Chapter 35 The war has officially begun.
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Victoria was staring blankly at the photos of herself and Ryan. Her eyes began to well up with tears as she whispered, "I failed again, Ryan. Your grudge is reaching its peak day by day. I am not sure what steps I should take to appease you, my dear. Please give me another chance, even though I know I was at fault. Ryan, how could you be so cold-hearted? How could you be?” 

At that moment, Willow entered through the opened door. She came to express her opinions and comfort her mother because she knew Victoria was harboring fantasies about making amends with Ryan. 

"Mom, you will be bedridden soon if you keep crying like that." She approached meekly because she was afraid of her mother ever since Ryan and Shanaya got divorced. 

Without even looking at her, Victoria yelled, "Willow, it would be best if you leave my sight. I don't want a snake to slither into my personal space.” 

“Mom, why are you so ruthless to me? What mayhem did I cause you this time? How could you talk to your daughter like this?” She finally broke down in tears, having grown weary of her mother's callous treatment of her. 

“Come again? What did you do? Have you forgotten what you have done by destroying their relationship, or aren't you satisfied with it yet? Tell me, Ryan didn’t even harbor resentments toward you, so why were you so eager to drive a rift between them?” Infuriated by her, she stood up and yelled. 

"What good is it to say those things now that they have broken up? Mom, how can I, being your daughter, stand like a mannequin when someone tries to belittle you. Furthermore, nothing new can be created from what has already been done, right? So why can't Ryan understand these simpletons?” She cried out in exasperation. 


But what she earned was a hard slap from her mother. She sobbed even more pitifully, stunned by her response, "Mom, did... Did you just slap me?” 

"Yes, I did, since you are ignorant of the importance of relationships. Ryan's actions against me were justified because it was my fate. Do you expect your mother, whom you adore, to be in a relationship with another man behind your father? Would you accept it? That's what he currently feels. Because I know how much pain and grief he went through. He won't forgive me, until the day I repent for my sins.”

"Willow, you have never been in a relationship, right? Remember that a relationship is built and nurtured through loyalty, trust, devotion, and love. Without these four, it will collapse into frugality in seconds. After getting expelled from the Ley Family, David Ley started his life from scratch. Despite being a workaholic, he gave me everything I asked for. He used to look after his family of four, but I betrayed him, hmm. Undoubtedly, he was a kind and compassionate man, in contrast to your father, Joseph Smith, who solely satisfies his avarice.” She let out a sigh. 

“Then mom, do you have plans for Ryan? Given his unwavering attitude, he won't forgive us so easily.” 

"I am far more familiar with him than you are. Like his dad, he is a very kind and modest man. However, his stubbornness has led him to where he is today. If it were someone else, he could have died long ago when I abandoned them. Ley is a man of principles, which explains why he can adapt to any circumstance. Now all I need is an opportunity in the future, for I would have taken my actions, if that woman hadn't reappeared. But it’s different, because I believe Stephanie possesses certain power and influence.” After some thought, she blurted it out. 

“How so? I didn't get any difference from her demeanor.” 

“That's because you're too naive. You haven't seen the world as much as Ryan had perceived. Remember that a person who remains humble and low-key has a far more mysterious and terrifying background than anyone can define. Consider this: How did Stephanie learn that Ley was married, and how long had they been married?”

"Perhaps due to his college credentials." 

"Alright. So how did she know that Ley was coerced into marrying her when he was kidnapped? Furthermore, if Stephanie were a regular person, why didn’t she accept the substantial compensation that Kayla offered her?”

Willow was taken aback by Victoria's barrage of inquiries. As she didn't pay a lot of attention at that time, so she asked, “Mom, do you mean to say that Stephanie has a powerful background?” 

“Absolutely. She may be hiding her true nature, but beneath her surface lies a dragon capable of wreaking havoc throughout Nivea City.” While the mother and daughter were conversing, Lancy burst into the room, gasping for air. Willow was perplexed, and so was Victoria. "Aunt Lancy, what’s wrong?” she asked, passing a glass of water. “Why do you look so agitated?”

After gulping the water in one go, she collected herself before looking at Victoria and asked, "Sis, are you aware of Ryan and Alex's recent conflict?" 

“No. Why, what happened to Ley?” Ryan's name made her impatient, so she grabbed Lancy's arms and shook. "Tell me, Lancy, is he in danger?" 

“Sis, no, it's not like that. But it's the other way around. Ryan stabbed Alex's neck with a fork. "With that, she spilled the beans.

Victoria's emotions were constantly fluctuating: worry, hatred, anger, and desperation. Everything revolved around this two-minute of her narration. She finally regained her composure and told Willow, "What did I tell you? Stephanie is someone who can't be trifled with easily. Alex is John's son, and he did not even retaliate against them. I'm warning you both: stay away from her, because Stephanie can bury you without lifting her hands.” 

At Blue Rose Bay 

I walked past the three women, as they were engaged in a casual conversation, but before I could get to the door, someone grabbed my hands. Perplexed, I turned to look, and Leona was winking at me with a smile on her face, revealing her white teeth. Puzzled, I asked, "Um, hello Leona, is there anything I can do for you?" 

With a nod, she led me to the couch and sat down next to me, whispering, "Little Ley, tell me how you feel, huh? Did you enjoy it?”

I glanced at Stephy, who was smiling gently, but I was too shy to look at her face because of Leona’s words, which made me feel embarrassed. Switching to Nashy, she was boldly smirking at me, saying, ‘So how did you feel getting in bed with me, huh?’ 

"I suppose I should grant you all privacy if there is nothing there." Just as I was about to stand up, Leona drew me into her embrace and playful murmured,"If you don’t tell me, then I will tell my friends, and you know the aftermath. Countless suitors of Nashy will try to pester and torment you. Also, I heard Nashy was dissatisfied with you because you lacked stamina, concerning her for the first time, huh? Who does that?" 

I looked at her, bewildered, and said, "Wh... what are you saying, I... I can't understand anything. Moreover, Miss Leona...I'm a man with proper manners, so please don't slander me.” 

I thought the matter would subside but who knew she would exaggerate further? “Acting tough, huh? Then, little Ley, why aren't you looking at Nashy straightforwardly? And why are you blushing? Did I hit the nail?" 

Stephy giggled as if she were used to it, and it did not bother her to step in. However, Leona put her hand around his shoulder and said, "Look, I am your second sister after Stephy. And you ought to be frank with me, right?” 

I hung my head low, my face flushed to a beetle red. Leona giggled and covered her mouth. I couldn’t stop fidgeting and thought to myself, ‘What the hell, why does she have to make me look bad in front of my sister? Also, I was tired yesterday, so I couldn't last longer in the bed?’ 

Nashy, on the other hand, got up and walked over to sit next to me. I was torn between two stunning women. Then she shook her head and pointed something at Leona. She understood that I felt uneasy being questioned about the things that were inappropriate. Suddenly, a hand wrapped around my waist, drawing me into her embrace as she gazed at me like a virtuous and possessive wife looking lovingly at her husband. I collapsed into Nashy's arms as she ran her slender fingers through my hair. "Baby, it’s alright. She was kidding with you. Also, I am extremely pleased with you. Don't worry.” 

I gulped as I stared into her seductive eyes, as if I had fallen into an abyss. Also, there's a thought that states, “When you stare at an abyss, the abyss stares back at you.” That was solely happening to me. My phone rang out of nowhere, jolting me back to reality. I moved away from her and saw that "Mina" was calling me. Beside me, Nashy caught the name as a hint of jealousy began to bubble up. "Baby, who is she?" she inquired cautiously. 

“Huh, oh, she is my friend.” With that, I answered the call, “Hello.” 

“Ryan, could we meet at the Brew Restaurant?” 

“Um, is something bothering you?” I questioned, annoyed that Nashy was staring at me. 

“Actually I'm currently deprived of 3000 dollars. Therefore, would you kindly lend me some?” 

“Um, alright, I'll catch up with you at the restaurant, okay.” With that, I hung up the call. After that, I turned to face Stephy and said timidly, "Stephy, there is something that came up." 

"Ley, what’s upsetting you, dear?" Stephy asked right away, her face flushed with panic. She can bear anything, but Ryan is her bottom line, and she was overly cautious with him. 

“Um, it's my friend, Mina. She is a classmate of mine who is currently struggling financially. So she asked if I could lend her $3000?” 

Stephy sank into deep thought. Not because she was suspicious of her brother, but because the prospect of him getting trapped concerns her. Thus she was a little hesitant. Sensing the environment, Nashy spoke, “Baby, did she tell you the reason behind borrowing this huge sum of money?” 

“No. But she asked me to meet her at the Brew Restaurant." 

“Hmm, alright. If that's the case, then I'll go with you.” Nashy stood up as she was about to take her handbag when I interrupted, “Um is it fine if you tag along with me?” 

“Why? Are you guilty of playing with another woman behind Nashy, huh? Let me remind you, Nashy will be your wife. Or is there something fishy in the matter?” Ryan shivered under Stephy's gaze. Truth to be told, she's a typical sister who would pamper and at the same time discipline him. 

“No, no Stephy, it isn't like something you're imagining. It's just-” Just as I was about to finish, Nashy asserted, “Ley, I don't want to hear any excuses. What Stephy told us is absolutely correct. Go get ready, I will be waiting here." 

Just as I was about to walk to my room, a soldier rushed into the living hall and saluted, Stephy. Stephy nodded and inquired, "Jay, did you find anything?" 

“Yes ma'am. According to our intelligence, Joseph has mobilized troops on our way, with the dark intention of kidnapping Mr. Ryan and you." Stephy's face darkened as she smirked, ‘The war has officially begun.’