Chapter 21 – A Day in the Life of an Animator
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I like sleeping. Sleeping is really my favourite pastime. So, my day usually is fairly simple. I wake up at 8 am, make breakfast for my three younger brothers, and then use the tram to go to work. 

Of course, while on the tram I sleep because that’s the politest thing to do, I just need to make sure not to miss my stop. When I arrive at work, I take ten minutes to prepare my chair and desk for another hour or two of sleeping and when there is a meeting I make sure to sit in the back so that I don’t interrupt my colleagues with me sleeping.

That is usually what I do but a couple of days ago our boys secured a new project for us and I had to do things differently. Trust me I like sleeping but animating is something that I can't describe by just saying I like it.

It is my soul, my passion, my job and my everything. Also animating and doing stuff I like in the city of Kisato, my hometown and my favorite place is amazing.

So, after getting the project I have been preparing myself for it by reading the original manga and trying to picture what the animation would look like, all the details need to look right because I am a stickler for details.

With me, there are two other animators who are quite different personality-wise but are both great. There is Nikola, a guy from Europe with a surname difficult for me to pronounce, a big fan of muscles and soldiers, he does look like an army guy.

And the fan-favourite Shiba Ryo, a weird guy really, always excited, always reading hentai and making dirty jokes, a mood maker for our small studio.

If we want to create a great anime, our cooperation will be crucial, so while reading the manga, I was also constantly talking about the animation with those two and we had different opinions but I am happy to say we all have the same amount of passion for this project – it is going to work, we will create a great anime. We are good enough, I believe in that.

Also, my boss promised me he is going to put a bed in the office just for me if I do a good job, so I am kind of fired up.

“Yo, Katsu stop sleeping and help us, it is finally time for us to enter the stage…”

“Zzz, hm, oh, I have fallen asleep again,” sigh. “Staying awake is hard, okay, okay, I am coming, the time has finally come…”

Just like that, till the darkness veiled the entire Japan we were working and so the day in the life of an animator that is working on the project ended, falling asleep in the office…

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