A Dream of All Might, an Amusement Park, and Dudunsparce (1/17/2024)
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Half-woken up upon hearing snow being shoveled outside, that became an audience's standing ovation for something a T-posing or Y-posing for something a guy standing in a light grey void deadpanned.

"セマエ" was the new protagonist of My Hero Academia. Hiding inside. of an elementary school quickly being flooded, she crammed herself into a very tight crevice of an art supplies closet.

Soon though, the rising water started to recede as All Might walked into the room, noticing the curled up and shivering girl who almost trapped herself in-between walls. The smiling All Might then gave the equivalent of, "ok, you're the chosen one now."

"セマエ" might have had similar interactions to early Grace from I will Touch the Skies, especially with a dark blue-grey haired "Pauline" in a maid dress approaching her with rage. "Pauline" owned a fuzzy looking Zweilos and another Pokemon to her side, as she started belittling the suddenly flabbergasted blond girl for being unfair.

At one point or another, there was a masterpiece of an art mural on the whiteboard of one of the school's classrooms, one that another person had given the golden stamp of [セマエ] in the top left corner. Seeing the art, a passing janitor decided "nah." He didn't give a second thought in leaving the art up, and walked from one door of the room to another.  

The door leaving the classroom led to a bustling set of stairs, leading to presumably the metro, with dressed up adults rushing in all directions. With that instant teleportation, the janitor continued on.


That, at some point transition into being at an amusement park on a somewhat-too-sunny day. セマエ was getting hungry and decided on buying a chocolate ice cream sandwich with m&m cookies as the bread part. Finishing that, she got in line for a rollercoaster that looked fun. Not that it'd be too fun after having already started flying on her own Pokemon, but it would still be worth doing. 

The rollercoaster had a theme of "Flying Komala" or something similar. Most of the seats were empty, but a handful were occupied by kids or teenagers all slightly younger or significantly younger than her. On the ride, セマエ closed her eyes, feeling that not knowing which ways the ride would fling her would be a far more exciting way to ride; it certainly was. 

As the seats released the riders, one of the younger girls, who had apparently been watching セマエ who had her eyes closed on the ride, with awe.

Asking how she could do that, the silhouette of a Dudunsparce briefly eclipsed the sun, gently arcing slithering patterns in the sky with its tiny wings. Dudunsparce wasn't a common Pokemon; seeing it, many amusement park goers paused at the unusual sight.


And then in a state of half trying to remind myself of the course of events of the dream and half still dreaming, I was Jaiden Animations drawing the scene of the ice cream stand before a blue, steel dome structure that led to the rollercoaster. The concrete tiles were clean and even. The overpowering sun blaring at the peak of the dome was the main focus of the image.

Jaiden was in a discord call with another content creator guy as she was attempting to describe the previous dream to him while drawing it. For them, it was snowing heavily outside, but it may have been a harshly warm summer in the dream.

I was doing Duolingo just before going to bed this night, and semai, せまい, meaning in a cramped or narrow space came up a couple times in that. It's funny to me how I didn't even realize that was what the katakana name I was seeing and writing down was from until halfway through writing this down.