Chapter 30 Call me Nashy.
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"Well, Ley, you might start drooling after seeing her, hehe. Furthermore, it all comes down to how strong your willpower is and how well you can withstand the temptations.” Her dimples were visible as she giggled. 

"Are you pulling my leg again? I won't talk to you.” I snorted. 

“Aww, my sweet baby. Why are you so angry ? I was just kidding.” She then pulled me into her embrace. While we were chatting heartily when I heard brakes screeching outside the window. I glanced over and noticed two women entering the living room. Leona was one of them, the person I met at the Jonas Villa. Regarding the other one, though, I was clueless. Suddenly a thought popped in my brain, ‘Isn't Natasha whom Stephy asked to tag along with Leona?’ 

They approached us, as Leona asked, “Stephy you called us?” 

She nodded, "Yes, yes. I promised Natasha to introduce her to my only brother, Ryan Ley, so here your product is lying here, take a look. Ley, she's the one I was telling you about before, hehe.” 

Stunned, I nodded, “Good to see you Miss Natasha.” 

“Haha. Stephy, your brother, is really humorous.” Leona chuckled. 

Natasha scrutinized me from head to toe as if I were some valuable asset she's been looking for. She licked her lips as she walked up to me and said, "Nice to meet you too, Ley. In the future, I hope we can get along.” Although I nodded, her second statement stopped me in my tracks. What does she mean by getting along, I wondered as I looked at Stephy. 

“Fret not, she won't devour you up, silly.” After giving me a shoulder pat, Stephanie shoved me onto Natasha, who stopped me from tripping right away. She had such a seductive gaze that it pierced through my heart. I gulped and pondered, ‘Is she Jessica 2.0? No, I am not going to let these seductresses torment my poor soul ever again.’

"I am sorry, Miss Natasha. I didn’t want to take advantage of you," I hurriedly moved to apologize to her. She was perplexed but quickly smirked and said seductively, "You do not have to apologize to me, also you don't have to be so courteous with me. Just call me Nashy, okay?" 

Let me tell you about Natasha; she is around 24, a stunning and seductive woman who can easily entice any man with her gaze. She has a pear-shaped body with her hips and waist showcasing her exact curves, and her hair is long and straight. Her cherry heart shaped lips elicit an intense desire to suck it dry. She has an E-cup busts and a mole on her collarbone, which highlights her voluptuous body and draw attention to her. Regarding her physical attributes, she can be compared favorably to Shanaya. Natasha, on the other hand, is gentle and seductive, while Shanaya is gorgeous and dominant. 

‘Damn! As expected. She's just a replica of Jessica. I shouldn't get distracted easily.’ 

“Nashy, eh? Leona, look at that woman; she is already giving her lover a lot of privilege by allowing him to call her by pet names." Stephy giggled from the side. 

My cheeks turned red, and I felt extremely embarrassed. "Hey Stephy, you won't mind if I take your little brother for a while?" Natasha asked, ignoring them as she grabbed my hand and led me to the roof. 

“Why would I? That being said, I hope the two of you get along.”

With that, we went to the rooftop. Natasha, on the other hand, smiled slyly as she asked me, "Um Ley, I heard you recently got divorced, right?" I gave a nod in response and said, "Um, Nashy, forget it. For the time being, I’m just relieved, and I want to live peacefully with my sister.”

When Natasha heard what I said, she smiled and thought, ‘As expected of Stephanie's brother, despite being divorced, he is reluctant to badmouth his ex-wife. Such men are really priceless.’

"So what are your future plans?" she inquired, deflecting her gaze. 

“Um, to be honest, I have not decided yet. I just want a little seclusion before coming to a conclusion.”  

Natasha! Natasha

Just as she was about to say something, she heard Leona's voice calling her. Flustered, she said, "Ley, wait for me here; I will be back in a minute." After that, she bounded downstairs. ‘I don't know where life wants to take me, but all I need to do for now is clear up this mess that Joseph has specially created for me,’ I sighed as I looked at her back. 

Leona teased Natasha in the living room, saying, "Hey Nashy, how do you feel about your crush, huh?" Nashy responded, quite brazenly, "He is a good guy, unlike those rich scumbags who only yearns for sexual pleasures. But he on the other hand has clear eyes as I gazed at him. You know I have been liking him since the day Stephy showed his picture. Nevertheless, what he lacks is just life's purpose.” 

Stephanie emerged from the kitchen, holding potato fries, and said, "Well, Ley has been a little depressed for a while because he recently got divorced. That's why I called you to accompany him for a few days to ease his mind. Additionally, you used to constantly pester me when we were back in the army.” 

"I agree, but for a mere woman, I cannot watch my darling spiral into depression, right? If I do not push him past his comfort zone, he will not discover his purpose and goals. Through his eyes, I found many grief and hatred stories buried deep in a urn. Some pain, while some sweet moments, but overall, I can't bear to watch him falling into the abyss.” 

Feeling bored to tears, I came downstairs as they were talking to each other. After giving it some thought, Stephanie said, "Well, now that Ley is here, let us get down to business since we are running out of time.”

"What business?" Bewildered, I questioned her. 

“Has the ultimatum you made in front of Victoria and the others slipped your mind, huh? Or, before taking a shot, would you rather concede defeat as a man?” Stephy rolled her eyes at me. My mind jolted to the realization of that asshole, Joseph. 

"Oh, yes, I almost forgot about that. But the question here lies: We don't have such powers or influence, so how could we subdue him?” I asked, rubbing my forehead, for this matter doesn't seem so easy to resolve. 

“Who says we don't have the power, Ley?” Tossing her military ID badge on the table, Natasha spoke. Stunned, I took it to see, only to be met with horror as I read the bold letters 'Brigadier General'

'What the hell? Brigadier General? But she… she's so young?’ I was petrified, and my hands trembled as I slowly placed the badge on the table and remained silent. Who would have thought that such a gentle and seductive woman could be a high-ranking officer? I then looked at Leona, who had also displayed her ID, and there was only a single star difference between them. 

Upon witnessing my response, the women present, were chuckling merrily. Stephy too glanced at me and smiled. “Any more queries?” 

I nodded in response and stammered, "Step... Stephy wha.. What rank do you hold?” Suddenly, the living room erupted in laughter as everyone saw me as a clown. Surprised by their reaction, I inquired, "Why are you all laughing at me? I am just curious about my sister's rank." 

"No, dear, we were not laughing at you, but the way you stuttered when asking your sister's rank made us realize that you truly fear her, haha," Natasha hurriedly said, covering her mouth. 

I was practically embarrassed to retort as I thought, ‘You bunch of women, how would I know what my sister has been through for all these years? Also, she's so skilled at hiding from me about her occupations. Am I God, capable of foreseeing everything ahead of time? Idiots.' 

Stephy felt a little bad when she saw my dejected face, so she waved her hand to stop them laughing and gently said, "Ley, it's not your fault for not knowing about my occupation. But let me come clean, we trio are high ranking officers. In which I am the Lieutenant General, just one position below the rank of General. Regarding them, they are both Brigadier Generals, albeit with slightly different in skills. As you can see, Natasha is one star behind Leona, but that doesn't mean she can be subdued easily.”  

I gasped when I heard her say, ‘Lieutenant General. Fucking Hell! Am I dreaming or what?’ To confirm, I pinched my hand and yelped in realisation. Nashy and Leona covered their faces and laughed at my innocence. For they knew that anyone in my position would face the same emotions I was going through.

At the Jonas Villa. 

Shanaya looked at the photos on her phone of her and Ryan, as if she were in a deep state of grief. Memories flashed through her mind, bringing tears to her eyes. Kayla came inside at that precise moment engaged in a call, "Yes, Mr. James. Don’t worry, I will keep my daughter informed about the plan. Yes, yes, please be rest assured. Alright, thank you.” 

As her mother got closer, she quickly wiped her tears and hid her phone beneath the pillow. But Kayla noticed her petty act and gently held her daughter's face, saying, "Dear, you do not have to hide it from me because I know you are probably out of sorts. But think about the bigger picture. For you cannot possibly devote your entire life to him, right? Also, how could he possibly afford to provide you with such a lavish life?” 

"No, mom, you don’t need to be concerned about him. I have no problem with your arrangements.” She said, forcing a smile on her face. She can't possibly show her fragility towards her mom, for if she easily succumbs to her emotions then how could she dominate the entire city under her hands. 

“Alright. I'm so blessed to have such a filial daughter. Mr. James called me to set up a date with you and his son, Alex. He's the president of the James Group at Macaber City. Also, he really likes you and doesn't mind about your divorce, so you should give it a shot." 

Shanaya simply nodded and said nothing before walking to her room and calling Sam immediately, "Sam, I need the details of Alex from the James Group right away." 

“I'll send you immediately.” Sam said from the other side. 

'Mom, please don’t blame me for ambushing Alex if he dares to do anything inappropriate, for no one can replace my love for Ley. I'll go with your flow until Ryan is employed. I cannot betray my true feelings for my love, even though I know you are doing it for my well-being.’

Shanaya then dialed another number and gave the command, “Yasmin, keep an eye on Joseph Smith’s every move. I want every single detail about him, understand?” 

“Roger ma'am.” 

She then muttered under her breath, "Joseph Smith, earlier I didn't want to intervene on the account of Victoria. But since we are divorced now, and you will undoubtedly try every new tactics to assassinate him, and that I cannot let it happen. He will be mine in the future, even though we are divorced for the time being. I need to settle some old scores with you since you dared to attack my man.”