6 – Strange People In The Woods Are More Strange Than I Thought.
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I spent about a ten days in the forest. I wandered about aimlessly, for the most part. I killed any animals I came across, and I collected them in my item box. I discovered that corpses in the item box didn't age, so this was the best for someone like me, who had no idea what to do with this many dead bodies. I discovered that I do have an upper limit on my item box, but it seems to be slowly expanding. Cool. Infinite storage may not be a dream.

I also tried figuring out how to cast magic. My logic was, the first person to cast magic in the world didn't have anything to go off of, so I'll just follow in their footsteps. After a couple of days of trying different things, including some rather embarrassing words and poses, I figured out how to do it. I just had to focus hard on what I wanted to appear, and then maintain that focus. For someone with a terrible attention span like me, this took considerable effort at first. But summoning forth water in the air was honestly pretty cool. I also started to sense some stuff in the air, which I think may be the basis of magic or something, but I'll have to ask someone about it. I tried using the other attributes, but I was only able to make a weak flashlight with light magic, and a ball of darkness with darkness magic. All I could do with lightning was make a spark, which did help my fire starting capabilities. Maybe I'll use it as a joy buzzer. Little known fact, joy buzzers don't actually shock you with electricity, but instead use a vibrating spring to simulate the feeling. Guess my version will be better.

As for poison and space-time, I guess I'm not quite finished learning them. Poison seems like it could be deadly to me if I fail to use it well, and space-time might accidentally teleport one of my limbs away. I'll be careful. Once I figure them out, I'll probably be strong. Imagine teleporting poison or lightning at someone. That would be super scary.

As a side note, there's a separate window listing magic skills. Score. It did cause my skills to reorganize themselves though. Item box is magic and instant cast moved over, but language comprehension stayed as a skill. Guess instead of having some magic cast on me, god decided to fuck with my brain a bit. Lazy bastard.

As I used my magic more and more, I started focusing on my manipulation of the magic, rather than the strength. I'd rather attack with a blade of water, rather than a ball of it. It was easy to manipulate it once I understood I started being able to sense the mana. Things are looking good for my water magic. Everything else needs some work, but I'll focus on water for now. Simon, the master of water, they'll call me. 

I haven't seen any wolves since I killed that big one. I saw three more boars, so I guess they're not so rare though. I learned the proper way to dismantle them pretty quickly, so I didn't waste as much as I did before. I couldn't figure out how to make bacon though. FUCK!

After the first day, I decided to try eating different plants around the forest. I know that may be dangerous, but I've got poison resistance, so I thought it would help. I ate some root vegetables and some berries and guess what? I got cramps. My poison resistance did go up though, so it was a small consolation.

I think that my adaptability to the forest and learning magic quickly has to do with the title, "Blessed by God". It was mentioned by pajama girl that it would increase my level up speed for myself and my skills, so I was probably able to adapt due to that. Lucky me!

I'm seriously glad though. I don't think I would be able to survive in this place unless I had that title. I have to seriously thank you, god, you lazy bastard. Thanks for the help. I still resent not being allowed into purgatory, though. Even though I made such a good first impression...

It was on the eleventh day when I came across something odd. I was walking along, when I heard something odd. It sounded like music. Someone was plucking on some strings. It sure as hell ain't a guitar, but I could jam to this. I snuck towards the sound of the noise, and I found a small clearing.

In the center of the clearing was someone was sitting on a large stone, playing a lute or something similar. They had their back to me, and were a bit hunched over, so I couldn't see their head, but I could see they were wearing some baggy, brownish green clothes. They were strumming a slow but cheerful melody. The person didn't notice me, and continued to play. They played very well. I really liked the music, despite it sounding old fashioned as hell.

I figured I may as well go out and introduce myself. Seems a bit rude to keep sitting out here. Maybe I can get some useful information out of them as well. 

I stepped into the clearing, making sure my steps were audible enough. Can't spook the guy. 

"Oi! That's some nice music you're playing." I said, trying to sound friendly. First impressions are important. 

The person stiffened, and stopped playing. They didn't turn around. I kept walking up. They didn't say anything.

"Ah, don't stop on my account. You can keep going if you want." I continued.

I kept walking up. When I passed by the side of the person, I stiffened. What? What the hell? What? I mean, this is fantasy. There is plenty of fantasy stuff about, but I still need to ask. What?

They didn't have a face.

Or any discerning features. 

Their entire head was a smooth piece of metal, with only two thin lines on the face, attached to some kind of joint. Kind of like eyebrows. But they seemed pointless, considering the lack of eyes. 

Well, I seemed to have talked to something that I would not expect to see. I was hoping for my first other species encounter to be an elf, or a beastkin, but I guess I'm stuck with you, baldy. Well, I shouldn't judge based on appearances. This is fantasy, so I shouldn't be racist.

I calmed down myself down after a second and resumed talking. "Something wrong?"

It turned its head to face me. I say that, but it doesn't have a face. Their eyebrows (?) moved up. "I really enjoyed the music. Would you mind playing some more?"

I was too weirded out to make any funnies. I decided that a friendly relationship was the best relationship. That's always the way to go when dealing with someone creepy. 

Baldy cocked his head to the side, like he was examining me. Creepy, seriously creepy. Why is my fantasy like this? Glasses and pajama girl, shouldn't there have been more of a warning?

I pressed on. "I don't have much on me, but would you play for a coin?" I took a copper coin out of my item box. I made sure to do it behind my back, as I didn't want him to see me use it. The skill's rating was rare, so I don't think most people would have this. 

He turned his head to look (?) at the coin I held. Then he looked back at me. He shook his head, looked down at his instrument, and began to strum it again. 

'Acquaintance get!

Now I can ask him about information. Except I can't. Well, wasn't this useless. At least I know there's someone else in the forest. I hid my coin back in my item box. I decided to at least sit and enjoy the music for a little while.

I sat around in the clearing for about a half an hour enjoying his playing. Or her. I'm going with a he, because he's bald, but I don't think I could tell. After looking at him for a while, I realized that he wasn't a normal creature. He was some kind of robot. 

His fingers had mechanical joints. I couldn't see his neck, as there was some kind of cloth raised up to the base of his head, but the thin lines on the face were another indicator. Honestly, he seemed like a pretty peaceful robot. 

Once I was done enjoying the music, I decided it was time to go. I stood up. Noticing my change, he stopped playing, and looked at me.

"Well, it's been great." I said. "Thanks for the music. Maybe I'll see you around."

As I walked into the woods, I felt his gaze on my back. Sorry buddy, but you just creep me the fuck out. No offense to your people, but not having a face is really not a good way of making friends.

A couple minutes later, and I realized he was following me. 

'Now, this is just getting more creepy. Why can't you just enjoy playing music in the clearing again? Why do you have to follow me?'

Countless similar thoughts went through my head as I tried to use stealth to escape. Tried and failed. He just kept coming after me. 

This continued on until the evening. I had grown pretty sick of him coming after me, so I decided to have a stern talk with my new friend. 

"Do you plan on doing some R-18 things to me, involving robotic attachments, perhaps including chainsaws? Would you, perhaps, be willing to not commit any crimes against me even though we are in the middle of a forest, away from any witnesses or police force?"

The guy just stared at me. I'm creeped out still. Well, he isn't doing much, so I guess he can follow for now. If I attack him, someone might find out, and I'll be considered a murderer. Maybe I can recycle him for parts later, if I find a coffee machine I can use. Wait, I hate coffee. Something else then.

"Can you even understand what I'm saying?"

He nodded. Okay, he is listening. But apparently he doesn't get subtleties. Maybe I'll have to teach them to him. Or maybe not? I really don't know what to do with him. I mean, technically he is the first person (?) I've met since I got here, but his silence can seem a bit eerie. Also the way he cocks his head to the side when looking at something makes it worse. 

I'll let him follow. Fuck it, this can't possibly go wrong. Maybe. Whatever. 

That night, I fell asleep listening to the melodious noise of strings being plucked. The status update confirmed that this bastard was going to follow me to the ends of the Earth. Or, I guess this isn't Earth. Fuck, he's never gonna leave.


Name: Simon Harmes Vitality 129 Mana Capacity 175
Race: Human Strength 129 Intellect 143
Age: 16 Agility 136 Wisdom 143
Level: 18 Constitution 129 Perception 158
Titles: Affinities:
Blessed By God (L) Water
Hated By An Archangel (U) Light
Automaton's Friend (R) Darkness


Skills: Level:
The Chaos of a Joker (U) NA
Language Comprehension (R)  NA
Stealth (C)  9
Dagger Technique (C) 5
Cooking (C) 4
Dismantling (C) 4
Poison Resistance (C) 3
Short Sword Technique 2
Dual Wielding (C) 2
Magic: Level:
Instant Cast (U)  NA
Item Box (S)  8
Moisture Magic (C) 4
Shine Magic (C) 2
Shadow Magic (C) 2
Electric Magic (C) 2
Mana Sense (C) 2