Chapter 11 – Leftovers
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Now that the chaos within the forest had died down, I took a moment to assess the aftermath of the skirmish, beginning with a careful examination of my own body.

I ran my hands over the scratches scattered across my carapace, noting their presence as reminders of the fierce battle I had just endured. Despite their prominence, I knew these superficial wounds would fade away when I molted again in the future. If a single molt failed to fix a scar, it would eventually disappear after so many. Contrary to traditional insects, my molting occurred as a result of sustained injury rather than growth. At the very least it left my carapace looking nice when then scientists weren’t boring through my carapace with their drills. However, my attention was drawn to the long gash along my torso chestplate, a vivid reminder of how close I had come to facing a life-threatening injury. That would take a long time to heal.

My gaze then shifted to my knee joints, where two arrows had found their mark, piercing through my prided exoskeleton where it was thin. I observed the slow trickle of blue hemolymph seeping from the wounds, indicating a slight need for attention. The bleeding was manageable for sure, but it wouldn’t hurt to cover it with nearby foliage to prevent infection. Sanitation was one thing the scientists made a big deal about. Kyraa’s tools were for Kyraa and Kyraa alone.

Despite the injuries, I stood tall, a testament to my resilience in the face of adversity. I had children to thank, and to scold.

As I drew close to my spawn, I noticed that they looked more alert than they had ever been. It was hard to believe the same larvae that were calling for food just a day ago. Yet, my surprise peaked as they suddenly paused in their exploration, their bloated forms momentarily still. More enemies? Humans? Still, there was nothing in my head.

Approaching cautiously, I watched on in silence as they each, one by one, began a fascinating process of transformation. Their movements, marked by cautious curiosity, revealed a surprising dexterity as they delicately wove strands of silk, a skill I had never witnessed before, securing themselves firmly to the ground. It was as if they instinctively knew what to do.

With a mixture of anticipation and awe, I observed as their outer coatings began to separate from their bodies, much like a regular molting. Accept this was clearly on another scale.

The old outer layer peeled away, revealing a glistening blue surface beneath that slowly solidified around their bodies. It was then I realized that this was metamorphosis unfolding before my very eyes. If only I was capable of such a feat.

With a blend of awe and concern, I anticipated further movements, yearning for signs of life within the newly formed membranes encasing my children. Yet, the air remained silent as they stood motionless, ensconced in their transformative chrysalises. This was going to take a long time wasn’t it?

At least they were close together, which meant that I wouldn’t have too much trouble keeping an eye on them. 

I occupied myself with the human bodies, dragging the 3 scattered corpses into one pile near my children. All the while keeping a vigilant eye on my little ones.

As I worked, hunger gnawed at my insides, urging me to satisfy my appetite. I hadn’t eaten since my eggs hatched after all. I was starting to see the appeal that my children found in human flesh, and I approached the pile, my mandibles clicking in anticipation. Without hesitation, I sank my sharp appendages into the flesh of the fallen humans, tearing away chunks of meat and clothing with savage abandon.

The taste of blood and flesh filled my senses, igniting a primal instinct deep within me. I feasted greedily on the remains, relishing the warm, sticky sensation of blood trickling down my throat as I devoured every last morsel of flesh. Looks like I had a new favorite.

The once-human bodies lay before me, now little more than discarded husks, their lifeless eyes staring blankly into the void. But to me, they were nothing more than a source of sustenance, a means to satisfy my hunger.

As I continued to feast upon the remains of the fallen humans, a sudden sound shattered the eerie silence of the forest—a low groan emanating in the distance. Startled, I froze mid-bite, my mandibles poised over the grisly meal before me.

In my ravenous hunger, I had forgotten about the one human who had survived the onslaught, left unconscious amidst the carnage. I swiftly abandoned my meal, looking to take action before the situation escalated further. 

As I snatched up a nearby sword lying amidst the chaos, my senses heightened and with serious intent, I turned and began to move towards the source. In the blink of an eye, I found myself standing over the waking human, the sword pointed threateningly at him.

My sudden movement caught both of us by surprise, and even I was unsure what had happened. I had barely moved, yet I traversed several feet in a single second. There was no blur of motion, no sound of footsteps, just an inexplicable shift in space. Another manifestation of unexplained abilities? Where was this when I was trapped?.

My attention snapped back to my target as the human groaned again, his eyes fluttering open as he struggled to make sense of his surroundings. His gaze flickered to the sword pointed at him, and fear flashed across his face as he realized the gravity of his situation.

With my grip tightening on the hilt of the sword, I remained poised and alert, ready to react at a moment's notice. The forest was once again filled with tension, the air heavy with the weight of uncertainty as the standoff between predator and prey played out in the moonlit shadows.

The silence was shattered by the human, whose demeanor swiftly shifted upon realizing I harbored no intent to harm him. He bared his teeth in a silent growl, as though he had deciphered my intentions.

"What do you want with us? Are we just food to you? Where did you come from?” He asked, too calmly for my liking. Still, I admired how quick he was on the take. It seems he understood that he was the last man standing. Or lying down for that matter.

You do make a good food source, but I left you alive for other reasons. Simply put, I want your information. It is imperative for the survival of my family and I. I am a monster created by you humans. I have no idea what I truly am, or where I'm from....but I do know what I want…..and you will give it to me.

The human appeared overwhelmed by the sudden revelation, his expression shifting between fear and curiosity as he processed my words. It was clear that he had many questions swirling in his mind, but he seemed to settle on a rather simple one in the end.

"Will you and your…family leave if we give you what you want?"

I pondered his inquiry briefly, deliberating my choices with caution. It wasn't a question of whether I would leave; my decision on that front was unwavering. Instead, I pondered on the best way to manipulate it. Should I give a sense of security, and exploit its drive to survive? Or would a strategy grounded in stark truth and raw fear, prove more efficacious? 

Perhaps》I replied cryptically, my tone laced with uncertainty.《It depends on the nature of the information you provide. But rest assured, I will not harm you further if you cooperate.

Much to my delight, the human nodded his head, a faint glimmer of hope in his eyes. 

《My first task is simple. You will tell me everything about your settlement. People, skill, materials, I want to know everything.》 

“We aren’t very large in size, but…” The human trails off, clearly realizing the implications of my question.

“I thought we had a deal. I can’t answer your question.” 

《It is a question, nothing more, nothing less, and you will answer it,》

I could sense the tension building between us as the human hesitated, his resolve wavering in the face of my demand. But I remained steadfast, my gaze unwavering as I waited for its response.

“Anything but my village,” the human protested, his voice tinged with defiance. “You…you’ve already attacked us, killed our people! Why should I trust you?”

《Trust is a luxury neither of us can afford at this moment,》I replied coolly.《But survival is a necessity. Cooperate and I will leave you alone.》

The human’s eyes narrowed, his expression hardening as he seemed to weigh his options. I could see the conflict within him, the struggle between self-preservation and loyalty to his people.

“You think you hold all the cards here, b..but you’re wrong,” the human retorted, his voice tinged with a hint of desperation. “Even if you manage to get what you want from me, destroy our village, there are others out there who will come looking for you, seeking revenge for what you’ve done. You’ll never have a real home, always on the run, always hunted.”

His words struck a chord within me, igniting a spark of uncertainty that flickered in the depths of my mind. He was right; I would never have a true home, never belong anywhere. I was a monster, a creation of human hubris and arrogance, destined to roam the world as an outcast or die trying. 

But I refused to let his words deter me from my goal. I had come so far, endured too much, to give up now at his simple threats.

《Perhaps you’re right,》I conceded, my tone tinged with resignation.《But that does not change the fact that I need your cooperation. Whether you give it willingly or not is up to you.》

The human fell silent, his gaze locked with mine in a silent battle of wills. I could see the turmoil raging within him, the weight of his decision pressing down upon him like a heavy burden.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he nodded slowly, his expression resigned.

“Fine,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper. “I’ll tell you what you want to know. But know this, creature: even if you manage to destroy us, there will always be others who will rise up against you. You can’t outrun the consequences of your actions forever.”

I watched in silence as he began to divulge the information I sought, each word spoken with a heavy weight of resignation. Deep down, I knew he was right. No matter how hard I tried to escape my fate, the consequences of my actions would always follow me, like a shadow lurking in the darkness. Yet the weight of the actions I planned to take would be a minor inconvenience if it meant that I could make a place for my family and I. 

But for now, all I could do was focus on the task at hand, gathering the information I needed to ensure the survival of my family. Everything else could wait.






This is one of the most simple disciplines, allowing psychics to use their powers to generate, control, and manipulate pure energy and, to a far lesser extent, influence energy of thermal origins such as fire. Released energy typically manifests as decelerated lightning, although it can also appear in various light forms, capable of being shaped into tools like swords or shields.

Note: Next Chapter will begin in the Opposing POV and will be released two days rather than three. Also, from here on you guys can influence the lore blurbs at the end of chapters with your comments! Ask and I may answer:)