Chapter 4: Coulson who?
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David watched with eager glee as more and more players fell victim to Annabelle. His game now had a wiki page and a form page where players were already flooding it with information. The two most asked questions were who was Annabelle and who was Betsey. Some brave players did try to venture into her home the orphanage to find more clues but they were quickly dispatched. Annabelle stopped lurking in the locked room when people began ignoring her. She instead began lurking around the orphanage’s lunch room and halls.

Most people that tried to enter the orphanage died but there was one who kept coming back and it was kinda creepy. The man was part of the group that had first discovered her the man that used himself as a human shield. He had been trying for a full week dying every time but what made David worry was the sheer amount of time this one spent on the game. He spent nearly seventeen hours on the game every day. 

David watched one of this man’s attempts and saw he died on this one not from Annabelle but from players. They were shooting at her and he used himself as a human shield. The player used the username Solider 1 but David knew his real name was James. James was currently scouring through a supermarket. “Could he be looking for chocolate” David said as he watched the man scramble around. David made chocolate have an immensely low drop rate as it could fully restore one’s Sanity meter. David decided to have some fun with the man and rigged a monster to spawn right near him.

David rolled a D6 to see what monster would tear this fool apart. It landed on a five “Hunter it is then” the Hunter was the final normal Twisted that was currently in the game. They looked like humans who had devolved back to using four limbs for locomotion. They had pronounced hunched spines that split through their skin and were visible. Their hands were fairly normal but the fingers were much longer and ended with razor sharp purple crystal claws. Their skin was a milky white with visible pulsing red veins. Their overall build was fairly lanky but that was deceiving they were actually very strong and could outrun any human. 

Their skulls were deformed with a very bony face and only one large purple eye rooted in a shallow socket in the middle of this skull. Their mouths were also changed and could open much further back than a normal mouth. The mouth was filled with razor sharp teeth that sat in neat rows, three in total for both the lower and upper mouth. David spawned the monster and watched waiting for the carnage. 

James was quietly searching when he heard something knock over something on the next aisle. A long skinny hand grabbed the shelves dividing the aisle and something began pulling itself up. James spotted a the ridge of a jaw and began to slowly shuffle backwards. The creature began to sniff the surroundings and James quickly hid behind the end of the aisle. He peaked and saw something utterly disgusting sniffing the ground. It made a shrill shriek and began lumbering towards James hiding spot. James cocked his gun and prepared himself.


Coulson sat patiently waited for the game he had purchased to finish downloading. He was enjoying one of his few rare days off at the S.H.I.E.L.D Helicarrier. Nothing said abusing authority then using some of the best computers on the planet to play video games. He heard a ping and placed the VR Headset on and began the game. 

He soon found himself in a black void and told to choose a starting loadout and a starting location. He chose the Builder loadout and the police station starting location. He soon found himself in a holding cell with a police officer’s corpse beside the barred door. Coulson noticed his equipment laid neatly beside him. He took a look at his hammer and utility knife. The hammer was a standard claw hammer and the knife was a stanly knife the type you would use to slice open boxes.

Coulson noticed that the officers corpse had a key chain attached to his belt. Coulson retrieved the keys and looked in his toolbox. He took three of the screwdrivers, the pliers, a roll of duct tape, and the adjustable wrench. He slid the items into the tool belt on his hips before opening the cell door. It was very dark beyond his cell and he guessed the lights didn’t work they never did in horror games. He got the game because he read some of its reviews and it was only ten dollars so it didn’t bother him much. Coulson admired the games realism it was like he was actually in the game itself. He looted the corpse and took the officers baton and pistol. The pistol only had five bullets left and he couldn’t find any more ammunition on the officer. The officer had obviously shot himself Coulson deduced from the position of the gun and the small hole in the officer’s chin. But the corpse also had bite and claw marks on and bloody foot prints lead away from the corpse.

“This place must have an armoury” he whispered as he holstered the pistol wishing to conserve his limited ammunition. He passed some more cells, all but one were filled with corpses. Most of them had starved some were hung by their own trousers. The one that didn’t have a corpse in instead had a strange man covered in purple crystal growths. The man ran towards the bars like a rabid animal as Coulson drew closer. The man stuck his arms through the bars and his mouth tried to bite him.

Coulson placed one of the screwdrivers onto the man’s forehead and swung his hammer. The hammer struck the butt of the screwdriver driving it deep into the man’s skull. The man collapsed and Coulson opened the cell door. The corpse twitched slightly as Coulson pulled his screwdriver out of the man’s head. A small pool of blood began to form around the corpse. Coulson exited the cell quietly and exited the holding cell area. A small corridor greeted him, it was smeared with bloody hand prints. A heavily disfigured corpse rested on the opposite wall. Coulson carefully approached the corpse and gave it a small kick.

The corpse slid over onto the floor and Coulson checked it. It had only a half used box of matches in the uniforms breast pocket. The door leading out of the hallway was locked but a few good kicks from Coulson made it open. He was now entering a large room, there were two other doors one made of wood and one made of metal. ‘I’m guessing this is the armoury door’ Coulson thought as he tried the light switch. The lights didn’t work so he switched on his flashlight in the new illumination he saw there were no other corpses but a lot of bloody drag marks.

David was watching the new player that had the username Agent Coulson. He felt like he recognised him from somewhere he knew people could change their appearances even gender in the game but this was like the player had just used their actual looks. “He looks so damn familiar, where have I seen him before?” David checked the players actual name. “Who the fuck is Coulson” David scratched his head as he watched the player attempt to break into the police armoury. The player managed to bust the door off its hinges by using the screwdriver  like a chisel and hammering away at it. The armoury was fairly empty but there was a twelve gauge shotgun with eight shell on a table along with a bulletproof vest. 

David sent Coulson a congratulations message as he was the first player to actually break into the police armoury. The reward was a free teeshirt from the wide selection available. Coulson chose the Here’s Betsey teeshirt but in blue than black.