The Asgardian Saiyan
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The Asgardian Saiyan


“DO IT NOW GOHAN!” Goku shouted as Cell was distracted by Vegeta’s attack.

“HAAAA!!!!” Gohan used everything he had to defeat Cell, pushing every bit of energy into his attack. The resulting explosion from the blast engulfed them both in a brilliant flash of blue light, destroying Cell but in the process transporting Gohan to a completely new universe.

Gohan woke to his body in free fall, the wind rushing past him as his body twisted and turned as he fell, he tried to slow his fall, but he just didn’t have enough energy to do anything. Gohan tried reaching deep down for any thing he could use to slow his rate of descent, but he was empty, “This is going to hurt!” he thought as he saw he was heading towards a forest of treetops.

He screwed his eyes shut hoping that if he didn’t see the mountain coming the impact wouldn’t hurt as much, he knew he was deluding himself but hey, what did he have to lose. With his eyes closed he suddenly felt a small surge of energy spark within him, causing him to snap his eyes open, he concentrated on firing a ki blast but all that came out was a puff of smoke, but it was enough to considerably slow his descent. When he hit the first tree branch, he faded unconscious.


Frigga was out riding in a ship with Astrid, her hand maiden, when there was a loud boom in the sky, she looked up and saw something falling towards the mountain forest behind the palace, crashing in a large cloud of smoke. “My Queen what was that?” Astrid asked.

“…I do not know but, we should investigate.” Frigga said.

“…My Queen is that wise?” Astrid asked.

“…It will be alright.” Frigga said nodding her head, she didn’t know why but she had a feeling that whatever that was the reason she felt the needed to go out today. “If you are worried don’t be I still know my way around a blade.” Frigga said conjuring a blade with her magic.

“Shouldn’t we alert the guards?” Astrid asked.

“If I know them, they are already on their way to investigate what has happened.” Frigga said. “As should the King and possibly my sons as well.”

“…Very well.” Astrid said, bowing her head, moving the ship towards where the object landed.

They had arrived before the others, “What are we looking for?” Astrid asked, glancing at her.

“We’ll know it when we see it.” Frigga said looking around, “There.” She said pointing to where some tree branches were broken, indicating that something fell through.

“I see it.” Astrid said moving the ship towards where the opening was. “I-is that a person?” she asked, seeing a human lying in a large crater.

“It seems like it.” Frigga said, as they flew overhead, “Land the ship.”

“Of… course My Queen.” Astrid said nodding as she landed the ship.

Frigga made her way cautiously towards the person, when she got a closer look at them, she was shocked, it was a male child probably not even into his teen years, but that wasn’t what had shocked her. No what shocked her was the state he was in; he was bloody and bruised, one of his arms looked broken, the strange clothes he was wearing were torn leaving him with his chest bare, where he had more bloody bruises and scratches, he looked like he had just fought for his life, and to top it all off he was somehow still breathing.

“W-what happened to this child?” Astrid asked, shocked.

“…I don’t know but what I do know is that he needs medical attention.” Frigga said walking towards the child.

“Wait My Queen what if he’s dangerous!” Astrid exclaimed.

“…It doesn’t matter, he is a child that needs help as a mother I can not stand back and do nothing. If he is dangerous than I will deal with it.” Frigga said picking the child up when she noticed that he had a tail.

“Is that a tail?” Astrid asked.

“It looks like it.” Frigga said, noticing it, before she shook her head and walked towards the ship.

“I’ve never heard of any race that has a tail and looks like that.” Astrid said walking behind Frigga.

“Neither have I, but we can find out more while we are treating his wounds, now let us get to the palace.” Frigga said sitting down with the child in her lap.

“Very well.” Astrid said, starting the ship.


Gohan woke with a start as he felt he was moving, “Shh… it’s alright I got you, you’re safe.” A soft feminine voice said to him, he slowly opened his eyes and saw a woman with golden hair, and blue eyes leaning over him.

“Ow…what happened I?” Gohan managed to ask, as he tried to move.

“Don’t try to move, I found you badly hurt, and I’m taking you to our medical facilities, so hang in there.” The woman told him, “Can you answer some questions?” she asked.

“…I’ll try…” Gohan managed to say.

“Good, lets start with an easy one, do you know your name?” the woman asked.

“…G-Gohan.” He managed to answer.

 “Hello, Gohan. My name is Frigga.” Frigga said smiling at him.

“N-nice to meet you, Ms. Frigga.” Gohan said, as he tried to keep his eyes open.

“Oh, none of that Miss nonsense just call me Frigga.” Frigga said smiling at him. “You can answer my questions later, go back to sleep.”

“I…” Gohan tried to say before he lost conscious again.


Frigga was surprised when the boy had woken up, she would have thought that he would have been unconscious for a while longer, but he came to enough to at least tell her his name, Gohan. Now here she was watching over him after the healers had fixed him, she turned when she heard footsteps heading towards her, she saw Odin walking towards her, “Wife is this the child you found?”

“Yes, he is.” Frigga said nodding.

“…were you able to learn anything about him?” Odin asked.

“Just his name, Gohan. The healers are trying to find out more now.” Frigga said to him.

“…I see, all we can do is wait it seems.” Odin said.

“Yes, where are Thor and Loki?” Frigga asked.

“They are off on a mission right now.” Odin replied sitting down next to her.

“I see, when will they be back?” Frigga asked.

“Any day now.” Odin said.

There was a knock on the door before Eir the healer walked in and came to a stop seeing them, “My King, My Queen. Pardon the intrusion.” she said, bowing her head.

“It is alright, tell us what you found.” Frigga said, waving at her.

“…It’s complicated, we’re puzzled by what we found.” Eir said walking forward.

“Complicated how?” Odin asked.

“…one half of his DNA seems to come from Midgard, while the other half seems to be from an unknown source that we have no record of.” Eir said.

“What do you mean we have no record of it?” Odin asked, standing up.

“We don’t know My King; we’ve checked it three times and we’ve come up empty each time, and to make things more complicated his Midgardian DNA doesn’t match the records we have here, there are some similarities but...” Eir trialed off, handing the report to Odin.

“…how is this possible?” Odin muttered seeing the report before handing it to Frigga.

“I don’t know all we can do is wait for him to wake up to ask him.” Frigga said handing the report back to Eir.

“So, it seems… send for me when he wakes.” Odin said looking at Eir.

“Yes, My King.” Eir said, bowing her head, before leaving.

“What will you do?” Odin asked, looking at Frigga.

“…I’ll stay a little longer.” Frigga said looking at Gohan.

“…very well.” Odin said walking out.


Gohan slowly woke up feeling a lot better than before, when he opened his eyes, he saw that he was lying in a bed in some sort of hospital. “Stay still, you were badly wounded.” A voice said, he turned his head and saw a woman in some sort of blueish clothes standing over him. “My name is Eir and I’m a healer.”

“…I’m fine.” Gohan said sitting up, his body felt a lot better. However, he felt something off in his surroundings, “Where am I?”

“…you’re in our medical facilities.” Eir said looking at him in surprise. “You shouldn’t be able to move with the injuries you had.”

“I’m a fast healer.” Gohan said looking around him, “Where’s the woman who found me…Frigga?”

“…The Queen stepped out for a moment.” Eir said looking at him.

“Q-queen?” Gohan asked surprised.

“Yes, Queen of Asgard.” Eir said.

“A-Asgard? I’ve never heard of it.” Gohan said, swinging his legs to the side of the bed he was in.

“WAIT! You shouldn’t be moving around.” Eir said placing a hand on his shoulder, he noticed that she seemed stronger than a normal human, but not strong enough to push him down.

“…I’m fine, I just want to stretch my legs a little.” Gohan said standing up, noticing that he was in a white gown, and that his tail had grown back somehow. “See.” He said moving his body to show that he was in fact fine.

“B-but that shouldn’t be possible.” Eir said staring at him in shock.

“Like I said I’m a fast healer.” Gohan said stretching a little.

““I told you to fetch me when he woke up.” A woman said, he turned around and saw Frigga walking into the room.

“He just woke up, My Queen, I was going to send for you before you walked in.” Eir said, bowing her head.

“…I see, no matter.” Frigga said nodding her head at Eir, before looking at him, “How are you?”

“Doing a lot better, thank you for bringing me here.” Gohan said, bowing his head.

“It was no trouble. I couldn’t leave a child all alone and hurt.” Frigga said smiling at him. “How is he?” she asked looking at Eir.

“He seems fine, but I would like to scan him one more time just to be sure.” Eir said.

“Very well.” Frigga said nodding, “Gohan will you please follow Eir so she can check you.”

“But I’m fine.” Gohan said.

“Don’t argue with me young man.” Frigga said in a tone that reminded him of his mom.

“Y-yes ma’am.” Gohan said, nodding quickly.

“Good, boy.” Frigga said smiling at him, “I’ll send one of my handmaidens to deliver him a change of clothes. Then I want you to bring him to the throne room, Odin will wish to speak with him.” Frigga said looking at Eir.

“Of course, My Queen.” Eir said bowing her head, “Follow me please.” She said, looking at him.

“Ok.” Gohan said, walking after her.

He followed her to a room where he laid down on a weird machine that scanned his body and projected it above him, “T-this shouldn’t be possible you are completely healed.” She muttered going over every inch of the scan.

Gohan didn’t say anything, just laid there trying to sense his surroundings but he didn’t feel anything familiar which worried him, he also felt a few larger than normal energy sources, “I don’t know where I am, but I know it’s not earth. Hopefully this Odin can answer my questions.” He thought as Eir continued her scans.

After a while a woman walked in with a purple outfit, “Eir here’s the clothes The Queen sent for the child.”

“Thank you, Astrid. Place it there.” Eir said, as the woman left. “You can get dressed behind the curtain.”

“Thank you.” Gohan said, getting up, picking up the clothes and changing into it.

Frigga had sent him a dark purple tunic that went to just above his knees, some black pants that had a hole for his tail, and some black boots.

“You look good, now come on the King is waiting.” Eir said, leading him through the palace.


“My King, My Queen, I’ve brought, Gohan with me.” Eir said bowing her head. Sitting on a large throne was who he believed was Odin, with Frigga standing next to him.

Gohan felt his body tense up on guard sensing the power coming off Odin, he looked old, he had white hair, a beard, a golden eye patch, one visible blue eye, and was wearing some sort of golden armor.

“Leave us.” Odin said looking at Eir, who bowed her head and left without a word, “Now that you are awake, I have a few questions for you!” Odin said staring at Gohan.

 “…Of course, I was hoping to ask some myself, if that is alright King Odin?” Gohan said as respectfully as he could.

“…That is agreeable.” Odin said, nodding his head.

“Thank you, King Odin.” Gohan said, bowing his head.

“My first question is how did you come to be in Asgard?” Odin asked.

“…I’m sorry King Odin but I’m not certain…the last thing I remember is fighting Cell back on Earth and then a flash of light and then waking up and seeing Queen Frigga.” Gohan said trying to remember.

“Earth do you mean Midgard?” Odin asked.

“Midgard? I’m sorry but I don’t know that term.” Gohan said confused by the term.

“…I think it will best if you start from the beginning.” Odin said, after Frigga whispered something in his ear.

Gohan went on to explain about Dr. Gero, his androids, Cell and then his battle with him ending with him waking up in their medical facilities. He even showed some of his abilities like flight and using some ki, and when he was done Odin glanced at Frigga who nodded her head at him.

“… I see, that is quite the tale.” Odin said, stroking his beard.

“Y-you believe me?” Gohan asked surprised.

“Yes, I do, if my wife say’s you are telling the truth than you are.” Odin said caressing his beard.

“She can tell when someone is lying?” Gohan asked.

“I see with more than my eyes.” Frigga said smiling at him.

“That’s amazing.” Gohan said smiling back.

“Thank, you.” Frigga said smiling back.

“…I don’t want to seem rude after everything you’ve done for me, but do you know of a way for me to get back home, I’m sure everyone is worried about me.” Gohan said.

“Ah, I’m afraid I have some… troubling news for you.” Odin said looking at him.

“What’s wrong?” Gohan asked concerned.

“While we were healing you, we ran some test to help heal you, and we’ve discovered something that has left us with concerns.’ Frigga said to him.

“W-what is it?” Gohan asked.

“You’re DNA has some similarities with Midgard or what you call Earth, but it is not 100% the same as any of the samples we have here, leading us to believe that you don’t come from our universe.” Frigga said softly.

“…are you saying that I’m in a different universe than my own.” Gohan said, looking at them.

“…I’m afraid so.” Frigga said smiling softly at him.

“…That’s why I’ve felt something… off with my body since I’ve woken up, I just thought that it was because I was still tired from my battle.” Gohan said.

“What do you mean?” Odin asked.

“You know when I talked about Ki?” Gohan asked, they nodded, “Well I can also sense life energy and ever since I woke up things have felt different and now, I know why.”

“That’s a useful technique.” Frigga said, smiling at him.

“Thank you.” Gohan said feeling a sense of sadness that he probably wouldn’t ever see anyone else again. “…May I be excused?”

“…Of course, you can, Astrid!” Frigga called.

“Yes, My Queen.” Astrid said walking into the room.

“Take, young Gohan to one of the guest rooms and….” She started saying when his stomach rumbled, making him blush from embarrassment, “…and deliver some food to him as well.” She said smiling at him.

“Of, Course. I’ll take my leave.” Astrid said bowing, “Come along.” Astrid said walking away.

“Thank, you for everything.” Gohan said bowing his head before following Astrid out of the throne room.


Frigga watched as the door closed behind the young boy, and sighed, “…I know that look.” Odin said looking at her. “What is it?”

“The boy has been through a lot; you can see it in his eyes. There are something he has said.” Frigga said sighing. “He’s seen death and has blood on his hands.”

“No, different than our sons.” Odin said, looking at her.

“Yes, and he has a tremendous power within him just like them.” Frigga said nodding her head.

“You felt it too then.” Odin said stroking his beard.

“Yes, I would have to be blind not to feel it.” Frigga said. “What will you do with him?”

“… I do not know; he is not of this universe, so I am at a lost.” Odin said standing up, “I have thought about sending him to Midgard since he is partially from there but with all that power within him, he could prove to be a threat.”

“…I have a suggestion.” Frigga said looking at him.

“What is it?” Odin asked looking at her.

“What if he stays here with us.” Frigga suggested.

“… you want him to stay here but why…” Odin started saying but stopped after seeing her face, “…you wish to raise him.”

“…I do.” Frigga said nodding her head.


(AN: I had originally planned on having kid Gohan end up crash landing on Asgard after being launched into space on accident in Raditz’s space pod, but I thought it would be better for Cell Games Gohan, since he already knows how to use Ki, is a Super Saiyan, and is strong enough. I got up to this point and couldn’t think of how to continue, I planned for Gohan to spend an unknown amount of time on Asgard becoming a younger brother to Thor and Loki learning from them, Frigga and Odin. Then eventually becoming a scholar on Asgard. The problem I ran into is how would Gohan becoming part of the family affect things down the line. Especially leading up to the first Thor movie and then The Avengers.)