Dinner (112)
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“You have a really nice place.” The person in front of him was another dwarf. Hearing his compliment, he didn’t feel too much about it. It wasn’t like this wasn’t sincere. There was a bit of an uncomfortable air about the man.

“Thank you.” Joe was forced to accept the compliment. There wasn’t really a reason to not, this place was his pride.

What surprised him was that when his brother introduced him. For one, he never gave him a name. To this point, he had yet to give his name, making conversations to be rather awkward. Secondly, only now did he realize that his brother was being humble.

Timmy was a Grade D blacksmith that worked in Mercury City. He often took jobs from Grade C’s. Because of Joe, he would often even take care of some Grade E’s. Just the number of Grade D people he had supplied were enough to solidify his positioning.

As a certified blacksmith of the Adventurer’s Guild, nobody could touch his status. Unlike adventurers, he was asked to be here. So long as he met his quota, he didn’t have to do anything and receive payment.

This was the first time Joe had seen Timmy act this way. He was familiar with Azeban as for some reason, Timmy got along very well with Azeban. The two were drinking buddies. Timmy was never arrogant, however, neither was he wry of picking fights.

Joe believed one of the reason the two got along was because Timmy wouldn’t bow down to Azeban. With Azeban’s character, he wasn’t one to let a grudge go. He also wasn’t someone to abuse his power, he would rob him blind. Even still, he didn’t. For some reason, every time they get together, get drunk and argue until they collapse on the table.

There was only one single reason Timmy would be this humble. This man in front of him was a blacksmith, and not a simple one. Even though the man was a bit out of it, clearly wishing to meet his other tenant. He wasn’t disrespectful and even though he had a much higher status, he didn’t shove his weight around.

While there was respect for a fellow blacksmith, there was a strange sense of respect when he spoke to Saleh. It appeared, this man knew who Saleh’s teacher was. Not that he ever tried to look into it, he asked his brother before allowing Saleh in. Since he passed the test, he only knew Saleh seemed to be connected to an elder, though he didn’t think that was his teacher.

Before this, he was of the opinion that an elder had gotten someone to teach him. Though, that started to become doubtful. Only the elders never hid their disciples, so maybe Saleh was just someone being taught a few things.

It was at that minute he heard a whisper. As he looked up from the table, he saw the strange man had a gentle smile on his face. Turning to look, Joe saw Jessica mumbling under her breath as she looked straight at the man across the table.

Turning tense, there was something wrong. He was still observing Jessica. While allowing her to stay meant he had accepted her, he wasn’t about to forgive her if she did anything strange. First impressions were important, they weren’t the only impressions that mattered overall.

Only at this moment, Jessica, the woman that had given him a strange feeling. A bit quiet and not an over sharer. She kept things closed to her chest. She was also a thinker, she would often be lost in thought. Jessica had asked for help, at the same time, keeping everything close to the vest.

The more he saw, the more he liked her. Someone that kept to themselves while remaining focused, even still, being able to ask for help. He believed she had a bright future if she could survive in this environment.

What he saw now made him turn tense, and a feeling of stiffness overwhelmed him slightly. Jessica was not completely without emotions. Though he had not seen her show very much emotion.

He had limited time with her, so for the time being he had her labeled as stone hearted, being able to keep the things she felt to herself.

A very viable skill. So why was she currently crying while looking at the man across the table. His self-proclaimed good judge of character, seemed to shatter at this moment.

“Uncle…” Dashing across the room, she even used mana to fly into the dwarf’s arms.

Finally taking in the rest of the room, Joe saw he wasn’t the only confused one. His brother was equally confused and startled. Turning, he saw a similar expression on Saleh.

Though, something in his head did seem to click. He wasn’t happy when he met this man. Even though his brother knew his rules. The man said he heard Saleh lived at his place.

Only today did he find out that the man seemed to have known Saleh’s teacher. It wasn’t that his brother broke one of his rules, someone way above them did. Though at that point his rules couldn’t outstrip those monsters in the center of the city.

Using Charles as an excuse, they came over. Having spoke a few things, he exposed his interest to meet the other tenant. Which, seemed at this moment, implied he had an idea who the person was. The reason he wanted to meet was because they knew each other. Joe just wasn’t sure how.

“Uncle Beast, what are you doing in Mercury City?” Not noticing, the look on Joe’s face changed drastically.

Beast didn’t seem to notice or simply didn’t care, he gave Jessica a once over before frowning slightly, “I came to see the cursed weapons that are locked up here. I am very close to a breakthrough, so my mentor had me come here.”

Holding her tightly, “I heard you were going this way. When I came, I only wished you weren’t out on a request.”