Chapter 14 – Lead
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My army was ready, and we descended the trees to approach our prey. In minutes the village came into view, their makeshift walls obstructing our line of sight. The entirety of our little gang was hidden in the bushes, just a few dozen feet away from our targets. With the help of my children I assumed a position up in the nearby trees, just high enough to get a full view on the silent settlement.

The tops of the walls were illuminated by torches, and the crowning features were the four dozen or so feet tall towers inside that they used to keep watch from in each corner. There had to be at least four male humans standing guard underneath each, bows in hand. The village was otherwise silent, its remaining residents likely asleep. 

Their preparations were well done, I had to give them that much. But limited manpower would be the basis of their downfall. Just as the human predicted, they barely had any males of proper age to defend. Their tiny village had already lost its most capable members.

Their ranks were primarily comprised of more elderly men, some far beyond their prime.

It didn’t help that their intel would suggest that I was the only enemy. A fact that would make their focused defense crumble oh-so easily.

First thing first, the towers. Simply put, arrows were bad, and I may have a bit of a grudge against archers after the ordeal in the forest. I figured this could be handled by the most agile of my children in a swift fashion. The plan was simple:

"Burrow beneath their walls and topple the towers from the base. Weaken a corner and the buildings should fall over with ease. Five of you per tower. Topple the first two, then move to the next. Round up the non-combatants when you are done.” I commanded, splitting the group of ant children in half. I really needed to give them names. Perhaps categories would be better.

“If human escape tower…what do?” One perked up, the others seeming to share the same sentiment. At times it was almost as if they shared one mind.

“What kind of question is that? Kill them. They likely won’t die from the fall anyway. I will tell you who to spare when the time comes, but our job is to kill all the humans in those towers. On second thought, each group of 5 will be accompanied by one of your spider sisters. They will update me if things go awry.”

“Yes mother.” 

My order is confirmed with a nod, twelve of my family digging their way underground as I explained the rest of the plan to the others.

“As for you seven that remain….guard the village gates and prevent the non-combatants who may try to run. Follow your brethren and go further into the village. Do your best to incapacitate the two-legs who try to run or resist, but kill them if the lives of you or your brethren depend on it. I doubt they will do any significant damage to your carapace, but I am sending your last spider sister with you as communication insurance. When your brethren finish their work with the towers, work with them to subdue any remaining hostiles, and round up the non-combatant survivors. I will assist as I see fit. Do not let a single human escape.

With the plan laid out, my miniature army begins its coordinated assault on the village. Guided by instincts and my commands, the remaining 8 wriggled into the hole the others had created. 

Within seconds both teams arrived at the two nearest towers, where they began to work quickly and efficiently, undermining its foundation. There was a brief moment of stillness as they worked in silence beyond the walls, until one of the towers started to creak and lean on one side. The humans grabbed hold of the nearby railings, shouting something incomprehensible as they hollered towards the other men in the village center. Then, with a final effort, the first tower came crashing down, the sound of splintering wood echoing through the night.

The humans cried out in surprise and alarm as they tumbled to the ground, some likely injured or maybe even killed by the fall. There was a brief outcry of some words I could clearly make out, but their pleas for help were silenced just moments after their fall. I could only imagine that they were swarmed and eliminated before they could fully comprehend what was happening.

One tower was down, and the second one was already giving way. Much to my disappointment the occupants in the last two quickly left their places of elevation after watching what happened to their peers. If they weren’t aware of our attack before, the sound of the second tower crashing down would have everyone awake and alert, and that included the men stationed in the center. I suppose it’s time for me to get a closer look.

I began to stare at one of the building tops that poked over the wall, attempting to call upon my latent powers..





A familiar energy surged through my being, and sensation of expansion washed over me, as though my very consciousness were stretching beyond its usual bounds. In that fleeting moment, I seized hold of the pulsing energy, guiding it with a newfound mastery that sparked what I later dubbed "The Connection." The world seemed to blur as my mind connected with what I presume to be the fabric of reality itself. The sounds of chaos and destruction faded into the background as I honed in on my target in the distance.

I visualized myself standing firmly on the rooftop, feeling the texture of the wood beneath my feet. It was as if I could already sense the solidity of the surface beneath me, even though I was still rooted to the ground where I stood.

Then, in an instant, there was a sudden rush of displacement, a sensation akin to being pulled at incredible speed. The world around me twisted and distorted before snapping back into focus in a new location.

And there I was, standing exactly where I had envisioned, atop the roof overlooking the scene of chaos below. 

“Water! Water! My house is on fire!”

A female voice cut through the air, leaving me with little time to dwell on my accomplishment. There was in fact a fire near the walls, and I could see a few humans scrambling out of a burning house. One of the torches from the first tower had lit it on fire, and was beginning to spread to the houses and the wall itself. Rapidly. Maybe it was a bad idea to build everything out of wood in such close proximity?

“Leave it and run!”

“There are monsters in the village!”

“Everyone evacuate!”

A myriad of voices came forth from the panicked villagers as they realized the gravity of the situation. People began to pour out their homes, children in tow as flames began to lick at other wooden structures, casting an eerie glow over the chaos unfolding below.

The disarray caused by the fire wasn’t part of my plan, but it was a welcomed disruption. It seemed to work when it came to flushing the two-legs out of their abodes. As predicted, they made their way to the one gate that served as the village's main entrance and exit, their faces contorted with fear as they fled from the encroaching flames.

With a twisted grin, I watched as the villagers scrambled to escape, their panicked cries echoing in the night air. This was chaos in its purest form, a testament to the power I wielded over their fragile lives. And as the flames licked higher, devouring everything in their path, I reveled in the destruction my children had wrought at my command.

But amidst the chaos, a nagging voice in the back of my mind whispered a warning. This fire, while serving as a convenient distraction, threatened to spiral out of control, consuming the entire village. I would lose a chance at obtaining information in a paper form.

For a moment, I hesitated, torn between the thrill of destruction and the need to maintain control. But then I made my decision. This fire would serve as a warning, a reminder of the consequences of standing in my way.

"Let it burn," I murmured to myself, the words carrying a sense of satisfaction as I watched the flames dance higher into the night sky. In the end, it didn't matter how much devastation was wrought. All that mattered was that they knew who held the power, and that I was over them.


They seemed to lose all hope when they found the largest of my children blocking their escape at the village’s edge, the color draining from their faces as they realized there was no way out. In a last ditch effort they tried to push through, but fists were no match for my children’s carapace, and our four+ legs would always be supreme to their two. Ankle’s were bruised and skin was torn as my children went for the legs of the attempted escapees.

The villagers cry out for help, but their petitions quickly turn to prayers when they realize that their pleas will be left unanswered. Some were even crying, holding themselves or their children. The defenders they trusted had been slaughtered, made evident by the quiet that soon engulfed the village. It was quickly becoming apparent that the only survivors were the few dozen gathered at the gate.

Their fate was sealed as my children’s presence efficiently subdued them, rendering them powerless to resist. The once defiant villagers now cowered before the encirclement that blocked their escape, their eyes wide with fear as they realized the implications of their capture. With the chaos of the fire raging around us, there was little chance of anyone coming to their rescue.As the last of the resistance was quelled, I refocused my attention on my powers, feeling the energy surge within me as I prepared to deal with the humans. 

Taking hold of “The Connection,” I channeled my abilities, envisioning myself appearing behind the huddled villagers.

In an instant, I vanished from my position on the rooftop, reappearing behind the unsuspecting villagers with a faint whisper of displaced air. Their startled gasps echoed through the tense atmosphere as they spun around to face me, their expressions a mix of horror and disbelief at the larger monster appearing out of thin air. I think I was starting to get the hang of my powers.

Before they could react, I raised my hand, a crackling energy gathering at the tips of my antennae. With a flick of my wrist, I unleashed a blast of energy above the group, forcing them off their feet as they cowered beneath the display of power.

Panic erupted among the villagers as they scrambled to regain their footing, their attempts to flee thwarted by my childrens’ presence. With each step I took, they found themselves hemmed in further, their escape routes closing off as if by some unseen force.

My eyes locked with the oldest individual, the one I presumed to be their leader. Human hierarchy worked on age, so he should be the chief. Isn’t that how human seniority worked?

You have nowhere left to run,》I declared, my mental voice carrying an otherworldly authority that brooked no argument. 《Your village lies in ruins, your defenses shattered. On your knees, and do not resist unless you want to meet an early end.

"We surrender," he finally spoke, his voice trembling with fear. "P..Please, spare us."

I regarded them with a cold indifference, as these humans were but insects in comparison to my might, their lives insignificant in the grand scheme of things. And yet, there was something to be gained temporarily from their submission. Food.

With a gesture and screech, I signaled to my children, and the spiders moved in to secure the captives, binding arms and legs to prevent escape. The villagers trembled beneath their grasp, some requiring my children to hold them down as they squirmed at the foreign touch. 

And as the flames continued to consume the village, casting flickering shadows across the scene of devastation, I knew that my reign of terror had only just begun.

The villagers exchanged fearful glances, their collective gaze falling upon me with a mixture of awe and dread. They had witnessed firsthand the power I wielded, and they knew that resistance was futile.





Silverpine Village 

Nestled deep within the embrace of towering trees lies the secluded Silverpine Village. Here, isolation is not merely a way of life; it is a cherished tradition passed down through generations. Cut off from the bustling world to the north beyond the thick foliage, the villagers of Silverpine have honed a symbiotic relationship with the forest that surrounds them.

In Silverpine, the rhythm of life beats in harmony with the whispering winds and the gentle rustle of leaves. The villagers, skilled in the ancient arts of survival, rely solely on the bounty of the forest for sustenance. They are adept hunters, trackers, and gatherers, mastering the secrets of the wilderness to provide for their community.

The village is one-of-a-kind in Wyn, and it thrives as a sanctuary for those seeking solace from the chaos of the outside world, where the verdant canopy offers protection and serenity. In Silverpine, isolation is not a barrier but a haven, where the forest provides all that is needed for a simple, yet fulfilling existence.

Unfortunately, the Silverpine Village was burned to the ground on XX/XX/XX

Umm, Kyraa might be developing a superiority complex.....