Chapter 41 Love guru, Leona.
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This chapter consists of 3213 words and I hope you'll love it, Readers.

Abruptly, a rumble resounded from the exterior of their villa. Stephanie realized that it was Joseph's troop sent to wreak havoc in their lives. Thus, she patted his shoulders and said, “The lambs are bleating here baby, let's kill properly this time.” To which I nodded as I murmured, “Joseph, death awaits you.”. 

 After getting a quick shower we went downstairs where Leona was waiting for Stephanie in the living room, sitting on a black couch with a briefcase in her hand. She quickly rose to salute her, "Stephanie, we are waiting for your orders?" 

I was perplexed as I looked at Leona, 'Why is she suddenly saluting her, when they are off duty?' As though capable of reading my thoughts, Stephanie chuckled, “Ryan, I am aware of your thoughts, but since the troops are here, the game of hide and seek is over.” 

Looking up, I noticed an emblem of Athena on top of the briefcase, signifying her valour in combat. Being an ordinary citizen, the importance of the logo was something unfamiliar to me. As I was about to ask her, the sound of footsteps echoed through the living room. Turning around, I was astonished to see Nashy enter through the back door carrying a rifle, followed closely by sixteen personnel. Not because I was unaware of my surroundings, rather Natasha's appearance astounded me when I first saw her. 

She was extremely gorgeous and had a stoic face. She didn't look like the woman I had acquainted with, since there was a stark contrast to her previous self. Her breathtaking figure and her hair were groomed in the Updo hairstyles, yeah the classic hairstyle. Her figure-hugging clothes accentuated her curves in specific areas. A slender and voluptuous petite waist was enticing me to hug her promptly. I gulped hard as my eyes moved upwards, and I could not help but drop my jaw when I saw her E-cup breast. Her scarlet red lips were the most sensual part of her entire body. Overall, she had the ideal figure that any sane man could want from penance. She could easily win a modelling contest, but destiny had other plans for her. If that inner voice and Stephy's words didn't push me through my boundaries, then I would have surely succumbed to her enchanting figure. Because she was so attractive and had a temptress-like appearance, I took a deep breath and turned back to her. 

I was unaware, though, that Nashy had witnessed everything from the moment I had been leering at her, since she had been genuinely anticipating my response to her. A smile crept into her face as she thought, ‘Shanaya, you may be gorgeous, but you don't stand a chance against me. Forget about him; I will win him back. And if I see you seducing him again, I won't hesitate to riddle your little life with my bullets, hmm.’ 

Suddenly I felt a murderous aura from behind, as I turned to gaze at the back. All I saw was Natasha giving me a death glare. She appeared as though she would kill me by strangulation. As if she understood the meaning of that look, Leona cast a quick glance at Natasha. As she drew nearer and gave me a gentle prod, she thought of warning me. Grabbing my hands, she muttered, "Avoiding your wife for a woman is a death call, and you did it. To top it off, Shanaya is her rival, and you have played with her before. Therefore, you have to be careful as I know her better than you. By the way, did you pacify her?" 

"No." I spoke while trembling a little. I was not afraid of her, but I did something that made me feel guilty. Furthermore, I didn't even try to apologize, thus I was wondering what should be my next move. So I pleaded Leona, "Sis, you ought to help me, because you regard me as your brother." 

“If it weren't for the fact that you're my dearest brother, I would have skinned you alive. I mean, how could you just ignore your fiancée, who's god-damn gorgeous and kind-hearted? How? Still a piece of hint; try to apologize by taking her out, have a candlelight dinner and she'll forgive you. Just remember all she wants is you and your true feelings. She is a woman who longs for your warmth and affection.” Leona let out a sigh. 

All I could do was take note of myself and plan how I should apologize to her. Abruptly, I found Stephanie missing there, as I scrutinized around. Just as I was looking for her, the door to the adjacent hall opened, and a woman emerged with a gun in her hand. When I saw her, I was completely taken aback. Clad in black and wearing a maverick badge on her chest, 'Lieutenant General' she looked like a true virago. Finally, Leona went to her on one knees and kissed her palm, as everyone echoed.

"The spirit of Imperia has awakened, and the blood of evils will cleanse our motherland. The soldiers of Imperia fight for righteousness and purity, and they triumph over darkness. To establish goodness and virtue in the hearts of our country is our sole motto.” 

Hail Imperia! Hail Athena!

“Soldiers, Attention!” Stephanie roared, her voice reverberating against the hall walls. The sixteen soldiers, their guns pressed to their chests, formed a queue. Then she approached them with her hands back, bellowing, "Stay back unless I give you my further orders. Is that clear?” 

“Roger, Athena!” The soldiers knelt and bowed before scattering.

At the entrance of the Villa. 

"Stephanie and Ryan Ley, come out, or we will execute the operation." The leader of the turf, Nathan, yelled. Standing behind him were sixty-two men, each gripping a rifle. They weren't registered under Nivea City's military, they just work for the wealthy families to earn their living. Confounded by the chaos, a few neighbours peered out their windows to satisfy their curiosity. 

Nathan became agitated as he noticed several top-tiers watching like hawks. Thus, he threw a glance at his subordinates and said, “If they don't answer within five minutes, break the fucking door.” 

“Yes sir.” They echoed at the top of their lungs. 

Five minutes passed in the blink of the eye as Nathan ran out of patience. He then gave them an indication to carry out his command. Just as the men were about to break the door, it creaked open, and Ryan walked out. 

Stunned by his unexpected appearance, they exchanged glances with their boss to confirm their next move. As Nathan discarded his cigarette, his men cleared the way for him to approach slowly and steadily. 

"Any last wishes, Ryan Ley? You know we are meticulous men, so we don't want to mince words. Wait… where's your sister? I heard she's damn gorgeous. After you meet your death, I will personally play with her for a few days before sending her to her maker. What do you say, huh?”

Ryan's eyes grew bloodshot as he stared at him for a full minute without saying a word. Peering intently into his opponent's soul, he uttered, "My sister is a vicious tigress who could easily tear you with her claws. I am not sure whether to feel sorry for you or wish you well, brother."  

“Haha. Is that so? Then I need to meet her, since I like to conquer tough and cold women. What do you say, guys?” Smirking, he turned to face his allies as he asked. The men nodded as if they were pecking grain. ‘Bloods of a feather flock together', I thought, and was disgusted by their consent. 

"You are just paving your way towards hell," muttered Ryan, shaking his head in frustration. Nathan heard him as he roared, “How dare you curse at me? Men beat him to death, and then we will go after the woman." 


They came scampering over to him like a chicken grilled on the grill. Nathan said, pointing the rifle at me, "You think you could mess with Joseph, huh? Then implore God to be his greatest nemesis. Good luck, see you in the next life.” As he was about to pull the trigger he froze, as if the temperature outside had dropped. 


Three military helicopters were hovering above the Villa out of nowhere. The sirens were blaring, and fifteen military jeeps encircled the villa. Looking at the convoy of military jeeps, the people there were stunned and whispered, "Who is the big shot coming here?" 

“Yeah, it's a military convoy. Seems a Brigadier or someone higher rank is making his way towards society.” 

“But what's the connection with that man standing alone there?” 

"He could be the low-key heir of a powerful family." 

Nathan was sweating profusely as he trembled, unable to believe the tables would be turned. He only knew that these two siblings were regular citizens based on the information he had received from his boss. So why did their little threats cause the military to be alerted? Or is it because the military supports this elite society? 

As Nathan was scrutinizing the jeeps, the soldiers surrounded them as they pointed their high-tech rifles at them, “Drop your weapons and surrender or else your death awaits you.” 

Nathan's men instantly dropped their weapons and fell to their knees. Because they can't go against the army spirits, right? As Nathan pondered his next move, he noticed two stunning women approaching Ryan as they stood beside him. They were none other than Leona and Nashy. Even though he found them to be the most stunningly beautiful women he had ever encountered, he wasn't currently focused on that. However, he was caught off guard when he noticed them standing next to Ryan, a sense of foreboding washed over him.

One of his lackies dashed after Ryan in an attempt to grab his head, but Ryan was protected by two tigress guardians. As soon as he got closer, Leona moved in a supernatural speed, grabbed his head, and twisted it. 


He fell and met his demise. Then Leona looked at Nathan and stepped forward, killing eight people in one swift motion while holding a knife. The men there paled and shivered upon seeing their friend's lifeless body. Despite being armed, they retreated as a result. Nathan was enraged by the outcome and considered ambushing her from behind. But just as he was about to chase her down, he felt his leg being grabbed as he attempted to walk forward. He was caught off guard when Ryan grabbed his legs, causing him to fall face front and break his nose, resulting in intense pain. But Ryan would not let him go, giving him a hard kick on his face that left a shoe print. Nathan became agitated as he attempted to stand up, but Ryan couldn’t allow him after he disparaged his dearest sister. 

Then he grabbed his neck and yelled, "What were you saying? You wanted to sleep with my sister? Let me remind you that someone said those similar words and he is now lying in a coma in our basement. You can come after me if you have grudges, but not against my family; that is my bottom line." Ryan punched his face so hard that his eyes blackened and bruised. 



Ryan then grabbed Nathan's arm and violently twisted it before yanking his right hand away. The sight of hands being thrown stunned everyone. The soldiers, his goons, Leona, and Natasha were in disbelief, believing that an average person could be so ruthless simply for disparaging his family. But, on second thought, they realized he is Athena's dearest brother; The Ruthless and Feared Lieutenant General. 

Leona was initially perplexed, but a small smile crept across her face as she muttered, "At least he is being a responsible man. I like him.” 

She immediately ordered the soldiers, "Confine them." The soldiers immediately took charge and surrounded them, leaving no room for escape. Leona hurried over to pull at Nashy, saying, "Hey, it seems my brother can also be ruthless at times, what do you say, huh?" 

“Hmph! What kind of man is he if he cannot even please his fiancée? I am still mad at him. I won't forgive him unless he extends an apology to me.” Leona realized it was just an outburst of her emotions, but Natasha truly loves him. Small scars often mould some wounds. 

Leona giggled as she teased her more, “Aren't you being spoiled by love?” 

To which Natasha snorted and said, “Then what should I do? Tell me. I'm deeply in love with him, but he doesn't… pour any effort.” She behaved more like a spoiled lover than a gentlewoman. 

Nathan bit his tongue to stay conscious and distracted himself from the pain. He pulled out a knife from his back and yelled, "Ryan Ley… Even if I lose my right hand, I refuse to give up. My lefty is strong enough to stab your body twenty times." 

“Oh, is that so? Come then.” Ryan whipped his belt, standing tall and energetic. His back resembled a mountain that could not be crossed without his permission. Though Natasha was furious with him for a few seconds, she was mesmerized by his back as her cheeks turned red, "Damn he is strong. I just want to feel his back and stay with him forever." She muttered something under her breath, but Leona heard it. 

“I heard that.” She teased, giggling as she covered her mouth. Then she thought of something as she asked Natasha, "Hey Natasha, you do not want him, right? Then please give him to me; I will keep him forever.”

As if her possessive mode had kicked in, she screamed, "Shut up! Just shut the fuck up. How could you say something like that about your brother? Also, he's only mine and no one else’s.” 

For a brief period her scream drew attention towards her, as everyone gazed at her like a maniac thinking, ‘Really woman? Is flirting that important to you now? 

Ryan, too, was briefly distracted as he muttered under his breath, "Huh? What happened to her? Is she in her months?" But this put him in danger because Nathan attempted to ambush him by walking slowly on tiptoes. But just as he was about to pierce him with his knife, he felt an excruciating pain surge through his stomach and flew backward. 


“You want to kill my hubby, huh? How dare you?” Nathan was knocked four meters away by Natasha, after being delivered a roundhouse kick. Then he coughed violently, attempting to regain his composure, but could he? Negative. Natasha holds the rank of Brigadier General not for show, but because of her military prowess. 

When Ryan was distracted and Nathan attempted to pounce on him, instantly Natasha hawked from the corner of her eye and dashed towards him, delivering a roundhouse kick. 

His men immediately surrounded him and assisted him in standing up. Blood oozed from the corner of his mouth as he became enraged, "Who the hell are you, bitch? How dare you lay a finger on me? Look, I don't have any grudges against you, thus step away from my way or else-” 

Swoosh Swoosh

But before he could finish, a dagger flew out from somewhere and pierced through his chest. When he saw a dagger stuck in his body, he collapsed in terror. For the first time, he purely felt the word, ‘Fear.’ He never imagined that he would die in such a tragic way. But before he could shut down his eyes eternally, he looked towards a certain direction and felt both fear and happiness. Fear of being mercilessly killed, and joy at seeing a beautiful woman walking sensually towards him. That woman was none other than Stephanie Ley; The Athena. 

He held onto his life for a few more minutes, his lips quivered as he questioned, "Who... Who are you, lady? Can… can you tell me your name before finally drifting in my slumber?” 

Stephanie leaned over and said, "Huh? Didn't you want to abduct me and my brother? Well, I'm standing before you.” 

With horror in his eyes, he chuckled and said, "So... You are Stephanie Ley. That's… Nice. Anyway I… I'm happy to die in the… hands of such a gorgeous woman. Stephanie Ley... Be careful. Joseph... Will kill you.” With that, he finally let out his last breath before drifting off to his sleep. His men wept silently as they realized he could not wake up any more. Though Nathan was a man full of malice, he did have a positive side: Loyalty. 

Stephanie had a quick look at his body before ordering her soldiers, "Soldiers." 

The soldiers immediately dropped to their knees and echoed, "Hail Athena. We are awaiting your commands." 

"Wipe them out and notify Joseph that Stephanie Ley is coming for his death.”

"Roger, ma'am." The soldiers echoed and immediately sent Nathan's men to their deaths. There was no mercy; since they came to abduct her and her brother, only consequences awaited them. 

After ten minutes, the place was wiped clean, as if everything had been an illusion. The neighbours, stunned, felt their throats dry as they feared for their lives. They only had one thought: 'Do not mess with the man of that villa.

Ryan, Stephanie, Natasha, and Leona were seated on the couch in the living room, along with a few soldiers. Stephanie said something to her soldiers, and they dashed out of the villa. Then she looked at her brother lovingly and exclaimed, "I am so happy for you, Ley. You have made me proud today." Ryan stood up and slowly dropped to his knees before laying his head on her lap, saying, "Stephy, what I did was out of responsibility. Anyway Joseph won't sit idle.” 

“Hmph.” He suddenly felt a murderous aura from behind as he realized Natasha had gone upstairs and was clearly waiting for him. "Go, your wife is waiting for you, or else she will start to break things," Stephy said, whispering something for his next move. She patted his head and laughed at his naivety. 

Leona chimed in from the side, "Don’t worry, Ley, I have repaired the bridge a little; the rest plan lies as I told you earlier." Ryan nodded, took a deep breath, and went upstairs in the hopes of successfully appeasing her. 

Leona laughed and shook her head, "It would be fun if I become his love guru, hehe since he's a little aromantic. But Stephy, why is he like that?" 

Stephanie laughed at the sight of her troubled brother and said, "Haha. He's my little brother, after all. Poor Ley. I feel sorry for him at times. Concerning Natasha's personality, he would be at a great disadvantage if he doesn't stay loyal to her.” 

“Well, I feel Ryan is indeed a good-natured man. He was just trapped in a toxic relationship because he was unaware of Shanaya's identity.” Leona mused as she spoke. 

The name Shanaya sparked rage in Stephanie's veins, and she curled her hands into fists, "Shanaya is a little troublesome. We must exercise caution whenever she is around them."