Chapter 6: Truth
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It had finally been a few weeks since David had released his game. His player count had finally hit one thousand players and he had finally amassed enough Fear to actually purchase a Watcher. The eye monstrosity floated in front of him watching him closely.


It looked around and probably questioned its existence. “Well Watcher I hope your trip was pleasant?” David did a nervous laugh using his mind and the Watcher just bobbed up and down ever so slightly. “Well what should I do with you?” David knew that if anyone saw him or the Watcher they would freak out. But David also knew fear was what allowed him to summon more creatures. “I want you to go far outside the boarders of this city and start terrorising people. Don’t kill anyone just give them a fright” the Watcher just bobbed up and down again before using its tentacles to open the only window to his apartment. 

The night light beamed in as the Watcher opened the window with relative ease. “Well now since that is done I should get back to work since I’m now broke.” David resumed the progress on the game and he logged on just in time to see the Murder of Crows quickly overwhelm a player with a machete. The player screamed out as the crows began to devour his flesh. The player screamed for a few more seconds before he finally stopped twitching. David had seen a sharp increase in messages on the game form page about the crows and how to kill them.

Some of the players debated if you could actually kill them or if they were an unkillable enemy like Betsey. Whilst some said you could if you had pyro weapons but that was a theory as no one had been able to make or find them. Some did make a slight advancement to a properly functioning flamethrower. They used the old spray can and lighter trick, it did work until the flame caused the can to explode in the players hand. The player then was murdered by the Murder of Crows. Becky was the player every new player went to for advice and just that extra edge. But something was brewing in the player power balance. A large group of players all of them with the username agent plus a last name had formed a base.

They carved out a stretch of territory for themselves and enforced rules upon those who wanted to pass through. Which was a major problem but one that could be remedied with a good dosage of four hundred pounds of raging female monster. Betsey would automatically target large settlements made by the players to show them they weren’t safe. 

Betsey without bandage mask

David took one final look at the base that the group had made. They had fortified four blocks with walls, gates and all manner of defences. They weren’t going to help them as David watched Betsey wrap her face back up in bandages. It took a while but Betsey had finally made it close to the main gate of the groups giga compound. The second the gate keepers saw Betsey approaching they raised the alarm. Eight players began to open fire on Betsey who just kept walking forward tanking the bullets. Something began running towards Betsey and slid under her legs. It was the player named Hawkeye with a strange looking arrow loaded on his bow. The arrow tip was large and circular with a flat head it reminded David of those toy sticky arrows they sold children. 

Betsy turned around just in time to get hit by the strange arrow straight in between her eyes. A small explosion rang out and Betsey stumbled back a few steps. She recovered quickly and swung at Hawkeye with her blade. Hawkeye ducked and shot another one of those strange arrows straight into her face again. Betsey roared like an animal before trying to split Hawkeye in two with a crushing downward horizontal slice. Hawkeye rolled out of the way and rolled a small ball looking object between Betsey’s legs. The object exploded with much more intensity than the arrows. Betsey was actually brought to her knees for the first time in the game by a player. 

The player named Widow also joined in by jumping onto the back of the kneeling Betsey. She used her wire garrotte and began choking the mighty Betsey. Betsey dropped the knife and tried to pull her attacker off of her. Widow was surprisingly nibbled and dodged the attempts whilst Hawkeye began shiving Betsey in the ribs with his knife. Betsey began to get back on her feet and quickly spun around. Hawkeye was hit by Widow and both of them tumbled onto the road. Betsey grabbed her knife and raised it high above her head preparing to split the pair in two. “Oy bitch over here!” Came a voice making Betsey break her attention away from the players below her. 

The player named Agent Coulson stood feet away with a glass bottle with a rag coming out of the top. Coulson lit the rag on fire with a lighter and yelled “get out of the way!” before lobbing it at Betsey. Widow and Hawkeye scrambled out of the way just as the bottle smashed into Betsey face. Fire began to consume her face and she screamed out in pain dropping her knife to put out the flames. Coulson began to open fire on the on fire behemoth with his twelve gauge shotgun. Several other of the Agent named players also began to resume shooting at the monster. That was when a notification window popped up in front of all players on the server.

Betsey has entered Berserk Mode after falling to 50% HP good luck 👍

Betsey screamed out as her eyes began to glow an ominous red that was visible even with the flames consuming her face. She grabbed her six foot knife and began to swing it wildly at anyone that was close. The players were surprised by her increased speed as normally her attacks were easily to predict but now they were too fast to even see. Coulson tried to duck underneath one of these strikes but was too slow and was sliced into from end to end of his stomach. As he tried to respawn to help the agents a notification came up.

[You were killed by Berserk Betsey you are unable to respawn until she is killed or until she calms down]

[Time remaining until she calms down 23 hours 59 minutes and 10 seconds]

Coulson could only watch from the streams of the other agents as Betsey began tearing them apart. David watched and was surprised they were able to get her down to half her health. Especially give how overpowered he made her.

Twisted Name: Betsey 

HP: 200

Threat Level: High

Vulnerabilities: None 

Resistant: Fire, Piercing, Explosive, Slashing

Invulnerabilities: Bludgeoning, Poison 

Info: A walking monstrosity that feels no mercy or pity upon those she kills and hunts. She wields a large six foot knife that she uses to cleave prey into. At fifty percent health she enters her berserk mode and is quicker and even more deadly than before. 

David watched as Betsey turned her attention to the base and charged towards it. It took a single swing of her knife to cleave through the gate sending the wreckage splintering everywhere. The players screamed as she went on her bloody rampage. 


James was roaming the halls of the orphanage trying his best to find Annabelle. When he received the notification.

Betsey has entered Berserk Mode after falling below 50% HP good luck 👍

“Annabelle I brought you something” he pulled out a chocolate bar and waved it in the air. He waited and place the chocolate on the floor “alright I’ll be going now.” He began to leave but felt something pull on his sleeve.

“You can’t go out there she will kill you” came a meek voice. Annabelle materialised beside him with a worried look on her face. She started to pull Jack away from the entrance and deeper into the orphanage. “I don’t want the one nice human here to die to her hands.” Annabelle sat on James’s lap and began eating the chocolate. “Why do you keep coming here?” Annabelle asked James not looking away from the chocolate “and why are you being nice to me?”

“I want to understand you” James said with a smile, “I want to know what happened here, what happened to you.” Annabelle shifted uncomfortably before floating away.

“Follow if you want some answers” Annabelle led James to a familiar room. It was the office of William Berkley he hadn’t ever entered it. “Answers lay within” Annabelle pointed towards the door. James entered carefully and was greeted by the corpse of a man heavily disfigured. It clutched a gun in one hand and a journal in the other. James took the journal and began to read it.

Journal Entry June 10th 2001 

I had to have a stupid photo with the other orphanage staff. It was unbearable but the one upside of it was I have a reason to call Annabelle back into my office. I can’t wait to have that nine year old under me again. Her tearful face as she begs for it to stop makes this job almost bearable. 

Journal Entry June 11th 2001

Annabelle tried to tell staff about what I’ve been doing to her none of them believed her. No one suspects me of being capable of forcing myself on a minor the fools. I might need to teach her a lesson about loyalty to one’s master. I’m getting hard at just the thought ha ha.

Journal Entry June 13th 2001

That dumb slut thinks she can get me to stop, she thinks she has evidence to have me arrested. I don’t know what’s more laughable if they’d believe her or if she thinks I will allow her to get to the police. I think she needs to be adopted soon, I have the perfect location for her.

Journal Entry June 15th 2001

I’ve done it, I’ve locked her in the secret basement under the orphanage. The sound proof walls will allow me to use her as much as I want. I will make her my dog and she’ll learn to enjoy my company.

James could read any more and smashed the corpse over the head with the journal. “You sick freak, you sick mother fucker!” James screamed as he clubbed the skull of the corpse into paste.