Chapter 2: Safe Zone
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Thanks to Becky’s stream four more people had bought David’s game this made him very happy. David watched as a cutscene played for Becky showing her travelling with the woman that rescued her. They approached Grand Central Station and the woman knocked on the doors. Becky noticed most of them were bordered shut with wood and metal. “Argh it’s you Samatha brought another lost sheep” Becky heard a gruff voice respond to the knocking. Becky saw an eye peer at them through what seemed to be a shoddily constructed peep hole. “Now we can starve even faster” the voice grumbled again. 

“Just open the door Justin I don’t want to be this exposed especially with the hunters on the prowl.” The voice gave one last grumble and the door began to open. Becky saw the figure named Justin, he was an old man missing his right arm and had a large scar over his left eye. His greying hair and wrinkly brown skin made him look like a walking prune. He wore what seemed to be a brown bomber jacket and grey trousers. Justin glared at Becky with his pale blue eyes and made a toothless frown. 

“Where did you find this one Samantha?” Justin pointed a twelve gauge shotgun at Becky. Samantha put her hand on the barrel and forced it down.

“I found her in one of the shopping centre she nearly died to Betsy.” Justin looked at Becky and then looked back at Samantha.

“So she’s close to turning hu” Samantha shook her head and Justin grunted before closing the door and locking it with a large bar. 

“So that thing with the big knife is called Betsy” Becky bleated out.

Justin turned to her and sneered “so you can talk good we don’t needed any more broken souls here”. Becky was somewhat offended ‘what’s got his boxers in a twist’. “And to answer your question yes that monster is called Betsy and if you see her again don’t try to fight her”. Becky chat exploded with messages about the name of the game she was playing.

David just watched on and began working on a new update for the game. He was thinking about adding a stationary boss he logged out of the game. He was back in his dingy apartment, he was trying to think on a new stationary boss. ‘Scary child, big dog, ghosts I can’t bloody choose’ David thought to himself as he lent back in his swivel chair. He pulled out a six sided dice and rolled it ‘one or two I’ll do scary child, three or four and I’ll do a big dog and if it lands on five or six I’ll do a ghost.’ The dice began to spin on one of its corners as it hit his coffee mug. It landed on a two “well scary child it is then”  ‘I wonder what this Fear are worth.’

Fear Value 

1 Fear = $100

Fear point total:  5.5 

+5 Fear from Becky
+0.5 Fear from sale of 5 units of A Horrifying World

David was mildly surprised so even if his game could milk fear from the players the money gained from the sales was transferred into Fear. David knew this was going to be a stupid idea but he wanted to try it anyway he wanted to view what he could buy.


Watcher: Cost: 500 Fear 
Hopeless: Cost: 1,000 Fear
Mannequin: Cost: 3,000 Fear
Hunter: Cost: 10,000 Fear
Betsey: Cost: 1,000,000 Fear

The Fog Cometh over NYC: Cost: 1,000,000,000 Fear

The sight disheartened David slightly as he was a little over a hundredth of the way to purchasing a Watcher. But this peaked his interest slightly he had added loads of other things to the game so why was it only showing the monsters. Could it be that the shop only sold things in his game that didn’t exist in this world. David scratched his chin and pondered slightly before trying out his theory. 


Becky was lead through a very depressing scene people were slummed together clutching each other for warmth. “If you want to stay here, you’re going to have to contribute in someway.” Justin told her as they arrived at a large map with various circles and X’s. 

“What can I do to help” Becky as a pro gamer knew a starting quest when she saw it.

“We’re running low on food and water” he handed her a small map and she received a notification.

Starting Area Map unlocked 

Mini Map Unlocked

New areas are visible on the mini map

“Go to any of the grocery stores and get us some food and water”

New Mission Triggered: Mission Name: Pulling your weight.

Mission: Aquire 50 units of food and 30 units of water for basic clear.

For advanced clear: Aquire 100 units of food and sixty units of water.

“Here you’re going to need this” Justin tossed Becky a rucksack. “Try not die with this please, we’re running out” and with that he left. Becky looked at the rucksack it was black and had several bloodstains on it. As she put it on another notification popped up.

Becky      HP: 50    Sanity: 100/100
Sex: Female

Armour: Laughable

Dexterity: Average

Endurance: Below Average

Intelligence: Average

Strength: Just Below Average

Stamina: Blow Average

Stealth: Very Below Average

Speed: Below Average

Standard Police Uniform (Equipped) (+10% success chance when dealing with Good aligned or Neutral aligned NPC’s. -20% success chance when dealing with Evil aligned NPC’s.)

1X Handcuffs (Restrains any human entity. These can be picked or broken, to pick these one must have enough time and have lock picking knowledge. To break these cuffs their strength must be Peak Human or higher.)

Basic Rucksack (Equipped) (This rucksack can carry 200 Units. This decreases your speed, stamina, and stealth by one level.)

Police Baton: Damage (Blunt): Durability (100%)

M1911 Pistol: Damage (Piercing): Durability (100%): Ammunition: .45 ACP (21 bullets remaining): Magazine Size: 7 rounds.

The women that rescued her led her back to the entrance “I wish you the best of look” she handed Becky a book.

Basic survival book acquired.

Updating Twisted bestiary
Updating Crafting recipes
Updating Harvesting knowledge
Updating other features

“Thank you Samatha, I’ll be back with plenty of supplies” Samatha’s large pale blue eyes just looked at Becky as she wandered into the foggy dark outside.

Becky might have underestimated the difficulty of this task. With the darkness and the mist made it incredibly difficult to not bump into a lamppost. She had nearly made it down the street when she saw a strange purple light heading towards her. She ducked behind a car and peaked over the hood. A large floating eye was the source of the light. The eye was like a normal human eye except it was massive, extremely bloodshot and had several fleshy tendrils dangling from it. The tendrils nearly touched the road and the eye was floating like ten feet in the air. “What the fuck is that” she whispered and her chat asked the same.

Twisted Name: Watcher

HP: 20

Threat Level: Low

Vulnerabilities: Fire, Piercing

Invulnerabilities: None

Info: A common Twisted found patrolling the streets. It uses its large eye to find prey and then its fleshy tendrils to squeeze the life out of it. Be wary of the light coming from its eye because if the light hits you the Watcher will let out a high pitched noise alerting nearby Twisted to your presence.

Becky gulped quietly and kept hidden, she pulled out her gun and waited. The eyes light beam traced the cars outline to the wall with shadow. After a few seconds the light disappeared and Becky breathed a sigh of relief. She felt something slither onto her shoulder and she gulped. Fleshy tendrils wrapped around her neck and arms. Becky gagged and choked as she was hoisted into the air. BANG BANG two shots rang out and she felt the tendril around her neck and arms loosen. The eyeball fell onto the hood of the car with a loud thud. Becky gasped for air as she poked the thing with her baton. 

Thanks to the book she had received from Samantha she knew there was loot to be had from this creature. She noticed the cracked windscreen and shattered it with the baton. She then grabbed a sizeable shard and began slicing her way into the eyeball. A black tar like substance shot onto her clothes and hands as he plunged her arm elbow deep into the eye. She pulled out a small grey crystal and breathed a sigh of relief that it was over.

Small grey crystal    Unit: (1)

Who knows what it’s used for, but it came from the Twisted so it must be something.


David was notified about an increase of ten Fear from Becky. This made David happy as he had also gained fifty Fear from the other four people playing his game. His suspicions were also proven as he had added a weapon into the game called the Blood Drinking Dagger and it appeared in the shop.


Watcher: Cost: 500 Fear 
Hopeless: Cost: 1,000 Fear
Mannequin: Cost: 3,000 Fear
Hunter: Cost: 10,000 Fear
Betsey: Cost: 1,000,000 Fear

The Fog Cometh over NYC: Cost: 1,000,000,000 Fear

Blood Drinking Dagger: Cost: 2,000 Fear

This was unprecedented for David as he thought his system was useless but if he could make things in the game to help him he could become overpowered. But there were more important matters to attend to as the scary child boss was ready. What would milk him the most amount of Fear he asked himself. That was simple just put the scary child boss in a spooky orphanage. He had crafted lore and scattered it about the orphanage about the child who he named Annabel. The players could find this lore if they were brave enough.

Players couldn’t hurt Annabel by any means but that couldn’t be said about her anchor. Her anchor was a doll that was her treasured possession that she kept in her room. David gave the orphanage a once over and nodded even he was getting the creeps. “The players are going to love her I just know it.”

I sorry that this chapter came a day late I well honestly forgot to update it and when I realised it was too late so here it is.