Chapter 17 – The first few days
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I am trying to slow down a bit for this segment, but, unfortunately it will have time skips, however, i will try to have more things happen to the mc so it is more interesting for you and give more content to the story, but if you were following the story from the start you noticed that i am more of a "direct" person, so your feedback on these next chapters would be appreciated, hope you enjoy these 2050 words ^_~


I was planning to have it to be another universe, but it had a quite complicated cannon/story so unless i had a few spare* hours, i would not be able to research the whole history of that universe, so i opted for a somewhat simpler one

I "Woke up" the moment the sun was up, i was up and reabsorbed the tent and the things made of [Silk] then i started wandering around the city center.

I asked directions to a library from a few people and after a few turn to the right and a few to the left i found one, i could have scanned the minds of the people around me again to find the library, but i chose not to, as i dislike doing it and i only did it that time as it was necessary, and i couldn't go asking around "Excuse me, where can i find somebody who can make me a fake identity?".

Getting back at the library thing. I observed that this world was pretty much just a normal world in the "modern times"  similar to the 1990's on the Earth i come from, so i was hoping to use the computers in the library if they had one, and i was lucky two times over as when i got there i asked if they had one and they did, and i was  lucky again as it was free to use but the only downside was that it only could be used for 2.5 hours before needing to let others use it, but i couldn't exactly be picky so i started doing my business.

To my surprise, the computers were at least 25 years ahead of their time, despite this world date being around 1995 as indicated by the system calendar, these computer were only available around 2020 on the Earth i remember, but after a second or two of thinking, i started searching on the internet about recent news and i found quite a few, but they were mostly normal things like "Fire on a house in the street x" or "Bar fight leaves 4 injured and one gravely injured" and "Mafia shows rise in activity on y side of the city".

But two of the news had my attention, the first was "The fantastic four" that was about a group of four that goes around the city doing heroic deeds like saving people from robbers, stopping bank assaults, etc.. they seemed to be quite famous, and the second filled me with worry for the future, "X-men goes at it again" that was about a group of people with magical powers stopping crimes and beating criminals, becoming somewhat famous in the process.

If what i was worrying about was true, then i needed to make some preparations as crazy events happens every other day in this place, but for now, i looked online a map of the city and looked the location of a homeless shelter, i went to the bathroom and changed to a hoodie, "jeans", a cap and a pair of "sneakers", all made of low quality [Silk], then i exited the library and went to the nearest shelter i saw in the city map.

I got lucky as they were serving free soup, so i got in line and waited my turn to get some, while waiting a old man in front of me on the line looked back and after looking at me for a few seconds he started talking with me.

"Hello there missy, i never saw you around here, your must be new here"

I answered "Yes"

He continued "Ah, pardon me, my name is Bruce, Brune Commodor, what's yours?"

"You can call me Inanis" I responded

Then he got his bowl of soup and said to me while pointing to a table close by where a few other people were sitting on. 

"If you need someone to talk with, i will be sitting over there"

I received my soup and went to the table and sat in front of Bruce, he said to me with pity in his voice "It's a pity, someone young like you shouldn't be living in the streets like this, i won't ask yours, but each of us has a story, many of them are pretty similar, so you at least have somebody that can understand you situation"

I didn't want to clear the misunderstandings, but i didn't wanted to 100% lie so i only said "I am just really far from home. While trying to fix some problem with my wife, i ended here"

"Wife? Aren't you really young for this kind of stuff? Kids these days tend to marry late" He asked in surprise.

I simply said "I am not that young, i was even married for quite some time"

He had a raised eyebrow, but seemed to not judge my situation and went back to eating his soup.

Trying to make some conversation i asked "So, what's your story? If you don't want to talk you don't need to, but i couldn't not notice that you seem to have some story behind those eyes"

"Me? It is a boring short story, when the war was ending for a reason or another i got kicked from the army, then i got some problems with a few documents and i ended in the streets" He said without looking up and while eating his soup.

"The army? mmhh, i did not participate in any large scale wars, but my wife and i worked for half of our lives as mercenaries, working and travelling around"

He stopped eating the soup and started looking at me, both trying to look at my body below the clothes and to see if i was lying, which i guess he found that i wasn't lying, to then return to eating his soup and remained silent.

After a minute or two of silence between both of us, he talked again.

"How was your marriage? You said that you and your wife worked together, did you meet her at the job?"

I answered "It was very good, and when we had our daughter was the happiest moment of my life. In regards to how i meet her, the resumed story is that i opened a store and she was my first client, then what started as a few visits became a marriage, she was the one who introduced the mercenary work to me"

He was eating the rest of his soup slowly and seemed to be lost in old memories. When he finished his soup he said "Unfortunately, i have some business and i need to leave, hope to see you around next time, goodbye ", he then got up and put his soup bowl into a table close by with other bowls and left.

I was not that far behind and finished my soup then put the bowl with the others and also left

I started wandering the city, looking at the people and the buildings, i ended spending the entire day wandering the city to then return to the park i last slept, i prepared my [Silk] tent and sleeping set again and went to "sleep".


The next day went about the same as the previous, i woke up, went to the shelter and met Bruce who was already eating some food, we talked a little about a few things and he again leaved to do some business, i also left the shelter to wander the city for the rest of the day.

At around 23:46 i was in the alley by the side of that bar, i then teleported to the room of the man i made business previously, he had a little scare, but after a few seconds of a scrutinizing me he said "You seem...Different from last time".

I just said "I have been spending some time in a homeless shelter, i couldn't exactly frequent it in luxurious clothes"

He nodded and said while he took a briefcase from below his desk "Here's your money" he said and opened the briefcase to show me that it was full of 100 dollar notes, i used [Space] and did a quick count of the notes, it had 150 million dollar inside, and i questioned him about it "There's 150 million inside, why?"

He appeared to get nervous, but seemed to have a excuse prepared "It-it's a bonus, th-the items you sold were 0-of very high quality, so i got a few clients willing to pay well for them, and i got good news! The documents and the official data is coming along well so it will be ready in 7 days from now!"

I took the case and said "See you in 7 days then" then leaved the same way i entered.

After leaving the bar i put the case into my inventory and went to the central park where i made the usual tent and sleeping set, but instead of sleeping, i decided to make some preparations. 

I bought a few skills as a start, [Energy], [Time] and [Singularity], the first two were 25k points and the latter was 29k, and the last skill was [Gateway], i will explain the reason for the last skill in a second.

If this place was the one i suspected, then the best way to protect someone is to simply leave the situation or the place in this case, and the [Personal Dimension] would make that possible, if i wanted i could just make someone enter it and they would be safe from whatever silly situation would be happening outside it, and that's where the skill [Gateway] would fit in, as it allows me to to create "portals" to anywhere but specially places i already been, and also allows things like barring certain people from passing through them, changing the portals appearance and etc.

The First three skill i bought were most for security reasons.

After buying the skills i sat on the tent floor and started focusing on my [Personal Dimension], despite not entering the dimension, i could still feel everything inside it, at once, but as it was empty i could only feel the space itself, so the first thing i did was create a planet a few times bigger than earth, yeah it is op like that, i also made a sun and three moons to go along the planet, just so it would not be so empty i made quite a few colorful stars in the distance to fill the sky, using multiple minds i started to give life to the planet, i made small caves, rivers, mountains, forests etc...

After a few hours working on the dimension i had a good end result, but i wasn't finished, in the middle of a grass plain i made a house, but it wasn't just a house! I made the inside theme to be a quite good looking and comfy hotel like one, and the inside wasn't following the laws of physics, it had a a entrance hall with a reception desk and a few sofas that had the door to the grass plains, from the entrance room there was a hallway that split into three directions.

The right path led to a dinning hall far bigger that the entrance hall, it is full of tables and benches that also had a self serving buffet that i would create different foods each day, just for convenience i will make it so that the buffet have quite a variety of things every time, from normal everyday food to candies and baked goods, fruits along a variety of drinks etc.... 

The left path led to a corridor with doorways that were a kind of portal to bigger rooms, each having a type of recreational area, such as tennis, basketball and football courts, fighting areas, pools, academy and the like. 

And the middle led to a hallway with elevators, those elevators led to the different floors where there were hallways with the rooms for the visitors, but for now i only made 100 rooms with each floor having 20.

I could automate the furnishing of the rooms by leaving most of the work to the dimension, but i chose to make each room individually, and each room ended being basically a house on it's own, with kitchens, bedrooms, living rooms and bathrooms every one of them being furnished with the essentials and with the only exception being that there wasn't tv's. But i was planning to add a pc and tv in each room in the future, not those made of silk but some more "normal" ones that worked in similar ways.

And another cool things i did was make so that while inside my dimension, people would be immortal, "my home my rules" after all, if they got a cut, they would regenerate, if their head were smashed then it would slowly piece itself together and then regenerate, while inside my dimension they won't die of thirsty, hunger or even old age, or any other means available, i guess the only thing that could kill somebody inside my dimension would be complete erasure or complete soul destruction, so after finishing the immortal thingy, i started working on making existence and soul protections for my dimension population.

After 2 hours i finally got a decent protection in place, so my finishing touch was to reinforce the dimension boundaries and block the entrance of unauthorized entities and when i was finished with the dimension i had a silly smile on my face and some of my worries taken care of, and now, all i have to do is wait.
