[9] Reunion
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VR technology.

A tool to simulate a virtual world, connecting the user's brain into a computer and basically run a simulated body on a virtual to explore and play around with.

A second life wouldn't even be impossible as all the people could just log on to any VR device, enter a world where they could either do whatever they want or even be someone they couldn't and experience a life they could ever dream off...

Be an adventurer, a hero or even become a ruler of one's own world.

Virtual Reality!

Though it may sound awesome, its still impossible in their eyes as the current technology isn't powerful enough to make it so.

There are many reasons as to why VR Tech is still too far away.

First, a powerful hardware.

Though the current tech was possible to run a simulated environment, it isn't powerful enough to run a world or even the servers being too big to carry enough data to run such powerful system to handle a single VR device.

Second, the dangers of connecting the brain into a computer.

Danger lurks as new technology is invented. Some may produce positive results while some can even cause catastrophic damage to the world. The human brain has limited information and processing them into a program could lead to frying their brain from the unfiltered data overload from exceeding the brain's limited capacity or a complete paralytic damage to the nerves to the point where a human might become disabled due to the brain trying to reconnect the body's function from connecting itself to the computer.

Though the current human technology is still too far from reaching that Era, Jacob had already solve not only the issue but even improved and slowly began to upgrade what he 'borrowed' from the system.

'Its not stealing if I only copy the blueprints and redesign it to to differ from the original source.' Since the system never thought Jacob could get inside the database without her noticing him, he believe that since she didn't stop him from snooping inside her, he could access all the data he could gather, even stealing some black tech which were too advance for humans and probably too hard to develop without the corresponding tech to work with.

But Jacob had time, especially having millions of lives being repeated over and over.

He couldn't help but used those time to study and learn the things he was given by the system such as Cloning which he wanted to create multiple identities he could swap on the fly, an advance tracking system because he wanted to observe and create plans for the protagonist and the heroines, he even remember about having robots and drones which he used to create 'Iconic' events such as hidden ruins, temples or even places that the heroine and the protagonist would either meet up or hide away from.

He still weirded out why did the system had him made do with those physically laboring task and stopped asking after the system told him that they run out of budget for the rest because they never thought that Jacob's soul was expensive.

'Apparently, souls are also accommodies  in the afterlife' Jacob thought in his mind. Not asking why was his soul being expensive and more thoughtful of how could higher beings trade souls like its just business for them.

So they couldn't afford to transform the world in a higher plane due to budget cuts and decided to use an alternative world which was similar to 'Earth'. He asked why isn't it called blue star but was mind blown after hearing that his world was also an alternative world of Earth as well, not only that, but its also a higher world as well.

'So thats why there's so many reports of gas explosions sightings like Eagle country celebrating like its their national holiday. Especially Dragon Country, Tiger Country and Sunland Country. There's also reports in my country but I was too busy being traumatize by my ex that something unnatural was happening in my world.'

'It could also explain why it took so long for me to be found by the police. I didn't pay attention to the world because I was just too busy improving myself.' Jacob felt silent as he feels that he should have paid more attention to the things around him, maybe it might have been the reason why he ended up like that in both his lives.

His first life, he was just too busy improving himself that he didn't seem to notice his girlfriend harboring darkness in her heart, slowly becoming paranoid into thinking that he was paying more attention to his friends and family more than her when he basically ignored everyone and just primarily focused on him improving himself.

His second life didn't fair either way, he was fully intent on raising the status of his party and the fact that the mage apprentice was too into him that he basically ignored her that it ended the same as his past life.

Now, he is just too paranoid of girls that he basically began to track any girls that gets close to him to the point where he wouldn't sleep with a weapon next to him.

Which is why he was mostly became more interested in virtual girls because while he basically develop gynophobia, he still likes girls.

But knowing that his world was just a normal world, even a peaceful one by the system's standards, it was like a dog hearing that his owner was taking him to a dog park, only to drag him into a vet.

After figuring out that not only did he had to build everything by himself, he even had to direct everything to the point where he was basically scammed of his wish which he argue that he was tricked by the system.

He only quiet down after hearing that the system could bring his ex in this world if she wanted to which he switch expressions like he has a split personality. Afraid of relapsing his trauma that he was slowly trying to cure.

Plus, he was given some benefits by system that she couldn't take away even separating from him such as the knowledge he receive such as blueprints to make clones, robots and tools to build the places he would need to make the protagonist stand out.

The VR device(a reward from the system) was one which he plan on giving the protagonist to start his business career but he selved that idea because the protagonist was more combat-oriented than a schemer, which he basically thrown selved all the ideas in his head until today.

The thing he's holding is basically a bomb in his hand as he knew how much impact it could give to the world and those that wishes to grab on to the slice of cake which he made into reality.

'Not only the world's powers but even the underground world would want this to the point where my safety would bring problems to others. But still...'

He remember his idol's previous stream about wanting to experience a VR world which she dreamed that she could stand and dance in front of the viewers. Thinking that seeing her sad because her wish couldn't be fulfilled, Jacob didn't hesitate to talk with the CEO about applying for a VR stream which the CEO simply though it was the usual AR(Augmented Reality) streams until Jacob talk to him about an actual 'VR' streams which he made Sehiro spits his drink in shock.

Jacob: I want to apply for a VR stream.

Sehiro: Oh, it shouldn't be a problem since the VR(AR) equipment should be ready by then. We still are having problems of the models being too disjointed using actual people but with your hard work, we can maybe retro fit them into making it seem realistic.

Jacob: Don't worry boss. I plan on putting their consciousness in a simulated environment which they would connect their consciousness to their virtual models, I would most likely face some technical issues regarding how the talents might face during their streams but overall, I shouldn't be facing any problems once we implemented it.

Sehiro: Oh, then I'll make some adjustments regarding the approval of your-*Sips drink*

Sehiro: *Spits Drink* Wait, what?!

Jacob didn't know that he was the main culprit regarding his CEO's accident as the man became paranoid after hearing his technical supervisor's simple way of saying he basically just invented an actual VR tech to him. Making Sehiro paranoid of the repercussions of having one of his employees invented something that shouldn't be possible.

He was so thoughtful of it that he didn't notice he had mistep while walking down the stairs and fell down, breaking his left leg, which his wife quickly sending him to a hospital to recuperate while the main culprit was currently eating some fried rice in a restaurant while watching Emily's livestream, fully focus to the point where a man just stared at him before he continued his words.

"Maste-Jacob. Can you at least hurry up? I don't have that much free time you know." Berkin lifted his arm to check the time and sighed since both him and Jacob had just arrived back to Dragon Country as Berkin told Jacob that he was staying here mainly due to some science convention that he had attended for the sake of meeting his master and mourn for the loss of a dear acquaintance of theirs.

"Yeah, I just finished. Plus, I wouldn't be surprised that he actually went to another world you know." Jacob stood from his seat as Berkin followed suit, paying for their bills as Berkin was pushed by Jacob into a car which he owned, making Berkin drive while Jacob sat next to the passenger's seat.

"I don't believe that. We saw his body and I don't find it possible for him to exist since we are just clones of you-"

"You guys aren't just clones. Your me while at the same time not me. You and Arc might just be clones of mine but in truth, you exist as well as having souls that make you guys different from me." While watching the stream Jacob gave a smile as Berkin drive silently, slowly forming a warm smile as he never expected that their creator treated them so well.

"Basically, you guys are like my children-"


"No. Just no." Berkin teased as Jacob regretted saying it. Not expecting the serious man to have a knack for jokes.

Though their conversations, they finally arrived at the cemetery where Arc, a fellow clone and a dear friend was buried.