A Dream of too much Discord and Asexual Reproduction (?) (1/18/2024)
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In the endless flow of text on discord, there was some discussion about someone's work being much better than another person's. I replied to someone with @baiting or @-someone, baiting. Although, in retrospect, with the flow of the conversation it felt more likely that I was the one baiting by accusing someone of clearly not baiting of baiting. 

The conversation then shifted to the one good aspect of living in (specific county) was that there were free books anyone could just take scattered all around the area.


I had Pokemon cards being organized all across the living room floor. I was sorting common-looking cards by subtle differences in their quality in addition to looking at their type, HP, set, and rarity.

It was dark and snowy out. Lilli, my doggie knocked to come back inside from out in the backyard. 

Somehow with her old age, she managed to trudge down the stairs and climb right back up within seconds.

Weird, but it was nice to see her so full of life. I let her back in and she plopped down into the living room that was covered in Pokemon cards everywhere.

Of course it was next to her bed, not on it, that she decided to lie down on. I quickly began moving and trying not to have the cards under her bend or otherwise be damaged as I removed them.

Then I turned my head. To my left was another Lilli-sized pile of her fur, her golden silk. She was shedding a lot lately, but this was more than a bit much. Cautiously reaching out to touch the pile of fur between the couch and the coffee table, she was still Lilli.

Lilli had reproduced asexually? Did she undergo fission or budding in the short period of time that she went out into the snow for? Was it because she started getting older and shedding more recently? I had too many questions, but I started petting both Lillis in my daze, as they were both in  reach.


There was also something involving looking up at the TV also in the living room. It seemed to always have Jeopardy or some other gameshow on, unless it was an old western instead. Trivia was playing now. One geography question was on a specific town's gym leader I hadn't heard of before, who happened to be a ground type specialist. The next question was asking about a nickname for the Australian outback. I verbally replied "Australia's backyard," not knowing if that was even close to what the answer was, but I started to fantasize about battling the ground type gym leader.

There might have been more to that; the ground type gym leader might have also cloned himself via some form of asexual reproduction as well.