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My mind was foggy as I thrashed around inside the box, pure rage had completely taken over my mind and I was having a hard time even thinking straight, whatever chemical Bruce used worked very well.

Throughout this process my mind drifted to many things throughout both of my lives, I took Bruce's words to heart and searched for anything that could ground me. I started at my first life but found nothing and then I moved from my second life and this time I did find something, the person who once stood as the parental figure in my life, Gertrude Pione.

Granny always told me to never become angry as when I did I lost and she was right, when one is angry one can't think straight. For the longest Granny had been my weak spot but also my strongest and that applied even now that I knew she was placed at the orphanage to care for me, maybe it was weird of me to still love her but nonetheless, I did.

I was unsure how long I had been inside the box but I was sure I had thought of everything Granny told me and it was now I understood all of her cryptic messages, all of it was a lesson that she gave me so that I would be better off in the future.

Slowly, very slowly I began to make progress in controlling myself, the chemicals present were still trying to enhance my anger but I was making progress either way, I was making progress.

'How long has it been?' I asked myself as I regained enough control to think clearly without pauses as I had before.

"That's enough for today." Bruce's voice sounded through the box walls.

'Bout time.' I said to myself as I stood up while looking at the box that was completely fine despite my rampage.

As I looked around a vacuum-like sound could be heard as the chemicals in the air lessened. The longer the vacuum sound was present the less my anger was, the chemicals that enraged me were being sucked away leaving me with a new sense of freshness, the training I had just partook in was tough but I felt pretty good after it had ended.

Soon enough the door I entered the box through opened letting fresh air rush into the box but I didn't plan to stay inside long enough to enjoy it.

"We will do this training every two days, for now I'll leave you two to your training." Bruce said offering no other words before leaving, although he hadn't done much of his role as a father he didn't even look like he wanted to with how quickly he was to end our conversations.

Diana watched Bruce leave without him waiting for my response with an odd face, perhaps she was realizing that the man wasn't putting much effort into speaking with me or maybe it was something else but she didn't seem to like it.

"So what're we training?" I asked getting Diana's attention.

"Mhm, follow me." Diana said before leading me out of the room.

Diana and I walked down the hallway until we exited the base completely and went out to the huge amount of land behind the base but what caught my attention was the women in armor who were glaring at me.

"I will not be the only one teaching you." Diana said as we stopped in front of three women who looked like they wanted the punch the shit out of me.

"These three are my subordinates, they will assist in your training as a New God." Diana said before continuing.

"This is Gloria." Diana pointed at the woman furthest from me.

"This is Duncurd." Diana said as she pointed at the woman in the middle.

"And this is Brunhilda." Diana said as she pointed at the woman closest to me.

None of the women bothered introducing themselves or saying anything so neither did I, I'll respond in kind with whatever their response is, I knew of the Amazonian's hatred for men and I couldn't help but find it annoying, whichever man fucked them over didn't stand for every male in the entire world, it was stupid to discriminate against them all based on their gender.

"..." Diana's brow furrowed as she noticed that neither of us were speaking.

"Let's get started." Diana said ignoring the atmosphere.

"The last time we met I tested your combat skills but today we will test your strength and speed." Diana said as we walked toward a boulder.

"Pick it up." Diana said seriously as the three Amazonian women sneered clearly believing I couldn't do it before Diana shot them a quick glare causing them to stop.

"Alright." I said as I walked toward the boulder and placed my toes underneath it before kicking it up like a soccer ball and catching it with my right hand.

The boulder was around 1 Ton which wasn't near my max so I didn't have a problem lifting it as I did.

"Good, next." Diana said before the boulder in my hands grew bigger.




"Next." Diana said as the boulder grew once again placing around 15 Tons on my back, my bench was around 12 Tons so I was able to take more than that when I used my legs as I was now.

"Next." Diana said again but this time the weight increased by around 10 Tons.

Immediately as the weight pushed down on me I felt the air in my lungs being pushed out forcibly but I wouldn't drop the boulder, I could still go.

"That's good for now." Diana said before the boulder above me returned to its original size and weight.

"Run to the end of the field and back as fast as you can." Diana said immediately after I finished putting the rock down. I didn't have any reason to deny her words since she was teaching me so I did as she said and ran as fast as I could.

"The man has yet to awaken, why is he so fast and strong?" Brunhilda asked Diana with confusion on her face, they were all surprised when they saw me hold up the 25-ton rock.

"He has awakened his Meta gene." Diana replied with her usual cold and distant face.

The faces of the women all seemed surprised by this before one spoke up.

"Why didn't you tell us princess?" Duncurd asked.

"Because you all need to learn that you mustn't underestimate someone because of their gender." Diana said before continuing.

"Our people have the problem of looking at males as lesser beings, only useful for reproduction but we all know better than that, today you came here with the idea that I was training a lesser being and underestimated him only because he was a male, your thinking is flawed, rectify it." Diana said causing the Amazonian's eyes to widen, whether it was because they understood Diana's words or because they couldn't believe what they had heard was unknown.

"Come." Diana said with an expressionless face as I returned from my run.

With that Diana began to test my limits, how much information I could intake at once, how much of it I could understand, how much I could lift with my pinky toe, how much pressure my body could handle before I began to bleed from my seven orifices, how good my senses were, she tested me on many things and it made me curious how she was going to train me.

"That'll be all for today, we will meet again here tomorrow at 6 am." Diana said as she stood with the conflicted looked subordinate of hers.

"Sure thing." I replied as I put my shirt back on, Diana made me take it off so that she could watch my muscle movement, or at least that's what she told me.

With that done we all went our separate ways, I had no clue what they were about to do but I was going to take a shower before meditating, I made progress with my emotion control earlier and I wanted to keep the pace going, and a reason I knew I was getting better was that I didn't snap at the Amazonians when they sneered at me, I was making progress and that was what's most important.

Walking back into the base I quickly made my way to my room before entering and finding Raven in her loungewear which was incredibly enticing as usual.

"Have fun?" Raven asked me.

"I guess you could say that." I replied before telling her about what happened in the training with Bruce and Diana while leaving out some things, I didn't want her to get worried due to how I was during my emotional control training.

"That man just doesn't learn." Raven said as she rolled her eyes, she was disliking Bruce more and more.

"It doesn't really matter, he's not trying and neither am I, we're just doing our own things." I replied before kissing her forehead and walking toward the bathroom.

Jumping into the shower I quickly cleaned myself up before getting out and getting onto the bed with Raven, I planned to meditate but I'd do it after hanging out with Raven for a while, I also needed to talk to her about actually dating since we might as well make it official at this point.

To be continued...