Ch- 8 Isn’t this too overpowered ?
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" Murasaki " I called her name as i extended my right hand and she immediately appeared in my hand.

Luna can feel the connection between her and the sword , The sword is alive though currently it's just an infant soul. 

{ Hey Luna don't you think first you should explain what happened to the person beside you ? } Lucia told.

' Oh...I forgot about her hehe.." I replied inwardly as I looked towards the granny.

" Don't you have something to ask me ? Granny ? " I asked her.

" I will wait for you but first you should check the items still left in the box Young Miss " Granny replied with a soft smile.

{ She's so understanding How cool~ } Lucia said.

' Yes exactly my thoughts ' I replied to Lucia.

" Okay then what's the next ? " I immediately picked up the old book and immediately used appraise on it.


  • Name : Myriad Sword Art
  • Type : Skillbook
  • Rank : Basic ( Growth )
  • Description : can integrate all kinds of sword and movement arts and skill into one.
  • Effects : None

^_^ would you like learn it ? Yes/No ? 


{ WHAT ? How did it come here ? No it can't be possible it was already destroyed by the gods so how ? } Lucia couldn't believe it because this technique was already lost.

' What do you mean Lucia ? Why's your reaction like that ? " I immediately questioned her.

{ Phew....That because millions of years ago there was a Sword immortal who wanted to reach the peak of sword so he made this Sword art and it was overpowered as fuck , the other gods were afraid of him and betrayed him during the great war , then those gods destroyed this sword art in the name of maintaining balance of powet bullshit so no one can learn it and that's why i don't know how it came here } Lucia explained hurriedly and continued....

{ There a high chance that will of universe did this but I can't understand why it gave it to you Luna } Lucia said with a serious voice.

' That's what I what to know to but.....this shity feeling of getting manipulated by some unknown entity is not the best ' I said with intense anger in my heart.

' I will cut down whoever will be in my way , be it Gods , Devils or Fate itself ' I roared in anger inwardly.

{ Calm down Luna we will know the answer as you become stronger so learn it first okay ? } Lucia consoled me.

" Yes " I immediately said yes to learn the skill and a large amount of information started to pour into my brain.

" Ugh...." I staggered due to intense headache.

" Young Miss !! " Granny held me from falling and shouted with concern.

" Thank you I'm alright now " I thanked her and stood up as pain lessened after a while.

' Skills ' I immediately opened skills menu and checked the new skill.


Active skills :

  1. Basic Appraisal ( 17% )
  2. Myriad Sword Art ( 0% ) : none
  • Can integrate every sword and movement skills into one.
  • No activation cost but Requires constant supply of mana to use and as the mastery increases so the consumption will.
  • The effects of this sword art will be based on the type of art is integrated.
  • Effects are not stackable and only will be added or replaced if the integrated effect are higher than the existing ones.


' Damn~ that's cool now I know why those gods feared this ' I said inwardly with great satisfaction.

{ Yeah it's really overpowered but it will take time to be of some use as it's effects are currently none } Lucia replied.

' Hmm....but can you tell me more about this mastery thing ' I asked her to explain since I didn't knew much about it.

{ Of course Luna , Mastery increases when you repeatedly use the skill and increase the proficiency of the skill like in games but Arts are different , you have to continuously train and reach enlightenment to increase its mastery You understand right ? } Lucia continued after i nodded.

{ Sword arts are different from sword skills because it combines sword and movement skills to create a set of moves like martial arts, Do you understand Student Luna } Lucia explained and acted like a teacher.

' Yes Teacher Lucia please continue ' I played along with her and asked her to continue.

{ Good Now, When Sword arts Mastery reaches 30% You will awaken the Sword intent which will cover your sword when you attack and when mastery reaches 60% you will be able to wield Sword aura that encapsulates your body, At 90% you will be able to use your sword aura as projectiles like sword slashs when you swing your sword like *woosh* and *Brrr* and when you reach 100% and perfects your sword, every effect will increase by 50%...and mind you , Even the creater of this sword art was only able to reach 93% and couldn't perfect it so you can imagine how impossibly difficult it will be } Lucia full explained everything with this and waiting for me to respond.

' Thanks for the explanation but I already boarded this ship so I just have to continue walking forward ' I responded positively to her warning and smiled confidently.

{ That's a good mindset I believe in you Luna } Lucia praised and cheered me.

" I'm done " I said as i looked at granny and used appraise on her.


  • Name : Mizuki Aikawa
  • Race : Human
  • Gender : Female 
  • Age : 63
  • Rank : 0th order


' Why's there so little information ? ' I asked Lucia in my mind.

{ That's because your appraisal skill is still basic right now } Lucia responded to my question.

Mizuki nodded as we both sat on the bed and I started explaining everything to her about Apocalypse, System , Evolution and other important things one by one.

" So that's how it is....... in a month evolution of this world will start which will cause an apocalypse and I have to be prepared for it  So, do you believe in my words ? " I asked her as I know no will my words and treat me like a mentaly challenged pers....

" I believe you Young Miss and just showed me how you summoned the sword and the inventory thing of your system " She immediatey replied cutting of my thoughts.

" Hahahahaha...." My eyes widened in suprise at her reply and i couldn't help but laugh out loud.

{ I told you didn't I ? That she is so understanding hehe } Lucia commented in my head and i nodded at her words.

' If I was a man and she was younger then I would have immediately made her my lover,  too bad it's not possible ' I thought as I couldn't believe she was this likable.

{ No it's possible you know ? } Lucia told me.

' What ? How ? For real ? ' I asked Lucia to confirm what she said.

{ Yes , if she evolves to a higher order her lifespan will increase and her body will become younger, You don't have to worry about the age difference because for higher beings with unlimited lifespan time is meaningless and no one cares about others age } Lucia explained more about the evolution and said there's not a single being with ugly appearance in the higher world.

' Okay I understand that much but what about me being a man ? ' I questioned Lucia again and surely she didn't disappoint me.

{ Hehe...There's something even better than that and A pervert you will surely like it } Lucia responded with chuckle.

' What ? Tell me quickly! ' I hurriedly asked her.

{ You idiot stop rushing me..... Did you already forgot whose successor you are ? Goddess of lust , The epitome of lust !! ....huff....huff....Anyways So you remember the shop menu ? } Lucia said and i nodded then she continued.

{ With the external patch of the system, shop menu is divided into two, the evolution shop and the lust shop , In the lust shop there is a special skill which can and by using it, you can grow an adjustable dick according to your wish and also capable of impregnation , You can be cancel the skill anytime as you want.....So Now tell me , Do you like it ? Hmm ? } Lucia answered with great enthusiasm.

"......" I flinched at her words and couldn't reply for a while as I was thinking about something perverted scene in my mind and unconsciously drooled.

{ Wipe your drool you idiot } Lucia scolded me.

' Now I have one more reason to wait for apocalypse ' I thought inwardly as my lips curled up into a smile.

{ Sorry to Break your lewd dreams but that skillbook is Cost 100K LP } Lucia poured cold water on me with her words.

' I want that skill at all cost so i guess I have to collect more LP sigh.... It's hard to live but I guess it is okay since collecting LP is fun so it's fine ' I thought optimisticaly.

I looked at Mizuki who was sitting beside me and waiting for me to gather my thoughts.

" Earth will evolve to 1st order and mana density will increase within 7 days after apocalypse Starts and undergo different kinds of changes such as weather, climate , geography and more till it become 4 times the current size of earth, the man-made building will collapse and become dust and animals, insects and some unlucky humans will become mutant so we have to hoard the supplies and control the public order and........" I countinued to disscus with Mizuki my plans and she gave useful suggestions here and there , i gratefully accepted them.

" Good night Mizuki ' I said.

" Good night Young Miss " Mizuki replied with a soft smile because I called her name.

We talked till 2:00 AM and slept together in the bed after greeting each other.