Chapter 30: Sunday Night
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Bellatrix bought some makeup and with Ethan's insistence, Bellatrix didn't have to spend a penny. The three got home and started to go do their chores. They ate lunch before doing general cleaning.

Bellatrix was in charge of the laundry, and cleaning of all bedrooms, Matthew was incharge of the kitchen, Thomas was incharge of the garbage and bathroom and Ethan was incharge of the floor, living room and helping Thomas with the garbage.

The Burns did their general cleaning so that tomorrow at Monday, they won't have to do anything more. This was the usual schedule of the Burns.

When night came, everyone was freshened up and just showered. They all sat in the living room, just chilling. Ethan for once in a while plays video games with Matthew on the tv as they sit on the carpet.

Bellatrix was laying on the couch while scrolling through her phone while Thomas was cuddling on top of her. Hugging her close while sniffing her scent from her stomach.

Bellatrix takes a picture of Thomas cuddling her with his eyes closed and couldn't help but giggle. She plays with his hair and posts the picture in her IG. 

[@J.thom cute<33

(Image attached)]

After that, she didn't say anything and posted it. She puts down her phone and continues to play with his hair while looking at him. She couldn't help but chuckle and cup his cheeks making him open his eyes and look at her.

"What?" Thomas asked while looking at her, his cheeks squished together by her hands. "Come here." She says while signing him to go more up, to which he did and made him rest his head on her breast.

He stiffened before relaxing and closed his eyes to relax once again. Bellatrix once again plays with his hair and turns to the TV, to watch the two play.

Ethan was sniffing her vanilla scent. The sound of a motorcycle playing in the background as the two play, without minding the two.

Bellatrix plays with his hair while watching TV. That's how their Sunday night was spent.