Chapter 18 Unrequited?
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*Sena pov*



“Hmm? Yes, dear?” 

Holding myself back from exploding, I blow air into my cheeks and try to calm myself. Can’t wake up Yun after she fell asleep looking so comfy.

Honestly, how can she be so cute? One minute she’s crying about her internal struggle, and the next she’s all shy and asking me to keep her company in bed. I can’t believe she’s never even had a sleepover… I mean, I’ve known her all our lives but, haa. I’ll give her as many cuddles as she could ever wish for, and then some. 

“Er, Sena?” I jump at dad’s voice. 


“Are you blushing?” He asks in genuine confusion. “Didn’t know my daughter could turn that color…”

This serves to only increase my blush as I start to sputter. “W-wha? No! Of course not. This is just because you two started talking about your love lives and, er, experiences beforehand?” 

“Dear, that excuse was quite weak.” Mom says with a smirk.

No mercy from mom today, huh? Uhg...

“So, what’s the real reason you tomato-ified yourself?” Dad asks, crossing his legs.

“... Just been a very emotional day.” I look away from their gazes as my eyes fall to Yun’s sleeping face.

Gosh, she’s just WAYY too cute right now! Look at her tiny little nose when she breathes out! The way her lips parted makes the- I mentally clear my throat. You’re her sister. Stop thinking about that stuff.

My mind goes back to the question she asked me just a bit ago; ‘And what about you?’ Haa. Yeah… What am I gonna be to her… I should definitely just be a sister. I shouldn’t have gotten ahead of myself and said what I did. ‘Anything you want me to be, and more.’ I cringe at the memory. I hope she didn’t interpret it the way it was, well, meant to be.

“Sena,” I jump slightly and look towards the one who called me out, mom.


“It’s plain as day.” 

“Huh?” Is all I manage to retort with. What’s plain as day?

“Oh c’mon! The fact that you lo- Ack!” Dad nearly jumps out of his seat before mom grips his arm and anchors him. 

I feel the heat return to my face.

“No, don’t look away again. We should talk about this a little.” Scolding me and keeping my dad in place seems to come naturally to mom, what a multitasker. 

“You don’t mind if I sit in on this, do you?” Sitting up, Dr. Grey asks mom. Or any of us really. I think most of us had forgotten she was here…

“I don’t mind, do you honey? Sena?” 

“Nope~.” Dad playfully waves her off while I give a noncommittal nod.

“Great, I’m not sure if I’ll be much help, but I’m sure I can toss in some advice or answer some questions here and there.”

“Uh. I honestly have no idea what you guys are talking about.” I’d scratch my head but my hands are currently full of a divinely cute girl at the moment. 

“Is she dense..?” 

“Wow dad, you’re really hitting all areas today huh.” 

He just shrugs. “I try my best during stressful times.” 

“Well, let’s get right to it. Yun’s asleep, right?” Mom asks.

“Yeah?” I nudge the girl in question a little, only receiving a tighter squeeze and a few murmurs in response. “Yep, definitely asleep.” 

“Great. So, you’re in love with Yun, right?” She comes out with it immediately.

“U-urg.” I feel like I just got slapped but also dropped into a frozen lake. Luckily, the combination gave no room for any physical reactions so Yun can sleep peacefully. Beyond a groan and a sigh that is. "Why do you ask?” 

“Well, I figured it’d be great to get any miscommunications out of the way from the start. Especially if you two will be living together.” 


“So? What’s the answer? We won’t be upset either way.” Dad clears the air thankfully.

“You promise that whatever I say won’t affect how you treat her? That you’ll still adopt her?” I have to make this point, it’s necessary. There is just no way I can allow anyone else to take care of her, can’t trust it.

“Of course,” Without even a second of hesitation they both respond positively. “We meant what we said when she was like a daughter to us. Nothing will change that.”

I stare at them for a second and just... know they mean it. “Thank you. I’m sorry for being so difficult.” 

“It’s no problem, Sena. If we couldn’t deal with a moody kid, we wouldn’t have had one.” Mom jabs dad in the side again. “W-wow! I really am hitting every area today.”

Mom sighs and rolls her eyes. “I’ll come out with it first, Sena. I did in fact swing a different way back in the day. That was of course before your father and I started dating. I’m probably actually bisexual, but that’s not really important since I’m married to your father anyway.” 

“S-so, you and Mari-” Dad gasps and tries to ask about someone but gets, once again, a hand to the mouth. 

“Yes.” Is her reply.

“Mmpmp. I win the bet! Mmmpmh!” Freeing himself for but a moment, dad shouts quietly in joy. 

“Haa.” Pinching her nose, mom gives an exhausted sigh. “I won’t ask who was betting with you, but you are definitely getting punished. And If I learn who the betting partner is, they’ll be getting justice too.”

Shivering slightly, dad nods his head.

“Dad… do you ever feel like being a respectable adult?” Dr. Grey gives me and Lucy a knowing nod at my question.

“Nope. I got rid of all those responsibilities when I got out of the military.” Receiving a glare from mom, he retries. “I-I mean, I do have responsibilities b-but they’re more… relaxed? Now?”

Loosening her grip on him, mom gives a nod. “Mm. Good enough.” 

“I feel like we’ve strayed from the initial topic…” Raising her hand slightly, the doctor tries to get us back on track.

“Ah. Yeah, thanks Jasmine.”

“Of course.”

“So, you love her right? In a romantic way, or is it something else. And please be honest.” Staring straight through me, mom jumps back into the serious stuff.

“I… I think I do, l-love her. Romantically. I think.” Letting go of Yun slightly, I slump my shoulders. “W-what do I do? I love that I love her, but at the same time…”

The room goes silent for a moment as they process my confession. 

Eventually though, Dr. Grey starts first. “If I may, it’s not unheard of for adopted siblings to get involved romantically. Being completely up front with you, they don’t always end well.” My heart falls a little at that. “However, by no means is this a normal situation. I think it’s quite possible Yun may start feeling similar towards you.”

“R-really?” I feel my hopes rise slightly, even knowing that it’s a small chance. 

“Yes. Currently, you’re the closest person to her. I mean, just look at you two.” She gestures at us cuddled up.

Tilting my head a little, I ask what she means.

“Well, I’ve seen many relationships over the years. No one say anything about my age, I’m only in my thirties despite the hair. Anyway, a lot of siblings cuddle, sleep in the same bed, and friends do the same, but it’s all different for everyone. However, you two look like, and excuse me, new lovers with how you act.”

Fighting the blush creeping up my neck and cheeks, I try and keep myself composed. This conversation will likely dictate how I’ll act from now on.

“An issue that we don’t know about yet, is her sexuality.” Dr. Grey pauses to let that sink in. 

“Ah,” Dad gasps quietly when he realizes what she means. “You think her parents might have dictated who Yun was allowed to like.”

Looking back and forth at the doctor and my dad, I can’t quite get what they meant. “Huh?” 

“Haa. I hadn’t thought of that…” Pinching the bridge of her nose, mom looks over to me with a look of pity. “If Yun was told she can’t like boys, because they wanted her to be a boy, then they probably tried to force her to become attracted to girls.”

Realization dawns on me and my heart sinks. “Y-you guys think she might be very against dating a girl because of the trauma… Yun might think her mom and dad actually did end up turning her into what they wanted her to be.” 

Sitting there with the girl in question in my arms suddenly feels very different. Would she hate me if she knew? But then, what about Yuki? Literally everyone knows she’s a lesbian… The only difference is I like Yun and Yuki doesn’t…

“Well, there’s no way to know unless we asked her.” Dad throws me a life raft to save me from my downward spiral. “Personally, I don’t think that should be something we go over so soon.”

Mom and Dr. Grey nod their agreements.

“I know how much an unrequited love will hurt, Sena, but at this stage she is most assuredly not ready for something like that.”

“I know, mom… For now though, I’ll be the best sister I can be. And if she wants anything more, then we’ll talk to you guys first.”

Pretending to wipe a tear out of his eye, dad leans over to hug mom. “Look at how mature our daughter is, Lucy! They grow up so fast. Waaa-”

For the third time now, she clamps his mouth shut.

“Ignoring that,” Dr. Grey gestures to my parents. “If you have any questions about anything, you can always talk to them as well as me. And Yun is included in that as well, I’ll make sure to broach the topic if I get the chance.”

Tilting my head and sliding down a bit further to get more comfortable, I ask what she means. “When would you get the chance though? Didn’t you agree with it being far too soon to discuss something like that with her?” 

“I did, but if she had some sort of trauma related to the topic then it’ll come up in her counseling sessions.” She answers while pulling out her tablet to write some notes.

Apparently free and calmer now, dad joins us. “Ah yeah, that would make sense. I recall you saying that you’d join her for some of those?”

“Indeed I will.” She confirms. “At the very least I’ll be there for the first few sessions, if she wants to go at it alone then that’s fine too. She may even ask for one of you three to join her as well.”

“Is the counselor she’ll be seeing here, or elsewhere?” 

“Here. I’ll have you two meet her at some point. I’m sure you’ll like her as much as I do.”

Dad whistles while mom nods slightly. “If you say so, then we’d be glad to have Yun go to her for these matters.”


Afterwards, the adults dove into some more in depth conversations that lasted around an hour. I ended up falling asleep at one point while they talked. And even though I’d decided to wait for Yun to get better before opening up anything besides sibling bonds, that doesn’t mean I can’t sleep in the same bed or cuddle her. So until I felt her stir and awaken, I kept her company with my embrace. 

“Mm.” She lets out a little noise while nuzzling closer into me. 

“Yun, you awake?” I whisper and give her a light squeeze.

After hearing my voice, she opens her no doubt bleary eyes and gives me a smile. Gah! How can I possibly not fall in love with her if she smiles at me like that?!

“Hey Sena… What time is it?” Oblivious to my melting heart, she wiggles slightly before rubbing her eyes. 

“Around two I think?” I’d left my phone in my pocket and wasn’t able to reach it with our current circumstances so I guesstimated.

“Oh, how long was I asleep for?” Still content to stay in my arms, Yun continues her questioning. “And where’d the others go?”

“You were asleep for an hour or two. I fell asleep at one point too by the way so I might be wrong.” I shrug lightly. “As for mom, dad, and Dr. Grey, I think they went out to grab some food as well as bring us back some.”

At the mention of food, I hear a growling from Yun’s stomach. 

Blushing, she tries to avert her gaze. “I-I guess I haven’t eaten in a bit, so I’m kinda hungry.” 

“There’s no reason to be embarrassed, I don’t think you’ve actually eaten anything since Monday…” 

Looking back on it, yesterday morning she had the heart attack and today she woke up without some of her memories in a panic. The last time she could have even eaten anything would’ve been Monday for sure.

“Oh yeah, I think it has been a few days… Weird, I wasn’t really even hungry until now though.”

“Probably had something to do with nutrient supplements they gave you while knocked out. How’s the wound feeling by the way?” Moving over slightly so she can test her body out to find any issues, I let her out of my hug.

I don’t know if it was my imagination or something, but I could’ve sworn I saw her frown slightly after losing contact with me… Probably nothing, I shouldn’t get my hopes up.

Stretching while sitting up a little, she claims her body feels mostly fine. A little prodding at the area around her wound does elicit a gasp and a whimper though.

Before she can double over in pain, I move to stabilize her. “Tss! Owowow.” With my arms wrapped around her again, she leans into my center mass and closes her eyes. 

“Okay, maybe poking the wound you tore up yesterday wasn’t the greatest of ideas.” 

“Ha ha, very funny.” Giving me a friendly glare and a pout, she lets herself relax again. “I think I could get used to this feeling…”

“Wha?!” Flabbergasted and worried, I can’t help but stare at her in shock. She wants to get used to being in pain?! Is she wanting to self harm? Nonono! I can’t let that happe-

“Sena? What’s wrong? Seriously though, you’re way too comfy. I doubt I’d be able to fall asleep without you after knowing how nice this feels.” 

“O-oh.” Is all I get out. Phew. Thank god she just likes how I feel... Wait. I can feel my face start getting flushed again. Thankfully, Yun’s looking away at the moment so she can’t tell what I’m thinking or feeling.

A few moments pass while we just sit there, me behind her with her head resting on my chest and sitting between my legs. It’s peaceful… and nice. 

Suddenly speaking up with a meek tone, Yun asks me a question I’d been fearing and hoping for. “Hey, Sena?” 


“D-do you think, uh, y-you could stay over sometimes?” 

“What do you mean?”

Shivering slightly, she tries to get out what she meant. “I-I mean, uh, if you’d want to, uhm. Stay o-overnight with me, a few times? I just don’t know if I’ll be okay at night…”

The blush on my cheeks must match the red tint on her ears, the only sign I can see of her embarrassment. Though the shivering she’s giving off tells of something else; She’s genuinely scared. After everything she’s gone through, I can’t blame her if she clings onto the first person to show her genuine love. And I for one would be glad if she chose me to help her out.

“Of course.” At my assent, she relaxes a little and stops shivering. “However often you want me to, I’ll stay with you.” 

Setting her arms on mine that are still wrapped around her midsection, above her wound yet below her chest, she smiles. “Thank you, Sena. You’re way too good to me.” 

Happy Saturday (´・ω・`). Chapter feels a bit clunky, but we're finally getting closer to the end of this god forsaken hospital arc! Also, went and saw Dune 2 last night and got home at 12:30, I am exhausted. See you all next week!