Chapter 19
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Three people sat around a table in the cozy inn where they were spending the night. As they enjoyed their dinner, Madara seemed to be suppressing a sneeze. His discomfort caught the attention of his sister.


"Sorry, Sister Yun..."

He paused, took a moment to compose himself, and then resumed eating. After they finished their meal, Yun suggested they head to their room. As they walked, she noticed the silence between the two children but chose not to ask about it.

Once inside their room, Yun told them to get some rest since they would be setting off early the next morning.

The next morning, Xiao Yun woke the two kids, urging them to get ready as they needed to leave soon. While Li Lu was showering, Yun seized the opportunity to speak privately with her younger brother about the unspoken tension between him and Li Lu.

"Madara, is there a problem? Why aren't you two talking?"

"Sister Yun, it's because..."

He explained the situation, detailing what had transpired between them. Yun quickly understood.

"Can you talk to her and explain why you did that?"

He agreed to his sister's request. However, unbeknownst to her, he had already decided to clarify things with Li Lu, even though she hadn't explicitly asked him to do so.

"Alright, I'll head out first to take care of the horse and cart we'll be using. After you're ready, meet me in the dining area, okay?"

"Okay, Sister Yun."

After Yun left the room, Madara began packing his belongings while waiting for Li Lu to finish showering. A few minutes later, Li Lu emerged, already dressed. Seeing her ready, Madara headed to the shower. After showering and changing into fresh clothes, he found Li Lu still organizing her belongings. He approached her cautiously.

"Li Lu, are you mad at me?"

She didn't respond, continuing to pack her things. As she turned her back to adjust something in her burlap sack, Madara decided to continue.

"I wanted to explain why I acted that way."

"I know you're upset because I wasn't listening to your stories while we were in line. I admit I was preoccupied at that time."

"Do you remember when I intervened to stop him from slapping you initially, and when I sided with that guy?"

His words brought back a memory for her, reminding her of a conversation between her mother and him.

"I didn't respond or react to what he was doing because you could tell from his clothes that he came from a wealthy or powerful family. Plus, he had a guard with him, and we didn't know what cultivation realm the guard was in."

"If I had reacted the way you did, something bad might have happened to us, and it could even have led to an attack on our village."

Upon hearing this, she paused what she was doing, realizing the potential consequences for their village if he had confronted Zhang Hao.

"I hope you understand, Li Lu," he said gently to her. However, despite his words, she remained silent. He moved towards the door of their lodging but stopped abruptly as he felt a hug from behind.

"Sorry, Madara, for my actions towards you and the wrong decisions I made." She apologized softly.

He turned to face her upon hearing her apology.

"At least you've learned to be more aware of your actions and surroundings," he said, gently patting Li Lu's head.

In response, she hugged him tightly.

"Just promise me that next time I tell you a story, you'll listen, okay?"

He readily agreed, knowing the request wasn't difficult.

"Promise, Li Lu. I'll listen to your stories from now on. Is that okay?"

She didn't reply verbally, but her flushed cheeks and tight hug indicated her approval.

He hesitated whether to hug her back, fearing he might be labeled as a pedophile because he was holding a child. It seemed he was taking advantage of her being a child, but from what he had read in novels, many protagonists (transmigrator) disregarded it. Out of respect for Li Lu and her dignity as young girl, he chose not to hug her.

She hugged him briefly, her embrace warm and reassuring, before releasing him.

"Are you okay, Li Lu?" His concern was evident in his eyes.

"I'm okay now, Madara. Thank you for everything," she replied, a smile gracing her lips.

"Great. Let's head to the dining area. Sister Yun might be waiting for us there," he suggested.

She nodded, and together they exited the room, making their way toward the dining area. As they approached, they spotted Sister Yun seated at a table, patiently awaiting their arrival.


From her seat, Xiao Yun watched the two children, noticing that they seemed to have resolved their misunderstandings. She waved at them, and they waved back, approaching her with smiles. As they drew nearer, she invited them to join her for breakfast, mentioning that they would soon be leaving. After they finished eating, they left the inn and climbed aboard the horse-drawn wagon.

Once they had settled, Xiao Yun asked them if they had forgotten anything. They shook their heads, indicating they hadn't, so she urged the horse toward the gate of Jin Yang Town.

After a few hours of travel, Madara silently observed their surroundings, occasionally listening to the conversation between the two. However, he lost interest when the conversation turned to their experiences. Curiosity piqued, and he rummaged through his sack to see what his sister had bought him.

To his surprise, his hand first found the wooden flute—a slender bamboo instrument with finger holes along its length. As he examined the flute, memories of seeing it in the shop for the first time came flooding back. He remembered how he had persevered in learning to play it, even without a proper teacher or master to guide him.

He also recalled the frustration he had felt during rehearsals, making numerous mistakes while playing the flute on stage. But his mood shifted as he remembered his promise to his younger brother to teach him how to play. With a sigh, he quickly returned the flute to his sack.

He took the book next, noting its ordinary cover. With curiosity driving him, he promptly flipped it open, hoping for insights into their world. However, disappointment washed over him as he caught sight of the title—a love story.

Despite his initial reluctance, he decided to delve into it. After all, they still had a long journey ahead to their village. As night fell, they halted their horse-drawn wagon at the familiar hill where they had rested before. Setting up their cooking area swiftly, they settled into their usual sleeping arrangements: Madara and Li Lu outside, while Xiao Yun claimed a spot inside the wagon.

The next morning, Xiao Yun stirred her companions awake for breakfast. With their meal finished, they packed up, ready to continue their journey homeward.

Madara continued reading, and upon finishing, he recognized the story's striking resemblance to Romeo and Juliet. As he placed the book back into his bag, a familiar voice whispered in his ear.

"Madara, what are you reading?" Li Lu asked, curiosity lighting up her expression.

"Oh, Li Lu, it's just a book," he replied, trying to play it off casually.

She glanced at the book with interest. "Would you like to borrow it? I've already finished reading it," he offered, his generosity evident.

Without hesitation, Li Lu accepted the offer, even though she wasn't familiar with the contents of the book. Grateful, she thanked him and carefully stowed the book in her burlap sack, reminiscent of their previous encounter at the plaza.

Lost in conversation, they didn't notice the passing time until Xiao Yun's voice interrupted them. "We've arrived at Jiandan Village," she announced.

As they disembarked from the wagon, Xiao Yun turned to her younger brother. "Madara, please accompany Li Lu to her house. I need to return the horse and wagon to their owner." she instructed.

He readily agreed to his sister's request, nodding in affirmation. The trio then set off, each lost in their thoughts, as they navigated the quaint village streets.

As they walked together, Madara noticed Li Lu's smile brightening with every step they took. Curiosity piqued, and he wondered about the reason behind her happiness but decided not to ask. When they reached their destination, they paused on the road. Just as Madara was about to say goodbye, Li Lu spoke up.

"Madara, thank you." she said, her smile warm and genuine.

Her words and expression surprised him, reminding him of the secret glances he'd caught earlier when she wore the same heartfelt smile. After a moment's hesitation, he replied simply.

Li Lu resumed walking towards her house. Upon reaching the door, she looked back and found him still standing there. With a friendly wave, she signaled to him.

Noticing her gesture, Madara raised his hand in acknowledgment. Seeing his response, Li Lu's smile grew even brighter, and she turned to enter her house. Content that she had safely reached home, he began his journey back, cherishing the unexpected moments they had shared.

He got home late that evening. During dinner, his sister reminded him to wake up early for their upcoming training session on using qi to manifest and release their nature affinity.

Realizing she had forgotten to tell Li Lu, she planned to visit her friend's house and shop at the community market the next day. She assured him that breakfast would be ready for him.

After dinner, Madara went straight to bed. Exhausted, he fell asleep almost instantly. The next morning, he woke up, took a quick bath, and packed his belongings. Thinking his sister would have already left, he grabbed a bite to eat and headed to the training area.

Upon arriving, he noticed neither his sister nor Li Lu were there yet. Leaning against a nearby tree, he waited patiently. After an hour, he took out a wooden flute from his sack.

Moving to an open area with a clear view of Jiandan Village in the distance, Madara stood still and took a deep breath. He wondered if he still remembered how to play the flute.

"There's nothing wrong with trying." he thought to himself.

With determination, he positioned himself and started playing the familiar tunes he knew on the flute.


~Goddess of the Mountain | by Winky詩 | Cover: 百鬼_IBUKI~

"Goddess of the Mountain" is the name of a Chapter from an ancient Chinese book of myths and legends that goes by the title "Chu Songs - The Nine Verses", dating back about 400 B.C. This chapter depicts a rather melancholic story of a goddess' promised meeting with her lover that was not meant to be.

~Affections Across Time (Inuyasha OST) cover by Dong Min~


In the end, uncertainty weighed heavily on his mind as he deliberated whether to continue. Memories surged, reminding him that this particular melody had been the last tune his flute had played back on Earth. He had poured over this piece, intending it as a gift for Lyn. However, despite the weight of nostalgia, he persisted, viewing it as a gesture of his newfound acceptance. With each note, he silently acknowledged and embraced the reality of his altered fate.


~DAVICHI (다비치) - This Love 이 사랑 (Descendants of the Sun OST) Flute Cover by Areeya~


As the final notes of his flute echoed in the air, a voice spoke from behind him, interrupting the silence.
