Chapter 4
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The two guest following Septa Marybel lead, bowing their head to me as I get close to them. I smiled and nodded back at them, stealing glances at the man and girl before me. The man wore a tailored doublet made of sumptuous midnight-blue velvet.

The girl beside him wore a yellow dress, unlike the man who had pale skin the girl had a tan skin tone and curious golden eyes that stared back at me. She was a few inches taller than me and looked slightly older than my new age.

 “Good day… Sister Marybel. Did you bring these fine guests to keep me company for today?” I said, starting the conversation with a polite greeting.

Septa Marybel smiled and moved her hand in a polite introductory gesture toward the two strangers behind her.

“Yes, Your Highness. This is Ser Arrio Ortys and this beautiful young lady is his daughter, Meshira. Ser Arrio has been one of the Sept close friends.” Septa Marybel paused, allowing the man to bow and the girl to curtsy toward me before continuing.

“Ser Arrio, this is His Highness, Prince Viserys Targaryen, Third of His name. I do apologize if I disrupt your time, My Prince, but our friend here was just too enthusiastic when he heard you want to meet and speak with one of the Braavosi people.”

The man laughs shamefully while I smile and shake my head.

 “It’s no problem at all, but I hope you will allow me to freshen myself first, I just finished my training for today.” I said to the three of them.

“Of course, perhaps I can give Ser Arrio and Lady Meshira a tour around the castle ground while we wait for you. Please tell the servant whenever you’re ready so they can notify us afterward.” Septa Marybel suggested.

I agree with her so we split up from there, I’m taking a quick bath and replacing my training attire with the clean and more appropriate clothes for receiving a guest.

After that, I quickly notified Maester Corren about my absence for today. When I’m ready I call the servants to search for Sister Marybel and told the servants to bring her and the guest to my chamber.

They arrived at my chamber not long after, when we all settled at our seats Septa Marybel began excusing herself to leave, I thanked her again and wished her a good day. It’s only the three of us in the room now.  

I clear my throat before I start speaking “I know it was probably an unusual request you’ve heard from me but before we start I just wanted to say my thanks to you for accepting my invitation Ser Arrio, Lady Meshira. It’s a pleasure to have your acquaintances.”

Arrio laugh mirthfully. “You’re too noble or modest, Your Highness. When the Prince himself calling a lowly merchant like me, of course it would be naturally their honor to answer it.” He said.

I act polite and nodded.

‘He’s a good businessman.’ I conclude

Arrio smile, gesturing his hand toward his daughter before saying, “Forgive me if I’m accidentally offended you Your Highness, but since I’m here I wanted to give you a gift.” He said as Merisha proceed to stand up holding up some sort of wooden box.

“Please accept this gift as a token of my appreciation, The Targaryen Dynasty has been nothing but just and generous for me and my family.”

Meshira then walking up to me, bringing the fairly large and expensive looking box on her hand and placing it on my palm. It has a good weight but not as heavy as I expected.

“Oh… May I open it?” I asked.

“Please…” Arrio said, nodding his head.

I open the box and see what’s inside. Inside the box was some sort of a string instrument, like an ancient guitar or something.

As I delicately examined the intricately carved instrument, Arrio explained, "This is a traditional Braavosi gittern, Your Highness. Crafted by one of the finest artisans in Braavos. We Braavosi love our music, you see. It has been part of our culture and tradition for centuries.”

“My daughter, sweet Meshira in particular, is a young talented musician herself. Please feel free to ask her for a demonstration anytime you want since we do plan to be on Dragonstone for quite a while. We hope with this gift you will keep remember us long into the future." He said proudly.

I was genuinely taken aback, ‘This man works fast…’ I mused in my mind.

“This is truly magnificent. Thank you, Ser Arrio. I am deeply touched by your generosity, If you don’t mind, Lady Meshira. Can you play one song for demonstration now?" I asked, playing along with Arrio's friendly game.

“Of course, Your Highness.” She stands up again, I give her the instrument. Meshira's golden eyes lit up with excitement, her fingers gracefully plucking the strings of the gittern.

She performed some bright and an adventurous tune, the notes steadily picked up filling the chamber with an energetic melody. After a minute passed I begin clapping my hands, following along with the energetic tune, followed by Arrio, successfully making Meshira smile and more comfortable.

I applauded when she finished, genuinely impressed by her skill, I also play a little bit of guitar and bass in my high school. It kind of reminds me of that moment now and sparks an interest for me to play an instrument again.

"That was such a fun and beautiful tune, Lady Meshira. Your talent is truly remarkable," I complimented, a smile gracing my lips.

 Arrio beamed with pride, his eyes shimmering.

"I'm glad you liked it, Your Highness. Truthfully, many of Braavosi songs usually have a more somber atmosphere to them, they are really beautiful but I just don’t think they are quite fitting with our time and place right now.” She paused looking a little bit shy.

“The song before was one of the original pieces I created, my siblings and I, we're usually playing this tune when we’re having fun together." She explained.

“Interesting… My brother Rhaegar loves melancholic songs, perhaps you can show it to me next time?” I said.

“That would be my honor and pleasure.” She bowed as she handed back the gittern to me.

 I put the gittern back safely inside the box, after that I quickly rang a bell for the servants to come.

I told them to bring us some refreshments. Arrio looks so proud of his daughter, he seems like a genuine doting father.

‘He’s a shrewd man, but at least he’s a good father too.’ I conclude my quick impression of him so far in my mind.