Hellsing Ultimate Z
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Hellsing Ultimate Z


Gohan had been working in the lab with Bulma the day before Halloween when a special news report aired stating that a small group of people were attacking and killing each other and then getting back up and attacking others, in the nearby city. The reporter and camera person that were investigating were soon attacked by some sickly looking, grey-skinned people, with sharp and elongated teeth, and purple eyes.

That was the last thing shown before the feed was cut off with the anchor reporting that they were having some technique difficulties, “I have a feeling that this isn’t some sort of Halloween prank?” Bulma muttered as she turned off the tv.

“Me too… I have a bad feeling about this.” Gohan replied looking at her in concern.

“Yeah, so do I… I hate to ask you this, but can you go find out?” Bulma asked, looking at him with a frown.

“You don’t have to ask me that, I was already planning on doing that.” Gohan said standing up.

“Thanks… I’ll call the others to see if they can help too.” Bulma replied taking out her phone.

“Sounds good, I think we will need all the help we can get.” Gohan said walking up the stairs, “… you should probably lock up just in case.”

“… yeah, you might have a point.” Bulma said walking with him, “I’ll do that, I’ll leave the top open so you can fly in when you come back.”

“Ok… we should also try and send someone to collect the Dragon Balls.” Gohan said glancing at her.

“… yeah, that’s probably a good idea.” Bulma nodded, “But who should we send?”

“I will go. I believe that I would be perfectly suited for this.” 16 said, walking out of the garden.

“Oh, that’s prefect, thanks 16.” Bulma said patting his arm.

“It is the least I can do.” he replied.

“Ok, Gohan you head to where everything is happening and try to find out what’s going on, while 16 looks for the Dragon Balls and brings them here, and I’ll try and call the others to see if they can help.” Bulma listed off.

“Sounds like a plan.” Gohan answered as 16 nodded. “I’ll call if I find out anything.”

“Same.” Bulma said, as Gohan flew into the air, “16 come with me so I can give you the dragon radar.”

“Right, good luck Gohan.” 16 said nodding his head at Gohan before following Bulma back into the building.

“Thanks, you to.” Gohan nodded back before flying towards the city, where the attacks were taking place.


While Gohan flew towards the city that was under attack, he saw smoke rising from different locations up ahead, he could hear gun fire coming from the city causing him to speed up, where then noticed a line of people running towards the nearby forest, people were tripping and falling while some creatures attacked them. Gohan decided to fly down and help, those he could first, firing a large energy blast that cut a large trench between the people running away and the creatures chasing them.

The people running stopped to look back to see what happened, seeing him they shouted, “We’re saved!”

“Go find somewhere safe, I’ll handle them!” Gohan said glancing behind him.

“T-thank you!” some of them shouted before running away. Gohan focused back on the creatures in front of him as they stumbled forward falling into the trench he made as if they had no mind of their own.

“What are these things?” Gohan mumbled to himself, watching them continue to fall into the trench, not doing anything to avoid falling in. Whatever those things were, he could tell that they must be dead based on the smell of decay coming from their bodies and how some parts were falling off or missing, he even saw some of the people who were attacked earlier get back up and stagger towards him.

“We need to figure out what’s happening and find a way to stop it.” He mumbled, pulling out his phone, calling Bulma.

 “… Hey, Gohan do you know what’s going on?” Bulma asked, picking up on the second ring.

“Sorry no, I ran into some people who were being chased by some… creatures and I stopped to save them. Did anyone else pick up?” Gohan asked.

“No, I can’t reach any of them for some reason.” Bulma sighed.

“That’s weird… hopefully they’re ok.” Gohan responded concerned for his friends.

“Yeah, well you know what they say ‘no news is usually good news’” Bulma replied trying to ease their worries.

“… yeah…” Gohan sighed watching the last of the creatures fall into the trench he made, “I’ll call you back, I’m going to head into the city now to see how things are.”

“Ok, let me know what…” Bulma started saying.

“Don’t worry about the City, it’s...” A male voice interrupted from behind Gohan, causing him to turn around quickly and kick backwards hitting someone sending them flying into and through a couple of trees before slamming into a mountain.

“SHIT!!” Gohan shouted as he saw trees fall over as the guy he kicked flew away.

“Gohan what happened… are you ok?” Bulma asked worried.

“Yeah… sorry about that… someone somehow managed to sneak up behind me without me noticing.” Gohan said, concerned.

“… what really… how’s that possible?” Bulma asked.

“I have no idea… but I think I might have killed them.” Gohan swallowed nervously, looking in the direction the person went flying in, not sensing anything in the direction.

“… what how!?” Bulma asked.

“Like I said they somehow snuck up behind me and when they spoke to me, I might have kicked them out of instinct and sent them flying through a couple of trees...and into a mountain” Gohan said rubbing the bridge of his nose.

“Damn, Gohan… what are you going to do?” Bulma asked.

“… I’m going to go check on them and hope for the best.” Gohan said walking towards where the person landed.

“Ok, be careful Gohan.” Bulma said, “I’ll call you back soon…16 is calling me, I think he’s close to finding the first dragon ball.”

“Ok, I’ll head back to your place after I check on whoever I kicked and the city. Bye.” Gohan said as he hung up getting closer to where the person should have landed. He just saw some blood on a large boulder but there was no body near it, leaving him concerned, he glanced around spreading his senses trying to pick up anything from whoever he kicked.

“That was a very powerful kick, it worked out the knots in my back.” A tall man said walking up to Gohan. The man was tall, had black hair, he was wearing a red suit, with a red tie, a full-length red overcoat, a red hat, boots, orange sunglasses, and white gloves that had some sort of symbol on them.

“… who… no what are you?” Gohan asked looking at the man walking towards him, with caution, whoever they were survived kick from Gohan it wasn’t a full powered kick, but it still would have seriously hurt a normal person and there was the fact that his voice reminded him of Cell for some reason. “Stop right there.” Gohan said holding up his arm and charging up an energy blast.

“Woah… woah… woah take it easy, I don’t mean you any harm.” The man said, rising his arm up in front of him.

“Stay right there, or else.” Gohan said making the energy blast bigger. 

“Alright, whatever you say.” The man said stopping with a large grin showing off his white teeth.

“What are you doing here?” Gohan asked looking at the man.

“I was taking a stroll, when I overheard your conversation.” The man said smiling at Gohan.

“At midnight… in the woods?” Gohan asked the man skeptically.

“I enjoy taking midnight strolls through the woods, especially during a full moon like this.” The man replied as he looked up at the moon with a big grin.

“Ok if you say so… who or what are you?” Gohan asked, “And what do you know about what’s going on?”

“Oh! we’re skipping the foreplay… alright then, let’s start with your first question, my name is Alucard and I’m a fuck mothering vampire. Now the answer to your second question what’s is that you seem to have a Ghoul problem, but you don’t have to worry it’s my job to take care of them.” Alucard said smiling.

“Ghouls huh… well that might explain certain things, I’ve observed… and you also seem to be telling the truth… ok, Alucard, my name is Gohan, nice to meet you.” Gohan said, ignoring Alucard’s cursing as he thought things over.

“Nice to meet you too, now how about you put your arm down and we can talk like two... people?” Alucard said, tilting his head to the side.

 “… alright, now how do we stop these, Ghouls?” Gohan asked as he put his arm down and looked at Alucard.

“… wait, no oh my God Vampires and Ghouls are real?” Alucard asked, looking at Gohan, with a frown.

“Why would I react like that, I mean we have aliens, dinosaurs, androids, mummies, and a whole lot of other things in the world. So why would I go crazy over meeting a vampire, especially since apparently my dad ran into one when he was a kid.” Gohan said looking at Alucard.

“Aliens are real…Wait did you just say that dinosaurs still exist in this world?” Alucard asked, Gohan nodded his head.

“Yeah… wait this world… are you not from this world?” Gohan asked, tilting his head.

“Oh! You, caught that?” Alucard asked as Gohan nodded his head, “Well, yeah I’m not from this world.” Alucard said.

“If you are not from this world then are you an alien too?” Gohan asked.

“Am I an alien?” Alucard repeated.

“Yeah, you said you’re not from this world then that must mean you’re an alien… right?” Gohan asked.

 “N-no I’m not an alien, I’m just a Vampire from Wallachia.” Alucard said shrugging.

“Wallachia?” Gohan repeated.

“Yup.” Alucard said grinning, emphasizing the p.

“Wait!... A-LU-CARD… isn’t that Dracula spelled backwards?” Gohan questioned.

“Wow! Kid you figured it out quickly. Where I came from, it took much older people years to figure that out and here you are connecting the pieces in a matter of minutes. Not bad kid you got a get head on your shoulders.” Alucard said chuckling.

“Thanks, but you still haven’t answered my question.” Gohan said, looking at him.

“Right, sorry.” Alucard said still chuckling, “I think what I should have said is that this isn’t my earth.”

“So, you are from a different earth, like from a parallel universe?” Gohan asked interested in hearing more.

“Look kid, I got no idea about all that parallel universe nonsense, I still have no idea how I got here or how to get back to my world. What I do know is that you seem to have a small Ghoul problem and I’m just the Vampire to help you.” Alucard answered.

“Right sorry—” Gohan started saying when his phone started ringing, and he saw Bulma was calling him, “Excuse me I have to take this.” Gohan said as he answered the phone. “Hello.”

“Gohan, what happened I thought you were going to check in after checking on the person you kicked.” Bulma said.

“Yeah, sorry about that, the guy I kicked is somehow ok and he seems to know about what’s going on, so I’ve been questioning him.” Gohan said.

“Wait how’s he alive… no wait you said he seems to know about what's going on, can you bring him back here so we can all get some answers?” Bulma asked.

“Do you mind coming with me to tell my friends about what’s going on?” Gohan asked looking up at Alucard.

“Sure… it’s not like I have anything else to do, and it’s my job to take care of Ghouls.” Alucard said shrugging his shoulders. “I also can get more info about this world by going with you.”

“Thanks.” Gohan said nodding his head at him, “Hey, Bulma he said he’ll come, I’ll see you in a little while.”

“Ok, Gohan, see you soon.” Bulma said hanging up.

“You said you took care of the Ghouls in the city?” Gohan asked.

“Yeah, they’ve all been taking care of.” Alucard said, giving him a quick nod.

“…Ok let’s head out.” Gohan said looking at Alucard.

“Where are we going?” Alucard asked.

“West City, I don’t suppose you can fly?” Gohan asked.

“No, do the Vampires in this world fly?” Alucard asked.

“No idea my dad was the one who told me he met a vampire, back when he was a kid… I guess I can carry you.” Gohan said, floating into the sky.

“Woah, humans can fly in this world?” Alucard asked, in awe.

“No, not all humans, just some of them like me and most of my friends.” Gohan said as he grabbed Alucard under his shoulders and lifted him up.

“Holy shit kid you’re strong.” Alucard said grinning.

“Hmm, let’s go.” Gohan said heading towards West City.


(AN: This is something that I’ve tried to post for Halloween, but I got stuck and missed the day, and I didn't know how to continue it so I decided to just post what I had just to get it out there.