Chapter 2: A Solid Foundation
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When I woke up it was dark outside again.

I groaned as I sat up gagging at the ripe, rotting smell of my hiding place. I could hear the calls of beasts, but I was still safely tucked into my little tree hollow.

I rubbed my eyes wondering what happened to me.

"The last thing I remember is..."

Healing Magic!

I quickly felt all over my body, noting that it was still a little sore but otherwise the pain was gone. Even my arm feels healed completely.

Ribs... feel fine.

Concussion is gone, memory is...still not recovered. Sigh.

"I was really hoping I would regain my memory from this worlds life and finally get some answers and balance." My large number of memories from Alex make me feel like I am becoming him and losing myself.

I looked at my status to try and understand why I blacked out so suddenly.

Name: Rem


Occupation: Orphan

HP: 200/200

MP: 10/525

Str: 10

Dex: 3

Int: 105

Vit: 20

Wis: 51

Luck: 4


Observe Lvl 4

Meditation Lvl 3

Storage Lvl 6

All Magic Aptitude

Life Magic Lvl 6 

Creation magic Lvl 4

Light Magic Lvl 6

Fire Magic Lvl 1

Water Magic Lvl 1

Alchemy Lvl 1 

Magic circulation LVL 5

Body reinforcement Lvl 2

Regeneration Lvl 3

Pain resistance Lvl 5

Hunger Resistance Lvl 5

Fatigue Resistance Lvl 5

Just wow...

Regeneration and light magic huh?

Wait didn't my stats go up a little bit too much?

I feel like everyone would be powerful if they could simply do that and get such a boost.

I grabbed a stick and made a sharp wooden dagger with Creation. I then very intelligently, proceeded to re-damage my recently healed body and scratched my arm lightly.

I watched intently and it took some time, about three minutes, but it healed right before my eyes.

I must have run out of MP after healing my whole body which caused me to black out.

I decided to meditate for a bit to refill my MP. Even though I am practically sealed inside a giant tree I am still not completely safe. Who knows what type of monsters live in this forest.

I need to remember to be cautious at all times if I am going to survive this. 

After spending several hours Meditating, my meditation ranked up again and my MP was half full.

I suddenly heard a growl right outside the entrance of my tree.

I started to sweat as I heard whatever was out there loudly sniffing the small hole I left for airflow and then it started scratching against the wood.

I snapped out of my stupor and quickly got out the materials to make the monster repellants.

As the scratching grew louder and more frantic, I fumbled and dropped several of the herbs in my hand.

Luckily, I had managed to find all three of the herbs I needed to make the monster repellant. I don't know if I could have still made it if I was missing one of the ingredients.

I remembered what happened with the potion, so I got out a leather vest that belonged to one of the girls, out from my storage. I used creation to turn it into many small leather pouches with drawstrings.

This is the greatest magic; I will be able to do so much with it in the future.

Suddenly there was a strong impact that shook the tree.

When the bright white glow of Creation Magic flashed the beast outside the tree roared. I could feel the vibrations through my whole body as it continued bashing against the tree trunk.

A large pile of small leather pouches suddenly dropped into my lap. With another roar, whatever was out there slammed into the lower part of the trunk where my breathing hole was and the wood around it cracked.

I started to cry as the fear of death started creeping in. I shakily opened the leather pouch and grabbed the three poisonous herbs used to make the repellant. I then used creation and sure enough, monster repellant dropped in its powdered form.

I was shaking so bad that the repellant missed the pouch and scattered into the soft mulch of the ground. It was a light purple powder and it looked poisonous as hell.

I have to remember to wash my hands before I eat anything...

As the powder spilled across my legs and the ground, I hastily got out more of the herbs to make another one. Before I could though I heard a yelp and a hiss and suddenly the beast outside the tree rapidly retreated. The surroundings became quiet again and I sighed in relief as I tried to get my hands to stop shaking.

"That was close, I have to be more careful from now on or I will not even know how I died..."

I then proceeded to make repellants and fill the twenty small leather pouches I had made from the vest. 

After I finished and dumped one of the repellants through the airhole of my tree. I used Creation Magic to repair the cracked wood from where the monster cracked it. I nervously watched as the cracks disappeared in a flash of light.

After a few minutes I managed to calm down from my close escape from death.

I stretched my body as well as I could in the cramped space.

I feel great!

My body is healed completely and even seems to have gotten stronger.

A lot stronger.

I have way too much strength and energy for a ten-year-old girl. I feel as if I could run the world's longest marathon.

I opened my storage and pulled out a copper coin, I jokingly tried to bend it in half like some cliché superhero. And it really bent it with only the force of my fingers...

"Holy hell! I am strong, but it is not like I'm going to complain about it. I guess my strength and vitality did both improve rather drastically after I blacked out. Maybe I didn't just heal my bodies injuries but optimized it, so it reached the peak of its potential.

For a moment I regretted having to leave the orphanage so soon after getting my status. I wish I could have used observe on some regular children and adults so I would know how I compare.

"I Wonder if I could have punched that beast from earlier hard enough to kill it?"

I sighed when I realized there was nobody there to answer my question.

"Alex may have hated people and wanted to be alone, but I wish I had a friend..."

I decided to meditate to pass the time until morning. There is no way I could sleep with my body brimming with so much energy. 

After hearing birds start their morning routines, I opened my eyes from my several hours of meditation.

I used Creation to make a loaf of bread and choked it down as best as I could while sitting in a pile of rotting wood. I drank some water then finally I opened up the tree hollow big enough it was now the size of the door.

I breathed in deep as the first fresh air in days slammed into my face.

I climbed out of the tree hollow and did a series of stretches to limber up my cramped body. I then used Clean to try to escape the rot smell that seemed to permeate my entire body.

Now which way should I go. The mists were a little thinner today but still thick enough to obscure the surroundings.

I walked over to the next tree over that had some lower branches. I grabbed a fallen tree limb that was way bigger than my body and lifted one end of it up, so it was leaning against the tree.

I used creation to make it into a wooden ladder. Well, more of a log with rungs on the sides.

I climbed up into the tree and spun in a slow circle as I tried to see the path that cut through the edge of the forest.

All I saw was more trees though... 

I climbed back down and immediately got another beast repellant out of storage. I had made as many of them as I could throughout the night when I would take breaks from meditating and my MP was refilled.

I opened the pouch and hung it around my neck. Hopefully this will work to make the monsters avoid me as I walk through the forest.

I then continued my journey through the Great Beast Forest. To choose my direction I closed my eyes and spun in a circle, when I opened my eyes after counting to five, I started walking briskly in that direction.

I have no idea where I am or where I am going, sigh...

Well not like it matters!

Luckily the direction I was walking was west, so I just had to follow the way the shadows are pointing to make sure I am not running around in circles.

As I was walking, I notice that the increased fitness was not limited to arm strength. I jumped as hard as I could, and I cleared my own height.

I made a strongman pose and looked at my massive bulging arm muscles...

they still looked like the arms of a ten-year-old girl.

I pulled up my shirt again and saw that my skin was perfectly pale without a single blemish. While I was still quite skinny, I could no longer see my ribs stinking out like a starved child.

I was even a few inches taller.

Amazing, I can't believe magic was able to repair my body like that!

Where did it get the nutrients to do so?

After thinking back to Alex's past, he had a permanently damaged back and knee. So, I decided to do the one thing he always wanted to do but couldn't. I decided to run, both to cover more ground and to test my speed, endurance and reflexes. 

After running until the afternoon only stopping to eat and drink for lunch, I had covered many miles. I darted through the forest like a loosed arrow, easily dodging around trees. I felt like whooping in joy at my new abilities, but I remembered that beast scratching at my tree and shivered...

I have remembered what was golden...

Silence, silence is golden. 

I continued to run through the forest and as I jumped over some brush I landed in a small clearing.

Standing in front of me was a large humanoid boar.

At first, I panicked and was about to run away but the thing was faced away from me and hadn't even noticed me yet. I could see it rubbing its nose and eyes.

Ahh, the repellant is really messing with it huh. Maybe it is too stupid to even know to run away...

Thinking of my options I looked at my small wooden dagger.

Wouldn't this just be like getting a splinter for this huge thing?

I recalled my magic and that I had recently gotten fire magic...

The orc suddenly dropped to its knees and roared loudly, repeatedly punching the ground in front of it. Dirt was flying through the air, and I was trying to focus on a classic fireball.

I was just using the image of a candle to make the fire. I suddenly remembered the burners on the giant kilns Alex used to fire his pottery. Those were able to get things above two thousand degrees. They could even melt metal if contained.

I didn't really know what to do and I felt I could easily run away from this tantrum throwing brute, so I took the time to really focus on that image. A gout of fire. Being blown with force, a stream of flames hot enough to melt metal. A strong bright white glow, having surpassed an orange so bright it hurts your eyes to look directly at it.

I yelled fire, but I kept the previous image strongly in my mind. 

A huge stream of flames burst out in front of me, and I flinched back as I could feel the heat once they impacted the orc.

It screamed in pain for a few seconds until it was consumed completely and went silent. I could smell burnt flesh and hair. and almost threw up...

Ah the surrounding grass is burned, and a tree has caught on fire...

I reached up and gingerly touched my face where the short ten second burst of heat had managed to burn my face and arms lightly. I guess the magic itself doesn't hurt me as that flame appearing in front of my hand would have been enough to light me up like a torch.

But when the flame catches something physical on fire I can feel the heat from the combustion. I will have to remember to aim far away from myself when using fire based magics...

I could feel my regeneration slowly healing my face and arms, so I decided to just leave it alone to level up the skill a bit.

I glanced at the lone tree in the clearing which was still lightly burning. I should also be careful about using fire magic in a forest... 

I glanced at the orc who was a burned mass of cracked charcoal with the pink of his flesh peeking through the cracks. I then placed the body into storage.

Meat should not be wasted after all...

I should try to figure out some of the other magic elements. Fire is a bit... Destructive for my tastes after all.

Maybe I can launch a rock really fast like a gun! Or a cutting blade of water like a certain slime, or maybe...

I continued brainstorming ideas for new magic while walking through the forest.

I left the burning tree behind after seeing it die down where it wasn't dangerous to the surroundings.

"I stayed long enough to make sure there was no forest fire." Smokey would be proud...

Wait who is Smokey?

Oh, right a bear that hates fires or something. 

I eventually came upon a small lake being fed by a river with some majestic looking mountains in the distance from where the river was flowing from.

"I bet there is a waterfall way over there somewhere."

The lake was covered in a thin layer of mist rolling across the surface but the field I was standing in was large enough for the sun to fill the area with its bright light. The mist was much thinner here because of that.

I decided I would try to build a hut or something here. It's not the cave I was looking for, and definitely not entirely safe, but there is a large enough clearing between the lake and the forest.

The lake is fresh clean water, and both the river and lake are filled with fish.

The river is flowing down from the mountains in the distance and When I looked the riverbank is a beautiful white stoneware clay.

The ground is also made of rich, black fertile soil.

There isn't a beast in sight, and I have not spotted any beast tracks leading to the lake. I was wondering why when I noticed that all around this side of the lake, the herbs for beast repellant were growing in abundance. There were thousands upon thousands of them looking like a carpet leading to the forest.

"Well, that's promising, maybe the smell keeps most of the beasts from coming here."

Although I guess that makes this poison herb lake...

How about beast repelling lake. Oh, I will just call this place Beast Forest Sanctuary!

I would spend many years in this forest.


I wouldn't feel such a thing!

In my past life, I hated people and wanted to be alone all the time. I was tricked and betrayed by so many people, including my family and lovers. I grew to love isolation, unfortunately back on earth there was almost nowhere you could go to escape people. They were always there, making noise and being in your space. So, when I think of spending years on my own in the quiet of this forest, I feel quite excited at the prospect.

"Rather Alex would feel that way." I sighed...

I stood staring into space for a bit, both thankful for Alex's memories and cursing them. I am mostly thankful though; I probably wouldn't have escaped a horrible fate at the orphanage without them, but I really wish that sometimes the memories didn't make me feel like another person.

Maybe I will end up with split personality disorder...

See, I don't even know what that means, but it just pops into my head like I should.

In the center between the river and the lake, there was... a massive tree. Shocking I know, such a rarity here in this massive sprawling forest.

Why did I take the time to mention this particular tree?

Like many of the trees in this forest it had a bluish tint to its bark and wide sprawling limbs. What made this tree special was its size. It stood alone by the lake like a lone sentinel. It was at least twice the size of the trees in the surrounding forest. it was so big around I would need twenty of me holding hands to wrap around it.


Mana Titan Oak: A super dense wood found only in environments with an abundance of Mana. Easily recognizable for its massive size and pale blue coloration. Sought for the beautiful flowers produced in late spring that glow with inner light. 

Looking at the forest I noticed that there were many of these trees throughout the tree line, they looked similar, but when I observed one, they were just Mana Oaks. This particular tree happened to be huge though, it really brought justice to the name Titan.

There was a massive tree limb that had broken off and was lying on the ground. I added it to storage as I walked by for an experiment I suddenly wanted to try.

I walked up to the tree and used Creation to make handholds right in the trunk. I continued this as I climbed until I made it to a massively thick tree limb. At the part closest to the trunk I used Creation to create a hollow in the limb that was large enough for me to fit in, completely hiding me from view.

Remembering the rubber on my new boots, I pulled out the tree limb from earlier and used Creation to extract the cellulose and turn in to a soft padding, I then lined my little enclave with it. By the time I was done it looked a bit like a coffin...

I just shrugged, "If it's good enough for dead people, I will fit right in. I have actually died before after all."

Ignoring my baseless comment, I had only used about a sixth of the massive limb, so I quickly used Creation again and made a thick comforter and a soft pillow. After everything was done, I decided to try out my new little nook and laid down in it. I laid there looking up at the blue-green leaves gently swaying in the wind and marveled at the beauty of this world.

I then smiled, "I can make fabric from wood. That means I can make clothes as I need them later.

I may never leave this forest.

In my last life I grew to truly despise humans, and the people in this world seem to be all the worst parts of humanity cranked up to ten.

But one thing I am absolutely sure about...

I freaking love pillows! This is my first one ever! I remember Alex remembering them I guess, but this is the first time I feel this glorious softness that gently embraces your head.

It's so comfy!

After resting there for a while, I hung a few new beast repellants as I climbed down the tree and thought about my hut.

Well, if I can upgrade materials to a higher quality, and I can alter and manipulate the form of materials, I am not going to build a hut after all. I am going to build a super sturdy, amazing house! 

I walked up to a tree by the tree line of the forest and thought about how to turn it into a house with only my wooden dagger at my disposal.

I decided wind magic would be very useful. I spent some time focusing on my mana and eventually got wind magic level 1. I just made a small gust, but it was progress.

Then I kept practicing until I finally made a wind blade. It unfortunately didn't slice through the whole forest, instead it only cut a few centimeters into the tree, barely even cutting into it and not even breaking through the bark.

I felt it was great for a day's progress. I will keep training my wind blades until I can slice through a tree easily!

Fired up, I continued practicing into the night until I was almost completely out of MP, I then climbed up into my tree, scattering a new monster repellant over the side.

I had made a few more loafs of bread the day before and after eating decided to call it a night. I laid my head on my new super amazing pillow and covered myself up in my blanket.

I quickly fell asleep. 


After waking up and casting clean on myself, I used Creation to Combine a loaf of bread and a few apples.

Yep, I got a small apple pie. one of the small handheld ones.

I also got the cooking skill for that little test.

It took about a third of my total mana to make it unfortunately. I will consider it a luxury good until I have the other ingredients to make it like cinnamon and sugar.

I ate and decided that apple pie is amazing, way better than that bland porridge we got twice a day at the orphanage. Well, the bland porridge most people got at the orphanage when they aren't being betrayed and tricked by their only friend!

Ignoring that sudden flash of rage, I decided to get right back to work.

I also opened a new monster repellant. I had gathered a lot of herbs while walking here, and there are many more pretty much everywhere all around the lake. I had already made use of a lot of the previously made repellants.

I decided to use at least two a day, one at night and one in the morning.

Meanwhile I would try to make at least five a day until I had a nice stockpile.

"Maybe I should just make a large jar of it and refill bags as I need them."

Looking in my storage I had way too many herbs, hundreds of them. I had been collecting them while walking and running around subconsciously, the only problem is I have to at least see them with my eyes to store them. I no longer need to physically touch them though so gathering became much easier.

I'll have to be careful if I ever go to a town again, less I be tempted... 

I proceeded to almost fall as I climbed down from my tree. I feel really safe when I am sleeping up there though. If I need to, I can close the wood around me with Creation again except for a small air hole.

I walked over to the lake and practiced gathering wind mana in my hand and forming and launching the tiny wind blades. I followed this routine for the next few days until my wind magic had leveled up quite a bit and my air blades were much sharper and stronger.

From what I can tell, the level of the skill effects how much mana you can manipulate as well as how much mana is needed to use that particular spell.

For example, on the first day My wind blade was large, but I could not cut very deep in the tree. I could also only launch ten of them before I had to rest and meditate for a while. My Wind Magic skill at that time was still level one, so my wind blades were expensive to cast and weak.

I didn't bother to make the low-grade Mana potions because they were useless.

So, I was currently trying to raise my Wind Magic Level to make myself a strong weapon.

I hadn't just focused on Wind Magic; I had also been practicing my other elements a bit. I just mainly practiced wind as it seemed the most useful. The wind blades were almost silent.

I had high hopes for being able to adjust the wind flow in an area while hunting so I could keep my scent from reaching my future prey. I could also use it to blast my enemies into the sky so I could distract them or run away. I even could keep something from approaching me with a constant stream of intense air.

I had lots of other ideas for it but first I have to raise the skill level an appropriate amount.

Speaking of prey...

I walked back towards my tree as I thought about the best way to go about a rather unpleasant task...

I got to my tree and removed the burnt orc body from my storage. It smelled just as bad. In my memories Alex used to smoke his own meat for storage. After focusing on those memories for a while I used my new earth magic skills to slowly build a smoker. I finished a crude one after about an hour of work.


How can I dismantle this...

I searched my memories, but Alex apparently never hunted. He was a big animal lover after all. All the meat he smoked he bought from a market. He was big into fermentation but that isn't currently useful to me.

After staring at the gross pile of burned flesh I pulled out my little wooden dagger.

I stared at it and then stared at the orc...

Nope, not happening. Not even if I had a real knife...

Remembering how my boots were made, I decided to try my Creation magic. I can manipulate materials with it so I should be able to separate them as well, right?

I took a moment to focus on the dismantling process. A hole for the blood, the usable meat in a pile next to it. skin and bones in a pile next to that and all the organs and unusable parts next to that.

Once I had a good idea about the process, and a good image in my mind I used creation. The entire body glowed with a bright light, and I had to look away. Afterward it was mostly like I had imagined, there was a hole filled with blood, and a small block of meat next to it.

I looked to the right of the meat...

After I finished washing the taste of vomit from my mouth...

seeing a large pile of burnt flesh and organs...

Well, it is gross let's leave it at that.

I looked back at the meat. It was not in pieces it was a giant block of meat. I guess Creation merged all the usable meat. I used my earth magic to make a plate and used creation again to separate the meat into bite sizes pieces.

Wait do I really need to smoke it. I looked at the crumbling smoker I had tried to make...

I need to practice my Earth magic more...

Remembering something Alex used to love, I looked at the giant pile of perfectly sized bites of meat...

"If I can use Creation to toast bread, then I can use it to remove water as well right. I used creation on the pile of meat thinking of Alex's favorite beef jerky. The next thing I knew I was falling to the ground.

I woke up about an hour later from what I can tell. I blacked out from using all my Mana again.

I glanced at the meat; it was a large pile of jerky. It was brown and covered in black specks. Pepper, I guess...

I bravely decided to try a piece. It had nothing to do with my stomach growling loudly, I just wanted to try it.

I slowly bit off a small corner...

chew, chew, chew.

The flavor hit me like a wagon. It is sooo good!

I have never eaten something so flavorful and delicious. If all the food from Alex's world was so good, I don't know why he became so unhappy. Eat nothing but porridge for a year and see how happy you are.

I placed all my new jerky into storage. Except for one or two... Four or five pieces.


The next few days continued with me trying to level my magic skills.

I suddenly realized I had a skill already at level six, light magic. Now I am not sure about this, but I feel like level six is pretty high. So, I walked back to the tree line to the tree I was trying to cut down before. I controlled my mana and moved it to my hand, focusing on the general idea of a light spear.

Seeing the pitiful small scratches on the bark of the tree, I dumped more and more mana into the spell. 

It had formed a glowing white orb in front of my palm. I casually said light spear thinking something like a small beam would come out.

A massive beam the same thickness of the tree I was aiming at suddenly burst forth from my palm. It hit the tree and kept going. It hit several other trees as it passed into the sky and vanished into the distance.

The first tree was already falling so I ran backwards to make sure it wouldn't fall on me and crush me to death. After all the crashing sounds stopped, I walked over to take a look.

The tree I had hit first was completely destroyed and on fire...

The other two trees had semicircle holes cut into on their right sides which were burning around the edges. Like a fiery giant had taken a bite out of them...

The fire started to spread, and I quickly used water magic to spray as much water as I could. It was only about like a water hose was being sprayed, with the pressure of a kinked hose...

Yes, I actually know what that means for once. I have continued to dream of more and more of Alex's life every night. I have been going over his memories when I first wake up every morning. Some of them are really interesting...

It took about ten minutes to put out all the fire. I think light magic should be kept for healing, except for emergencies...

Cold things only in the forest from now on. Stone, wind, water, or maybe ice? I wonder if I can make ice. I decided to try in a little later, I need a small break. 


It has now been about two months since I have been staying here. It is the middle of Summer and hot out.

I have been practicing diligently, sometimes even into the night. I have yet to be attacked here or see any monsters, so the repellants seem to be working. I feel that this is a good place, where I am relatively safe.

I am about to check my status for the first time in two weeks. I wanted it to be a surprise how much I have improved with all my practice and hard work.

Now... Status!

Name: Rem


Occupation: Orphan

HP: 200/200

MP: 105/750

Str: 15

Dex: 5

Int: 150

Vit: 20

Wis: 56

Luck: 4


Observe Lvl 9

Meditation Lvl 5

Storage Lvl 9

All Magic Aptitude

Life Magic Lvl 6

Creation magic Lvl 5

Water Magic Lvl 5

Fire Magic Lvl 2

Earth magic Lvl 4

Wind Magic Lvl 5

Light Magic Lvl 6

Alchemy Lvl 4 

Woodworking Lvl 2

Cooking Lvl 2

Gathering Lvl 5

Tailoring Lvl 3

Mana Regeneration Lvl 5

Magic circulation Lvl 5

Magic Amplification Lvl 1

Magic Control Lvl 4

Body reinforcement Lvl 3

Regeneration Lvl 3

Pain resistance Lvl 5

Hunger Resistance Lvl 5

Fatigue Resistance Lvl 5

This is... good, I think.

I have never seen another person's status so I am not sure, but judging how the kids would practice getting better at life magic and how they didn't improve much even after a whole year of practice... Am I a monster or something? I feel like humans would call me a monster.

I still have that question mark. I hope I am something good like a fairy and not a demon. I have heard stories about demons in this world, but I have no frame of reference for if they are true or not. They seem to have a negative connotation in both this world and Alex's world though. Plus, I really don't want horns...

I decided to walk to the forest and see how deep I could get my wind blade through a tree. As I gathered mana, I decided to try to compress it as much as I could.

The transparent green of the wind mana turned an even darker shade of green.

I tried to focus it even sharper, sharper, sharper...

I finally launched my wind blade, and it sliced through the tree.

Yay! I did it! Now I can-...

It sliced through several trees...

After scaring myself and running for my life from the natural disaster I had just brought down on myself, I walked back to the downed trees. I then used creation magic to turn the trees into various planks of wood.

I had previously emptied my inventory and went through everything. I used Creation magic to turn all the clothes I got from the girls into clothes I could wear. When I looked at my status, I leveled up my magic again and got a few new things as well. Like Tailoring for example...

Anyway, as I was saying, I can now go hunting for more jerky!

I meant meat, more meat...

That was a condition I set for myself to be able to hunt. I had to be able to instantly form multiple wind blades at the same time and fire them off with enough force to cut through at least one tree.

I stored all the wooden boards I had created into storage, cleaning up the evidence...

The wood I totally meant to chop down and gather.

I also just gained magic amplification before, and I just leveled it up again. I am just going to assume it helps me hit harder or something. It doesn't seem to be increasing my Mana amount like I thought it would previously. I guess that was the compression thing I did that made my wind blade slice through so many trees.

Also, my intelligence has been rapidly increasing. I now have a lot of Mana.

I also got the Mana regeneration skill which helps my Mana refill faster. I won't complain though as you can never have enough Mana. Especially with how fast I burn through my Mana Pool with Creation Magic.

Deciding to practice and level up my magic skills a bit more for the day I walked towards the shore of the lake which had a lovely beach made of white sand!

I'm super excited about this as I can use sand to make lots of things later, especially pottery and glassworks. 

I focused on some of the magic I could recall Alex reading about.

After trying a few I had found that there were not set spells you could cast for the elements. As long as you had enough Mana, skill level, and a strong enough image, you could make pretty much anything you could imagine... within reason of course.

I walked up to the lake and focused on summoning and controlling the water, "Aqua Cutter".

 A thin pressurized stream erupted from my finger and sliced through a boulder on the shore. It was a smooth cut.

I focused my magic and the mana in my hand turned a bright reddish-orange color. I then imagined the burners from my old salt kilns again. When I had gathered all of the fire mana I could, I compressed it until it was a small sphere the size of a golf ball and launched it out over the lake...


As soon as it touched the water a massive explosion of water and steam occurred. A massive wave rippled out from the explosion heading right for me. I switched back to water mana and before it could hit, I said," Great Deluge", a massive tide of water erupted in front of me and crashed against the wave already heading towards me.

This caused water to fly high into the air when they smashed into each other. It then seemed to start to rain as the water fell back towards the earth, I focused and the water mana still in my left hand turned a lighter blue in color. I then quickly summoned Wind mana in my other hand and placed them together, "Blizzard!"

A powerful blast of snow and air rushed out from my hands freezing the water before it could hit the ground. I then used ice mana to gather all the ice in the air into one giant frozen spike. I launched it down towards the lake with speed and it impacted hard, creating another wave of water to fly towards me.

This is my new practice routine for controlling wind, water, and fire.

I laughed aloud in joy and thought of how much I already loved Magic.

Before The wave could hit me, I made the wave split in half and pass harmlessly by me. I spun around and before it could make it passed the sandy area, I gathered my ice mana again and yelled, "Flash Freeze".

The wave was frozen right as it was crashing over the beach creating a beautiful icy crest reaching out from the water over the land.

I sat down to rest and watched the sunshine through it, creating beautiful colors as the sunlight hit and created prism effects in the ice.

I rested for a few hours by Meditating, after regaining my Mana I decided to practice Earth Magic next before calling it a day. The sun was already low in the sky, and I was feeling hungry.

I have practiced until I can use it to instantly make a beautiful picnic table by the lake shore, erasing it and remaking it until I was happy with it.

Now that I could make it good and sturdy on the first try, I decided to try and train my creation skill a bit more. So, I tried upgrading the table. It was made from some type of shale before, so I used Creation to try to alter it to granite. It worked and I quickly upgraded it again and again until it finally became a high-quality white marble.

I wasn't trying to do anything specific other than improving the material. I wanted to keep going just to see what marble would turn into but getting it to marble took almost all my MP again. I decided I would keep practicing improving my skills for a while until ready, and slowly build my house once I am proficient.

"I will make myself strong before even thinking of leaving this forest", I declared aloud with confidence.

One issue I need to resolve sooner rather than later though is food... I have been out of meat for a long time now and I have just been fishing and making bread.

I need to go hunting soon, but I am a little nervous about it...

I guess I just need to grit my teeth and do it.

I will go soon...I'm coming for you, Jerky...