Chapter 9 (NSFW)
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Leera led Kadal up the stairs to her room. She opened the door and walked in, before turning around and slowly loosening the belt of her pants. She kicked off her boots and flopped back on the bed as she wiggled the leather and cotton fabric down her legs.

She kicked them to the side, lying back, her tunic covering her lower body. She reached down to grab the hem, lifting it to reveal her smooth labia, topped by a fine, dainty triangle-shaped patch of pubic hair, with just the barest hint of the inner lips poking between the outer.

"You wanted to fuck an elf. Get in here. Put that wagging tongue to use."

Kadal licked his lips and stepped over to her, kneeling beside the bed. He lifted her legs over his shoulders as he moved in, quickly flicking his tongue over her slit, trailing from the bottom to the top.

"Mmm, that's good. Suck on my clit."

Kadal nodded, wrapping his lips around her nub and sucking as his tongue flicked over it, left and right. Each motion sent shocks through Leera, who ran her fingers through Kadal's hair, pulling him harder against her.

After a few minutes, Kadal's tongue moved down, slipping into her, probing and exploring. Leera bit her lip and arched her back, enjoying the sensation.

"Mmm... Maybe you brutish humans have your uses after all..."

Kadal grinned and came up for a breath of air, "I could show you a better use for us 'brutes'."

Leera rolled her eyes and pulled him by the hair, pressing his face back into her pussy, "If I wanted your dick, I'd be on it already."

Kadal chuckled and went back to licking, the elven woman moaning as he ate her out. He brought his hand up and slid a finger into her hole. She inhaled as she felt her entrance being filled.

"Oh, you like that, do ya?"

"Got some nerve, entering me without an invitation like that."

"I'll give you more than you can handle, elf," He added a second finger, pushing deeper inside her, "How about that? Feel good?"

Leera didn't answer, instead reaching down, grabbing his wrist, and pulling him in.

He smacked her hand softly, "Hands off. Lay back and enjoy."

Leera groaned in response but she laid back, resting her head on the pillow as her chest heaved, matching the racing of her heart as her pleasure climbed.

Kadal continued fingering her. He sucked on her clit again, alternating between long, slow licks and quick flicks.

"Oh, fuck, you're pulling me in."

Leera's moans rose in pitch as she gripped the bed, the waves of pleasure growing larger and stronger.

"Cum for me, elf. Let me see that beautiful elven face contort in the sweetest agony!"

"F-fuck..." She groaned as she arched her back, gripping the bedsheets when her orgasm hit. She let out a sigh, her thighs tightening around Kadal's head, her body shuddering as she rode her orgasm.

As her orgasm subsided, Kadal lifted his head and licked his lips, "You're delicious, elf."

She looked down, wrapped her fingers in his hair, and pulled him up, "Get up here and fuck me already!"

He grinned and moved up, lifting her legs higher and placing each of his knees on either side of her hips, resting his cock against her folds. She flexed her legs, squeezing his cock between her well-toned thighs.

"Let's see if you can last long enough to make me cum again, Human."

Kadal grinned, "Who said that's the plan? You've already cum once."

Leera wrapped her ankles around his neck, locking them behind his head, "The benefit of being a woman is that I can cum repeatedly. The benefit of being an elf is that I've got more experience in making myself um than you'll get in your whole life."

"Well, then. If that's how it's going to be..." Kadal grabbed her by the hips and pushed himself into her.

Leera arched her back, letting out a low groan as she felt herself being stretched, "Mmm, yeah. Now we're getting somewhere." She gripped the sheets so tight her knuckles turned white.

Kadal leaned back, letting his weight push her into the mattress, and began to thrust. Leera reached up and dug her nails into his shoulders, pulling him down to her. She wrapped her arms around his back and her legs around his waist.

Kadal pulled his head back and looked at her, "You okay? This isn't supposed to be lovemaking..."

She buried her face into his shoulder, "Shut up and fuck me... Just let me enjoy it... Please..."

Kadal understood there was something deeper going on in her mind. He nodded and wrapped his arms around her back, between her and the bed cradling her as he drilled into her cunt.

She wrapped her arms around him and pressed her face into his neck, "F-fuck... Yes... Oh, yes..."

Kadal felt her body start to shudder again. Her breathing grew heavier, her voice hitching. He could feel her clenching against him as her next orgasm began to overtake her. Kadal didn't know what was going on in her mind, but he wasn't one to look a gift horse in the mouth. If she was content to imagine him as someone else to cum, he was content to allow it. After all, it wasn't whatever cock she truly wanted to be buried in her, it was his. That's all that mattered at this point.

Leera, for her part, was happy to have a man to fuck her like this. She kept her eyes closed, picturing the one she actually wanted. Arland as he would become. Large and imposing - a mountain of a man. But kind and sweet and caring. Unlike so many of these other brutes in the guild.

She felt herself nearing another orgasm as her legs tightened and flexed, her arms pulling her closer to Kadal. She lifted her head and bit down on his shoulder, crying out her orgasm, her back arching up off the bed.

Kadal hissed, "Oh, fuck, Leera..." He wrapped his arms under her back, gripping her shoulders. He pulled her down as he thrust up. The increased force sent Leera even higher into her orgasm until she was crying out in pleasure.

The force of Leera's orgasm pushed Kadal over the edge. He came deep inside her, grunting as his hips jerked forward, burying himself inside her. He stayed there for a few moments, leaning over her, panting heavily. He kissed her forehead, before pulling out and rolling to the side, onto his back.

Leera took a deep breath, her chest rising and falling. She rolled onto her side, resting her head on his chest. She looked up and saw his face, smiling softly, "Thank you, Kadal. I needed that. I've been so stressed recently..."

Kadal looked down at her, "I may only be a third your age, but I've trained a few apprentices in my time, Leera. I know you're worried about him. You've been training him for years, so it's to be expected that you're worried when his life is on the line. Especially since you're not there to cover his weaknesses. But ask yourself this: Have you done all you can to properly prepare him?"

Leera lowered her gaze, "I think so... He's fantastic... But I don't know anything about Seraphina's dungeon, so I don't know what he'll be facing. I couldn't get him any experience to prepare him for what he'd face specifically..."

"Isn't part of being a swordmaster being able to deduce your opponent's weaknesses? If you've trained him properly, he should be able to discern that, at least."

Leera nodded, "Yeah... Yeah, you're right."

Kadal met her gaze, a slight smile playing at his lips, "But you're worried for more than just your apprentice. You actually love him, don't you?"

Leera turned a fierce red, "I-I mean..."

"Relax. Like I said, I'm a third your age. You're an elf, Leera. Age doesn't really factor in. Once he's eighteen, you're welcome to do whatever you want until then. But before then, you're not able to control how you feel. Want to talk about it?"

Leera sat up and sighed, "There's not much to talk about. You hit the nail on the head. I love Arland, Kadal. He's the only human that's shown interest in me for reasons other than 'fucking the rarity'."

Kadal softly rubbed her back, "Hey, I like you for more than that. I mean, that's definitely a reason, but there's more to it than that. I've known you since I was a tyke. It should be obvious I care about more than just that hole between your legs."

Leera looked back, "Thanks. But Arland... He's different. I first realized how much I cared when he promised to help free my people. I've been in the guild for nearly a century, Kadal. And in all that time, he's the first one to ever promise that. And at the time, I thought it was just a childish promise, but since he made it, he redoubled his efforts. He stopped goofing off and started taking his training seriously."

"Sounds like he's the best apprentice you've ever had."

Leera nodded, "He is. But it's also because he's so different from the other apprentices. They're all so much like the other brutes in the guild. I've never met a man like Arland before. And, I can't help but wonder, if he passes this trial, will he leave me behind? He's so young, and your humans mature so much faster than elves. He could easily surpass me one day. And when he does... Is he still going to want his old teacher hanging around...?"

Kadal sat up and pulled her to lean against him, "Stop, Leera. If he's half the man you think he is, he'll keep his word. Even if he splits off from you to go do whatever else, he'll come back to you. I guarantee it."

Leera leaned her head on his shoulder, "Thanks again, Kadal. You're a good man too..."

He pressed his lips to her head in a sweet kiss. When he pulled back, he spoke, "So, Arland promised to help free your people? That's sweet of him. When he's ready, let me know. I'll join you. I've lived a good life, so why not enter a war with the demon domain?"

Leera looked up at him, her eyes sparkling, "I will, Kadal. Thank you."

He nodded and stood up, pulling on his clothes. He walked to the door and stopped, looking back over his shoulder, "I'll be here if you want me again. For fun or whatever. I'm here for you, Leera."

She nodded, "Thank you again, Kadal. I'll be down in a bit."

He dipped his head, turned, and left the room.

Leera flopped back and stared at the ceiling, pondering over what she had said. She hadn't even really known it herself, so how the hell did a brute like Kadal see it?

She closed her eyes and let the thought float around her mind as she eventually drifted to sleep.