Act 1 Chapter 3 Delaying Fate
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Third Person POV

As the group waits for Beno to calm down, they start to discuss among themselves what could have happened. Most of them came to the conclusion that Beno must have received some sort of oracle or vision before the event happened. Or he just went back in time, but if that is the case, then he would just lay it all out to prevent the death at all.

As much as they want to deny it, it is the only plausible way to know what would happen beforehand. Beno is hesitant to reveal the vision, which means that he is not confident that that will happen, making the time travel theory void.

“Which means that if there is another vision of some sort, it will be in our best intentions to follow it huh,” Peter said and the others nodded.

“I mean sure it sounds straight out of a novel or anime, but if Beno really knew what would happen, then I guess we should listen, at the very least I don’t want to die. “Adeline said and all others nodded again.

After a while, Beno has calmed down and is no longer crying.

“So er… mind giving us a rundown on what's happening?” Peter asked.

“What day is it today…”Beno asks weakly, the others look around and answer.

“16th May, a day after Luca passed away,” Peter said. That is when Beno suddenly gripped the bedsheet hard and was ventilating.

Beno’s POV

16th May… I remember that date… what is…

Suddenly another vision came, this time, the main focus is not on Luca, but on Peter. Which only means one thing, the next person to die… is Peter.

As I focused on the vision, I saw that Peter is going home from Luca’s house when he is near his house, a bolt of lightning struck a tree on the sidewalk and it crushed Peter.

“Beno? Beno? Beno!” Kevin yelled at me as he shook my body roughly.

“Peter… don’t walk home today please…” I told him as they all looked at me weirdly, but not the accusation type.

“Explain a bit please, I don’t have a bicycle so I either have to take a cab or just walk home… and I don’t quite want to pay for that,” Peter said.

“It is another of the vision, right? So, how will Peter die today~” Kevin joked but was quickly shot down by the others.

“I… I saw that today when Peter was going back home from Luca’s house, a lightning strike at one of the trees at the walkway near his house, and it…” I don’t want to get too graphic but the others knew what I meant.

I knew that I should have told them all but… will they believe me? What if what I said is fake and the case with Luca is just a coincidence… what if Peter died precisely because he changed his route…

“You think too much Beno. Just the info is good enough, at least like this we can take precautions. Anyways, with this trend, I guess we all will die too… any idea when?” Adeline asked.

When… I try to think of when but I have no info. To be honest, even when yesterday after getting the vision I also tried to think of it, but to no avail, so how did I know that Peter will die today… is it because I saw him in person? Or is it because that today is the day that he will die… there are so many things that I don’t know…

“I… don’t know… The first one I saw is that all of us will die… but I don’t know when. Then when I saw Luca, the exact detail went into my mind. And today, when I saw Peter and knew the date, I know the detail of his too.” I explained to them and it got them thinking.

“So basically, we don’t know until the day huh… well, Peter, wanna stay at my house for tonight? You know for your safety,” Kevin suggested in which Peter gave it a thought and accepted. With that, the discussion of our impeding death is done.

“Say, you want to go out for a walk? I am sure that you are pretty hungry and you would want to move around a bit, you know, being in bed for almost an entire day.” Peter suggested and we all agreed. If he didn’t mention it I think I would still go hungry… my stomach is grumbling already.

Even though I am injured, it doesn’t affect my walking, but we still walk quite slowly. Heading to the hospital cafeteria to get something to eat, then out for a walk.

As we are walking we chat a bit about what happened at school after Luca’s incident. Apparently, the school is in uproar after the incident, not as big as the uproar in the seastead management though, it's news everywhere that a group of terrorists is in the seastead threatening to sink it. Some even had conspiracy theories that they were the so-called extinctionists who wanted humanity to go extinct together with the earth at the flood.

To be honest, it all sounds bs to me as a lot of it doesn’t make sense. But I guess insane people are there anywhere, I mean, you can also count me as insane as I am now predicting deaths.

Now we are just walking through the park in the hospital, it isn’t that big but it's still spacious enough for a lot of people to take a walk. I can even see some people just casually coming in to jog too since they probably live nearby.

Currently, Peter and Kevin are walking in front of me while Marco and Adeline are beside me, Peter and Kevin are discussing what to do at Kevin's house while we three are just watching them talk. That is when suddenly I hear a loud crunch, I instantly leap forward and push Kevin and Peter out of the way. The tree branch slams down onto my leg, probably crushing it already.

“Beno!” Marco and Adeline yell as they rush towards to me, Kevin who recovered fast also rush towards me to push the tree branch off my leg. That is when I heard a second crunch my heart went cold. I tried to stand up but my leg was broken and within my vision, I saw the tree branch land on Peter, head first.

Hoping that what I saw was fake I tried my best to crawl toward Peter, the others saw where I was heading and looked in the direction, yet what they saw shocked them all.

“No… NOOOOOO” Adeline screamed getting the attention of everyone in the park and some of the nurses and doctors rushed towards us. But it is all too late… it’s all too late… I failed again… I can’t save anyone…

“Luca… I am sorry… Kevin… don’t rush…” is the last words I said before I fell unconscious again due to the pain.

Kevin’s POV

Peter… is dead…

I up and see that the tree’s branch has been sawed off, which means that this isn’t a natural case, but who in the freaking world would do this! What the hell did we do that we need to die like this?

Looking around I saw a man trying to run away, he looked like he was trying to hide something, I immediately tried to rush toward him to question him, but Marco dragged my hand and pulled me back.

“Not the time for that… we have to quickly help Beno out.” He said as he tried to lift the branch out of Beno’s legs. Together with some bystanders, we managed to lift it away, but what was beneath it was really atrocious. Some of the side branch has directly pierced through Beno’s leg and I can see some wood chips is deadly embedded into his leg, making it even worse.

I tried my best to not look at where Peter is right now. I know that he is dead, I know that already from the other’s reaction, but I still don’t want to look at it. I am scared because I know, that the next one could be me… it could be freaking me and I don’t freaking want to admit it. I want to just hide in a hole and hope that this will end…

Within minutes several doctors have arrived and one of them is now treating Beno. Thank god that he is unconscious or else I feel like he will be screaming all day long. One of the nurses is now comforting Adeline, while Marco is just sitting next to her while looking at Beno.

“Say doc… will my friend be fine…” I asked the doctor who is tending to Beno’s legs, most of the foreign substances had been removing and he was now patching him up.

“This one or… the other one.” The doctor asked, but seeing me not answering he knew the answer.

“For this one, his legs will be crippled but he can still move, he might need some assistance to move longer distances though, even then, I would still suggest that he stay inside the hospital until we are sure there is no infection occurring in his legs. While your other friend… the least I can say is that at least it was fast. That is all. While I can’t say I know the dynamic within your group, I know that you all care for each other, seeing how this one tried to save both of your friends… but it is best you all try to console him once he woke up. I have zero doubts that he will have survivor guilt after this.” The doctor said as he patched up Beno’s leg until he was suitable for transportation.

Survival guilt huh… what can I say, it really feels very shitty… if only I went with you Peter… but then, that would be pretty irresponsible of me huh, I would be leaving Marco, Adeline and most importantly, Beno behind. Heh, I am not gay but I wouldn’t mind being with you Beno, you helped two of your best friends even if it meant hurting yourself.

As time goes on and the scene is cleared up, me, Marco and Adeline start to head back home. Well, now I don’t have to prepare a second bed since the original plan is canceled…

“So what do we do now huh, two down, four to go,” I said to the other two, while they were disappointed at my reaction, they weren’t too angry at it either.

“I don’t know, I hope that it will be me next, so I don’t have to suffer much,” Marco said, surprising both me and Adeline.

“Why would you say that? Nobody should die! Not like this… not so early…” Adeline said, the words slowly became jumbled as she started to cry.

“You know, maybe it won’t be that bad! Maybe after we die we can get isekaied! Then you know, we can become heroes and save the world!” I joked around, hoping to lift the mood.

“And what, get yourself a harem? Nah you are just the sidekick, I am sure the protagonist is probably Luca! You want a harem, well, enjoy the leftovers from Luca then!” Marco joked back. Then we all laugh at that.

Though to be honest, it doesn’t sound too bad. Leaving this world to another one, one that we can be free and not lock onto a floating rock in the middle of the sea. Maybe then I can be trying singing, yeah that doesn’t sound too bad, maybe as a bard, or even introducing idol culture.

“So this is where we part ways right? Let’s keep in contact tonight and discuss what should we do with Beno OK?” Marco said and me and Adeline nodded. This is truly going to be hard. Beno has watched two of us die in front of him… even just watching Peter can make my knee weak…

*ring ring*

“Mom? Oh, are we going there to eat? Sure!” it seems like there is still some good thing that can happen today! Dad got a promotion so we will be eating out today! Not to mention the shop that we are going to have the best skewers! Or Satay as I heard. Don’t know, it's meat on a stick, and it’s tasty and that is all that I care about!

On the path towards the restaurant, I keep thinking of the man that I saw earlier. He must be the one responsible for the branch incident, whether or not he is involved in Luca’s case is unknown but I am damn sure that he is responsible for this one… who does he work for, what is his goal? Man, this is getting my inner detective boiling ahaha!

Without even realizing I am near the restaurant already, just have to cross the road. Hey! Mom and dad are there already! I wave my hand and wait for the green light to come! Then it will be a feast!

Next week probably wont have any chapters due to me busy being forced to be a translator by family. Soooooooo yeah, see you guys 2 weeks later.