time to waste with Enog, so he continued pressuring Enog saying in a tone full of urgency and anxiety:

“If you don’t honor your trade I will get out of here and shout loudly at every street of the village. I will tell everyone that you are a fraud and lied to a customer like me who entered your shop and reached a deal with you but you backed down on your words. I held you responsible for cheating on me.”

Ibro didn’t give him any chance as he turned around and started moving towards the door of the store with wide steps. Although his legs were shivering from severe tension as he only had a minute for the quest, Enog didn’t notice that but he felt really threatened and said in a rush:

“Wait, adventurer. I will not cancel my offer to you. Just tell me how much ten million gold coins worth in copper coins.”

Ibro felt great anxiety. Although Enog felt for his trick but his time was running low so he turned around and said quickly:

“Can't calculate it yourself?”

“I have no time to waste on something like this. Just tell me how much and pay the total amount to get the staff.”

“It is a large difficult calculation Mr. Enog. Give me seconds to calculate it for you. One copper coin worth a hundred thousand ore, while one ore equals ten gold coins and one gold coin equals ten silver coins. It's a math nightmare Mr. Enog. Do I have to calculate it for you myself?”

Restlessness and distress seemed apparent on to Enog face, who said impatiently:

“Just tell me the final amount and pay it immediately or else I will detain you!”

“ The calculation is that the staff equals fifty copper coins. This is the final amount.”

“Thank you! You have paid the right price for the staff. Here is your staff adventurer.”

As soon as Ibro took out his 50 copper coins, they immediately disappeared front of his hands. Sure enough, Enog fell for the trick it right away. Ibro eyes were fixed over the staff. He nearly drooled when he heard Enog words. He now owned a legendary staff! Five years of playing in the past and the highest equipment he ever had was an epic grade. He didn’t believe himself! He thought he was in a very fantastic dream. Enog pointed his fingers to the staff which began to move floating in the air towards Ibro. As soon as it reached him, the magical energy surrounding it disappeared to fall into his hands, who felt an enthusiasm that he had never felt before holding this staff. By this staff in his hands he would be the first Egyptian player to have acquired a legendary tool even in his previous life! As soon as he grabbed the staff and before examining it, he heard a loud bell sound that rang in his ears accompanied by a soft voice saying:

“System Prompt: you successfully completed the legendary quest before the end of time. Quest evaluation is A rank. As the first player to get a legendary quest and complete it in all domains of the game, the game will announce this success in all domains of the game. Do you agree with the announcing this? You have one minute to consider.

Note 1: If you do not agree, you will not receive additional rewards for being the first local, regional and global player to acquire and successfully complete a legendary quest.

Note 2: If you do not make a decision within a minute, your answer will be considered as approval and the prompt will be announced immediately.”