Chapter 1
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[Congrats on becoming the 1000th visitor!]

[You have been chosen to take a survey on your perfect reincarnation!]

"Holy Fuck! An eldritch survey!?"

[Oh... you already know about these, no one ever falls for it. Well choose who you wish to reincarnate as.]

Scrolling through the massive list of fictional characters, I found the perfect one for me. Selecting her, I waited for the survey's reply.

[Ooh... good choice, not too overpowered, but not weak either. Now choose your World to reincarnate into.]

"Oh that's Easy, Dragon Ball, easy to get powerful there and plenty of people to fight."

[Fair enough. Now choose Three Boons, the will all have downsides, but will make you prepared to fight in your new life.]

Scrolling through the options, the first boon I chose was the most interesting to me.

[Limitless Potential]

[You are not limited by rules in your growth, but it is significantly harder to grow stronger.]

It was obvious I would choose this, I mean, who wouldn't want limitless potential? My second was a little more tame, but still useful.


[You can use and resist every kind of magic/energy in the world, but you can never truly become immune to anything.]

The no getting immunity for anything was balanced by my third boon. One I chose specifically because of how it was worded.

[Semi-Immortal Body]

[As long as even a piece of your DNA is left, you will never truly die, You are forever linked to a pool of water, if it is destroyed you are killed forever.]

These three would allow me to truly conquer my new life, not that I plan on conquering anything.

[Alright, now we give you one random curse and some seals on your full power, then you can go.]

"Alright, but why the power seals?"

[We don't want a repeat of the last time we did this, it was messy, anywho here's you final status!]

[Name: Ruby Rose(Grimm Queen Variant)]

[World: Dragon Ball Z]

[Power Level: 100(Sealed Power: 1400)]

[Limitless Potential]


[Semi-Immortal Body*]

[Curse: Shonen Protagonist Luck]

[Seven Divine Seals: To Release the First Seal You must be Defeated in Battle by the Chosen Hero of the universe]

[Weapon: Grimm Rose Scythe]

[Inherent Skills: Grimm Creation, Grimm Control, Aura Control(Ki Control), Regeneration]

"Looks good, so when Do I..."

Suddenly I was no longer on my bed, and in my hand was no longer my phone but a scythe that looked like it was alive, horns grew from my head, and my ample chest didn't disappoint, I wore a black and red dress and my hand were replaced by long black claws.

Looking at my reflection in the metal of my scythe, my eyes were completely black except a red iris, black and red streaks covered my face and I looked like a great evil, only in the form of a cute girl. After making the scythe disappear, I created a small Nevermore to scout ahead, mainly to see where I was.

Seeing through its eyes was a surreal but familiar sensation, and quickly it spotted a small hut, one I recognized as Goku's house. Looking behind me, I saw the black grimm pool that my body was linked to, replacing the body of water in the description of [Semi-Immortal Body].

Sprouting two jet black bird wings from my back, I began to fly towards our hero's house.


Sitting in front of his house meditating, Son Goku felt a dark but not necessarily evil aura, like someone was willing to kill to get what they wanted, but didn't enjoy the sensation. Suddenly, a strange black crow landed in front of him, its beak replaced by a bone white mask.


In a cloud of dust, a woman with the wings of a raven landed in front of him, her strength weaker than him but filled with a desire to fight. Smirking, Goku stood and greeted the strange woman.

"Hey Miss, I'm Son Goku, may I get your name?"

"It's Scarlet Rose, and I challenge you to a duel! I wish to test my strength against earth's strongest warrior!"


"Hey Miss, I'm Son Goku, may I get your name?"

"It's Scarlet Rose, and I challenge you to a duel! I wish to test my strength against earth's strongest warrior!"

I decided not to call myself Ruby, Rubies are beautiful gems that shine in the light, and I'm not that, no I'm a dark reflection of the shining ruby, a scarlet blade not a ruby ring.

"I figured so. Your Ki tells me how much you wish to fight me. I'm not one to decline a challenge, so get ready!"

Dashing towards each other I channeled some of my aura(now Ki) into my fist and struck with all my might, our fist colliding, but mine just turned into Grimm fluid from the impact. Stepping back, I regenerated my arm and reinforced my body instead of strengthen, before delivering a flurry of punches at Goku.

Dodging all my punches, I created a staff of grimm fluid and ki and began to attack using it, only for him to redirect all my attacks away. Desperate, I created a small blade on the tip of the staff and began to send a barrage of thrusts at Goku, only to receive a punch directly to the face, breaking my concentration and dispersing my aura, turning my head into a pile of Grimm fluid.

"Honey, what was that noise?"

"Someone challenged me to a fight, I think I killed her by accident though!"


As my head slowly regenerated, I created a simple Nevermore to use as a proxy body to communicate with Goku. Seeing some black liquid form into a small bird startled the two but seemed to make Chi Chi more interested in me.

*Caw!*"Don't worry Goku, I'm not dead, it's extremely hard to kill me permanently, I'm using a proxy body to speak with you currently"*Caw!*

Eyes wide the two looked at the Grimm in shock, before Goku cleared his throat and spoke.

*Cough*"So. What exactly are you Miss Rose?"

*Caw!*"I'm a Grimm, a creature made from a Grimm pool, we can't truly die, but it does take a while for us to regenerate from our wounds"*Caw!*

"So. Why did you challenge my husband to a fight?"

*Caw!*"Um... Well I just heard he was earth's strongest warrior, and I wanted to test that notion, I can confidently say that he is indeed the strongest warrior I have met, of which I have only met one."*Caw!*

With my head done regenerating, I destroyed the Nevermore and stood up, stretching to remove any stiffness in my body. Adjusting my dress, I then politely bowed before the two and prepared to leave.

"Wait! Do you have a place to stay?"

Stopping, I turned around to face them.

"No, but why do you ask?"

Chi Chi had her hand over Goku's mouth, obviously trying to keep him quiet.

"If you want you can stay the night, anyone who respects my hubby and is strong on their own is a friend in my book."

"But Honey, we don't have any guest rooms."

Smiling warmly, I took up Chi Chi's offer.

"Sure, I'll just sleep on the couch, it's not like I need a bedroom."