Chapter 2: a fluffy situation
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Nanako is walking next to me, carefully scanning her surroundings for the slightest hint of danger, while once more holding my hand.

"Good morning, ladies, please enter the conference room...first door to the right," a man in Air Force uniform greeted us while pointing at a nearby door.

"Morning...okay," is all I said...also feeling a bit nervous for what's about to happen next. I mean....I did shoot something after all. Not sure how these people will think about that, a civilian handling their military equipment?


Nanako and I enter the conference room, or more accurately, I pull her inside. We can hear the outer door being closed, after which the uniformed man enters the room as well. He's in his early fifties, I think, and is definitely wearing a formal blue Air Force uniform, so not the combat uniform the soldiers wore back in the park. Right outside the meeting room I see another uniformed person, a lady in a camouflage uniform, but she remains outside the meeting room. Is she a guard perhaps? She closes the door while not even looking at me.

The conference room itself is pretty spacious with a single wide window looking out onto a few nearby buildings. The sky is gray....and it seems that rain is in the air, so much for the weather forecast.

The white meeting room table is average sized for a meeting room, allowing about a dozen people to be seated comfortably. Since we don't know which seats to take, we simply wait a bit. The room looks simple, spartan and clean. A flatscreen TV on the wall to the right is probably used for video conferencing, which would explain the small webcam mounted on top of it.

Above the TV I see a mirror, which might just be a fake the one used by the police for questioning criminals and such. If it's really a fake one, they would have a perfect view from up there, looking at the participants in the meeting room, almost as if they were sitting in the same room.


He takes off his hat and puts it down on the table, then introduces himself, shaking hands with me, but only bowing to Nanako. "Good morning, I'm Major Hayes. Nice to meet you Miss Whitfield...and...Lady Nanako, of course."

Why does he address her so politely? Is it because she's truly a VIP?

"Hayes....finally we meet. This is not what we have agreed upon." No, she's not happy at all, it's not difficult to read her expression right now. She wildly gestures all around her, meaning none of this is as it should be.

"Yes....unfortunately things happened, Lady Nanako, but I will apologize respectfully and explain in a few minutes. First I must ask Miss Whitfield to leave the room for half an hour or so."

"Huh? You want me to leave? I just got here?" Yes, call me surprised.

"Oh, don't worry, we still need to talk, but we're interested in your health first and foremost. You were the only one who was touched by a tentacle from one of those....things. So you'll be seeing a medical officer first, and later I will try answering your questions, okay?" He's standing straight with a stern expression. This and his uniform make him a bit intimidating.

"Em....sure, I guess?" Let's just go with the flow.

"Excellent. You and I will meet later. You won't be seeing Lady Nanako again, so you might want to say goodbye while you still can." He points at the fluffy one.

"Oh.....that's really a pity. So....Lady Nanako it is, I guess? These people will help you, just try to relax."

She gives me an unexpected hug and then bows to me. "Lady Essie, thank you very much for your kind help. There are many paths in life. While some will take you away, others will bring us closer.....may our paths cross soon."

"Em.....likewise....I like that....goodbye." I waved at her, and she returned the gesture.

Last thing I saw before leaving them was Nanako grimacing about Hayes' remark. "But first we'll check out those scratches on your leg. Just to be safe." Nah, she's not gonna like that.


Moments later I find myself being escorted to what looks like an examination room. A female physician wearing something similar to a civilian medical uniform is giving me a summary of what to expect.

"First of all, how are you feeling? Stressed, overwhelmed, agitated....anything like that?"

", not really? Sure, what happened in the park was terrifying, but it seems that I can deal with it....somehow."

"It's the somehow-part which you shouldn't underestimate. But to be perfectly honest, you do seem to be calm. Just remember that we can offer any psychological support if you need it at some point."

"Thanks, I appreciate that, but so far I'm fine."

"Alright, then I won't suggest it again. We will now check your blood for any contaminants and give you an MRI. Do you have any experience with MRIs?"

", but I know what it is, saw that on TV. I'm not claustrophobic."

"Very good...please...lie down...and we'll do the rest. This might take about twenty minutes, then you'll join the Major. Do you need to go to the bathroom first?"

"Nah...still good for now." I carefully lie down on the bed after removing my training suit, since the MRI machines don't react well to magnets or metal in general. She gave me a blanket, so I'm fine.


And sure enough, about half an hour later I'm done with the vampires and the MRI scans have been completed to their satisfaction. That MRI thing was loud as hell, and even with headphones on, I could still hear the machine buzzing and moving. But like all annoying things do, they'll end at some point.

After she was satisfied with the MRI's quality, she gave me a quick physical. The back side of my head was of the most interest to her, since that's where the tentacle touched me.



After being escorted back to the same meeting room, I see that both Nanako and Hayes are no longer inside. I'm all alone here, perhaps only joined by the people looking through that mirror up there. The only thing they gave me was a glass of water to drink, which was more than welcome.

After waiting for about ten minutes, Hayes finally showed up.

"Sorry for the delay, Miss Whitfield. It took me quite some convincing to leave Nanako in the care of yet another unfamiliar face. She's browsing some pictures and videos, so that should keep her occupied while we speak."


"Excuse me?" He genuinely seems confused or perhaps surprised about my reply.

"My name is Essie, Mr. Hayes."

"Ah....of course. In that case, please just call me Hayes. You're a civilian, so there's no need for you to be so formal."

"Alright, will do. Sooo......shouldn't she just join us? I mean, I wouldn't mind if that made her happy?"

"That is very thoughtful of you, but she's an adult like the rest of us. I'm sure she'll be fine. While I'm relieved that you could support her as much as you did, I must ask you not to talk about her again. This is a matter of national security. I apologize if that sounds disrespectful or impersonal."

" kinda is...but I get it." At this point my stomach rumbled.

"Excellent. First of all I'll need you to sign a non-disclosure form, after which we can get you some lunch." He pointed at my rumbling tummy.

" I really have to? I hate legal stuff."

He smiles for a moment. "Don't we all? The way I see have two options. Sign the non-disclosure form and you can live a perfectly normal life."


"Or.... we'll have to detain you….pending legal matters."

" me convinced."

"Glad you see it that way." He takes a single printed page from a writing pad and shoves it my way. 

I take a few moments to read the text, but soon discover that this was written in some form of obscure, ancient dialect of legalese...something I have never studied in school. At one point I thought "just sign, Essie, and you get to go home. Just get it over with." So I did exactly that...and just signed the damned piece of paper and shoved it back towards him.

"Thank you, Essie. Now you have signed, let me summarize what you just agreed to. Everything you have witnessed is confidential. Any attempt of disclosing that information will be seen as a breach of this contract, making you an enemy of the state which in this case might lead to your execution. Do you understand?"

"Execution? As in death?!!! Seriously?" My mouth is agape.

"Yes, that is what you just agreed on. Are you aware of the implications?"

" more Essie.....should have read it better."

"There is no need to worry....just keep a lid on it."

"Yeah...gotcha. what?"

"That depends. We'll offer you counseling, anything you need to continue your life as usual. We'll compensate you for anything that might have been damaged and that includes the loss of your clothes and any other personal belongings. But the main point is.....can I convince you to keep a lid on it? I hate to see your life end prematurely." Now he's grinning. It seems he does have a sense of humor after all.

But before I could swallow once more, we were surprised by a loud bang on the door. "BANG!"
"HAYES!!!! I will see you...NOW!" It's Nanako's voice, no doubt about it.

He stands up and opens the door, making her tumble inside. Yes, she just gave him a death glare. Something tells me they are not the best of friends.

I'm trying to defuse the situation by standing up and saying "Nanako, are you alright?"

Then she smiles and rushes over and gives me a hug. "'re the only one who's making sense around here. Yes, I'm fine now...thanks to you. You saved me.....thank you so much. It took a while for me to understand....but I finally did. Sorry that I was so....confused a while ago."

"Yeah...don't think about it, it's okay. And saving you was just a reflex...I think? I didn't even think, only acted. Benefit of playing sniper games I guess, ha ha ha."

She looks at me, confused, then at Hayes, who replies before I can.
"She's referring to amusement, a game, something that has unintentionally taught her the skills a soldier would need in reality. Right, Essie?"

"Em....yeah...Mr Hayes."

"Just call me Hayes, I'm used to that by now."


"Now, please sit down, Essie. Nanako, I must ask you to..."

"NO, Hayes! I will not leave her. Her I I don't." Wow...Nanako sounds seriously pissed.

"I understand how you must feel. But she's not allowed to continue seeing you. It's too dangerous for you." Hayes is trying to reason with her.

He looks at me, ah...I'm supposed to say something here.
"Nanako, he's right. You are safe now......they only want to talk. It seems that I shouldn't even know who you are."

"I'm Nanako, you already know that. Hayes...she understand?"

Hayes takes a deep breath. "Yes, Lady Nanako, I understand. Alright sit down you two, let's talk."

She smiled for a moment, finally getting what she wanted. She must be a really important person to command an Air Force Major as she sees fit.

"See? That's the smile we want." Hayes said while still looking at Nanako. He then uses the room's telephone and orders something for us. Early lunch time, I guess.  
"Soon you two will be able to have a meal together, but let's first talk a bit."

"Alright then....we will allow it." Nanako says, sounding stern. she speaks in majestic plural? Even though she now speaks English pretty well, her behavior still feels....unfamiliar...odd even.


I have no idea if she's younger than she looks, or if she was raised in a peculiar way...sheltered perhaps. Just play along, and I can get this over with. "Nanako? Let's wash our hands first, our food should arrive soon. Excuse us for a moment, Hayes. Ah....the toilet?" 

"In the hallway to your right, can't miss it." He pointed at the door, then to the right.


Nanako follows me to the nearby restroom, accompanied by a female guard as instructed by Hayes. Perhaps she's making sure we don't run away? Why else make them guard the toilet area of a military facility of all places?

Inside the ladies restroom, I ask Nanako "do you also need to go to the toilet?"

"No....I have already used that...contraption of yours." Nanako shakes her head.

"Okay, ...then wait a bit please."

While using the toilet, I take a few deep breaths to help me relax. I can't even talk about Nanako to anyone, and if I do...they'll shoot me. What have I gotten myself into this time?

Nanako is awfully quiet, and I can only guess what she must be thinking about right now. The sound of the ventilation system in the ceiling always has a calming effect on me, and this time is no exception.

After a few moments, I joined Nanako and helped her wash her hands as well.



Since I don't have a watch anymore, I guess that five or so minutes must have passed when we rejoined an impatient looking Hayes, who's now sitting opposite of us.

It seems lunch has arrived while we were freshening up. 

"Tea? Coffee?" The Major asked, saying the magic words.

"Oh god, please. Max cream, no sugar." Sorry, I replied before even thinking. Perhaps Nanako should have answered first?

"Do you mind helping yourself?" He stands up and takes a medium-sized thermal flask often used in meeting rooms, then puts it on the table near us. Then he walks back and returns with two white coffee cups and saucers. Of course an Air Force logo prevents people from "borrowing" them.

"Sure, no problem."

He shoves the sandwiches closer to us, and Nanako follows my every move. Taking a cup and saucer, pouring fresh coffee...and cream....done. Then I take a plate and put a sandwich on it and again she copies my every action.


It seems that the weather has improved a bit and sunlight is about to break through, bringing another nice day for walking. Yeah, maybe not going to visit a park for the time being. Any park for that matter.

When he turns his back at us for a moment, I can't resist anymore and gesture the universal "I'm watching you" gesture towards the mirror. You know, my right-hand index finger and middle finger point at my eyes, then at the mirror.

"It's just a mirror, Essie." I heard some amusement in the Major's voice.

"Oops, you saw that?"

He smiles for a moment, then looks serious again. "Yes, one of the things you learn during Air Force training....always watch your back."

"Really? I thought it was your friends saying I'll watch your back?"

"Yes, that too." He grins for a second while he takes a seat again.

So it really is a fake mirror....yeah, I'm not that dense.

"Essie? Why are you mad at the mirror?" Nanako asked while staring at the mirror for a few moments.

"Em.....I thought people were looking at us behind's like a window. Sometimes they watch people...but Hayes promises it's a real mirror."

"Yes, it is a real mirror, Essie." Hayes confirmed once more.

"Then why is it placed above a TV? Can't check your make-up that high..."

"Essie...."  Hayes seems a bit miffed about my remarks.
"Alright, can be used to watch people. But right now there's nobody there. Happy now? Do you trust me?"

"Em....yes, I think I do. Let's continue." Victory! This feels so good!

"We were right about you, Essie." Nanako shows a smug smile and Hayes is massaging his forehead. Yes, that's what you get for lying to me.

"Mmmmmmmm!!! Swoooo gooood! Finally something to eat." Nanako seems to be a fan of the sandwiches, or she was just starving. Yep, the coffee seems to be agreeable as well. Until she grimaces. "This tea is.....bitter?"

"It's coffee, not tea, so let me help you... This is my favorite drink, it will give you...strength and energy." I added some sugar to her coffee, hoping it would do the trick.

" a mana potion...I see. Oh, yes...this tastes much better. I like it....good idea, Essie." She nodded approvingly.

Hayes glances at me for a second, but then focuses on Nanako again.



He patiently waited for us to finally include him in our conversation, knowing that any attempt of his own would be futile.

"Good, now your tummies are no longer empty, let's talk some more, Essie." Hayes seems to try the informal approach now.

"Sure, by all means."

"Then let me get straight to the point. I've heard you killed one of those...things...yourself. Well done. It had an exoskeleton, which so far seems impervious to our rifles. What made you aim for its eyes, which seem to be the thing's only weak spot?"

"Em....honestly? It all happened so fast, I didn't think about how or why. I just took the eh...P90 it's called, right?" I wait for Hayes to nod. " just kept firing. So...I just got lucky I guess."

"Of course, that makes sense. Next question. Bravo team told me.....the talked to you?"

" was...I dunno....non-verbal?" I'm wiping my mouth on a tissue and Nanako once more copies my actions.

"As in....telepathic? Tell me more."

"When I shot that thing, and assumed it to be dead...I turned around. Then I felt something on the backside of my head. That's when the images came and when I heard a voice. After exploded. It felt like a full minute at least, but one of the soldiers said it touched me, then maybe only a second in reality."

"Interesting. Yes, we are well aware of the fact that it exploded. Back to the images....tell me everything, and please don't leave out any details."

I told him what I saw. About them living in the oceans, in all kinds of sizes and shapes and the message "help us."

"That is very put it mildly. We have seen five of those so far, all of them have been wiped out, so there is no threat for Earth. But never did anyone actually hear it speak. I guess that explains the results your MRI showed."

"Oh my I going to die?" For some reason I'm scratching my head now.

"Actually, no, not at all. The scans show no abnormalities, except for an increased blood flow in the....let me check what it's called....both the Occipital Lobe and the anterior region of the Prefrontal Cortex."

"Okaaaaaay. that good or bad?" Tell me already!

"While the increased blood flow is just that, a mild increase, there is nothing to worry about. According to the MRI specialist, the increased blood flow seems to make certain brain regions functionally available to you, which we mere mortals do not have access to. You might even be the next step in human evolution, as one overly enthusiastic medical officer just told me."

"So....not lethal?"

"We don't think so, Essie. We don't know if this increased blood flow is a natural thing for you, or something that the creature has caused. In any case, we will make sure to keep monitoring your health. We will plan regular scans, and make sure you stay healthy."


"Of course, it's the least we can do. So, just for the record...have you ever had any similar experiences? Hearing people's thoughts, or perhaps seeing flashing images? Moments of unexplained clarity?"

"Ha ha ha...clarity? No, the opposite mostly. I would definitely remember that."

"Alright, that's good. But the Air Force see what that brain of yours is capable of, assuming that hearing its thoughts wasn't just a fluke." He taps on his it.

"We're not talking about dissecting me, are we? Just checking. I didn't agree to any of that. At least I think so?" Who knows what I've agreed to?

A smile appears on his lips, and I see he wanted to tell me something for a moment, but then opted for a serious reply instead. "No, you would only be joining a few enthusiastic scientists. They're probably rubbing their hands already, trying to see what you're capable of. Think about tests to determine if you can hear someone's thoughts....predict a poker match.....that kind of harmless stuff. Or...if we can get our hands on one.....hear what else those beings have to tell us. Let's face it...if you can pull this off once will mean that you are unique.....and we need those abilities. Will you help us with that?"

"Em.....yeah.....sure, why not. I mean...I still have to work, so.....not wanting to sound ungrateful....but I have to pay the bills somehow?" He doesn't need to know that I'm still living with my parents right now. The point is that I don't mind helping out once, but I can't do all of that testing for free.

"That's a fair question. Rest will be compensated handsomely."

"Then yes...I'll play ball."

"Very well." A smile formed on his lips, but only for a moment.


I wanted to ask a few questions about that nasty creature I shot this morning, but Nanako beat me to it with demands of her own.

"Enough talking, Hayes. You and I had our meeting earlier as my father had promised. While you sent Essie away on whatever you made her do, I talked in great detail about my keep your end of the deal. I want her to become..." Nanako no longer sounds like a frightened child, but like my mom when she's really pissed at me for not telling her I was going to be staying with friends for the night.

You know what? I'm sooo not going to intervene right now.

"Yes, yes, I know!" Hayes sounds agitated as well. "Just wait....this is how things work on Earth. I can't force her, she has rights and we WILL respect them." She's glaring at him again, then...sits back, arms crossed, pouting for being ignored. Even her fluffy ears are lying flat on her head now. I really have to ask how she manages to do that!

Hayes slowly inhales and exhales once, then says "Lady thing at a time. told me about those images you saw, about them living in our oceans?"


"I will order a satellite recon of the oceans. Not sure how we can pull that off, but the oceans are still one of the few unexplored regions of the planet. If there are more of those things hiding....we will find them."

"That's very reassuring, Hayes. But...did she just say......she talked about"

"Yes.....that she did. Lady Nanako has a proposition for you. Will you please explain it to Essie?" He asked Nanako in a very polite way, something she cannot ignore.

She sits upright again, and focuses on me. 
"Yes....finally. Essie....Hayes told me you are unaware of what has transpired, so I will tell you whether he likes it or not. So far you are the only one I trust, and I want that's wrong.....I wish to ask you respectfully...." she glared at Hayes for a moment " become a liaison-officer as Hayes called it. Did I get it right this time?"

"Yes, my did."

My lady? What is going on here? And what the heck is she asking me to become?

"Very well, we see you are confused. We are happy to see we are not the only ones. It means you will...if you accept...bring Earth and Negawa closer together through diplomatic means. Unlike the people who have basically abducted me today, we will show you courtesy worthy of a Queen." Nanako bowed while sitting.


" is the name of our world. We will due time, for we do not wish to burden your Hayes and his guards did to my people in a single day." Another death glare directed at him.

But Hayes remains calm. 

I look at him. "So...Hayes...she's....not really cosplaying is she? Is she an actual alien?"

", not cosplaying but also not a real alien. Think of a world connected to Earth through a recently discovered doorway. Their level of development very much resembles our medieval period. Does that make sense?"

"Strange as it sounds, it does, actually. It means this is a hoax, right?" I shake my head for being so stupid to fall for it.

"And things were going so well....." Hayes just closed his eyes, and is massaging his forehead once more.

"Ha ha ha....excellent performance. I mean, if your name even is Hayes. It all real! But you know what? I think it's time for me to go home. Fuck my holidays. No....wait, fuck where's my car? Can you fly me back?"

"Your car is safe, we have recovered it."

"Hayes....this is no longer funny....have a nice freaking day. This is where Essie pulls the plug on your TV show. I've made an ass of myself...ha ha ha....soooo funny." I stand up and walk to the door. When I open it, the guard won't step aside. When she notices that I won't take "no" for an answer, she simply pushes me back inside.

"What..the....heeeeell ! Heeey !"

"Airman, stand down. Essie...let me explain....sit down.....please." Hayes motioned me to sit down again.

There is no other way. The guard closed the door behind me and I sat down again, but I won't look into their eyes.

When I take a peek at Nanako, I see her grinning. She must be pleased that I'm fed up with talking as she is. After a few moments of silence she says "Hayes, I thought your females were....sheltered.. overwhelmed... afraid...but she is as untameable as our male soldiers.... fearless. Are you sure she isn't a warrior?"

"No, she's definitely a commoner."

"Mmmm....we can see the fire burning in her eyes....our presence doesn't intimidate her at all."

I'm fed up with her fake drama as well. First she's acting like a child, now pretending to be a Queen. First she refers to herself as "I" then as "we" and seems to change whenever she feels like it. This is just plain acting! 
"Should I be intimidated?" I asked while staring at my now empty cup. I couldn't help myself and just said it, while looking at the mirror, somehow expecting to see movement there....but nothing happened.

Hayes then moves closer, basically making me look at him, then he says in a serious tone of voice "stay polite, Essie, she's important...really important."

"Okay, okay...sheesh....I'm sorry okay?"

Nanako's smile changes into a grin. "How amusing, not like a commoner at all. She's perfect for this role. Hayes, we have decided...she will become the liaison. She's smart and was kind when we needed it most. We trust her. She's the one. My people will not accept anyone else."

Hayes seems to disagree. "But we have other, more trained..."

"No, Hayes. We did as you asked. I arrived here without my guards, entrusting my life to you. I won't complain about the injury, it will be healed soon once I'm back. My request is as we have agreed, have we not?"

"Yes...yes, you may choose. So is this final?"

"Yes, Hayes...she is the one. Final. We won't accept anyone else."

Hayes takes a deep breath...and sighs a few more times.

"Okay, Essie. You've heard it. As from now on....uncle Sam needs your help. How about joining the Air Force as a civilian? We'll make it worthwhile for you? 

The job is all about long-term diplomacy, which involves talking, not shooting, if that helps. Even though sometimes....nevermind." He looked at Nanako for a moment, when he said that last part.

"Sounds...interesting? But tell me more before I decide, please. I mean....I can decide, can't I?"

"Of course, we won't force you. Since you know quite a lot already, let me give you some more details first. Then you must decide. I don't have to remind you of the consequences of leaking this information, do I?"

"Nope, fully aware of my imminent death."

That put a smile on his face again.



"Very well. Last month, a minor earthquake struck this region, a 3.2 on the Richter scale to be precise."

"Yes, I remember, it was on CNN. I remember because I just booked my motel room that day."

"But what you didn't see on CNN was what happened next. Hours after the quake, scientists were able to determine the exact epicenter and then soon after entered the same park you visited this morning to place a few seismometers and whatnot. They weren't able to complete their work however, but instead called 9-1-1 with very unsettling news. The police started an investigation, and after that...things went south.

When reports reached the Pentagon about ferocious, big, wild animals roaming the woods........the Air Force was asked to look into the matter. We managed to contain the situation and the police are so far keeping a lid on it, following a Presidential order. Let's not talk about them letting you enter the park just like that. The entrance should have been sealed shut."

" what happened to the scientists? And what were those beings?"

"One thing at a time, Essie. Let's just say that the police were too late when they found them."


"Yes, I see you understand. Imagine our surprise when we found some sort of a portal...hidden in the middle of the park. There was a stone structure around it and carbon dating of the bits and pieces around it indicated the stones were most likely put there between 1200 and 1400 a.d."

"That's odd...this region wasn't even inhabited back then, or am I wrong?"

"Not that we know of. Might have been a migratory tribe, early settlers or even the Vikings, point being that nobody knows for sure. Bone fragments recovered indicated that at least some of these people had she has." He points at Nanako.

"Don't look at me, Hayes, my people have no prior knowledge of this., nevermind, that's only a myth."

Hayes frowns, glances at me and asks "could you maybe share that myth with us?"

"Sure, but you should ask one of our Archivers for the details, I can only tell you what I remember."

"It's okay, just give us the summary."

"Alright then, but it's only a bedtime story. There are legends, myths, stories of people without tails, yes...but they are exactly that...stories. How did it start again? Ah, yes, right.


Once upon a time...a long time ago...a mysterious man appeared in a Kitsune village. The villagers had never seen such a being without a tail nor ears. The being wore a black metal suit with golden ornaments, which seemed to have been crafted by the gods themselves, since not even the best  craftsmen on Negawa could form a suit from bare metal. The stranger wore a metal hat of similar design, also black. When it approached the villagers, it showed a long, incredibly thin sword that glistened in the sunlight.

The villagers were afraid and some kneeled, begging to be spared by what was clearly a warrior who was about to kill them.

When the stranger bowed, instead of using his sword, a dialogue started. But the language was too different to be understood. The man referred to himself as a Sam-Hu-Dai, which the villagers interpreted as a messenger from the gods. So they offered him food and lodging, even though they were very poor.

For weeks the stranger shared his knowledge of farming until one of the village's guards showed interest in his sword. The warrior was furious and motioned everyone to stay away from it. As with many forbidden things...temptation proved too strong for one guard.

When the warrior was out in the fields, helping with planting seedlings, a cry was heard in the village. When the villagers had returned from the fields, they saw a dragon with a horn on its head, and it had many sharp teeth as well. It was destroying whatever few possessions these people had, including their homes. It flew very fast and easily evaded any spears the villagers threw at it.

But when the warrior then took his sword, rushed over to the dragon and aimed for its eyes...... it went right through the beast, which was formerly a Kitsune guard, and it then died instantly.

The warrior however didn't celebrate like the villagers did, no, he cried without interruption for two days straight. He refused to eat or drink, until he could cry no more, for his sword had unnecessarily claimed a life. When he finally stood up again, he bowed to the dragon and gestured to the villagers to roast the meat and feast from it.

Not having any supplies, they had no other choice than to comply with his suggestion and lived from the meat until their normal village life slowly returned.

Nobody dared to touch the sword since that fateful day, so long ago. That is until the warrior took the sword in his hands and put it above a fire like roasting a wild Taloth. But while the flames burned for weeks, they didn't consume the sword. Only after the warrior proudly shared his name with the villagers, having finally learned a few of their words, the sword suddenly broke in two. He carefully crafted what was left of his sword into tools for farming.

Many years later, when he started a family with a Kitsune wife, he decided that the time was right to impart his fighting skills to the people that had invited him into their village. He felt they were now his family, his clan, his people. And they had accepted him as one of them.

One of our modern day proverbs is based on this story: a righteous man without sword nor tail, will win a fight without fail. That's basically the story."

"Em.....that was pretty detailed for a story. What was the warrior's name?" I asked.

"Kobashigawa. And Koba is still a fairly common name for men."

"Interesting. Could the dragon be a Phantom?" I asked.

"Perhaps. It's just a story. But dragons are usually described as enormous beasts, many times taller than a Phantom."

"Okay. So, Hayes, is it my imagination, or does this sound a lot like ancient Japan?"

"What is a Japan?" Nanako asks.

Hayes shakes his head. "It's not a thing, but the name of a country on Earth. And even if she described ancient Japanese people, then why is the portal here and not in Japan?"

"Good point. Maybe the portal moved? Don't look at me, I'm not a scientist." What else can I say at this point?

"Whatever the reason, Hayes, not a single story ever mentioned a portal or anything remotely similar. The only stories I remember, like the one I told you about, were the ones my parents told me when I was only a child. As far as I know, the Kitsune, my people, were the ones being visited. But we never visited them."

"I'm not accusing you of withholding any information, Lady Nanako. It seems that important things happened a long time ago...and neither your people nor mine have any authentic record of that event. All I'm saying right now, is that we need to protect the portal. That is why..Essie...the Air Force is now making sure that nothing gets through it without us knowing.

When we first sent a team through the portal, they were wearing protective suits....just like space suits. But imagine our surprise when they confirmed a breathable atmosphere there...breathable for both them and us. Somehow...against all the odds....both our atmospheres almost have the exact same composition. Food....water.....air...everything checks out. It's basically like Earth....just...looks a bit different."

"No, Hayes, not like Earth. We are very much different from Earth people."

"True, Lady Nanako, but still, there are many similarities. It is our intention to form a working relationship with your people. A relationship that should benefit both of us."

I'm not sure I understand. "So...just out of curiosity...considering they're medieval...what's the deal? Are you only offering charity?"

"Hardly. They have ways to instantly heal people and use the power of nature in unexpected ways. Imagine everyone on Earth in perfect health...instantly. In exchange for teaching us how to use that, we will help them fight the Phantoms and later.....possibly more. We'll take it step by step. But first the Phantom situation needs to be dealt with. The situation in her world is much worse than on Earth. So far we have only seen a handful of Phantoms here."

"Okay....sounds fair."

"Yes. My team has visited their world and were tasked with a first contact mission, but never walked far from the portal. The idea was to first send one of them over to see our side, and then they would appoint a liaison. A person of their own choosing. That person would work for both sides and make sure that information flows both ways, ensuring due time...fair trade would develop. We offered to let them choose one of theirs and have them work with one of our diplomats.....but they refused. It has to be one person only and he or she has to stay in their an ambassador.

We had planned to take things slowly and give Nanako a warm welcome....but a nightmare happened when she returned with the team through the portal. That close encounter you witnessed yourself almost ended her life and with that threatened the whole deal. The Phantoms were waiting for them on the other side and a few made it here.

Lucky for were in a proper state of mind when you protected her and saved our mission as well. Your actions have already had far reaching consequences. Just imagine if we had lost her.....we would probably have had to close the portal...being denied access to their lands forever.

As we speak, we're building defenses around the portal and will soon be clearing a path that will turn into a proper road, but we're not "out of the woods" yet. So, for now, it's quite the walk....and nothing more than animal trails lead up to the portal.

For this project, the Air Force will receive assistance from the US Army and Marine Corps. You've already met Bravo team, who are now assigned to the Air Force as a primary unit."

I shake my head. "It's a lot to digest. do I fit in all of this?"

"It depends, as already said. We need someone to smooth the relations between our peoples. You seem to fit the description, have already been accepted by our potential trading partner seem to be able to hear those beasts speak. All of these things make you one hell of an asset.

I will recommend my superior officer to offer you a diplomatic job as a civilian, but you'll still be on the Air Force's payroll. We don't expect you to wear a formal uniform though. So now comes the question. Either you'll accept this job, or you won't."

"What about my current job? Just asking?"

"We're happy to end it on your behalf. We can take care of your personal finances and such, if you wish, so no worries. We want you to focus on this full time job without any unwelcome distractions."

"What can I possibly say after hearing all this? Okay, Hayes. I trust you. But what if I mess up?"

"If things won't work out, we'll pull you out and let you go. The non-disclosure agreement will still be applicable, otherwise you're free to go. The Air Force only works with people who show commitment...if go. It's that simple."

"Well....if you think I can help...then I'm in."

"Excellent! You're doing Uncle Sam a great favor. He won't forget this." 

While we shook hands, sealing the deal, Nanako asked "who's Sam?" And she looked genuinely confused too.

"Just an Earth expression, Lady Nanako. It means the government....the people who control these lands....appreciate her hard work."

"Right! Then our uncle Sam agrees as well!"

"Ha ha ha..." Hayes and I couldn't suppress a laugh, but Nanako doesn't seem to understand.



"Alright, welcome to the Air Force, Miss Whitfield."

"Yes, very good, Essie! Well done. Warriors are always needed and are respected everywhere."

"Thank you. But to be honest, I have no clue what to do. Em...Hayes, I'm not actually a warrior....I hope?"

"No, just give it some time. You'll get the hang of it soon enough, Essie." Hayes seems pleased. Did I really make the right decision? There's no turning back now.

"Yeah....I guess so...but....god, I'm beat."

"Ha ha ha...I'm sure you are."

"So.....I'm like.... really in the Air Force then?"

"As a civilian, yes. It makes life for us easier as well. Think dental coverage and such matters. We care for our own. But we'll postpone the paperwork for a rainy day, agreed?"

I salute with a smile. "Yes, sir!"

"That needs some work....but I still appreciate the sentiment. Just remember that civilians don't salute, nor do you have to address me as sir. Call me Hayes, or in a formal situation Major will do. Make sure to remember that."


"Just one more thing." I wait until I see him nod. "You discovered the portal about a month ago. Why didn't you send more soldiers there? Shouldn't they have been able to prevent a being from walking through the portal?"

"We tried to keep the exposure low. But after what happened today, we don't have any other choice anymore. The general public already knows that something has happened. That's why we will be constructing a few small buildings there. We might in due time even offer the locals some jobs, to show them we're here to stay, but that's far into the future.

The beings who attacked you must have been hiding in the park since killing the USGS scientists or they would have been spotted. It's one of the reasons why we now use thermal imaging at night as another precaution.

The Kitsune, as Nanako's people are called by the way, told us that these beings live far north of their settlements, but on occasion move south. While Kitsune society is based on hiding from these aggressive Phantoms, which they named appropriately by the way, the Phantoms usually don't seem to bother with their everyday life. Only when people leave the safety of their cities, are they at risk. And that's what happened this time.

Nobody, and I mean nobody expected those things running around so far south at this time of the year. There must be a connection with the portal opening recently....something that draws them to it. Perhaps opening the portal on our side made it visible on their side as well and they were as curious as us about it, who knows? Whatever the reason, new ones won't make it past the portal."

"So that's how they're called? Kitsune and Phantoms, okay, I understand. So...why are there still 2 USGS vans parked near the park's entrance?"

"I can understand why you would say that, but the USGS people are still analyzing the recent ground movement. Three of them are working there as we speak. Only difference is that they are protected by Air Force teams this time. Anyway, you two are going to relax for the remainder of the day. Nanako has asked me to let her return home early in the morning, so you two will depart at 7 am. Make sure you two are ready by then. For now, Staff Sergeant Cooper will guide you to your VIP room. Hope you two don't mind sharing?"

"Not at all."

Nanako shakes her head as well. "It won't be a problem. We Kitsune don't like being alone, so it is perfect for me. I'm looking forward to learning more about our new liaison." She smiles while looking at me, which makes me smile as well.

"Em, Hayes?"

"Yes, Essie?"

"Would it be possible to show her some pictures from Earth? I think it would help her understand our way of life. There probably isn't much else to show her around here."

"Good idea, but don't leave the building. We hope that future meetings will be more....relaxed."

"As do I, Hayes." Nanako replied while nodding.

"Oh, and Essie? Call your you wish. Tell them you'll be out of town for a while, but don't share anything that has happened today. If someone asks, tell them that you are working a desk job for the Air Force, nothing more."

"Thanks, I'll only call my parents then."

"Good. Your call will be monitored, for obvious reasons. May I ask if you live with your parents? Or can someone else receive your car keys in your absence?"

", I live with my parents."

"Very well. If you don't mind, I will visit them tomorrow, and explain that you are needed elsewhere for a while. It should be a bit more convincing then only calling them. Also your car, cell phone and other belongings you left in the motel room,...we'll return all of those to them for you."

"Okay, no problem, thanks."

"And for what's're taking this really well. I promise that soon you will be allowed to visit your parents. But now we need you to focus on the tasks at hand. Now go and rest, you have earned it. Both of you."

After saying goodbye to the Major, a person called a Staff Sergeant .....god I need to learn so much about these guiding us to our shared room. It seems VIPs get to request room service, so I'm absolutely, definitely going to enjoy ordering something interesting tonight.


-satellite recon: reconnaissance; military observation of a region by using a satellite
-thermal imaging: technology to see parts of the light spectrum which humans cannot see, e.g. night vision to easily find people at night.