Chapter 14 (NSFW – Longer chapter than usual)
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Leera and Arland started walking off the field of the arena with Valden when Exanther and a young woman met them at the exit of the arena.

"Good show, Arland. Leera, you must be proud of your apprentice to finally graduate."

Leera nodded slightly, "Aye. Just wish he hadn't been so deadly."

Arland grinned, "I'm sorry. I thought the point was to win. We both went into it knowing it could be a death sentence."

Leera glared at him, "Yes, but that doesn't mean you should try to kill me."

Exanther chuckled, "Not to worry. Lisa here is a mage specializing in healing magic."

The young woman stepped forward, bowing to the trio, "Greetings. I'm Lisa. I'm here to help and heal. Miss Leera, if you could move your hand, I'll patch you up right away."

Arland watched as Lisa's fiery red hair seemed to lift with a life of its own as she called up her magic, then her hand began to slow as she reached it out, placing it softly over Leera's wound. After a long, bated breath, she pulled her hand back, showing that the wound itself had sealed. The only sign that it had ever been was the blood that remained.

Arland blinked twice, unsure if he was truly seeing what he thought he was seeing. He reached out and lightly touched where the wound had been, "It's fully healed... That's amazing..."

Lisa turned to him, "First time seeing magic, I take it?"

Arland shrugged, "First time seeing healing magic. I've seen a few forms of it elsewhere, but nothing like this."

"I see. It's not too surprising. Most mages choose to specialize in offensive magic. There was a time when healing magic was sought after, but alchemist's potions are cheaper than hiring a mage."

Exanther spoke up, "But potions take time to work. They don't do much to stave off death. But a prudent healing mage can save your life if they're quick enough."

Leera nodded, "I suppose that's why you have Lisa in your employ then?"

"Me?" Lisa began, her eyes wide before she broke into laughter. "I'm his wife, my dear!"

Leera's face turned scarlet and Arland's jaw dropped, "Wife?!"

"Yes. But let's save that for later. You both have further wounds. Lisa here will accompany you two up to your guild room to tend to your remaining wounds. Valden, if you'll see me in your office, we have matters to discuss regarding young Arland's S-rank quest."

Arland opened his mouth to speak, but Valden waved him down. "Come, let's go. We can get cleaned up and discuss the details."

Valden and Exanther walked off, leaving Arland, Lisa, and Leera alone. The three walked to the guild.


In their room, Lisa smiled at the pair, "So would you two care for privacy, or will this work?"

Arland looked to Leera, who smiled back at him. "This'll work," The elf said, as she pulled her tunic over her head.

The young man turned red as he looked between the girls, "Wait, what?"

Lisa smiled sweetly, "I need to see the wounds to be able to heal them. You'll both have to be naked for me to get a good look."

Arland sighed and began stripping. Within moments, he and Leera stood next to each other, both completely bare. Lisa walked around, touching and healing the various wounds. Leera stood with her hands on her hips, proudly displaying everything, despite the blood covering her.

Arland, on the other hand, stood with his hands cupping his manhood, his heart racing, causing his wounds to bleed more profusely.

Lisa finished healing Leera before moving over to Arland, "You're adorable. So young, and yet a master of the blade already. And still so shy. I wonder if you're as good with that fleshy sword as you are with your steel."

Arland's eyes widened. He swallowed hard, unsure how to answer her.

Lisa's hand reached out and touched his abs, trailing her fingers around his body. Her touch filled him with vigour. He felt his pain fading and a warmth around his body as his wounds sealed.

Leera grinned, "What's wrong, Arland? Not used to such a sexy woman touching you?"

Lisa piped up, "To be fair, I could've healed his wounds without him being nude. But I wouldn't have known that without seeing them all first. Yours were far worse, Miss Leera."

Lisa stepped around to the front and stepped back, "All done. If that's all, I'll be heading off now. I find myself in need of my husband."

Arland stood dumbstruck as he thought over what she meant. Leera leaned up and whispered in his ear, "She's horny from seeing you. But she doesn't want to cheat. You should at least give her something to fantasize about."

Arland blinked, then looked down. He took a deep breath and removed his hands, revealing his manhood, fully erect at a solid nine inches and thick.

Leera looked down and felt stars in her eyes, while Lisa let out an audible sigh, "Holy mother of... It's glorious..."

Leera gulped, "Indeed it is... Arland, how the hell have you been hiding that from me?!"

He looked down, "I don't think I've ever been like this around you..."

Lisa grinned and slid her hand under her robes. Arland glanced up as he noticed her hand moving, right about where her legs would meet her hips.

After a while, Lisa pulled her hand out and turned, "I'll see you two around!"

"Bye..." Leera mumbled, her eyes still locked on the flesh rod before her. Arland cleared his throat and she jumped back, lifting her gaze to his, "Oh! Sorry... I just... It's been a while since I've seen one so gorgeous. It's kind of intimidating."

Arland couldn't stop the grin from forming on his lips, "What about that man you were with back in Daltonce, while I was in the dungeon?"

Leera stepped back, "Kadal? He's good, but he's smaller. Like... considerably smaller. He's got technique and power, but that's about it. I mean, I'm an elf, so even a small cock like that feels a bit bigger. But yours..." She let out a shuddering breath.

Arland chuckled and turned to sit on the bed, "Go bathe. You're covered in dust and sweat."

The elf turned and took a few steps towards the bathroom. At the door, she stopped and looked back. Arland had laid back, his cock sticking straight up in the air. Leera swallowed hard as she made a decision.

She walked back over, "Arland... Tomorrow you go on your quest. We won't see each other for a few years. Before then, I want to ask... Do you want to have sex with me?"

Arland's eyes widened. His eyes flickered to his manhood, then back to her, "You mean, like, right now?"

"Well, I don't know if I'll get the chance later. And we won't see each other for a few years. I've decided I want to be the one that gives you your first time. As a mentor, I should teach you all I know. I've still got tonight to teach you about the sexual side of life. I might miss a few things, but I want to at least teach you what I can."

Arland sat up and looked her over, "I mean, I guess we could. But after we're both clean."

Leera grinned, "That should go without saying, ki-" She cut herself off, took a breath, and finished, "Arland."

Arland raised an eyebrow at her, so she explained, "You're not a kid anymore. I need to remember that. You're my equal, for all intents and purposes. Hell, you beat me in our duel, so for that, you could be considered my better."

Arland stood up and turned towards her. He stuck a hand out toward her hip, stopped, and went to drop his hand. Leera grabbed his wrists and placed them on her hips for him, "Arland, I love you. I always have. But as you've grown, that love has changed. You're allowed to touch me. You will always have my permission."

Arland felt himself shaking as his hands touched her. "That may be, and I do love you, Leera, but not in the same way. My heart pulls me elsewhere."

She nodded, "I know. And I understand. I'll be here for you. Tonight, tomorrow, next year, or next decade. Whenever you need me, Arland, know that you've got my support. So please, just let me have you tonight. Even if I don't have your heart tomorrow, let me feel like I have it tonight. That's all I ask."

Arland leaned in and planted a soft kiss on her lips. It was salty and dusty, from the sweat and dust still present, but it was his first real kiss. He felt his cock twitch again.

She pulled back and looked down, giggling, "Looks like you're in need of release. Come, let's clean up so we can get dirty a different way."


Arland sat in the tub, the warm water soothing his muscles, with his head back and eyes closed. He felt something against his erection. He opened his eyes and saw Leera staring at him with a smirk on her face as her toes teased and played with his manhood.

"Really? You can't wait until we're out of the bath?"

She smirked, "Why would I? It feels so intimate in here... Like it's almost naughty..."

Arland grabbed one of her feet and pressed his thumbs into the sole, drawing a gasp from the elf.

"How the fuck are you so good at a foot rub...?"

Arland grinned, "How are your feet so soft when they're stuffed in boots all day?"

"I'm an elf. Our biology is vastly different from yours."

"Well, I'm good at giving foot massages because I've read up on muscles. All those books I read that you chastized me for, saying that I couldn't learn from a book."

Leera moaned as he hit a knot in the arch of her foot, "I was wrong. You learned something use-FULL!" She finished with a shout as he dug into the ball of her foot.

"You're so tense, Leera. Why is that, I wonder?"

"I haven't had a good massage -NGH!- In nearly a hundred years. Usually, the massage is just a pretense -AH! Right there!" She exhaled, before finishing her previous thought, "-to sex."

"Oh, and this massage isn't?"

Leera laid her head back, "It is. But this is different. You're actually trying to relieve tension. Like Kadal, every massage I've had in the last hundred years has been deliberately to get into my pants. The moment they're in, the massage stops. Oh fuck, this is heavenly though..."

Arland grinned, "That's because I'm not thinking about getting into your pants, Leera. I'm just trying to help you relax."

"I know. You've already got a solid in. We're fucking whether you massage me or not, so I can relax and genuinely enjoy this. Oh fuck..."

He released her foot, grabbed her other one, and began massaging that one, to much the same pseudo-violent reaction until the muscles loosened up.

"Leera, can I ask why you want to be my first?"

The elf lifted her head and met his eyes, "Because I love you. But your heart belongs to someone else. So my only chance to have a night with you is tonight since you'll likely find her before we meet again."

Arland trailed his gaze down her body, to the foot he was currently rubbing, "Makes sense."

"Truthfully, I don't care if I'm your first. You could go out and fuck a hundred women, then come back to me, and I wouldn't care. But It does make for an interesting dynamic - your former swords teacher becoming your sex teacher."

Arland grinned, "Perhaps. But I'd like my first time to be a little more... romantic than any role play."

Leera smirked, "As thanks for an ungodly foot massage, I'll let you decide how we do it."

Arland pulled on her foot, hauling her closer to him. She straddled his waist. He grabbed her ass and lifted, standing up and carrying her from the bathroom as her legs wrapped around his waist.

He laid her on the bed and looked into her eyes. She trailed her hands down his chest, "How's your acting?"

He shrugged in response, "It depends on what you want me to act."

"Love me. For tonight, make me feel like I'm the one with your heart, Arland."

He nodded slowly, "I can do that, Leera."

"I love you, Arland."

"And I love you, Leera."

Arland leaned in and kissed her, her lips parting to accept him. She slid her hands into his hair and gripped tightly as their tongues danced together.

Her hands slid down between them, gripping his cock. After a few skillful strokes, she angled his length towards her entrance and pulled him closer. He glanced down and pressed forward, entering her.

They both let out moans. Leera's nails dug into his scalp, while his hands gripped her hips. He began pulling back, then pushing in again, sliding into her as deep as he could.

Leera gasped, "You're so fucking big, Arland. It's going to be hard not to cum. Holy shit!"

Arland pulled back and thrust again, filling her. His eyes never left hers, his gaze unwavering, as he pumped into her again. She kept her eyes locked on his, reveling in the intimate connection they shared. She knew and acknowledged that it was an act, but she still felt like she was the only one in the world he loved. As long as he kept looking at her like that. Like he just couldn't live without her.

She caressed his cheek, "Kiss my neck. Play with my breasts. Whatever you want, Arland. Sex should be seen as fun and romantic."

He nodded, "Of course. Sorry, I just don't want to disappoint you."

Leera chuckled, "You couldn't possibly. Just know that women are delicate."

Arland snorted, his pace halting for a moment, "You? Delicate? You're tougher than most men!"

Leera looked indignant, "In matters of sex, I'm still delicate! My tits are still tender, especially when I'm horny. And my pussy is very easy to bruise, I'll have you know!"

Arland leaned in and kissed her neck as he kept thrusting into her, "I know, Leera. I was joking. Let me know if something hurts. But until you do, I'll keep going."

"I will. I want you to keep going. You feel amazing."

Arland smirked and bit down on her neck. She gasped, "Oh fuck!"

Arland pulled back, "Sorry, I bit a little harder than I meant to."

Leera reached up and gripped his hair, "Did I say to stop?!"

He sat up, grabbed her hips, and slammed into her harder and harder, slamming in faster, until their hips collided over and over, creating a wet, slapping echo around the walls of their room.

Leera arched her back, her toes curling as she let out a long, loud, and ecstatic cry, "FUUUUCK!!!"

Arland slammed into her again, again, and again, feeling his orgasm building.

Leera smiled, her body glowing, "Fuck, I'm going to cum again! Make me cum again, Arland!"

He kept thrusting, "I can't! It's too late!"

She gripped him harder, "Cum inside me!" She howled.

He grunted and hilted inside her. He felt a wall pressing back against his head. She let out a sigh of pleasure as she felt his warmth spread up through her womb. She caressed his cheeks again, "You're pressing against my womb, my love. It's a little uncomfortable, but it's so nice to feel so full..."

Arland laid down and rolled over, pulling her along with him, and keeping her impaled as he laid on his back.

"That's better. Thank you, Arland."

"For what?"

"For letting me have this moment with you."

Arland kissed her neck, "Why just a moment? Who says we're done? Once I'm hard again, we can keep going. Unless you only wanted the one round."

She sat up and glared at him, "The fuck makes you think I'd be satisfied with just one? Give me all you can tonight, Boy."

Arland nodded, "Understood."

Leera leaned down and kissed him, "Thank you. I know how hard this must be, to be intimate with someone you don't have feelings for. I appreciate you doing this for me."

"But I do have feelings for you, Leera. Not romantically, but... well, it's difficult to explain..."

She grinned, "Melamin."

Arland tilted his head, "What?"

"Melamin. It's Elvish. Depending on context, it can be used to mean Lover, Mother, or friend. It's somewhere in the middle of the three. We elves call such people Melamin. It's a sort of platonic romance. It's a love that you don't want to lose, that's closer than a friend but more distant than a spouse."

Arland nodded, "That sounds about right. Melamin. But I made you a promise. For tonight, you are my one and only love, Leera."

She nodded, "El'wen. Temporary lover. Usually used for escorts - someone you love truly and wholeheartedly for just one night."

"You lot have a word for everything, don't you?"

"Most things. When your life span is a thousand years, you have time to put to words every emotion you come across."

Leera glanced down as she felt Arland growing hard within her once more, "It looks like you're ready to go again."

Arland sat up, turned, and sat her on the bed, "On your belly."

"Ooh, pronebone?"


She giggled, rolled over, and raised her ass in the air, "Once you're in, I'll lower down."

Arland moved in and impaled her cunt once again, gripping her hips as she lowered herself to the bed. He began pumping into her again.

She moaned and gripped the sheets, "I'm cumming already. Oh fuck, keep going. Fuck me, Arland. Use me to your pleasure, baby!"

He grinned and straddled her ass as he kept pumping into her tight cunt. He slid her hands up her back until he found some muscle tension and pressed in. She inhaled with a hiss, "What the fuck...?"

He grinned, "A little pain can heighten the pleasure, right? How's it feel?"

Leera growled, "You're a sadist. It feels good. But it's not fair. Fucking me and massaging my back at once should be off limits..."

Arland grinned as he pounded into her, and at the same time found a knot and applied additional pressure.

"Ugh, fuck! Yes, right there! You know exactly what you're doing, you little shit. Just fuck me harder. Make me cum harder!"


Hours later, as the two were cuddling after multiple orgasms each, Leera laid with her head on Arland's shoulder, her arm over his chest, and her leg wrapped around one of his.

"So, how was my first time?"

Leera grinned, "It was fucking fantastic, Arland. I'll remember this the rest of my life, I'm sure."

Arland chuckled, "I'm glad. So, I came inside you multiple times. Should we be worried...?"

Leera shook her head, "No. I'm barren. Human women cycle monthly. Elves cycle yearly. But I haven't had a cycle in fifty years. I've taken a lot of damage over the years, Arland. My womb is more scar tissue than not."

He nodded and they remained in a comfortable silence for a while.

Eventually, Leera broke the silence, "So tell me about her. This mystery girl that has your heart."

Arland grinned, staring at the ceiling, "What's there to say? She's a dragon that I met years ago. I only spent a week with her, so I wouldn't say my heart fully belongs to her, but Seraphina seemed to think it did. She was under the impression that Nury felt the same as well."

Leera looked up at him, "Well, there goes any hope I had. I can't compete with a dragon."

Arland laughed, "There's no competition, Leera."

"I know. And as I said, I'm content with this. If she decides she wants to share, I'll welcome more. But tonight is all I needed."

Arland kissed her head, "I'm glad to hear it."