Chapter One – Mr. School Grass
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Gu Qingfeng logged into his gaming account in anticipation—the game, Solar Moon Worlds, had announced a server merge weeks ago and he had finally updated with the new patch.

As the guild leader of the reigning guild in one of the two servers being merged, he was anxious to see what changes were implemented and to begin planning for the impending guild wars that happened every time servers merged.

He opened YY and entered the secured guild chat to where his guild members were waiting to discuss the new update.

Can’t Think Of A Name: “Lightwind ge is on!”

Bamboo Shoots In The Wind: “Good evening, ge!”

Take Me Lying Down: “Hello da ge!”

“Mm, good evening,” Gu Qingfeng greeted. Glancing through the online status list, he saw that his favourite voices were greyed out. Disappointed, he asked, “Lightning and Chuuni aren’t on yet?”

Take Me Lying Down: “Reporting to boss, Lightning has remedial class ‘cause he failed his mid-term again!”

Bamboo Shoots In The Wind: “Again? Haha, didn’t he say he would get his allowance deducted if he failed again?”

Take Me Lying Down: “Hahaha yes, you should have seen his sad face in the canteen this morning with one poor meat bun!”

Panda Says No: “Tch, this boy. Already told him not to leave it to the last minute.”

Take Me Lying Down: “Hahaha mum said that if he passed his makeup exam, she’ll revoke the deduction so he’s studying like a mad dog now.”

Can’t Think Of A Name: “Ah, and Chuuni couldn’t get out of her family thing, so she won’t be joining tonight.”

Gu Qingfeng tried to shelve his disappointment—his #2 and #5 ranked in-game voice favourites were not playing that night. Their guild Windy Seas mostly consisted of C University students, and he had had a personal secret ranking of their voices according to his preference and especially looked forward to playing when some of them were on. He had unfortunately yet to find the one deserving of the #1 title so the position had been kept empty.

He opened the game forum announcement page and checked for news on the guild wars. “Hmm… as expected, we will be up against Frost Pavilion tomorrow night. Please tell Lightning and Chuuni to join on time.” Frost Pavilion was the top guild in the other server that was merged with their TianAn server, and also had a lot of top players in the game.

Can’t Think Of A Name: “I heard Frost guild members are mostly from A University, and they’re really good-looking!”

Bamboo Shoots In The Wind: “No pics, no talk!”

Can’t Think Of A Name: “I have proof! My cousin who studies there got some from their school forum but I need to dig them out.”

Panda Says No: “Aiya how can they possibly compare with our incomparably handsome, suave, Mr. School Grass over here?”

Gu Qingfeng looked up from his laptop to shoot his roommate a warning look. Gu Qingfeng, a.k.a. Lightwind in game, was childhood friends with Jia Xiong, a.k.a. Panda Says No, and were roommates taking the same business course together.

With a cheeky grin, Jia Xiong continued, “You should have seen the number of fans crowding up to him when he scored first in class again for the mid-terms!”

He stretched out his foot to kick his roommate, only for Jia Xiong to roll his chair away in the last minute, dodging the blow.

Aiya he’s trying to abuse me now to shut me up! Shutting up now, before he releases his horde of fans on me.”

Can’t Think Of A Name: “Of course, of course! They’re definitely not as good-looking as our boss!”

Gu Qingfeng cleared his throat and changed the topic, “Yes, yes selling signed photographs for only a hundred yuan. That aside, you guys have studied the plans and know what to do during the war right? Depending on which tactic they decide to execute, we’ll adjust accordingly.”

A chorus of yesses from the group.

“Mm okay, dismissed. Those interested to do the four-party quest with Panda and I, sound out. We need one mage, one healer.”

Take Me Lying Down: “Mage ready!”

Can’t Think Of A Name: “Take me, please!”

Gu Qingfeng sent the party invites and teleported the group to the dungeon entrance.

Hi guys!

Wrote this fun, fluffy romance novel with my favourite hidden identities trope. Gaming aspect is ~10%, mainly serves as the springboard of love ٩(^‿^)۶

Please enjoy~