A Dream about Shapeshifting into Animals and Encountering Roosevelt (1/23/2024)
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Adrift at sea again, I was barred entry from another country. There's some sort of multinational system for recording crimes, but what I did wasn't that. I tried to travel somewhere, relax for a bit once on land, and maybe talk to someone else. The first offense was initiated by my shape shifting; I'm a little similar to Nimona or Beast Boy from Teen Titans, allowing me to take the form of various animals. The following offenses were added on when I even set foot in a country, alerting authorities immediately. Maybe I could have confronted the first few and explained the situation, but I've fled on sight too many times now. My record of criminal "trespassing" is too large now.

Tonight was a deep, dark blood moon. I *needed* to get to shore. *Need* because the creatures not of this world, not Animalian, would be re-emerging; they'd be materializing from seemingly nothing. Black mist would form their very real physical bodies. It also did not help my criminal record that I'd appear in tandem with these monster out brakes... It was for my own safety though!

Shuddering at the thought, I took the form of a sea turtle, hoping that form would be enough to fend off the first few strikes of a beast, should I be targeted.

It was beyond dusk now. Light pollution was minimal, so the stars were vibrant and clear. The blood moon would have looked beautiful among them if it didn't instill so much fear into the living. As the sounds of the shore grew closer, there was a distinct lack of seagulls- gulls or terns.

I breached the surface, scanning the sand and nearby waters between the waves. My fins carried me as fast as I could drag myself. I didn't want to alert the beings of malice by taking another form. There were a couple of wispy silhouettes of shadow forming already.

Once a town bell rang out, fires from torches and potentially otherwise were lit. The humans were ready to fend off the monsters. That left me a chance to take the form of a human and run into town while they had more appetizing prey to pursue.

I ran far into town, finding myself in someone's backyard. Again, I was like Beast Boy. My skin had an irremovable green tint to it, and I was wearing a similar purple and black bodysuit. 

Instead of attempting to explain myself, and have some encounter where the signal coming off of my body takes priority over words, I decided to lie down in the relative safety of the yard, keeping my eyes open for hostile entities, while pretending to be asleep.

The town was successfully defended. I got to sleep peacefully for a time. When I woke up though, I was in a room of thick wood with vertical bars of metal over a window. Seeing that I've awoken, a man resembling Theodore Roosevelt, a man I knew did a lot of hunting, but one I hoped wasn't him, knocked on the door.

He obviously knew of my record. Thankfully, he didn't execute me on the spot; instead, he calmly asked questions, to which I explained the numerous misunderstandings regarding my several entrees of entering countries, usually for my own temporary safety before being driven out by unrelenting law enforcement.

Surprisingly, Roosevelt seemed disinterested in my history, instead he asked for help fighting a rival group fighting for control of the town and nearby settlements. Somehow, I agreed to join him.

Taking the form of an archer fish, I flanked the wooden steamboat. A creature resembling a Nopon, a fuzzy, round animal with prehensile ears, swam on the right, as we gradually progressed down the river with forest encompassing all that surrounded us.

We were looking out for an enemy ambush for the most part, and I did my job. Alerting the others to an enemy chameleon attempting to blend into the bark of a riverside tree, I shot my bursts of water out it it repetitively. The chameleon unable to move in its daze, was spotted by the crew.

A battle between two groups ensued. One side launching a number of arrows before I could spit water into their eyes with pinpoint accuracy, the other speeding up their ship and responding with a few arrows of their own. One of the elders of the ambushing group was hit fairly bad. Her granddaughter rushed to her side, eventually staring vengefully through me.

Her words were along the lines of "I didn't think you'd go for the kill," which really left me feeling awful.

Still, we progressed onwards. I had transformed into a levitating Mew at this point. Sakka-Robin apparently joined the crew on the steamboat, as I filled him in on the course of events up to now. It wasn't long before we arrived at the source of light pollution, a technologically advanced, highly crowded home. A party occured as Roosevelt, Sakka, the rest of the crew and I decided to join in, with the exception of the Nopon who was tired from swimming.

Within the very wooden house, the people were celebrating access to a sudden wave of new inventions and prosperity. One man was trying on a mix of foundation, contour, and lipstick. Someone was repeatedly shooting a T-shirt cannon. Things felt resolved, and the dream ended.