Chapter 8: Fan Club
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Soliciting Suzuki-sensei for advice had been a terrible idea! The blonde oddity had seemed about as shocked as I had been when I informed her of my up-until-just-recently inconspicuous classmate's apparent immunity to (at least most of) my magic power. As my teacher, senior and now also devoted slave familiar, silence or a confession that she had no clue what was up with Stella did not do. Instead, in a terrible show of feigned bravado, Suzuki had placed her hands on her hips, straightened her back and loudly proclaimed to me that Stella's strange abilities surely were the workings of a geas turned blessing, a wild mark on the girl's soul left after intermingling with the unseelie courts of the feywoods.

I had arched an eyebrow and simply stared at my Harem girl after her colorful tale. I knew nothing of magic, but I knew how to read people—Suzuki appeared to be more fluent in flowery, long-winded bullshit than the common tongue we both spoke.

Just as expected, the (erotic) goofball had cracked in seconds of pressure from my silent skepticism and yielded that, while the hypothetical rulers of the Sylvan woods may resist many mortal magics, if they could grant their boons to a sorceress who had perhaps left their verdant court was still a highly contentious topic among arcane scholars. So, Suzuki mumbled while fidgeting at the heart-shaped cutout forming the boob window in her leotard, even if Stella possibly carried blood from the old world, one could argue that did not necessarily need be the reason for the girl posing such a threat to me.

Invigorated by a second wind spurred by her own mention of Stella's bloodline, Suzuki had then begun to pace back and forth while gesturing animatedly. She had ascertained that while Stella's name may hint at a Sylvan origin, she could just as well bear blood from another powerful and spell-resistant magical ancestry. Perhaps even a distant blood-relation among the high divinity, like the divine trio of the Seven, marking the girl as angelkin of almost godlike power. After all, if she carried Blood of the Seven, no mundane brainwashing technique—even performed by a mighty Warlock—would work on her! But, the rambling instructor had continued, Stella being of such a caliber of holy origin would mean that my class—the entire school in fact!—ought to hold prayer sessions and offer tithes to the girl, since her blessings—or ire—would surely-

That’s when I had interjected, before Suzuki’s inane delusions got too out of control, that there was no way that such an unremarkable and plain girl was related–even distantly–to the beautiful goddesses and demons of the Seven. The mention of blood from one of the good goddesses was particularly absurd, given Stella's evil and demonic (and greedy) nature.

Besides, if we had a genuine demigoddess in our class, one whose powers could aid the Academy and almost rival the Seven if handled properly, headmistress Mona would surely have made some arrangements to ensure that this potential goddess did not come across as such a weirdo to the rest of her classmates. Granted, the weirdest thing about Stella was her refusal to yield to my overwhelming mental magics, but still! Stella should learn to read the atmosphere and have joined in with the others.

Suzuki had nodded sagely, hand placed under her chin, and agreed with her Master's points. But instead of falling silent, she had launched into a third explanation for the unexplainable—Stella could in fact not be a living sorceress at all. Perhaps she was a sort of mighty spirit or haunt of a past sorceress queen who still mimicked her forlorn existence among the living!

My soundless judgment and slowly shaking head had slayed Suzuki's further theorizing on my schoolgirl nemesis being some sort of powered-up ghost, and she had stammered out a quiet “S-sorry… B-but then, perhaps...”

At the blabbermouth teacher's fifth failed attempt at being helpful, I had grown weary and barked at the girl to shut up and go figure out for real what was up with Stella instead of making up wild (albeit somewhat entertaining) stories. Soliciting Suzuki-sensei for advice had been a mistake…

Suzuki visibly recoiled and winced at my raised voice and temper; the teacher lowered her head in shame.

“Prithee a-accept an ardent axiom of apologies, noblest Daiichi-sama. Such an u-unenlightened failure of a teacher such as this one is undeserving of but a speck of your Warlock-shadowy greatness and hell-tempered, nigh-infinite patience. P-please just… j-just banish me to slave away in the nether dimension–the whorehouses of Styx–like the dark elven ice queen was of mind to do. Suzuki-sama… this lowly servant of yours is not worthy such a lofty title… Oh, I cannot bear the weighty shame any longer! Unable to serve this one’s Master with advice like a proper sorceress familiar ought to.”

Despite the flowery language she still sprinkled her simpering apology with, she delivered it with none of the dramatic flair that had made her theories entertaining (if somewhat grating) to listen to.

I sighed at the pitiful sight of my young (?) teacher kneeling down, pressing her forehead hard against the floor and carpet in shame. (That rug sure had gotten intimately familiar with Suzuki’s face as of late.)

Asking Suzuki for advice had indeed been a mistake, but her pathetic, self-flagellation of an apology grated on my nerves even more than her ceaseless dramatics had. I had even bothered to give her a pep talk and promised to put her in charge of breaking in Erufu, yet me raising my voice in displeasure was enough to tear away all Suzuki-sensei’s bluster and confidence. The woman was an instructor at the most prestigious magic school in the country, perhaps the world, yet she still struggled with confidence in her own abilities. Curious…

Suzuki sniffled, forehead firmly pressed down, trying to hold back welling tears in dread anticipation for Master’s judgement. The pitiful sniffles made it even worse; guess I had a weakness for poor, abandoned strays. Dogs were loyal to their Master, after all.

I sighed once more before I barked a single order at the mess before me:


By my stern tone, there was no way to misunderstand what I demanded of the teacher. Erufu's hypnotic scrambling of her colleague's brain triggered and Suzuki instantly stopped groveling and instead quickly scampered back up to my bed and jumped on top of me.

My petgirl nuzzled her face into my chest, saliva wetting my robes as she slobbered over me with her pink tongue lolling out of her mouth.

“Suzu looooves you, Master!” She giggled out when I scratched my new pet's weird bunny-dog-cat ears.

“That so? So why were you crying and making a racket just now? Trying to make me feel bad or something?”

“Noooooo Master!!” She whined cutely, enjoying her Master’s rub-downs of her long, blonde hair too much to get upset by the accusation. “Suzu is just soooo, soooo bad! Being all useless and dumb! Suzu is Master’s familiar, yes? So she loves you more than anything! But familiar must be useful to her Master! If Suzu do bad job, Master will get bored with her and send his familiar away. Maybe he will take big booby elf woman as familiar instead!! Grrrr..!”

“Erufu? Eh, that apex bitch’s not really familiar material. If anything she’ll be something almost like my familiar’s familiar after she’s been broken and put in my Harem, remember?”

Reminding her of my promise caused the snuggle-crazy teacher to perk up. “Hehehehe..! Suzu loooooooves Master thiiiiiiiis much.” The petgirl sat up and swayed on top of me, attempting to illustrate and properly measure her love for me by using her hands as a scale. The adorable idiot soon struggled under the conundrum of attempting to measure infinity.

I smiled at her futile attempt—it was cute, humiliating and sexy how the normally overly dramatic, “edgy” teacher stretched her arms and hands to expand the scale with such vigor that her large breasts soon popped out of the heart-shaped boob window that had barely been able to contain them to begin with.

My pet familiar finally gave up on demonstrating exactly how much she loved me and instead fell forward, cuddling on top of her Master again. Her naked chest pressed against mine, only my thin shirt between us.

“You're pretty cute when you're honest about being dumb, Suzuki-sensei.” At the mention of her name and title, my teacher sobered up.

“O-oh! This feels... nice, Master.” She murmured, relishing in how her owner's fingers brushed through her blonde tresses in the same manner as when I had patted and scratched her animal ears (now gone, as she had “awakened”).

Suzuki lingered on top of me, hugging me in tender silence.

“The sandwiches were good, sensei. I'll expect you to keep serving me food of that quality.”

“Of course, Master!” She agreed in a dreamy sigh, planting a soft kiss on my chin as if to seal the deal. “I'm deeply sorry for not being more knowledgeable, Master. I've studied so much to prepare myself as a capable familiar for your sake, yet I'm stumped by the very first question of magical nature my Daiichi-sama asks of me.” The sincere, bared voice she had used took on a more forced and dramatic flair again. “Suzuki-sama’s unbridled shame is deeper than the inordinate abyss of my darkened heart...””

My hand slipped under the ribbed sweater-like fabric of her comfy “stay-at-home-girlfriend” leotard, and I pinched Suzuki's butt. Firm, with just the perfect amount of softness. Round, but not too round.

“Eh, just figure it out, okay? I'll have to confront Stella again soon, and I'd like to know what the hell I'm dealing with concerning her and Mona and whoever else is keeping tabs on me before I do so.”

“I swear I'll make you proud of me, Master! Your darkest, most sinister familiar–Suzuki-sama!–pledges this blood oath! Fettering myself to these vocables, bound to them upon the seventeen cursed constellations of-”

“Yeah yeah, good good. Get to it!” I waved my hand towards the door. Suzuki nodded fervently and was gone in a second, stepping off bed into one of her portals.

Given how those naked tits on her had bounced along with her nodding head, it had been tempting to keep Suzuki around to see how many times I could spatter her boobies with cum until I needed to recover (were refractory periods even a thing for me anymore?), but considering that she was a teleporting sex slave in my Harem, I figured I could simply call on her when I decided that time was rife for such an experiment. For now, I should try to explore the dormitory at least a little bit. Give myself a moment to settle down before my first day in this wild leotard academy would be over.

Fate had other plans in store for me, however. A sudden knocking on my door put a stop to thoughts of settling down. The thrumming was rapid and energetic, like a child hammering with an arrhythmic beat on a drum. Not that Erufu had even bothered to knock, but I imagined that woman's knocks would sound more like bells tolling for war.

I groaned, getting up from bed, when I noticed that my robes were still a wet from my petgirl's slobber.

“OhmygoddessesIjustcantbelievehowcoolthisis!!!” A high-pitched squeal assaulted my eardrums as soon as I turned the handle. Opening the door, I was greeted by Pine Bomber flailing her arms up and down with enough excitement and force that she could surely knock over an elephant. Her eyes were wide with delight, joy so palpable they almost sparked. "Ohmygoshohmygosh, ohmyfreakingosh! Daiichi-san!!!"

The energetic shortstack had not come alone; Pine was surrounded by an unlikely crew of compatriots.

Hikari's perfect, serene smile for her Master gave away nothing. From how the maid glared at Pine with side-eyes, and clenched her fists hard enough to make her knuckles whiten, it was obvious that her classmate’s undignified show of enthusiasm bothered my slave maid servant. Bothered her severely.

Behind the pair was a half-dozen (no, taking the time to count, just five) other girls, all of them keeping out of arm’s reach out of an abundance of caution. I recognized one of the girls from class, shy, demure, and even now hiding behind one of the taller students. The other four seemed… if not older, then more self-assured. Confident. No, what was the word…? Haughty.

“Ladies. How may I be of assistance?” I asked, flashing a charming, face-splitting smile.

“Ahem!” Before Pine could explain, the tallest, yet flattest of the girls cleared her throat. “My name is Mamoko Schild, President of the Defense Against Dark Magic club. It’s come to my attention that you were planning on forming a club of your own, one focused on defense against warlock magic. As I am certain that you are aware, Procus-san, given that you’ve attended classes for a whole school day, warlock magic is categorized as a subgroup of dark magic.”

The towering flatty’s potshot at my inexperience, and the stifled tittering that ensued among her compatriots did not pass by unnoticed.Bitches.

“Yeah? Well then, I guess you’re all welcome to join my club if you want to.” I shrugged, confident that my flawless maid had been hard at work fixing whatever permits and stamps were required while I had been off on my latest extra dimensional jaunt.

“Master, please allow me to inform you that-” Hikari began, but Mamoko scoffed and talked over my maid:

“The faculty administration has already declined Luxa-san’s request for a second club specializing in defense against dark magic. Sensible, no? The alternative–two clubs–would be redundant, an absolute waste of school resources!”

“My goddess, to think that such a young and talented sorceress, hailing from a well-esteemed family like the Luxas would make such a fool of herself. Then again, I’ve heard it said that the Luxas are little more than lap dogs for their warlock masters. Although, in this particular case–lap bitch–may be more fitting.” The confident club president smirked down at Hikari, drawing shocked giggles and even jeers from the other members of her club. “Your dear mama’s trained you well, hasn’t she, Luxa-san? I know very well how you’ve been instructed since a young age to take pride in your abilities to satisfy men. Are you certain that you are a sorceress, and not an especially well-trained whore, Luxa-san?”

“I can scarcely imagine being you; toiling tirelessly, sharpening your proficiency on all matters pleasing a ‘Master’–a man!–only for him to turn out to be this walking sack of lard.”

Hikari maintained her perfect visage of servility, not a single crack in her smile that gave away what simmered within her. She tilted her head slightly as she responded, talking slowly, with a soft voice.

“I am a sorceress, a prodigy of House Luxa, as you should know very well, Mamoko Schild. You are well-accustomed to the Luxa family, after all, as a ward in our household for many years.”

“I so enjoyed the tea you brewed for me, ‘older sister’, and the heavenly biscuits you kindly baked for us siblings whenever we asked. With warmth, I recall how you selflessly took upon yourself to clean our playroom every single day. Ah! How sweet was it not of you to scrub our family pots and pans sparkly clean whenever mother or the household maids demanded. And dear, when my father needed you to-”

Hikari gasped, as if taken by surprise by something she had just said. “A ‘ward’ or a ‘servant’–such a difference a title does make! Indeed, especially for a ‘ward’ so destitute that she would agree to anything, simply to have her family remain in our good graces.”

“Pray enlighten us, Mamoko-chan. Is it true that your father recently got into fisticuffs at the gentlemen's club over that twisted old joke. You know: ‘I may only have a schilling, but at least I’m not as poor as a 'Schild-ing'.” Hikari's lips twisted in disgust, the perfect smile finally waning. “So gauche! Such crass taste that my tongue feels bitter–honestly, it is understandable how suffering to hear it provoked Schild-san enough to make a fool of himself before the crème de la crème of high society.”

“Oh dear, how those less fortunate love to gossip about a noble line’s fall from grace. Imagine where our respective families’ could be by now... That is, if you ‘Schild-ings’ had not lacked all semblance of honor and dignity.” Hikari’s smile was back, but now as a merciless sneer rather than something befitting a perfect maid.

Whatever bad blood Hikari was intent to dig up and splash in the other girl's face had Mamoko fuming. “Why, you goddamn bitch! Your family stole our fortune and lands from grandpapa, and the Luxas used some demonic-”

The loud yawn Hikari met the furious accusations with was delivered with such immaculate indifference that it shut Mamoko up.

“You may refer to me and my family as whatever you want, Schild-san. True class will rise above whatever insults you lower-breed rabble hurl at us. However, if you ever insult my beloved Master again, ‘older sister’ Mamoko-chan…” My maid’s well-practiced, sweeter-than-sugar voice carried an icy chill. “...I will have you killed.”

The girls, both from our class and Mamoko’s flunkies, flinched at the threat delivered so nonchalantly. Hikari turned back to me–all perfect maid serenity again. “Excuse these troublesome cretins, Master. Please allow me to inform you of how we are going to establish your club.”

“When there’s a leadership issue between two clubs, things are settled with a Ritual Duel. Well, normally things don’t escalate quite so far, but some people refuse to see reason.” Hikari said, glancing towards Mamoko.

“As if I should dissolve my club and subordinate myself to some pig who doesn’t even know magic?” The taller girl countered, her voice slightly cracking.

“Yes, as I was saying, it’s usually a last resort, but we’ll be going with it now. Normally, we’d have a week to prepare, but with your consent, Daiichi-sama, the arena has already been prepared, and we can begin whenever you’d like.” Hikari leaned close enough to press her pillowy breasts against my chest, whispered into my ear. “She might be president of the Defense club and a third-year, but you can crush her easily, Master.”

Well, I did appreciate the vote of confidence. And since I had one of the teachers in my Harem already, I doubted a mere student would be any threat.

“Sure. But we don’t need to waste our time walking over to some arena. We can settle this right here and now.” I licked my lips, ready to hit these girls with the same whammy that had entranced Suzuki’s whole class (with one annoyingly frustrating exception). They might have their magic shields up, but I could probably wing it somehow.

“Ah… it’s not that easy, Master. Apologies!” Hikari immediately dropped to her knees, nose against the floor. “For things to be official, we need to adhere to the proper protocol, and that includes having a witness from the staff.”

“Oh, well, I can just call Suzuki-sensei on over. I’m sure she’d be happy to officiate—”

“My deepest, most sorrowful apologies, Master!” Hikari wormed forward, then began to clean my shoe with her tongue. “But only the current Advisor to the club can oversee the Ritual Duel.”

I was about to tell her to not make such a fuss apologizing over every little thing, but the happy little wag of her hips told me Hikari was getting off on publicly humiliating herself like this. Or maybe in her mind this was gloating, showing off that only she had the honor of putting her tongue to my footwear?

Suzuki would have been ideal, the girl would gladly cheat things in my favor, but I doubted I’d need the help for mob characters like these. “Okay, who is the advisor to the club then?”

“Headmaster Mona-sensei!” Pine chirped, earning herself a glare from Hikari, her tongue still on the leather of my shoe. “Isn’t that sooo cool!? We’re gonna be in a club together with the actual Headmaster! Ahhh! This is so super duper exciting, Daiichi-san!”

Mona. The one person I’d been trying to avoid. Just perfect!

“Indeed.” Mamoko pushed her glasses up with her middle finger. “Mona-sensei is a once in a millennium genius. A single hour of her time is more precious than a mountain of gold! So once I’ve won and you two become Bound Kohai, you’ll learn some real humility before you can even think of being so brash again. After all, as Mona-sensei says, the best way to avoid Dark Magic is to never use it in the first place.”

“In your dreams!” Hikari shot back up to her feet, then pushed herself chest to chest against Mamoko, her big, fat tits completely swallowing up the older girl’s teacups. “When Daiichi-sama wins, he’ll make all of you into brainless bimbo fuckmeat! He’s already defeated Suzuki-sensei and entranced the whole Mana Capacity class, so if you think your little abjuration tricks will help you, you’re only fooling yourself.”

“Oh really? Entranced the whole class, has he?” Mamoko arched a well-sculpted narrow eyebrow towards me. “Interesting.”

For a slave devoted purely to serving me, Hikari sure did love giving me reason to punish her.

“It was, ah… just a very compelling demonstration of my talents.” I said, prying the two apart with a hand on either shoulder.

“Hmph! Talent is no match for hard work, pig. The duel starts in one hour, and we’ll show you then.”

With that, Mamoko and her entourage turned and left, heads held high.

All except for one.

“What are you still doing here?” I asked the first-year girl from Erufu’s class, the shy girl who’d been hiding.

“Oh!” Pine bounced up to her and grabbed her hand, pulling her towards me. “Daiichi-san, this is Eiko-chan! Eiko-chan, this is Daiichi-san! We need five members for the Ritual Duel, and Eiko told me she had a crush on you and wanted to help out.”

“Pine-chan!” Eiko squeaked. “I didn’t say that! I said I was having weird, fluttery feelings in my stomach after class whenever I thought of Daiichi-san, not…”

“That’s the same thing, right?” Pine asked with the innocent face of an angel.

I snickered. It sounded to me like the girl was just confused from the memory loss Erufu had struck her and the others with. “Well, I am honored to have your help, Eiko-chan.” I gave her a polite nod of the head. But that did remind me of something. “I thought you already belonged to the Cooking Club, Pine?”

“Ehehe~” Pine rubbed the back of her head. “I still do. But after Hikari asked me so, um… nicely… I thought it would be fun to help out for today.”

I turned to Hikari. “You didn’t bully her, did you?”

“Of course not, Master! Pine-sama is one of Daiichi-sama’s dearest friends. A lowly maid like myself would never overstep my boundaries.” Hikari said in a slight panic, worried she might upset me.

“She didn’t! It was, uh…” Pine trailed off, pushing her fingers together.

“The traditional Luxa Family apology!” Hikari stepped back from me to demonstrate. “Knees to the floor, then palms. Forehead. Fold the body. Let your pathetic nature radiate out like that of a shriveled worm, and…” Hikari, having now prostrated herself, let her voice cry out at max volume. “Please, please forgive me! Please, help me! Please, this lowly maid asks of your assistance.

She then smoothly rose up to her feet, not a hair out of place. “Though naturally, for the genuine apology one’s attire must be neatly folded and put to the side. If you’d like, Daiichi-sama, I can—”

“No, no. Or… hm, maybe later.” I had more important things to consider.

Five on five duels, was it? So there was me, Hikari, Pine, Eiko, and… and…

“Hold on. Who is our fifth then?”

“Ehehe~” Hikari spun and twirled into my field and view. “I know just the perfect girl, Master. Follow me!”


“After we’ve crushed those NPC club bitches, you’re learning some goddamn portal magic from Suzuki-sensei!” I panted out, wiping drops of sweat off my forehead. Not just there, I could feel it on my sides, dripping out from my armpits, soaking the front of my shirt. For the third time today I had been forced to walk these infernal, never-ending stairs. Who even invented stairs, and why? As some kind of cruel joke?

Hikari weaved her fingers through the air and produced a silken napkin that she dabbed my face dry with. "Forgive my incompetence, Daiichi-sama. Please punish me in all the ways you deem appropriate. I’d thought that after you’d opened a portal in Suzuki-sensei’s class, you’d already mastered that art, though?"

I’d considered opening a portal myself… but reconsidered. The magic that these girls used was like archery. Carefully lining up a shot and releasing it with precision. Meanwhile, mine was more akin to a cannon. Overwhelmingly more powerful, but whenever I used it for anything complicated things tended to go wrong. Portals into new dimensions. Rewriting timelines. No guarantee that opening up another portal wouldn’t drop me on the moon or the bottom of the ocean. I really needed to take some time to practice the fundamentals. Later.

"Are we like, drinking tea to get pumped before the duel?" Pine chirped, the girl not winded in the slightest even though she had sprinted up and down the stairs several times, doing laps past and round the rest of us.

The hyper-charged cutie bent over, leaning herself over my slumped-over and exhausted self, to closer inspect the imposing door leading to the tea room. Leaning on me like that, Pine squished her gigantic, water-balloon-like boobs against my sweaty back and shoulders. Unlike when Hikari did such affectionate gestures, there was no intent to entice or seduce behind the shortstack’s behavior–Pine simply did not seem to comprehend just how impossibly erotic her body was. Alas, that chaste innocence made the ginormous globes of breasts pressing down on me all the more effective of a seduction. I had to add this booby girl to my Harem. Soon.

Eiko had not said a word to me since Pine had “embarrassed” her. The shy girl kept her distance and inspected the rest of us with wary eyes, like a cornered mouse.

"Tea, huh..? Bit of an odd choice of beverage, wouldn’t you agree, Daiichi-kun?” Pine mused, still resting her magnificent mammaries atop me like I were a shelf that had hit the jackpot. She squinted, glancing with suspicion from the door to Hikari–a (faulty) realization slowly building in the shortstack’s mind. “Hmm..! Ku ku ku..! Don’t tell me there's… t-there’s..! There’s boba tea stashed away in there?!”

Pine squealed with delight, skipping gleefully up and down, slamming her heavy tits down on me with every jump.

"Oh, huzzah! Hooray! Yes yes yes!! I really, really super really could go for some boba right now!" A beatific Pine slung her arms around me and hanged on, giggling like a kid. "Oh! Oh! Ohh! Have you guys tried those, like, the tasty ones? I mean the, umm, you know, the ones with umm, the vanilla ice cream floating on top? Mona-san’s treated me to that type of boba a few times, after-"

"There's no boba ‘tea’ in my tea room! Such an uncouth, overly saccharine drink is for commoners with no taste buds!" Hikari finally snapped at her talkative teammate. "Why did you two even insist on following us here?! I told you–multiple times–that this invitation was exclusively for Daiichi-sama!"

"Eeeep!!" Pine and Eiko yelped unison and scattered, the two lesser girls fleeing from their terrifying classmate by rushing down the stairs.

"I kinda like boba tea." I groaned, finally getting my breath under control well enough that I could speak without panting. I mean, what was with the hysteric outburst? It was tea, but sweet and chewy—how could one not like it?!

"O-oh, of course, Daiichi-sama! Such an intriguing blend of, umm, sweetness, sugar, honey and tapioca mark it as the… the tastiest type of tea. Verily, Master." Hikari agreed, ever obsequious, contradicting herself without skipping a beat.

"I merely said what I deemed needed to make the undesirables scarce.” She hastily added, my peerless maid even lied masterfully. “Now, please do not dally longer, Daiichi-sama. On to your secret weapon! Ehehe~”


The tea room looked the same as when I had visited it last time—rich, red velvet wallpaper barely visible behind countless shelves filled with jars and boxes brimming with tea from all corners of our world. The room smelled the same as well–fragrant, flowery and just a little sweet. No hints of the sinful notes of intercourse. A large, round table served as the room’s centerpiece. On top of that table was where I had lost my virginity. Life as a virgin. It felt so distant, even if it had only been a few hours.

“So where's this fifth member, Hikari? You dragged me back here, so I guess it's Litchi? Where's that thing been all afternoon, anyway? Busy gurgling on tea trying to get the taste of my spunk off her tongue?”

“Mhm, she’s waiting in here alright, Master.” Hikari giggled as she led me towards the back of the room, where boxes with new deliveries were stored. My maid bent over, wriggling her ass my way, before she pulled out a large wooden box, the sort used for marine shipments.

I pushed the lid off the box while Hikari stayed bent over, reveling in how her Master’s hand casually groped her butt. The muffled noises from when the maid had dragged the box forth had clued me in on its content, but the sight as the lid hit the floor was still a pleasant surprise; Litchi, the cheeky homunculus that had provoked me this morning, squirmed inside the treasure chest, her body tightly bound in shibari rope.

Litchi’s arms and legs were pulled back and secured with intricately patterned ropes, her pale skin illuminated by a faint light that shone from a small arcane mote of lumination placed inside the chest. The homunculus’ eyes were wide with fear, her breathing ragged as she looked up at the chest opening with a silent plea for help. Yet when the tiny thing saw that it was her Creator and best friend that towered above the open crate, her hopeful silence turned to ugly noises, protests muffled by her ball gag. She kicked her small feet at us in frustration. The homunculus girl tried to kick at us, at least; Litchi mostly just kind of bounced up and down, like a very angry worm.

"Why? What happened here?" I tore my hungry eyes from the bound artificial girl back to Hikari–Litchi's best friend as far as I knew. I had altered Hikari's past, but they should still be just as close.

"Lili attempted to conspire with me, made efforts to circumvent Daiichi-sama’s commands to her. Stupid puny thing, underestimating this one’s loyalty our Master." Hikari’s earnest kowtowing earned her one of my fingers tracing from her posterior down and then up her thigh, causing her to gasp and shiver. "Mmm~, so good, Master.”

My maid reached into the box and twirled Litchi’s shoulder-length white hair around her fingers; the homunculus recoiled from the touch. Well, as much as the hogtied thing could recoil.

“Sweet Lili's miscalculation is understandable, though, Master. She shared some of what she glimpsed from your mind. We have–or at least had–a telepathic link, the two of us. And since she can read your mind, she thought to show me how things used to be in the old timeline, the one before you gave the Luxa family your blessing."

“You’ve… been aware of the Word of Power all this time?”

“Yes, Master! And ohhh!!! I couldn’t stop crying when she told me! It’s such an honor!” Hikari squealed with delight, grabbing my hand with both of hers as she went to her knees. “The Luxa family has served warlocks for more than five hundred years, a sacred tradition that has strengthened our house and won us prestige. Master… you changed the world, changed history, and all for my sake. So that I could know the joy of serving you! So that my whole family would… it’s just… you’re so amazing, Master!”

“Huh…” I scratched my cheek. If I’d had any doubts of Hikari’s loyalty, they were gone now. Her own family and upbringing had done a better job of brainwashing her into my loyal maid than even I could. But as for Litchi… I reached down and unbuckled the ballgag, let her spit it out. “Having fun?”

“I can’t believe you’d let Hikari lock me up like that! You really are the worst kind of pervert and… hahhh? I’ve been locked in there for hours, and you didn’t even notice?!” Litchi looked downright offended as she read my mind. “You… hold on. With Suzuki-sensei… and Mankoh-sensei… and all those girls… wait wait wait… who is this fairy… where were you… what!? It’s only been a few hours! How… what is wrong with you!?”

I felt Hikari's hands at my belt; the still kneeling girl unbuckled it and began tug down my pants. Her eyes were closed, and the words my loyal servant whispered were so fervent they sounded like a prayer: "Lili is yours, Daiichi-sama. Her mind is already bound to you, even more tightly than the ropes that hold her body. Please, let my dearest friend know the joy of serving you, our Master."

Hikari was a handful sometimes, and despite her capabilities to serve me as a faultless maid she seemed to relish in giving me reasons to punish her. Hearing this princess of the esteemed Luxa family offer up her friend to me, like a kitten presenting its owner with a hunting trophy, all was forgiven. For now, at least.

I shrugged at the bound homunculus. “What can I say? I’m a natural.”

“Hmph! Headmistress Mona told me that warlocks were unpredictable, but this is just ridiculous! Whatever! You’ll release me now! Mona-san needs to hear this report. After all you’ve done, it’s clear you’re too dangerous to be a student, no, too dangerous to roam free! I’ve got to… to…”

Litchi trailed off, looking up at me with wide-eyed terror as she continued to read my mind. She witnessed–and remembered–how I had not just altered Hikari’s past, but her own Core as well. Litchi was a homunculus, an artificial being, and I’d reprogrammed her into my very own sleeper agent. All it’d take was saying her true name to reveal her true self.

“Wait… you did what… you altered my core… created a new personality? No… me… I’m the fake personality? I’m not… wait… hold on, Daiichi! Uh… Daiichi-sama… Y-you don’t want to get into any more trouble than you’re already in, right? So let’s all just calm down and—”


Litchi—or rather, Bitchi—let out a quick sigh of relief. “Thanks, Daiichi-sama. She can be so annoying with all that panic and guilt she feels. Thinking she’s a failure to poor, poor Mona. Speaking of, this Ritual Duel situation sure sounds like trouble.”

She wiggled around inside the chest. “Mind getting me out of here?

"In a moment. Too busy enjoying the view of you tied-up and helpless, stuffed in a box like a homunculus slut for sale.”

"Pervy pig!" My homunculus pouted.

"Eh, stop acting like you don't enjoy being your Creator’s horny little tease, Litchi." I shot back.

The teasing grin on the girl's face immediately gave way to an angry scowl. "You are not my Creator! Mistress Mona is, and she will have you skinned and deep-fried alive once she figures out how you've messed with my head! That idiot fake personality an imbecile like you has somehow managed to override me with is not me."

"Oh right, hold on! Didn’t mean for you to ‘switch’ there, brat. Still getting the hang of using the proper name at the proper time. Now then-”

Litchi’s self-righteous anger petered out as quickly as it had flared up. Only fear, perhaps even an existential dread, remained. "No! P-please don’t make me go away again. I’ll behave, umm, d-dear Daiichi-sama. I promise to be a good servant and, uhh, ‘h-homunculus slut’, that’ll do, w-whatever you desire! I can even-”

"Do it, Master." Hikari hissed as she slowly, teasingly stroked my naked cock–my maid hellbent to tempt me down the path of further depravity.

“Ahem! Bitchi."

“Jeez, is this annoying or what, Daiichi-sama?” The boxed girl gave an exasperated grunt. “You ought to know that a homunculus of my caliber registers emotions pretty much in the same way you humans do. To have me swing from fear, to excitement, to anger and then back to fear–extreme fear at that, thank you plenty!–in the span of like, ten seconds is enough to scramble my sensors a little bit.”

“Letting me see you in bondage made you excited, huh?” I asked, reaching a hand down into the box to caress a pale-white butt cheek, nicely gift-wrapped in masterful bindings of rope. The small homunculus flinched from surprise.

“Nnn~, not excited like that, idiot!” Bitchi gave an apprehensive glance at the hard cock towering above her, casting a looming shadow over her bound body. Hikari did an excellent job as a fluffer, teasingly massaging my engorged member with her fingers.

Trying her best not to stare at my mighty cock, Bitchi continued her lame protest. “You've designed me to revolve around aiding you in the subjugation of Mona and her rule over the Academy, and to ensure the ‘venerable’ headmistress ends up as your slave, Creator. Naturally, it makes me excited to finally be included in these plans instead of staying stuffed in a crummy old box."

Bitchi squirmed and struggled, again bouncing in place like an athletic worm, to draw my attention to her predicament. My cock twitched at the spectacle, my hand lingered on her impressive bubble butt as she wiggled it for me. "How about you loosen these ropes, Creator? Mean, terrible Hicchin's wrapped them way too tight with her spells–I can barely breathe!"

"Nice try, Bitchi.” The hand that felt up her butt slapped it once; Bitchi yelped, from both the impact and surprise. That felt good. “Dolls like you don’t need air. A mind reader like you should already know that I’ve poured over every book I’ve been able to find about homunculus.” Multiple times. And fantasized for hours and hours and hours about actually owning one. “What, you thought me groping your mid-tier artificial ass for a second would be enough of a rush to make me forget something as basic as that?”

"F-fine! Guess I'll stay hogtied in this stupid box forever.” She made a grimace and her ideal body fell limp. “I’m sooo lucky, being saddled with a lame-ass Creator, more interested in copping a feel than to make Mona–the strongest sorceress in the world–his obedient, slutty slave.”

“Low-hanging fruit is your thing, huh, Daiichi-sama? I figured guys with a massive chip on their shoulder like you got off on putting ‘strong women’ in their place, but I guess I misjudged you, Creator.”

“Please, please keep rubbing my helpless ass more!” She wriggled her ass again, my own homunculus ridiculing me. “Maybe spank me some more if you’re feeling really feisty? Pretty please? This gets you off, right, right?” Wriggle wriggle. “Oh mighty, ambitious Creator!”

That was much more provocation than I was willing to let slide. Time to indulge a little in those fantasies of owning my very own reprogrammable, homunculus girl.

“Oh, we're making Mona my slave, alright. But first, an order from your Creator, Bitchi.”

She read my mind, I didn’t have to speak it aloud. Bondage, being tied up and helpless, turns you on like nothing else.

The girl closed her eyes, and her eyelids fluttered rapidly for a second.

"Nnnn~, D-daiichi-sama!" Her eyes opened wide and she moaned, her white face suddenly flushed with heat. "W-wow! Sheesh..! T-that command... ahh, your mana’s flowing into me, uhhgnn..! S-sooooo selfish! This must–ohh, dear Seven!–be a perk of... nghh..! B-blessed goddess..! My head’s all… o-oh..! So… n-nothing like… Mona’s..! D-daichi-sama’s p-power..! I’m… I’m actually… a… khhh..! Warlock’s… I’m..!"

"Want me to untie you now, Bitchi?"

She shook her head, squirming in place, pressing her thighs together. "Please, please, Creator! Don't remove the ropes! Oh b-blessed Seven..! M-my m-mind’s… like it’s… y-you’re m-melting it.. you dummy..!”

Bitchi pumped her hips into the air, her legs spasming and kicking against the side of the box with loud thuds as she tossed and turned. “Ohh..! This g-gets you- khhh..! Gets you, all hot and b-bothered… hard and horny… d-doesn’t it..? Showing off your hard c-cock..! So… your head… s-so… dirty… nhhnnnn~..!

“P-pervy Creator..!” She snarled, protesting against my power over her with a whiny moan. The homunculus squirmed, bound in bondage that she suddenly couldn’t get enough of. “You’re s-so… s-selfish..! M-messing with me–ruining me–like this… like, I’m g-going mad!! Daiichi-sama’s lecherous gaze… your mind’s too dirty..! Horny, horny horndog pervy pig..! Y-you’re... getting off on this, aren’t you? S-seeing… a s-stuck-up b-brat..! …Get… nnnh~..! Go all crazy horny over… these… these… s-stupid ropes!! Nnnhh~..! Daiichi-sama’s dumb, idiot, selfish, pervy bondage ropes… y-you just o-ordered me to..! No fair..!~ Why do I have to listen to a pervert like you..? Ahhn~..!”

The last traces of haughtiness and smugness in Bitchi were gone; she cracked completely under the new overpowering fetish for bondage and helplessness I had instilled in her on a whim.

The homunculus' eyes were glassy when she gazed up at me, she sluggishly bobbed her head, confused and overwhelmed by a new yearning. "Daiichi-sama's hand spanking me felt so good! Please more! I need more~!"

Instead, I looked down to my maid. “Hikari, release Bitchi, would you?”

“Yes, Daiichi-sama!” Desperate for my attention and approval, she was quick to obey, levitating Bitchi out of the chest and back onto her feet before the red ropes uncoiled from her body and floated away, before transforming back into the strands of crimson hair she’d used to bind Bitchi in the first place.

“Awww…! Nooo! Not fair, I was so close, Creator!” Bitchi whined, stamping her foot and wiggling her cute, narrow hips side to side.

“Serves you right!” Hikari lectured. “Master has important things going on! He doesn’t have time for your foolish—”

“Hikari, give me some rope to tie this tiny slut up with.”

This time it was Hikari’s turn to whimper with frustration as Bitchi squealed with delight. Though even if she was reluctant, that didn’t stop Hikari from plucking a long hair from her red drill-like twintail, then letting it snake out into a long, flexible, soft rope that ended up in my hand.

“Turn around. Hands together.”

Bitchi didn’t say anything, she just hopped to obey, her elbows touching each other, her wrists crossed. I looped the rope and dragged the soft texture down her forearm, and the petite homunculus shivered. My other hand went between her legs and pressed against her fully functional onahole, eliciting a warm, wet squishing noise. So she had one! Mona sure didn’t skimp on features for her very own homunculus daughter.

“What’s your purpose?” I asked, just to hear her answer.

“To impersonate the Litchi persona and ultimately help you…” Bitchi stopped herself, sucking in air tightly as I tied the rope into a simple knot around her wrist. Her knees buckled slightly, but she continued. “ you enslave Headmistress Mona.”

“And what’s your other purpose?”

It didn’t matter how open-ended the question was. Not when she was such a skilled mind reader. “To be Daiichi-sama personal, fully featured, highly customizable sex doll!”

“Wider hips.”

Immediately, Bitchi’s hips flared, a long thigh gap forming as her legs bowed inwards.

“Put some meat on those thighs. A little more. A little more…” I put my middle two fingers between her thighs, resting against the crack of her leotard, and I didn’t stop her until there was just enough of a thigh gap for my fingers to fit through.

“Much better.” Part of me wanted to give her nearly flat chest the same treatment… but I already had plenty of titty monsters in my Harem. I was in the mood for something new. I took a seat on the floor, arm resting on the low-lying tea table. “Hikari, prepare some tea.”

“Yes, Daiichi-sama!” The poor girl didn’t know whether she should be thrilled at making herself useful or devastated that she was in the audience this time, so her cracking voice was a mixture of both.


“Yes, Creator?” Bitchi asked, falling to her knees in front of me, licking her lips with pure lust as she stared at me. Hot as she was, I wanted to pin her down and fuck her. But… so many stairs. I was exhausted. So sore that… hmm. Actually, I wasn’t feeling sore at all. My body was soaked with sweat, to be sure, but the exhaustion had already faded. Magic?

No matter!

I wanted to pin her down and fuck her, throw her against the wall and fuck her, lift her into the air, grab her by the waist, and fuck her like a cheap onahole. I wanted to do all of these things. But what I wanted to do at this particular moment… was make her work for it.

“Jack me off with those cute thighs of yours.”

“That…” She paused, working out the logistics of the request. Me, sitting down near the table. Her, arms bound behind her back. “Yes, Creator!”

Bitchi crawled forward on her knees, then slowly inched her way onto my lap, sitting sideways, one plump thigh on either side of my manhood. Artificial though she was, though thighs felt heavenly. Soft as any girls’ breast, slightly damp, very warm. “Excuse me, Creator…”

Bitchi leaned backwards, planting her tied up hands on the floor on one side, her legs going under the table on the other. Her muscles tensed, and using her legs, she lifted up her hips, dragging her thighs up with them, ascending up the length of my cock before dropping back down, light as a feather in my lap.


“You call this a thigh job?” I pulled at the fabric of her leotard, stretching it to reveal her pert teacup-shaped breasts, then pinched a bright pink nipple between my thumb and forefinger, twisting it until she groaned, eyes shut tight. “Where’s the lubrication?”

“Sorry, Creator! Bitchi is a stupid virgin sextoy that needs her Master to explain every little thing. If I was any smarter, I wouldn’t be Master’s dumb bitch onahole right now, right?” I couldn’t have said it better myself!

Bitchi leaned forward, bending her head over my cock , and let hot, sticky drool flow out of her mouth. Thicker than a normal’s girls drool. More of it too. Was she producing actual lubricant? I jammed two fingers into her mouth and stirred it around for a few seconds. When I pulled it out and had a taste, there was a sharp citrus burst of blueberry flavor in my mouth. Was that something she’d done just for me? Or had Mona designed her this way? A question for another day.

The girl snapped for the two fingers that had just left her mouth, clamping her perky, full lips around them.

"Mmmh..!" She moaned, swirling her tongue over and under my fingers, playing with the thick, gooey lubricant as she rubbed her thighs with calculated movement, massaging the cock she had buried there.

The slick, slippery consistency spread across my member, making it slide up and down Bitchi's thighs and crotch easily. She pressed tighter and sped up her rhythm, only to soon slow down her rocking movement and give my penis a single hard, long squeeze. The homunculus read my mind, and adapted with no delay, doing exactly what I desired her to.

My fingers pushed further down her squishy mouth which caused Bitchi to press her tongue against them. She molded it to make a small pocket that offered just enough resistance; sliding in and out her lubricated mouth and throat felt almost like I finger-banged the girl. Hikari did a poor job at not letting jealousy shine through as she eyed her best friend having her lips and throat violated. My selfish maid prepared my tea with just one hand–the other wouldn’t leave her dripping crotch.

The fuckdoll did not relent on releasing more of her thick, flavorful drool. It must have been obvious what a turn-on it was–the sight of this petulant fake girl lubed up, covered in the stuff, Bitchi’s ivory, slut leotard gradually spoiled slick and shiny.

Goo streamed out her mouth as she suckled on my fingers; it dripped down her chin, sticking to her small chest and tight belly before it pooled in her lap where my cock was buried. The strange, lewd secretion was pleasantly warm and a just little tingly.

Bitchi alternated between pumping her thighs, jerking my cock with fierce intent, and suggestive, gentle gyrating while she peered up at me with her manufactured eyes hazy with what looked like pure adoration. Her white skin was flushed rosy red, the lubricating oil gave my little sex toy a slick sheen.

This homunculus needed to jack me off with her cute, plump thighs–she had to fulfil her Master’s order. Needed to jack me off with those thighs I had made her expand.

Glancing into my mind, the artificial girl could tell I was close. With reluctance, she flattened her strange tongue and released the fingers that had accosted her mouth.

"Please Creator, cum for me." She begged, the needy whimper slurred by thick goo that filled her mouth and still slowly dribbled down her lolled out tongue. Bitchi opened wide, like she was begging for my cock to be jammed in there to replace the fingers she sorely missed. "Cum on your personal customizable, dumb bitch onahole sex doll."

I did. As if she wanted to challenge me, Bitchi pressed her thighs hard against and over the head of my cock just as she felt me twitch and erupt. Despite her efforts, my torrent of cum burst through and splashed up over her abdomen and modest chest. Some semen hit her chin and white hair but her gaping mouth was left wanting (merely due to the inconvenient angle!).

“Not bad, now—” Before I had even given her an order to lick it up, Bitchi leaned forward and greedily dragged her tongue over her (recently expanded) thighs, my cum and her lubricating saliva intermingling as she worked on licking herself clean. Her hands were still bound, but she didn’t let that stop her.

“No fair! I’m Daiichi-sama’s clean up girl…” Hikari whined, going on her hands and knees, bullying her way in on the action to start cleaning my cock with her own tongue.

“It’s fine. Creator was paying almost as much attention to you as he was to me. The idea of sexually frustrating a noble as sexy as you, jerking off using his sextoy while a real woman could only watch and whimper, got him super hard.” Bitchi said as she ceded the high ground, going low to take care of my sweaty balls instead.

“R-really? D-daiichi-sama? I’m so… suh-sorry!” Hikari seemed genuinely touched and overwhelmed. “Of course you’d know better than me how best I could serve you. And by behaving otherwise… I didn’t put my trust in you! I’ve been naughty and disobedient! Forgive me… no, I don’t deserve your forgiveness, Daiichi-sama! Daiichi-samaaaa!!” Hikari wailed with wet eyes.

“Oh, come on. I don’t—”

Before I could say anything else, Bitchi interrupted. “Creator enjoyed your jealous routine, but the waterworks are not his favorite. He finds it annoying, even though he was going to try and placate out of habit, not realizing that as a member of your Harem, your own feelings mean nothing at all.”

I pursed my lips. “Bitchi, you’re—”

“Starting to annoy you, reading your mind and saying what it is you think? A necessary thing, to split your attention evenly between the two of us,” Bitchi said, before going back to licking my balls.

“Necessary why?” I asked patiently. It’s surprisingly easy to be patient when you’ve got two girls worshipping your cock and balls with their mouths, it turns out.

Bitchi didn’t answer right away. Instead, she nuzzled at Hikari’s face with her own, guiding her head until the two were sharing a kiss around the helmet of my rock hard cock. Damn it! These two had already gotten me hard again!

As they shared the kiss, Hikari’s eyes went wide with surprise, then half-lidded with arousal, before opening wide again, sparkling this time with excitement, a smile so big it was obvious even with all the kissing going on.

The two pulled back, then rubbed their soft cheeks on either side of my cock, looked up at me.

“Daiichi-sama—” Hikari cooed with perfect submission.

“Creator—” Bitchi’s eyes were flat and empty, her voice monotone and emotionless.

They addressed me at the same time, then continued in the kind of perfect unison you’d only get from a long, deep friendship with a mind reader. “—owns us. Body, mind, heart, and soul. We love to serve our Master. Our lewd bodies exist only for his pleasure. Daiichi-sama/Creator deserves all the hottest women in the world.”

“We love to obey. Obedience is pleasure. Pleasure is obedience.”

“We love our Master. Master is so sexy. We can’t win against Master’s cock.”

“Master, please use your needy sex toys. We used to think we were better than you, that you were disgusting, but you put us in our place. Now we can’t live without you!”

“Please fuck your dumb, bitchy, slutty slaves, Master!” Bitchi said.

Hikari said it in perfect unison as well, like they’d been saying everything else. But she only got as far as ‘bitchy’ before I had shoved her face down on my cock.

“Master’s cock is so tasty. Master’s hands are so big and strong. Your submissive maid slaves would love to spend her whole life choking on this cock.” Litchi continued her monotone monologue as she wiggled closer to me, whispering the words in my ear softly, peppering me with kisses in between each worshipful mantra.

I started losing track of time. After the third… fourth?... orgasm, I remembered the Ritual Duel. But when Bitchi assured me we still had plenty of time to prepare, well… Something did feel a bit off about it, but eh…

How hard could it be? I was the Warlock. I had more magic than anyone in this school, could twist reality to my liking. I wasn’t going to lose in a duel against some mob-faced brats.

…is what I thought.

It was only as I started walking towards the club room that anyone bothered to mention it was a card game. A dire battle of cards and wits, one that I was severely late to.