6. Unexpected Accident
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"She's a very troublesome woman."

"Yeah. Very troublesome indeed."

We finally escaped from the military base with the help of old man Kranel, who sacrificed himself to hold off Lilian. I have to thank him, I'll attend his funeral if I have time.

.... He'd still be alive if you think about it.

"By the way, your sword looks really cool. So that's what you meant by putting all the cartridges into your pouch, because it's an energy sword! And thank you, you my body is still intact."

Satsuki hugged himself as he remembered almost getting sliced in half by Lilian.

"Well, we shouldn't talk about that now because it'll just bring bad luck."


"Oh, yeah. Satsuki, if you're planning on building a harem, please don't bring in troublesome types. My ship can only accommodate up to 6 people."


Puzzled by my statement, Satsuki tilted his head.

You should know that Satsuki is the type of protagonist in a novel or manga. And he even unknowingly created a romantic comedy show at school while I enjoyed his performance from the sidelines while eating snacks. Yes, it was an entertaining drama show that you couldn't find anywhere else. And judging from that, I'm pretty sure it won't be long before he gets his first female member.

I don't have a problem with them staying on my ship. But if it's a troublesome type like Lilian, I'll kick them out of Genesis without hesitation.

Satsuki seemed to ignore my statement as he asked, "So, where are we heading now?"

"Where else? Of course, we're going to buy all the necessary supplies for now. So we'll head to district 4."

We're low on food and clothing, so buying them is a priority.

There are 5 districts in this station. The first 3 districts are off-limits without special permission, as they are the residential areas for the residents of district 3, while districts 1 and 2 are the special areas for military officers and nobles. District 4 has poor security, but it's not as bad as district 5, where crime is more frequent, or so I've heard from Crypto, who accessed public information about Terra Mains.

We arrived at our destination with the help of a map on the terminal. If not, we might've just been wandering around without knowing where we were going.

"This world is very futuristic, isn't it?"

Satsuki remarked, looking at the scenery in front of him.

"I wonder if Earth will be like this in the future."

Bright lights and 3D holographic billboards were scattered among the buildings. There were also people of different races bustling around on the streets, and among them were robots carrying things or cleaning windows under the space view. There's a protective energy that maintains this colony to prevent it from being affected by radiation and foreign attacks. If that barrier or the nucleus that maintains its energy stability were destroyed, there would be no surviving life in this place.

A world where technology is an integral part of life, that's what this world is like. As for whether Earth could be like this in the future, I'm not sure it will happen soon. It might take hundreds of years to reach this point. And that's if Earth can survive for that long with global warming or the possibility of a nuclear war.

We continued walking after a brief pause.

Satsuki continued to look around like villager seeing a city for the first time, while I kept my expression neutral as I glanced around and kept walking.

The first place we visited was a food supply store.

"We're going to buy food and drinks for 2 people for 1 month. Also, put some vegetables in there too."

"Rarely see a Loppo race.... Alright, it's 750 Krona for everything."

One of my ears twitched upon hearing that word again.

I wonder why I always stand out. But seeing people's reactions and Lilian's, it seems that I come from a rare race according to my analysis. Is my race rare or completely unseen in this world? I want to know that.

"Hey, sir, isn't that price quite expensive?"

"What do you mean? This is the standard. Even though we use synthetic vegetables and meat, it's a reasonable price."

"Let it go, Satsuki. We accept the price."

The shopkeeper smiled happily as he looked towards me.

By the way, it seems that real meat is very rare, and if sold, it would be very expensive. Especially with the number of people in this world, scientists have found innovations to create synthetic meat. Well, the meat looks different when I see it. Instead of red, the meat is white. But from what I've heard, the meat would turn brown like regular meat when cooked. I'm grateful because if the meat stays albino in color like that, it would make my eyes uncomfortable when eating it. Satsuki seems to think the same way as he looks at the sample of meat.

"Thank you for your purchase! We will soon send your items to your ship!"

Done with our business there, we went to a clothing store.

"Seriously... Is this what they call a clothing store?"

A tone of annoyance came out of my mouth as I looked from outside into the store through the window.

Upon arriving in front of the store, Satsuki and I could only be stunned by the fashion models displayed. I wonder if the store owner is sane because they chose to display short, sewn cheongsam (a type of traditional Chinese dress for women), maid uniforms with embellishments, and even included stocking lingerie or garter belts. Moreover, there are sexy bunny costumes with net stockings, and even bikinis. I mean, who wants to swim in space?! There's even a kimono with a short skirt! These bastards must have put them there for the sake of fulfilling their fetishes! Because on the other side, for men's clothing, they display normal things like party suits or mercenary clothing and vests! Why hasn't fashion changed at all in this era... No, those fetish creatures must be the ones causing it.

"Y-You know, we can go to another store. But the same thing might happen..."

On the other hand, Satsuki spoke with a blushing face while continuously observing the displays of women's clothing.

I could only look at him coldly.

"Don't expect me to wear any of those."

Hearing my voice filled with intent to kill, Satsuki panicked.

"I-I didn't mean that! Moreover, you're a guy."

"It's good that you realize it. Well, let's get in then."

I immediately dragged him inside after that.

"Hello, young couple! How can we assist you?"

A middle-aged female employee greeted us inside.

"I want to buy clothes that are easy to move around in when I'm outside, as well as light shirts for daily."

"Anything else?"

Satsuki then approached and whispered to me.

"By the way, it seems like you need a bra."


I looked at him with a sharp glare that made him break out in a cold sweat while awkwardly smiling.

... But upon further thought, there's some truth to it. Now I'm in a girl's body, and it's an unavoidable reality.

In the end, I said it through gritted teeth.

"... I'll take a bra."

Satsuki then whispered to me again.

"... And underwear."

"... And underwear."

"Maid uniform, sailor suit, kimono..."

"Maid uniform, sailor suit, kimono— so this is your intention you bastard!"

"Gooffh! N-No, Kanon, I was just joking. So, don't— AAAAAaaaaaa!"

Knowing that Satsuki was teasing me, I felt a vein pulsing in my forehead. In anger, I choked him and threw him out of this place.

I hope he learned his lesson with this.

"Y-You seem like a compatible couple... Alright! Here's the list of items you want, please take a look!"

The employee was slightly taken aback but quickly returned to normal.

I looked at the recommended list through my terminal. I bought clothes that seemed suitable for my taste. Well, there are also cyberpunk-themed clothes, so I bought those too. Plus, they are white with black accents. And because of the circumstances, I also bought women's underwear and casual clothes with a slightly feminine color and shape... At least I'm still wearing pants. I also bought other things like gloves and a towel.

"Maid uniform... Maid uniform..."

"Don't order it, damn it!"


Satsuki crawled back in and tried to order the maid uniform, but I managed to stop him in time by punching him stomach. In the end, she only ordered clothes for herself.

"Please enter that room for measurement checking. That way, we can easily make adjustments."

"Isn't there a physical version?"

"Well, there is. But you don't seem like the type of person who wants to spend time on that. Plus, you have a tail that would make it difficult for us."

That's right. It would be too tiring to try on each of the clothes I want to buy, and my tail would have difficulty poking out because there's no hole there, and they wouldn't bother making one. And as expected from a sci-fi world, everything is made practical with modern technology.

So we did the size checking. It felt like I was in a printing machine when the scanning lights were turned on and moved up and down.

All of those purchases cost 30,000 Krona... Why is it twice as expensive as a full ammunition purchase for our ship? Is this a scam?

"Thank you for your purchase! We will soon send your items to your ship! And as a gift for a couple like you, we will give you the 'Witch's Charm' juice! It's a potion— I mean, a drink that is not sold casually!"

The employee cheered happily. She seemed delighted with our large purchase.

Wait, wait, wait! I clearly heard what she said earlier! What items are you really trying to give us?! Satsuki! Didn't you hear it?

"... Um, we're not a couple."

"Come on, don't be shy, young ones. I was like that too when I was your age. Oh, and make sure you drink it alone on the ship, understood?"

Satsuki could only sigh as his words went unheard.

It's strange for me to be considered a couple. I mean, just because we're walking together, does that automatically mean we're in that kind of relationship? Common sense is weird if that's true. I need more information later.

"Come to think of it, why can we only drink it when we're on the ship?"

The employee grinned at me.

"You'll find out when you try it later~"

... Alright. That's suspicious.


Finally, we left with a confused feeling.

But at least we managed to buy the items we needed.

We continued walking afterward. Curious and hungry, we tasted the food at the nearest restaurant. And it didn't taste too bad, the prices were also relatively cheap, ranging from 5 to 10 Krona.

We intended to return to the ship for a while, but my steps stopped.

"Kanon? Kanon??"

I ignored Satsuki's call as I looked at a certain spot with sparkling eyes.

"It's there!"

I ran toward the store that seemed to sell my favorite type of pastry with excitement because I saw a familiar food.

To think that it's here!

"Excuse me! How much for this biscuit stick? I'll buy all of your stock!"


Ignoring the recent incident, Satsuki and I finally resumed walking after finishing my business.

"I thought I saw a possessed person when I saw you running with excitement and shouting earlier."

"What's wrong with that? Besides, this is my favorite snack."

I answered cheerfully as I bit into the chocolate-coated biscuit stick.

Ahh... It tastes even the same, the packaging design isn't that different even though it's made from different materials. I thought I would never eat this product again, but it turns out that this world also produces it! This is one of the foods that accompanied me during gaming or relaxing time. Yes! It's Pokky! One of the popular food products in Japan!

Well, even though the price is expensive and doesn't make sense, I still bought it all. The price for one box is 1,500 Krona, and I bought 15 boxes. So the total cost was 22,500 Krona... I wonder why the price of food is higher than ammunition.

"I can't believe you're so happy because of a food."

Satsuki said with a sigh.

"Happiness sometimes comes from simple things. By the way, do you want one?"

Satsuki fell silent for a moment before responding.

"...N-No, I'm sure you'd slam me when picking one of them."

"Oh, you know well."

I replied while eating.

"Is that for real?!"

Ignoring Satsuki's complaint, we finally arrived at the hangar and got into the Genesis. As the plan, our ship wasn't suspected after successfully completing authentication. But this is only temporary now. We need to officially register the Genesis to avoid the hassle of hacking into the central station database and providing false information every time we travel. It's also too risky for our ship to be captured. The only easy place to register is the Mercenary Guild. I intended to go there but forgot. Let's do that later.

"Oh, the items arrived quickly, huh?"

While checking the Genesis update data, the items such as clothes and food we bought had been sent to the ship. I didn't expect them to arrive that quickly, but it's good.

Satsuki and I went to the cargo space and put away our items in our respective rooms.

"Kanon, look at this."

Satsuki threw me a bottle of a pink-labeled drink. I easily caught it, thanks to my quick reflexes.

"Where did you get this from?"

I don't remember ordering this drink before.

But I immediately realized when I saw 'Witch's Charm' written on the packaging. There were no other writings except 'Safe to drink' afterwards. So this is the bonus that the employee mentioned. It looks suspicious.

"It came with our clothes shopping. It seems to be the bonus the employee mentioned earlier, and I only found two."

I nodded at him before throwing back the bottle. Satsuki panicked a little as he almost dropped it when trying to catch it, but he managed to it.

"Bring it to the kitchen. It would be a shame if we didn't drink it."

"Aren't you suspicious this might be poison?"

"Don't worry, and you'll be the guinea pig to try it."


Satsuki glared at me petulantly.

I chuckled lightly and left him with the other items in my hands.


After all of that, I took a shower and cleaned off the sweat.

Micro-sized water droplets spread as they fell onto my skin, providing a fresh feeling, and eliminating all my fatigue.

The water and waste in this world are recycled if you're wondering where they're disposed. The water itself can be filtered and renewed as it's an essential material for life in this space. Genesis also has its own water filtering system... Although it feels very strange to use your own used water... But I reassured myself upon hearing Crypto say the water is 100% clear... Yes! Sounds very convincing, doesn't it?!

"What a tiring day...."

I muttered as I felt the water droplets dampen my face.

From meeting the peculiar-headed military woman to the enthusiastic staff with undeniable words, this world seems to be filled with unique people. I'm still a little overwhelmed by them, but that's unavoidable... Let's hope there are normal people in the world out there.

After showering, I changed into more revealing and slightly skin-exposing casual cloth.

I wore a plain white tank top for the inner part, and a red crop-cut shirt that goes above the navel for the outer part. Meanwhile, at the bottom, I only wore shorts that exposed my thighs. I also tied my hair into a ponytail so my neck could feel the fresh breeze.

Although I usually see other people wear something like this in a magazine, now I'm wearing it too because of my transformation.

Well, never mind.

I'm not too concerned about being a girl now. On the other hand, these clothes are comfortable. Perhaps this is the reason for the high price.

"I feel like a model."

I said, striking a pose in front of the mirror.

Wait, why am I bothering to do this?

I grabbed a pack of Pokky and left the room for the lounge, finding Satsuki sitting on the couch, reading something on a holographic board. he seemed unaware of my presence, so I called him.

"What are you reading?"

"Hmm, nothing. I was just—"

His sentence paused as his eyes turned toward me. His face looked slightly astonished, which confused me.


Is there a ghost behind me?

"N-No, it's just that you look beautiful."

He said with an awkward smile.

Of course, I know my character looks beautiful since it took me three hours just to make her face look perfect.

"Do you know Satsuki, other girls would probably be happy to hear that. But I almost threw you just now because of anger."

I replied flatly.

"H-Hey, calm down. I was just surprised to see your clothes more exposed. Besides, don't you think you'll become fat from eating so much? You've had almost six packs so far."

"I won't get fat just because of this, see?"

I said as I lifted my tank-top slightly and showed my smooth stomach.

"D-D-Don't show something indecent, stupid!"

He yelled as he closed his eyes in embarrassment.

What does he mean by indecent? I was just showing my stomach.

Ignoring his confusion, I sat down on the sofa.

"By the way, where are the drinks?"

Satsuki slowly opened his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief. Then he answered.

"The ones from the clothing store?"


With the words "Wait a moment," he walked away and came back with two suspicious pink bottles of drink and placed them on the table.

"Who should drink it first?"

Satsuki asked. He clearly suspicious about these drinks.

"Isn't it you?"

I answered, and Satsuki pouted. The words 'You really just want me to drink it?' were clearly written on his face.

He really didn't want to drink it.

But I had an irresistible bargaining chip.

"I'll let you touch my ears if you drink it."


Satsuki agreed without hesitation as he took the bottle and opened it.

See? He agreed right away.

For some unclear reason, Satsuki had become addicted to touching my ears and tail. He almost always begged for it after the first day he touched them after winning a bet. And it annoyed me so much that I would sometimes throw him if he was too insistent. Seriously, why did my friend who used to look like the perfect normie turn into a pervert? I want to know. His personality has changed a bit since coming to this world.

But for some reason, it felt somewhat comfortable when he touched my ears. As for the tail... it felt strange. When he touched my tail, it felt like my spine was being tickled, and it was too intense that I ended up throwing Satsuki, making him unconscious...

Ignoring all his rough behavior, he still really wanted to touch them. I guess I'll let him this time.

"If I get poisoned, add it to your commission."

"Don't worry. I'll bury you in a peaceful place and visit you every year."

I said it as if he would really die.


Satsuki fell silent at my words.

I could make this joke because we have a medical pod that can remove toxins from the body, including alcohol. So we can rest easy about this. Besides, it's unlikely that someone would try to target us without a clear reason. Especially a co-worker. I just wanted him to taste it because I thought it might not taste good or even be disgusting, that's all.

"Alright. I'll drink it..."

Satsuki slowly put the tip of the bottle into his mouth and took a sip. He then tasted it on his tongue. After that, his face slightly wrinkled, which made me wary.

"How is it?"

He looked at me as his eyes blinked a few times.

"Nothing's wrong. It tastes like strawberry juice with a hint of lemon. I also don't taste any alcohol, so I'm sure you can drink it."

Why is he making a fuss about whether there's alcohol or not?

Because Satsuki said there was nothing wrong, I trusted him and took the other bottle, opened it, and drank it.

It did taste like strawberry with a hint of lemon. Strangely, the sweet tartness of it complemented each other, and Satsuki and I became addicted to it, finishing all the contents of the bottle.

"Wow, the person who created this product is amazing. No wonder it's used as a bonus and not sold."

Honestly, it felt very refreshing in my throat.

"Now, isn't it time for me to get my payment?"

Satsuki asked with a sparkle in his eyes.

I sighed as I saw how determined Satsuki was to touch them. I then allowed him to sit next to me, making hi. smile widely.

"Just don't try to touch my tail, or I might kill you."


Satsuki happily stroked my ears. I closed my eyes peacefully because it felt comfortable.

Some time passed after that. I just sat there with my eyes closed, not doing much meaningful while Satsuki continued to stroke my furry ears.

But something strange happened.

"Hahh.. Hahh... Hahhh..."

Satsuki started to pant for no apparent reason. He also started to move closer to my side.

"What are you trying to do?"

I asked suspiciously as I saw his arms wrapping around me. He was clearly acting weird.

"Uhm... Isn't it hot in this room...?"

He ignored my question and asked another.

But now that I think about it, my body does feel hot. I remember not changing the temperature of this room. Besides, I felt the urge to go to the bathroom.

But then Satsuki...

"Hyah! What are you doing, Satsuki?"

He suddenly bit my neck, and instead of pain, it tickled.

I tried to stand up because of the strangeness, but he held me down and carried me like a princess, then walked out of the lounge.

Wait! How did he become stronger than me now?! Since when?!

"Hahh... Hah... What do you want?"

No, it's not that he became strong, but I suddenly felt weak. On the other hand, I also started to pant as my body grew hotter. W-Wait! Why is that happening to me too?!

I looked into Satsuki's eyes. Those predatory, sharp eyes were clearly not like the usual Satsuki.

"Damn it. Don't tell me..."

I finally reached a conclusion from this situation.

Don't tell me that the drink we had earlier is a type of aphrodisiac?!

Satsuki stopped walking when we reached his bedroom, and he threw me onto his bed.

"Hahhh... Hahhhh... I'm sorry, Kanon. I can't hold back anymore. I want you."

He said as he slowly undressed himself.

"....Damn it."

"No! Stop, Satsuki! That's not you! A-Aah! My pants?!"

"....I'm sorry."

"No! Stop it, you idiot!"

I desperately tried to stop him, but with my weakened strength, Satsuki managed to push himself onto me, causing me pain as I experienced it for the first time.

Today, I was ravished by Satsuki, satisfying himself without setting me free. I don't remember how much time had passed, but my body gradually succumbed to his sensual instincts... Perhaps this is a day I will never forget in my life.

As everything reached its climax.

"I love you, Kanon."

This person... Even until now...

"I'll punch your face later, you bastard..."

With that as my last thought, I fell into his embrace without any barriers between us.

I'm not sure if our friendship will remain the same after this.

With that as my final thought, I lost consciousness in his embrace.