My Elf Girlfriend: Chapter Two
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That next Saturday, Alexander walked into a mom-and-pop coffee shop to see Catherine sitting on a stool. And his breath was instantly taken away by how gorgeous she looked. Catherine had put her long, sunset-colored hair into a slicked-back ponytail and wore a pair of square glasses. She noticed that he had arrived, quickly standing up to wave him over. This lets him see the sweater dress she wore and how it accentuates her beautiful figure. It stopped right above her knees, which were bare this time along with the rest of her legs. He marveled at the woman as he walked over and set his bag down before sitting across from her. 

There was a cup of warm hot chocolate waiting for him and he accepted it gratefully. Alexander was happy that Catherine remembered what he had texted the night before about not being a coffee person. It made the man feel like she cared. He took a small sip and was impressed by how delicious it tasted, this time swallowing a large gulp of its cocoa flavor. The man heard a familiar giggle and looked up to see the blonde looking at him, giggling behind her hands. Alexander moved his mouth around to feel that he had a hot cholesterol mustache and wiped it away. 

“Sorry, you just looked so cute that I had to laugh,” Catherine said before drinking her cup. It was green tea and smelled heavenly to the pair. 

Alexander smiled. “Well, if this date works out you'll see that I'm pretty much a bona-fide goofball.” This made her laugh some more, even getting a snort out of the blonde as she put her cup down. He felt his chest tighten as he realized that the date was already going so well without much done. 

“I think goofballs are pretty sexy.” She said while playing around with her hair. It looked even brighter from their first date if that was even possible. Honestly, the woman looked like a supermodel right now and he struggled to function while being in her presence. Catherine was just that beautiful. 

With a menu in her hands, the blonde looked over some food and quickly grabbed his wrist before he could respond. Her eyes were glowing with joy as she directed his attention towards a menu item. “Look, look, they have a couple's special. Let's have some fun and get it. I wanna try.” She gushed at him with her lips puckered up and puppy dog eyes to convince the man. 

At that very moment, Alexander swore his heart melted. He felt so good sitting down with Catherine he started to open his heart to her. They got the couple's special and shared the meal. It was themed around Valentine's Day which was a week away and looked pretty nice for a small business. With the drinks being in red mugs and the plates being shaped like hearts. On the plate, they were served a delicious red velvet cake iced with chocolate chips. Alexander watched Catherine take a fork and butter knife to cut off a chunk to try. As soon as it passed her lips and hit her tongue, the woman's ears began to move. They flexed up as she liked her lips, swallowing the yummy dessert which made her kick her legs back and forth. She looked pleased as she hummed, eating more and more of the cake as she boasted about how moist it tasted. 

Noticing that he was watching, she took a huge spoonful and leaned over the table. Her large boobs got all up in his face as she gestured for him to open his mouth. “Come in, try some. Even if you don't like red velvet you can do it for me.”

She continued to wave the spoon in his face as he faked debating her offer before opening his lips. The spoon was shoved in and he swallowed the cake, coughing a bit. And he hummed, finding that the cake tasted pretty damn good. It was perfectly moist with the chocolate chips melting in his mouth as he chewed. Catherine took her thumb and directed at his lower lip, wiping away some icing that got off the spoon. Feeling her touch him in such a gentle and intimate way made Alexander exhale. He held his breath as the blonde finished cleaning up his face and soon blushed bright red. She jumped back and rubbed at her cheeks, averting her eyes from his. Catherine was completely and utterly embarrassed by the romantic exchange between the two. She shook her head and slapped at her cheeks, looking like she was about to curl up and die any minute now. 

“God, I'm such a weirdo.” Before he could say anything she grabbed her purse and threw it over her face to let out a dramatic screech. “Uh! You probably think I'm some type of pervert. I'm so sorry for doing that.” 

Alexander rubbed at where she touched his lip, feeling the phantom touch of the woman's soft finger. “It's fine, Catherine. I found it cute.” Now it was his turn to become red in the face as he watched her gasp. 

“You did?” 

He nodded his head. “Of course I did, you're gorgeous and funny.” The compliments hit Catherine in the heart and she started to stammer about how he was just saying that to make her feel better. It made him smile. 

At the end of their date, Alexander offered to drive Catherine home, which she accepted happily. The blonde got into his car and smiled the entire ride while she spoke to him. She explained that she had been nervous that he would stand her up today. Not because of anything he had done the week before or because of anything he had said. Just due to some dates she had in the past that had gone rather badly. She didn't want to get her hopes up with him but today, he'd proven himself. 

The man felt his heart swell as she asked him to come over for dinner that Sunday. Catherine explained that she liked to cook but cooking for one person tended to get a little boring. With him, she could hear praise and criticisms from someone who wasn't in her mind. Alexander felt as if he had won the lottery. Here he was having two wonderful dates with a cool girl that shared his interests and now she was inviting him over. Without a second thought, he accepted and spent the whole night thinking about their plans the next evening. These thoughts were even stronger as she leaned over to kiss him goodnight on the cheek before getting out. Her lipstick left a stain to serve as a reminder that it all had been real. 

Alexander decided to bring some dessert to Catherine's as a show of character. From the way she spoke, guys didn't appreciate her efforts and cast her work aside. He wanted to show that not only did the man appreciate the invitation he also appreciated her. In a bag with some other gifts like perfumes and a new dress, he had pie. He didn't know if he was overdoing it or not but he liked her. Just with two dates, he was able to see that she may be the one for him. And Alexander hoped that Catherine saw him the same way or at least she could after tonight. 

It was a little around seven when he arrived at her house. And Alexander was taken aback by how grand it was. She lived in a neighborhood with a gate guard that hawho wave him in and numerous man-made lakes. Her house was large with what had to be four floors and a huge garden. The garden was grandiose with multiple berry bushes, golden brown trees, and tire swings you'd play on as a kid. He looked at this with her mouth open, feeling even more impressed by this woman. Catherine must have been hiding how successful she was in work which just showed him that her old dates must be idiots to talk down to her. 

There was a tiny metal gun he unlocked before walking up to her front door, a large wooden-looking one with a metal rectangular handle and square a window. He tried to look inside but there was a tiny curtain before it so he really couldn't see much. Smiling, he knocked a few times at the door. Outside he could hear neighbors' dogs barking and children being called inside for dinner a few feet away. The environment was rather peaceful for the brunette. Compared to his apartment complex this was like the Garden of Eden, an eternal paradise where you could sleep. 

“Catherine?” He called out for the blonde as no one came to the door and heard no sign of life inside the house. “Are you there? Hello?” 

The man frowned and started to knock again. “Hello? Catherine?” By this time he hadn't heard anything different which made him sigh. Alexander wondered if maybe the girl had fallen asleep and if it would be best to just leave her gifts on the doorstep for when she woke up to find them. 

Right as he started to accept that the date was off, he heard something. Someone was unlocking the door and trying to open it. Quickly, he stepped out of the way as the door swung outward revealing a woman who wasn't Catherine. Instead, this woman was much younger than the blonde probably twenty or twenty-one. She looked the man up and down, with a look of confusion on her face. They both stared at each other with blank, unsure expressions. CShehadn't known that he was supposed to be coming as she was dressed in sweats and a tank top. Eventually, it was like a light bulb went off in her head as she gasped and hurried to let him in. 

“Oh! You're Catherine's boyfriend!” The stranger exclaimed with as she grabbed his arm with a shocking amount of strength and yanked him in. 


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