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Dear readers,

I have unfortunately decided to drop Epoch of the Wisdom King. The leading cause for this decision is time constraints. I am a full-time student with a part-time job, barely squeezing out time to write this story in-between all that. Although I’m full of love for writing, my writing speed is very slow, requiring nearly 25 hours of effort (including edits and planning) each week to write three ~1500 word chapters. I’ve strived to continue these past months due to passion, but my academic performance suffered for my divided attention. This fact became apparent as I couldn’t write chapters last week to allow time to catch up with assignments. I don’t foresee having more time than now in the future either. Ultimately, I can only make a painful decision to let this story go. 

I want to wholeheartedly thank everyone who has stuck with me this far. Reading the comments always motivated me to continue. I have no plans to pick up writing again, but the world works in mysterious ways—I hope I can return to writing one day.

Thank you again,

Limitless Sky