Chapter 1
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The prospect of life after death was always a little hard for me to believe. I mean do souls really exist or are we a purely biological & physical being. I never thought I would ever get the answer for this but life has a way of surprising us or screwing us over.

Anyways I decided not to sweat over all that unimportant stuff because right now I was surrounded by pitch black darkness devoid of any & all light. It was really maddening & suffocating at the same time because I don't even know how long I have been here.

In a room a young man was lying on a bed lifelessly. Suddenly he opened his eyes and sat on the bed with a jerk gasping for air as he was not able to breathe before. He breathes heavily for some time. As his breathing became normal his mind and all his senses were assaulted by a strong pain. It was like all his senses were amplified by many levels. 

He could hear all the things happening around the world. Some people are laughing with their family, some bullies are bullying a boy, some friends are chatting with each other in a classroom, a man is kidnapping a woman, people's voices are filled with happiness, anger, guilt and sorrow. He saw all his surroundings in a distorted form. He closed and opened his eyes to change the vision but it didn't. Before he could yell and cry in pain from these voices, memories started to appear in his mind. They were being played like a movie which was being disturbed by the voices he was hearing in his ears. He could not focus on the memories due to the pain he was feeling at this moment.

But it did not stop the sensory overload he was facing at the moment. In the memories which were being played in his mind a memory came in which he could hear a woman's voice telling him to focus on her voice. In the memory the woman's voice called him Clark. "Clark, focus, focus only on my voice. Okay sweetie." 

 After seeing this memory in his mind he started to find the voice of woman in all the sounds and voices he was hearing. After keeping trying to find her voice in all the noises he was able to find her voice in nearly one hour. The noises and voices he was hearing started to fade slowly in his ears. He simply slumped down on the bed while breathing heavily. He was now only hearing the woman's voice in his ears. It was like only she existed in this world for him.

After laying on the bed for a while he started to see the memories again in his mind. After viewing all the memories he just blankly stared on the ceiling of the room he was currently in. From the memories of this or now his body, he knew that he was in Clark's body, also known as Superman in the DC Universe. As for the reasons he doesn't know. He had a suspicion when he heard the woman's voice calling him Clark. But now it was confirmed that he is Clark Kent aka Superman in DC.

But there is a slight problem as he wasn't much of a DC fan or any other superhero comic fan in his previous life. He watched movies for fun and timepass. He had simply watched the DC Extended Universe movies and DC animated movies and some selected TV shows such as The Flash, the Arrow and Supergirl for 3 to 4 seasons. He didn't have much knowledge about the DC universe and from the memories in his mind he knew that he was simply not in the DC Extended Universe.

Because he had seen the news about the Queen's family boat Gambit accident and possibly the death of all the members in it. But he knew that Oliver Queen will be back after 5 years becoming someone else, something else. Just like the orphaned billionaire Bruce Wayne who also had mysteriously disappeared from Gotham City five months ago. But it was too early for any of these events to happen for any of these characters. From the memories he knew that today was August 18, 2003.

As he was thinking about such things he suddenly remembered that he had no recollection of his previous life in which he lived on Earth. But he was also living on Earth in this new body. He had no memories of his past life about himself, friends and family. He had all the memories of his previous life except them. He had no memories of how he died.

"Ding System Activated."

He suddenly heard a mechanical voice in his head breaking his focus on Martha's voice as he suddenly could hear all different kinds of noises again and his x-ray vision activated again. He could see all the things in the room in a different way. The table structure, the walls brick and atoms. But not like the previous time he was able to focus on Martha's voice in 15 minutes. Compared to his first time when he tried to find Martha's voice he knew that this time he was quickly able to focus on Martha's voice.

After gaining his focus again he opened his eyes which he had previously closed to increase his focus on finding Martha's voice quickly. In front of his eyes, a blue screen appeared with words, "System Activated. Continue," written on it.

Clark tried to touch the system screen with his hand as he read the words on it but his hand simply passed through the system panel. As he was about to say the word," Continue." He suddenly heard a voice calling him for dinner, "Clark, dinner is ready," which was already very familiar to him.

"Coming in a minute." He replied to Martha.

"Come fast, sweety. Dinner is ready." She teased him.

"Don't call me that." Clark muttered these words. He was not going to say these words as he knew from the memories that Maratha always called Clark sweety to tease him when he told her to stop calling him that. But he muttered those words reflexively.

He knew that he had to accept his new identity as Clark and Superman as soon as possible. Because Darkseid will be attacking the Earth to find the mother boxes he had previously left in the Great War. Just like in the movie Justice League Steppenwolf will come to Earth to retrieve the mother boxes and he will find the Anti-Life Equation here. Then he will tell Darkseid about it. Even if the superheroes defeated the Steppenwolf then Darkseid will come here with his son and his army of para demons to get an Anti-Life Equation. He will turn Earth into his home planet or might steal Earth's Core.

And if there is no Superman on the Justice League team then their chances of defending against will be nearly 30%. The 30% is because they have Batman but what Batman will do in front of the absolute strength of Darkseid. He remembered from the DC animated movie Justice League Dark: Apokolips War, what Darkseid can do to everyone who stands in his way. He remembered Darkseid tattooing liquid kryptonite on Superman's chest, using Batman as a computer, Flash as a generator, Cyborg as a protection wall on his devices. And what he had done to Wonder Woman, Mera, Hawkman, Starfire, and Martian Manhunter could spill chill in anyone's backbone.

He had to decide what to do. But what choice does he have? He knew that Darkseid attacked the Earth after Superman's death in the DCEU but he also attacked the Earth before Superman's death in the animated universe. From his estimation he knew that Darkseid would attack in the next 20-25 years. Because of the awakening of mother boxes. So he decided that he will live as Clark Kent and Superman. He didn't know how he was able to make such a decision that fast without feeling any discomfort instead now he feels complete and satisfied. 

He didn't know why but it could be because he didn't have any personal memories about himself and his family. As he was thinking he heard the voice of Martha in slow motion then his eye went on the clock on the wall. He saw that the second needle was moving very slowly as it was stopped on a point. If it wasn't for his superior eyes he would have thought that the clock was damaged.

Suddenly it started to move normally and he could hear Martha's voice normally. It was like he was thinking in super speed in his brain. He simply took a deep breath to ready himself to face Clark's no his parents. His mother and father. He walked towards his bedroom door and as he grabbed the door knob to open the door. The door knob simply shrunk in his hand as the door opened. Luckily the door knob didn't come out from the door as it happens with the people who suddenly get superhuman strength.

He stared at the door knob which was now disfigured as he slowly removed his hand from it. He moved his hand again to touch the door knob but pulled it back before it made any contact with the door knob. He remembered from the memories that Clark previously didn't have any problem like this. He simply had noise and X-ray vision problems. But it looked like his kryptonian powers were being activated after his transmigration.

He didn't know what happened to previous Clark but he was going to use this chance to live fully as he liked before Darkseid or Zod attacked Earth. He thanked the universe for this second chance given to him.

Look who is back. I am here with my new fanfic. It doesn't have much in synopsis because I have only written 2 chapters of it. So it will be improved overtime. Just give me feedback about this. And the publishing rate will be 1 chapter per week. Hope you enjoyed reading this. If you have any thoughts about it let me know. Thank you.