Poll and Announcement
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Good day to you, everyone.

Thank you for reading my story and it makes me happy that you're still out there even though I haven't uploaded an actual chapter for a couple months.

These past few weeks, I realized that writing in 3rd person is more challenging than writing in 1st person. There need be more stuff to explain in 3rd person and that doesn't sit well with a lazy bum either.

Thus in the poll below, I'd like to know if you'll be fine with me switching to 1st person, or should I just keep it to 3rd person to keep the consistency. If you do let me change, it won't be until I wrap up the first volume (which may be around 5 chapters away).

However, let it be known that I'm releasing the 14th chapter anytime soon.

Thank you for voting.


Alright, the announcement.

It's already been a year since I've started writing online thus I decided to make a new story to celebrate!

Hehe, funny that I did that considering I don't really have that much time for one but I did it anyway. I'm planning to upload every week for that.

Tbh, I was having fun with this certain game too much that I even based the story on it. For what game that is, you can already guess with the story title.

It's a reader interactive, thus you'll see a poll every chapter in which YOU decide the main character's next action.

There Is A Monster Among Us


Take care and see you again soon.

Should I change to First Person?
  • Yes.
  • No.
  • Third Option that opens up a secret portal. Maybe.
Total voters: 7 · This poll was closed on Dec 6, 2020 03:20 AM.