Chapter 91: Long Time Coming [M]
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"Your eyes..." Astra's voice, a breathless whisper, shattered the silence. "They're different now." 

Eydis, still reeling from the vivid echoes of Astra’s dream, felt the air thicken around her. Each beat of her heart hammered a frantic rhythm against her ribs. The weight of Astra's gaze pinned her down, the unspoken confession hanging heavy in the air. Her throat constricted, words forming on her lips but dying unspoken. 

Moonlight painted silver streaks on Astra's raven hair, cascading down her bare shoulders like spilled ink. The black silk nightgown, thin as a spiderweb, clung to her every curve, whispering promises against her heated skin.

As her senses swam back into focus, Eydis felt the weight of Astra's hips pressed against her thigh. This wasn't a playful straddle, but a hungry press, her body angled toward Eydis with desperate urgency, her essence leaving a delicious dampness against Eydis's thigh. As her hips swayed in a hypnotic rhythm, Eydis moaned, overwhelmed by the familiar yet suddenly electrifying sensation of Astra’s drenched heat coating her thigh. Her hardened peaks strained against the alluring silk, aching for attention. The delicate neckline offered a tempting glimpse of Astra’s rosy flesh, teasingly peeking out, inviting exploration. 

With a languid grace, Astra continued her sinuous motions, riding Eydis's firm thigh with an irresistible sensuality. The slickness and searing heat between them intensified, threatening to drive them to the brink of madness.

Astra quickened her pace, seeking more delicious friction, her body moved with primal hunger, her breasts undulating in perfect harmony with Eydis's thigh. With each powerful movement, Astra's body quivered, and her breath hitched, her moans of pleasure filling the air. 

“Sorry,” Astra's voice, laced with both shame and longing, reached Eydis's ears. "I just...need you-" 

Eydis, her breath still ragged from the dream, propped herself up on her elbows. With a swift, almost desperate movement, she silenced Astra with a kiss. It wasn't a gentle touch, but a searing brand. Their lips met in a clash, the heat of their shared longing palpable. Tongues danced and explored, a silent language more intimate than any whispered confession. 

With a firm grip, Eydis's hands eagerly yanked Astra's tortuous nightgown, baring her quivering breasts, an intoxicating feast for the hungry gaze. She wasted no time, squeezing them roughly, her fingertips toying with the sensitive nipples, inflicting a delicious torment that brought Astra to the edge of pleasure.

But Eydis, ever the tease, wasn't satisfied with just that. She continued her tantalising assaults on Astra's senses, her fingers finding their way to Astra's core. With deliberate precision, she circled her fingertips in proximity to Astra's swollen clit, teasing and denying the direct touch that Astra craved. Each motion was a torturous tease for Astra, who whimpered and responded with an intensified thrust against Eydis's thigh, a desperate plea for more pleasure.

A seductive smile played upon Eydis's lips as she reveled in her lover's exquisite desperation. With a swift flick of her fingers, Astra's head fell back, a symphony of pleasure washing over her in waves. Eydis took the opportunity to trace a path of fire with her lips, starting from the delicate curve of Astra's shoulder and following the elegant line of her neck, leaving marks of desire along her pulse points. 

The clenching of Astra's dripping core against Eydis's thigh served as an invitation, and in response, Eydis applied a firm and deliberate pressure to Astra's throbbing clit, stroking and pressing it against her own drenched thigh. The contact sent electric pulses of pleasure coursing through Astra's entire being, intensifying the orgasmic sensations that consumed her.

Astra convulsed hard against Eydis, her body lost in the overwhelming pleasure. Each brush, each press, each stroke spoke of a depth of passion that transcended words, a yearning that pulsed in their very souls. 

Moonlight painted silver stripes across the rumpled silk, the fabric cool and soft against their heated skin. Eydis watched, mesmerised not just by the beauty of her lover's release, but by the vulnerability etched on her delicate face. Astra unravelled, a tremor running through her slender frame. Each shudder was a whispered secret, each gasp a melody only Eydis could hear. As Astra's head arched back with a final, heart-wrenching cry, she dissolved into Eydis's waiting arms. Her pale skin, flushed like the first blush of dawn, contrasted with the raven hair that cascaded down her back like spilled ink.

Words tumbled from Eydis' lips, each one heavy with unsaid emotions. "Anastasia," she rasped, her voice thick with love and a touch of fear. "I love you."

Astra froze, a gasp escaping her lips. The unexpected confession sent a shockwave through her. Tears welled up in her eyes, amethyst pools reflecting both passion and surprise. She tightened her grip, clinging to Eydis like a lifeline in a storm-tossed sea.

As the tremors subsided, Astra pulled back, her gaze locking onto Eydis's with an intensity that mirrored the storm they'd weathered. Amethyst hues bled into crimson, reflecting a fire now smouldering within, its embers glowing with an almost hypnotic pull. Eydis felt her breath catch in her throat, mesmerised by the raw vulnerability and fierce passion blazing in Astra's eyes.

Relief and joy washed over Astra, erasing the icy grip of fear that had consumed her. The fear of losing Eydis, of pushing her away with a single possessive word, had been a chilling presence. But now, it was gone, replaced by a wave of warmth that spread through her like wildfire.

"And I," Astra whispered, her voice a bare tremor, "am madly, desperately in love with you." The fear was gone, replaced by a love that burned brighter than any diamond, fiercer than any storm they had faced.

Eydis' heart echoed Astra's confession, a fierce beat against her ribs. She leaned in, sealing their lips in a kiss that tasted like promises and unspoken futures. It was a kiss filled with the heady aroma of passion and the lingering warmth of vulnerability shared. It was a kiss that spoke volumes, a language only they understood, a finality not of an ending, but of a new beginning.

The moon, a silent sentinel, witnessed countless whispered admissions that tumbled through the night like shooting stars. The room, saturated with the lingering warmth of their passion, still vibrated with the aftershocks of unspoken longing. Each tremor, a wave crashing against the shore, carrying them closer, farther, deeper into the unknown currents of their transcendent love.


The pre-dawn air, still heavy with the ghost of night, carried the potent scent of smoky sandalwood and cardamom. It was a spell woven into the very air, jolting Eydis awake. Crimson eyes, wide with surprise yet shimmering with a warmth mirroring the rising sun, met hers. It was Astra.

"I haven't quite gotten used to your new look," Astra murmured, her fingers tracing constellations across Eydis's bare back. The morning air, crisp and cool, sent goosebumps dancing between them like tiny stars.

"I can change back if it bothers you," Eydis purred, her voice low and husky, enjoying the feather-light touch against her skin.

"No," Astra whispered, her voice barely above a breath. "It was just… unexpected. Intense, even. I thought golden eyes were impossible to mask?"

Eydis sank deeper into the pillows, a shadow of annoyance flickering across her face. "Almost impossible. Looks like the old crone has a few tricks up her sleeve."

"Old crone?" Astra asked, intrigued, propping herself up on an elbow. Her raven hair, a stark contrast to the pale sheets, cascaded down her shoulder, and her crimson eyes smoldered like coals in the fading darkness. "You mean the original Eydis?"

"Yep," Eydis replied, the annoyance lingering in her voice. "And yours take some getting used to too, my beautiful sorceress." She leaned in, her breath hot against Astra's lips. "But I’m not complaining."

A low laugh, rich and sensual, escaped Astra's lips before she returned the kisses with equal fervor. Her damp, black hair brushed against Eydis's skin, sending shivers down her spine like the whisper of forgotten magic.

"Boundaries, Lady Astra," Eydis teased, her fingers tracing playful circles on the silken surface of Astra's robe. The ivory fabric, whisper-thin in the morning light, was unmistakably the one Eydis had left hanging in her chamber. "No showering without your girlfriend!"

A blush bloomed on Astra's cheeks, mirroring the dawn's hues. "Just wanted you to wake up to something pleasant," she mumbled, the confession laced with vulnerability.

Eydis's heart ached with fondness. "You always smell pleasant, Astra," she purred, her voice thick with affection. "Even when slumbering like a sleeping beauty."

Astra's blush deepened to a warm rose. "Did you... bathe me while I was unconscious?" she stammered, her voice uncharacteristically shaky.

Eydis raised an eyebrow, a playful glint in her eyes. "Would you prefer Indigo to do it instead?" A smirk played on her lips as Astra's blush deepened further. "Besides, remember who was in your dreams? I know you secretly enjoyed it."

Astra let out a playful growl, burying her face in the pillow. "Not fair... I feel shamelessly exposed."

"You are exposed," Eydis laughed, winking suggestively. But as Astra moved to straddle her, a surprised gasp escaped her lips. The blanket, suddenly yanked away, leaving Eydis's skin bare before Astra’s hungry crimson eyes.

"Seems the score is already even, then," Astra growled, her voice husky with lust as she leaned down to kiss Eydis fiercely.

Eydis moaned between kisses, a breathless laugh escaping her lips. "Looks like breakfast will have to wait," she murmured, her voice laced with desire. The brunette tugged at the edge of Astra’s robe, teasingly revealing glimpses of her lover’s creamy curves, she purred, "Ripping half of my clothes and now stealing the rest? One must wonder about your intentions, My Lady."

Astra's eyes twinkled with mischief. "I prefer my desserts…velvety," she declared, pulling Eydis closer for another searing kiss, the shared laughter fading into a heated embrace, the stolen robe draped tantalisingly on the bed, a silent witness to their passionate morning dance.