Chapter 39: The Young Master Locket
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Asher took a deep breath, trying to temper his rising irritation. "Okay, let's back up a minute. Death energy? You're talking about something that sounds straight out of a fantasy novel. Vital energy is something I can understand, but... can you explain what this Death Energy is? And how is it even possible to capture such a thing?"

'It would have been more comfortable if I didn't have to go into these explanations, but I can't do much to not raise suspicion.'  Asher thought.

Xinyue caught the skepticism in Asher's voice, "I know how it sounds," she began, "But in my world, it's very real. Think of vital energy as something associated with life's essence. Death energy is its counterpart— the essence of Death."

"And capture it, though? How do you even... I mean, this isn't something you can just bottle up, right?" Asher asked as he wanted to know why she would have something like that. 

At this, Xinyue's lips quirked up in a smile, "It's not as simple as capturing it in a bottle, no. It's more about... harnessing it. It's a complex process—" Before she could continue, Asher felt Elder Su's spiritual sense flashing over them. 

Xinyue shut her mouth and said with a shake of her head, "That's all I can tell you about it… Sorry, it's actually not sharable to outsiders."

'So she has access to ingredients of Death Qi. Interesting. Even if Death Qi ingredients are as common as grass near her home, having its supply in a foreign land… There should be a reason, right?'

"Well, it's not the first time… Suppose I believe you," Asher said, "Why did you think feeding me that was a good idea...?" Asher's voice has a slight irritation, 'It better be good,'

Xinyue shrugged, a mischievous glimmer entering her eyes. "It was the most efficient way to test. Plus, I was almost certain you'd be fine," she added, the last part murmured under her breath, almost as an afterthought.

"Almost certain? Your confidence in me is surely overwhelming." Asher echoed, his tone dry. He pointed out. "What if your little experiment had gone wrong?"

Unfazed, Xinyue's smile broadened, her confidence unwavering. "But it didn't," she countered, her voice laced with a hint of challenge. "You're standing here, perfectly fine, aren't you? That, to me, seems like a successful test."

"I'd say that's a cause for celebration, not complaint," she added after a slight pause, her eyes twinkling.

"Yeah, right," Asher said, rolling his eyes in exasperation at this excited girl. "So why didn't it affect me?"

"Well, you tell me. As far as I know, you might've had some... fortuitous encounter with a Spirit of Death," she said, her tone laced with curiosity and concern.

'Did she mean the Reaper?' Asher thought. 

"A Spirit of Death, What's that?" he asked, wanting to confirm that they were thinking of the same thing. 

"Right, you wouldn't know what's that..." Xinyue paused, "Hmm, it's a term in our magics…Think of it like a guardian of sorts. Not in the way you might imagine guardians, but more... as a balancer of souls between the living and the dead. It's not about bringing death, but about ensuring the natural flow of life and death," she said, her voice gaining confidence as she spoke.

'So, in short, she is talking about a Reaper; they also manage so that someone doesn't cheat death.'

"And I have a fortuitous encounter with a being who manages souls?" Asher asked skeptically.

"Well… I sensed… I mean my protective talisman…" Seeing Asher's confused look, Xinyue explained, "think of them as our protective Artifact… It informed me about a strong spirit's presence last time you were in the infirmary. It was unlike anything I've felt before... A deep, encompassing darkness, the blackest death," she said with a shudder, her eyes widening as she relived whatever she sensed.

After taking a breath, she continued, "Right when Elder Su sensed your blood."

'So she did sense something unexpected, but he thought that the Orphanage would suspect anything first. But what does she mean by 'the blackest of death'? If it were any other than a Reaper, I would have been royally screwed.'

As far as he knew about the Necrocosmic Soulbound Matrix, it could only withstand the weakest of Reaper at the Advanced level. 

Asher said, "I don't think I... had a fortuitous encounter? Why would you think it's good for me?" 

Now Xinyue was confused, "You could consume death energy, right? And you are standing here, aren't you? If it was hostile, you would be already dead."

'That's a simple enough reason, I guess,' he thought as he started to think about where he could have gained the ability to withstand death energy.

"And you didn't think the spirit might harm me?" Asher asked. 

"Well," Xinyue paused, collecting her thoughts. "Elder Su didn't believe me at first, but after I explained to her, she thought that you might have been consumed by a Spirit, though I have doubts." She took a moment, her gaze drifting as if she looked at me.

'Well, at least Elder Su is cautious enough, though her timing is wrong,' Asher thought.

"She wanted to check, but as you can see, I was Right! You had a fortuitous encounter that granted you something... powerful." Her eyes then locked with his, a spark of excitement flickering within.

'Well, I don't feel any different. So, did it affect my soul or change my body?'

'Not possible, especially with the System guarding it; even though I was able to infiltrate it, it was a different case.'

"I guess that's true, but I don't know anything about this death thing…" Asher said, being truthful.

"But didn't you just say you got some memories from the Locket…" she said.

"What? You thought I have memories of something like that?" Asher's voice rose slightly, a hint of amusement at the misunderstanding. "No, those memories are totally different from what you are thinking..."

Her gaze flickered to the Locket around Asher's neck as she muttered, "So you really didn't know about it..." 

"Yeah, I have no idea how I can consume death energy…" Asher said.

"But isn't your recovery due to the Locket?" Xinyue asked curiously. 

"It is?" Asher was surprised to know that, as he believed his recovery was due to the System. Then he remembered the corrosive effect that Xintue said. Could it be?

'There's nothing on me that a Spirit of Death should affect other than the Locket I used for the Soulbound...' Asher thought as he realized it.

His hand drifted to the Locket, his fingers tracing its contours as he pondered her words. 

'It must be the Locket, right? 

"You think it might have done something with my Locket?" Asher asked.