Chapter 15 – Time flies by(final part)
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Here it is, 1932 words, i probably won't post for some time, and if i post in the near future i recommend you put this story you your list or do something to keep a eye on new chapter.

this is the last time you will "see" "Freya", the next chapter already will be new universe segment but the mc will be able to go back to this world at any time in the story

Try to guess the fictional** universe the mc will go to, i will pin the one who guess it right

The clock was ticking, every day the pointers spun in circles... ticking... showing the time...

If my life was represented by a clock, then it would have ticked for 1189 years, 1069 years if it started ticking when i had my daughter... you are asking why it stopped at 1189? or why i did not say it continued ticking beyond it?

It is because on that day, my "life" ended... no, i did not die. But i wished i was the one who died in her place.

Nothing that much different from what i already told you happened, but let me give you a resumed version of what happened in those years before that day.


Freya and i stayed on Manguul city until our daughter was 10 years old, when she became 10 we started traveling and taking her with us.


140 years after Hnossa became 10 we had re-explored the continent with her this time, we often stayed in a specific place for a few years to allow Hnossa to study in a school or university, and we sometimes also hired private teachers so she can learn a specific field she liked, Freya and i were also studying a variety of things along Hnossa .


50 years after we explore the continent when the tree of us were studying enchantments together, i got inspired by the equipment the universities and the big merchant guilds used, so i decided to create something like a computer made of [Silk] that worked by using my ability to give effects and properties for the [Silk], that at this point in time were quite versatile in the effects and properties department.


200 years after the start of the computer project i finally succeeded, despite the computer being basically only a box of silk i also had to make a mouse, keyboard and a monitor that worked by the same principles as the computer, it was very trick to make each of them, i even got the skill [Engineering] and got it level 121.

The computer had quite a few capabilities and a few "programs" i made for it like the ones from earth.

The "software" was made by using the effects of the silk, like making the user "see" the information on the screen, store the "data" into a piece of [Silk], communication between computers and between , etc etc, it was hard to make but as it used mostly concepts to work it was easier than making a computer like the ones from earth that used real hardware.

The "hardware" as i stated earlier was made entirely of [Silk], it had a few components like a battery that absorbed and stored ambient energy to power itself or if necessary it could use a magical crystal to power itself, a piece of [Silk] that stored the data and another piece that transmits this data between computers, the final outcome for the computer physical part was a cube of 20 cm³ made of [Silk].

When i was finished creating one computer, i showed it to the university of the capital and and when i explained what it could do they made some tests with the computer i showed them and they were very surprised by the outcome.

To give some context, this world i appeared indeed is advanced in some areas, being comparable to the 1900 on earth, however, it still is in a overall medieval level in regards to some technologies but most notably in the culture aspect, so they had a few magic based technologies that could do a few things a very old pc from earth could do, but at lower levels like calculate the result of a operation with 13 numbers, store a few dozens of pages from a book as data in a crystal, so my computer was indeed quite advanced compared to their technology, you could even say it was somewhat more advanced in comparison to the computers i remember from earth.

I decide to sell it for only 3 silver as it did cost me nothing to make, outside of time that is, the only reason i did not sell for cheaper is that i need to make a computer from scratch which is somewhat complicated.


The computer was a success, mostly with universities and high ranking nobles, so i proceeded to my next project, [Silk] "laptops", "tablets" and "smartphones.

And as i had a base to work with it was easier to implement so it only took 2 years to develop the tree, and like the computer, the first ones i gave for free to the people close to me.

It took no time at all to these new products to become popular, i ended up selling the "laptops" for 3.5 silver and the other two for 4 each.


500 years after Hnossa was born i achieved the threshold of 50000 in the [Soul] attribute, and the system gave me another [Evolution] choice, it was to a [Medium rank outer god], i accepted and now my first tree attributes were being multiplied by 8, and the latter 2 by 3.

I also got a skill called [Personal Dimension] as a perk of the new evolution, but i did not explore the skill as it did not seemed to be that useful so i put it aside for the time being.

At this point i stopped hunting monsters as i did not see that much of a motive to continue doing so.


300 years after my [Evolution] Hnossa got a girlfriend, initially Freya and i were rather reluctant to see our little baby grow up, but we accepted it and now it was the four of us travelling around. 


1149 year after i arrived in this world Freya achieved her dream of exploring the whole world, and when we achieved that we returned home after a year, but unfortunately, Freya died 19 years after we returned home.

I noticed that during the latter years of our journey, Freya was getting weaker and weaker as time moved on, i obviously got worried and i even bought a skill called [Heal] to try to help her.

But it proved insufficient.

She got very very weak and was in bed most of the time, i was getting more desperate as time passed. Until the day came...

On a sunny day, the Revna family, Janet, Hnossa and her girlfriend, and i, were by Freya side while she was in the bed, we talked about a few things, gave our goodbyes with teary eyes, and then... she gave her last breath.

I felt like the my world ended, nothing mattered anymore and the only feeling i felt during that time was despair.

But then i felt something that filled my mind with doubt and disbelief, but also filled my heart with equals amounts of hope!

I felt the mark i left on Freya. What i felt from her mark was indicating that she was asleep and well but was in the middle of a void in nowhere.

A third of my minds were keeping a eye on the marked Freya, while a third was in my main body looking at Freya dead body laying in bed, so i was sure she somehow died but was well in some form, but i did not inform the others as to not give false hope to them.

We started making the funeral preparations and informed our friends of her death, to be more specific, Freya's parents started making it according to their customs while i mostly watched and gave full support when possible.


A month later the funeral was held in Manguul city, where she was born and raised, and where we first met.

Something that made me a little happier was to see how loved she was, as outside our families, basically all of her friends and mine came to the funeral, even some nobles that were my clients and had met Freya came to give support, only a few did not come as they would not arrive in time because of the distance.

A few of us gave a short speech about Freya and then proceeded to the burial.


A day after the funeral i told Hnossa i would go out for a few minutes, maybe a hour or two, she was reluctant to let me go alone during this delicate time period, bur she ended letting me go as she knew me very well.

I went outside and immediately used [Travel] and [Space] to teleport to Freya's mark.

It was completely dark but with multiple things that looked like stars in the distance, where Freya should be there was nothing, even with my [Awareness] and [Space] skills i could only detect a very small presence in the mark's location, i could feel presences in the distance but i ignored them as i was focused on Freya.

"If she indeed died, maybe? Maybe what is marked is her soul? Let me find something here" I thought while browsing the skill shop.

"Here it is!" 

I found a skill called [Soul] that was similar to [Space] but for souls, i immediately bought it for 25000 shop points and it activated the moment i bought it and just to make sure i bought another skill called [Eye of truth].

Now i could see a vague something floating there, i could tell and feel it was indeed Freya, but i did nothing to it in fear of doing something i shouldn't, i only kept staring at it for 40 minutes then i decided to made 3 clones and put 20 minds in each and made them keep watch over her soul while my main body went back.


As i continued my life and kept a eye on Freya at the same time, a month became 2, 2 became 4, then it became a year, and soon came the 10º year of waiting, i was patient and still with hope, but it was getting weaker as time passed with nothing happening.

Just after the 10º year of her death, something that almost killed me from shear surprise happened.

Her soul disappeared right in front of the 3 clones that were keeping watch and i felt her mark change places, after examining the surroundings with the clones for a bit and finding nothing, i unsummoned them and checked Freya condition through the mark.

Through the mark i could tell she was in a place very very far away, she was surrounded by people in a...




Stats as of the end of the chapter

Age: 1199 years 7 months and 15 days(431060 days)

Level 24: 2547218/10049185 

Attribute points: 0

Shop points: 91907

Total Exp: 180007345

Strength[Level  390 (390 x 8 + 128223)]

Resistance[Level  390 (390 x 8 + 128223)]

Agility[Level 240 (240 x 8 + 128223)] 

Mind[Level 113976 (113976 x 3)]

Soul[Level 60833 142470 (142470 x 3)]

HP: 1404/1404 (res*2+ str * 1.5 + 10% of res) 

Stamina: 1209/1209  (res * 3 + 10% of res) 

Energy: 441657/441657  (soul * 3+ 10% of soul)

[Threads[Overall level 2028 12168][Control level 12181, Shaping level 12168]]

[Hidden Fog [Overall level 12888][Control level 12897, Shaping 12888]]

[Analysis[Level 4927]]

[Map[Level 4499]]

Shadow Clone[Level 11424]]

[Parallel Processing[Level 14868][Extra minds 345]]

[Awareness[Level 10944]]

[Multitask[Level 5865]]

[Mind[Level 4842]]

[Mark[Level 2160]]

[Travel[Level 3025]]

[Martial Arts[Level 4480]]

[Cooking[Level 1569]]

[Magic[Level 2424]]

[Space[Level 2286]]

[Soul body] + {new}[Mind body]->[Singular Trinity]

{New Skills}

[Personal Dimension]

[Heal[Level 237]]

[Engineering[Level 789]]

[Soul[Level 127]]

[Eye of truth[Level 315]]
