Chapter 7 – A Tempting Offer
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“A job?” I looked at the Lady incredulously as she made her proposal, not entirely sure I understood what she’d just said.

Her lips curled up into the slightest hint of a smirk, and she leaned forward, her hands
folding on the desk. “I’d like you to work here as my Maid.”

My cheeks involuntarily began to heat up, and I looked from her to Lilia, but both their faces were wearing the same half smirk. “A maid? Surely you can’t be serious, I’m a-”

The Lady raised her hand to silence me, and smiled. “I am serious. You’ve been effectively exiled from the Academy and need a place to stay. You get along well with my head maid, and you’ve piqued my interest as well. I’d love to have you join our staff.”

Biting my lip, I felt my hands involuntarily come together as I began to fidget. Being put on the spot like this was making me feel anxious all of a sudden and-

“Breathe Iris.” Lilia’s calming voice pierced right through those thoughts. I took a deep breath, laid my hands down at my side and let go of the vice grip my teeth had on my lip. Think calmly. Breathe.

This wasn’t like me. Normally I was a lot more level headed than this. The other
students and professors had called me “Cold” on more than one occasion. Right now though, I felt myself fumbling over my words every other sentence. Though I supposed a lot had happened in the past day.

I hadn’t been expecting a job offer when I entered the mansion yesterday, but I had to
admit that the Lady’s offer was Very tempting. Theoretically I was still employed by the Court, or Owned to be more accurate. Leaving them would mean breaking the contract I’d signed upon joining the Academy when I was brought in at the age of Ten.

Opening my eyes, I looked up to the Lady. “How would that work? The academy doesn’t
allow its property to leave.”

She settled into a reassuring smile, and her voice projected total confidence. “I
understand your concern, but leave it to me. You needn’t worry about that.”

I wasn’t sure what she was planning, and as much as I wanted to trust her I had to
press just a little. “That’s a little vague, are you sure you can’t give me any details?”

Her expression flickered with faint amusement. “Lilia and I have been coming up with a
plan since you arrived three days ago. We’re going to finalize some of those plans today, and give you the run down before you make a decision.”

I blinked, unsure if I’d heard her correctly. “What? I arrived last night.”
The Lady Azalea returned my blink with one of her own and then she turned to face her Head Maid. “Did you not tell her?”

For the first time I saw Lilia’s cheeks turn a bit pink and she nervously adjusted her
glasses, and looked to the side, before letting out a nervous chuckle. “In all the excitement it must have slipped my mind.” She then turned to address me directly. “Iris, you were asleep for Three days.”

It took me a moment to process the information, three whole days? And they’d taken
care of me that entire time? Once again I felt warmth flooding my numb chest, as I considered just how kind these people were to me. However, that didn’t mean they wouldn’t expect something out of me in turn. For instance, working here.

“That makes a lot of sense. I lost track of how many days I spent traveling, but I know it
was more than a few weeks.”

Lady Azalea nodded to me, her smile returning as she gave me an approving nod. “You
are remarkably level headed, Iris.”

Looking away, I thought back to all the people at the academy who had called me Cold
or Heartless, and I winced. “I get that a lot.”

Azalea leaned back in her chair, which caused her rather large chest to wobble and
bring a blush to my cheeks. She smirked knowingly, and took a sip of her tea before returning her appraising gaze onto me. “Given how long it took for you to get here, I would like you to spend the rest of the day getting some rest. I will not have it said that I am not a gracious host to my guests, or soon to be servants.”

I felt an urge to do something I’d always wanted to, and this moment presented a
perfect opportunity. I took the hems of my skirt, lifted them up to my sides, and kneeled halfway for her. “Of course, Lady Azalea.” The warmth blossomed outwards from my chest, spreading to the rest of my body and eliciting pleasurable butterflies from my head to my toes.

Azalea’s smirk curled up just a little higher, and the beaming glint in her eyes revealed
her pleasure at the gesture. “Oh, I like you already, Iris. How I’d love to claim you right here and now.”

A part of me yearned to accept her offer immediately, but no, that would be bad. I couldn’t just leap into the arms of the first person who was kind to me. I had to assess if these people were truly as genuinely kind as they seemed, or if they just wanted to use me for my own ends.

I’d fallen for that trap before.

With those thoughts in mind, I seized on the opportunity to press forward with my own
objective. The mission I’d been given by the Academy. “Before I take my leave, I would like to ask you a few questions about the missing persons that I was sent to investigate.”

Azalea’s smile remained, but there was a hint of incredulity in her eyes, as if to say:
“We’re really doing this?” That made me falter for just a moment, which was all she needed to launch her counter-attack.

“Of course, I understand you’re still under an important mission from the Academy. And
seeing as these lands are mine, it would make sense for you to come to me.” She took another sip of her tea, and Lilia looked me in the eyes. She conveyed her own incredulity at my inquiry, all while refilling the cup perfectly and not spilling it or overflowing the cup. A shiver ran down my spine at the display, which set me even more on edge.

Azalea’s expression turned warm again, sending my body into a state of relaxation. I’d
just jumped so quickly between tension and relaxation that it set my body into a state of not knowing What to expect anymore. They were Very good at this.

“I’d like some time to prepare my answers for your official inquiry. I wouldn’t want the
Academy to think I’d been less than thorough with my answers.”

Shut down. Against these two women, I had no chance. And for reasons I couldn’t fully
explain, my humiliating loss made me feel Aroused.

Realizing she expected an answer to my inquiry, I looked to the side and fidgeted
nervously. “O-Of course, Lady Azalea. My apologies.” Wait, what was I sorry about?

She leaned back in her chair, settling back into that warm expression that sent flutters of
pleasure through my body. “There’s nothing to be sorry for Iris, you’re just trying to do your job. How very Dutiful of you.”

Dutiful. The word had been used to describe me at the Court. I had a reputation of being more of a paper pusher, and a dull bureaucrat. Magical Technology was the highlighted career at the academy, for which I had little to no aptitude. I’d served in a supportive capacity for the top mages, developing the latest inventions for the Empire, or rather its Military. In truth, I enjoyed the supportive role, but the others at the Court would always look down on me for it.

As I looked at Azalea, I did not get that sense of superiority the other mages had touted.
Instead, she looked at me as though my being dutiful was the most natural thing in the world, and nothing to be ashamed of. Perhaps even something to be celebrated.

“Thank you Lady Azalea, I do try-” A low grumble interrupted me, and the humiliation
reared its head again as I realized the sound had come from me.

The Lady of the House laughed out loud, her formerly reserved chuckle now abandoned to the wind as she allowed herself to let out a bellyful of joy. “Lili dear, did you forget to feed our guest?”

Lilia had mentioned something about bringing breakfast, which never ended up happening. I’d been so swept up in what she’d done that I hadn’t even thought about food. Judging by the extremely red face on the Elfin maid, neither had she.

“Uhm… Whoops?” She tilted her head to the side in a cute manner and stuck her tongue out playfully. While the gesture did not alleviate the hunger in my belly, it Was very cute, and that helped to keep me from feeling grumpy.

Azalea turned back to me and shook her head, a big smile still on her face, exposing
one sharp canine. “I’m afraid that Lili and I must discuss the details of your employment here. I apologize for my forgetful maid, I’ll be sure she gets proper discipline for this oversight.” She shot a sly look over to her maid, whose face lit up bright red as she stared off to the side.

Shaking my head vigorously, I smiled at both of them. “It’s all right. She’s done a great
deal for me, and I appreciate the opportunity you’re both giving me.”

The Lady’s face lit up with a bright smile of her own, while Lilia turned to me with a slight
smile of her own, though still incredibly flustered about something. “You’re such a polite girl, I like that in a maid.”

Now it was my turn to get flushed, and I bowed my head to her. “Th-Thank you.”

“You are quite welcome my dear. Why don’t you go to the kitchens, and find yourself some food? You’re welcome to anything in there, and to make use of the facilities as you see fit. We’ll want you to get accustomed to the place after all.” She winked at me.

Seeing this as the end of our conversation, I performed another curtsy for the Lady, who
smiled in appreciation. Gods this was addicting.“I’ll take my leave for now then, Lady Azalea.

"You may indeed take your leave, sweet Iris." Her smile was seductive and alluring, I could get lost in it for hours.

As I turned to leave Lilia looked over to me, her cheeks still bright red. “Th-The kitchens are back down the stairs and through the Right hallway at the entrance.”

Nodding to my benefactor, I reluctantly turned to leave, and closed the door behind me.
Part of me wanted to linger a moment and listen in, as part of my investigation. That would be incredibly rude of me to do though, so instead I followed my-er, the Lady’s suggestion and headed down the stairs and back to the main entrance.

My eyes turned towards the entrance, and the thought occurred to me that without an
escort, I could leave. Rooted in place, my mind thought back to the past day, or three days, of the kind and warm treatment I’d received. And then I thought of the Academy, all the times I’d been dismissed, isolated, and felt alone. Looking down to the dress I was wearing, I felt truly at home. In myself, and where I

Smiling softly to myself, I proceeded past the doors and headed down the right hallway.

I never looked back.

Thank you for reading Chapter 7 of Getting Comfortable! Your support means everything to me.

Thanks again to my test readers, who were instrumental in helping me build up the courage to share my work with people outside my friend circles.

Iris is really settling in, huh? Many mysteries still surround the mansion, but she's really starting to feel at home. To my audience, I hope you have a home where you feel safe and loved, and if not, I hope you find yours soon.