Chapter 5: The sin of weakness
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5 years ago...


 “Mom, I’m leaving”


 A childish voice shouted inside a small chamber, no more than 5 square meters in area. The dimly lit environment could be scary for ordinary children on planet Earth – crooked
and deformed walls, stone spikes sticking out of the ceiling like the teeth of
a frightening monster, and green mosses that faintly glowed, adding a macabre
touch, especially for those with nyctophobia.


Even in this unsuitable environment for weak-minded people,
the boy, with white hair like clouds, dark scarlet eyes like blood, and white
skin, did not show the slightest sign of fear. On the contrary, he spoke and
walked as if this place were his home.


"Be careful, my son. Come back before dark, or the
guards might not let you in like last time."


 A woman with similar
characteristics to the boy, which demonstrates their blood connection.  But the similarity was just that.  She had a magnificent body, perfectly
proportioned, nothing more or less, measuring 170 cm.  The sight of her big breasts and ass swaying
rhythmically as she moves is capable of driving even the most hermit of men
crazy.  All her beauty was on display for
anyone.  Since she wasn't wearing any
kind of clothes.


 Obviously these were
Bart, and his mother Isabelle.  The
clothes, or rather the lack of them, shows how poor they were compared to the


 Bart, holding some
blue fruits in his hand, ran through the cave's winding and deformed tunnels.


 Behind a rock in the
main chamber.  A man, or rather a young
man perhaps 17 years old, watched intently as Bart continued on his way.  This young man had dark brown hair and
eyes.  On his chin a mouse path, which
should probably be a beard and mustache design. 
His physique wasn't as impressive as Stultus', but he was still a strong
young man.  Speaking of Stultus, the boy
bore a great resemblance to him.


 This young boy was
Jhony.  Nephew of Stultus, and war
orphan.  Which war?  The war between the species of this
world.  When Jhony was younger, his
father died during the attack of the “Golden Boas”.  Beasts that inhabit the outer regions of the
dark forest.  A brood of small snakes,
along with the matriarch, crossed the deep river and attacked the mountain
base, killing many of the tribe and reducing them to their current size.  Jhony's mother died during his birth.


 After his father's
death, he began living with his uncle's family. 
Although it was difficult to live with your uncle if you didn't fawn
over him, Jhony grew up and was becoming a promising hunter.  The admiration that the entire tribe showed
him in a way shaped his personality.


 Mixing the lack of
attention and affection in childhood due to his dead parents, a somewhat
troubled life with his uncle, and an admiration for the rest of the tribe.  Not only could it, it actually created an
addictive desire for recognition in Jhony.


 Of course this is no
problem for others, since a person who strives to be praised is cheap
labor.  Who would complain about
employing him?


 However, a certain
Asian said that 2 tigers cannot share the same mountain.  Clear. 
They were right to say that.


 Bart, after a long
walk, arrived at the entrance to the forest. 
Not the dark forest, obviously. 
Just a cluster of trees near the region's main river, the safe side of
the river, opposite the dark forest.


 Although this place
was safer, it was still not free from danger. 
Horned rabbits live here, an animal strictly linked to the survival of
this small tribe of humans.


 Normally only veteran
hunters, or apprentices over 16 would go to this place.


 Bart crouched down in
front of a tree.  On the ground, next to
the tree trunk, there was a wooden board, made of sticks tied with vines.  This board covered a narrow but deep
hole.  If he looked closely, he would
realize that it was a trapdoor type trap.


 Lifting the hatch,
Bart gained access to what was inside the hole. 
2 white rabbits with horns skewered by wooden stakes stuck in the
ground.  Crimson blood flowed from the
open wounds, signaling that the animals had only recently been dead.


 Bart, as if already
accustomed to the situation, took out a wooden stick with a Y-shaped tip, which
was hanging from the tree.  Then he
carefully removed the 2 dead animals from the trap.


 When removing the
last rabbit and placing the blue fruit he was holding on top of the door,
setting the trap again.  Bart felt a
cold, sharp object against his neck.


 “Oof!  Serious? 


“Pass the animals here”


 The object that was against Bart's neck was
the tip of a stone spear.  The same one
used by his tribe when hunting.  And the
person carrying it was none other than Jhony, Stultus' nephew.


 “You already took the only rabbit I caught yesterday,
I don't understand why you keep doing this. 
You don’t need this, I heard from Aunt Celina that you had a successful
hunt a few days ago.”


 "Shut up! 
A piece of trash like you who, even without knowing how to hunt, manages
to capture horned rabbits in such a dishonorable way.  You have no right to possess this prey.”


 “You just want to rob me!  Why invent all this?”


 “A trash like you has no right to question
me!  The strongest future hunter this
tribe has ever seen.”


 “Now if you decide to tell Aunt Celina, like
you did last time.  I guarantee you that
you will have more than just a swollen eye and some bruises.”


 While saying this, Jhony skillfully wielded
his spear and hit the wooden handle on Bart's face.  Throwing the albino boy to the ground.


 “I don't know how a mutant like you can still
live in this tribe.  If it were up to me,
you and your mother’s rabbit shit collector would have already been given as an
offering to the great forest.”


 Spitting out his last words Jhony, left back
to the tribe with 2 rabbits with horns hanging on his shoulder.


 Bart was now looking in the direction in which
the robbers were walking.  He had a
slight hint of madness in his eyes.  The
crimson eyes that were once dark now shone like flame on a gloomy day.








 Back to the present...


Bart, who had just entered
the main room of his house, was faced with a sight that awakened a long-hidden
madness. His eyes, previously dark red, now shone like the crimson moon that
was at its peak outside the net of caves.


 Your mother, your beloved mother.  The woman who helped him adapt to this brutal
new world.  That consoled him and
motivated him to move forward.  The same
woman Bart secretly had feelings for.


His mother, Isabelle, lay on
the ground, her eyes stained with tears, drops of blood dripping from her lips.
The shirt made from twigs and vines that Bart had made by hand was torn and
thrown to the floor. Except for a small part of that same "fabric"
that was in the hands of a man, Stultus.


Stultus, who until recently
looked at Isabelle as prey, changed his gaze to a new living being that had
just arrived in that place. Bart is the reason for all his recent problems, at
least in Stultus’ mind.


 Without any sign of hesitation or waiting for
a justification of the act of violence against his mother.  Which in a way was pretty obvious what
happened there.  Bart ran towards Stultus
and stabbed his chipped stone knife into the man's neck.


 Stultos, still lost in his insidious thoughts
about how to deal with Bart, was caught off guard by the young albino's attack.
Although he jumped back to avoid the blow at the last moment, it was already
too late. The hand he raised reflexively to defend his neck now had a large
wound, severing his thumb and leaving a tear on the back of his hand reaching
his wrist.




 Although stunned by the situation, as he did
not expect a cowardly attack like this and felt great pain for having lost a
finger and having an open wound on his hand. 
Stultus dodged Bart's next attack with ease and retaliated by kicking
the boy in the stomach.  Stultus was only
injured because he was not prepared for combat, he could always easily deal
with Bart, after all he is an adult bullying a child.


 Tired, hurt, and now in more pain.  Bart was in a terrible physical condition. The
constant wear and tear of the day would cause him to faint at any second.








 Bart, who had stood up with difficulty and was
pushing his body to the limit, screamed with all his soul.  Without waiting for a response he ran to the
chest that was nearby in the other corner of the room.


 His mother, who was still crying and in a lot
of pain, didn't know what to do.  She
knew Bart couldn't beat Stultus.  But if
she stayed she would only disturb the boy. 
Anger!  The fear she felt until
now was replaced by anger.  This anger,
incredibly, was not directed at Stultus but at herself.


 “If I were stronger... if I could... if...”


 When the anger began to mess with her mind and
bring the feeling of  weakness again, she snapped out of the stupor she
was in and ran out of the room.


I need help"


 She could not participate in the fight, she
could do nothing but seek a third force to balance the situation and with faith
save her son from major problems.


The more she thought about
how all she could do now for her beloved son was beg for help, a desire for
power created a small, fragile, and at the same time powerful seed in the heart
of the beautiful woman.


 Whether that seed would blossom or disappear,
we don’t know yet!