Chapter 43 Did You Summon Me?
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Ryan was shocked and struggled to comprehend Stephanie's words when he inquired in a foolish manner, “Marriage... But how?”

The three women observed him with the same astonishment one might have when watching a clown performing a good show for its audience. Their surprise was particularly noticeable due to his apparent lack of emotional intelligence. Of the three, Natasha appeared to be the most dumbfounded. The fierce tigress was glaring at him due to his naivety, and if given the opportunity, Ryan would undoubtedly find himself with multiple scratches on his body. After all, who wouldn't aspire to marry their crush or beloved, right?

Subsequently, Leona approached him and gently pricked his ears while exclaiming, “Why don't you want to marry her? Is Natasha unworthy of you, hm?”

“No, no, that wasn't what I meant.” 

“Then what, Ley? Tell us every query you have, and we can solve it for you,” Stephanie chimed from the side. 

“Actually, the current atmosphere is permeated with a menacing presence from all directions, and the timing of Joseph's next move remains unknown. Additionally, it is unlikely that Alex's father will remain passive, as he may seek retribution for his son at any moment. Moreover, the solemn promise I made previously has seemingly slipped away, leaving me unable to confront Joseph directly. This is something that disturbs me. Consequently, I am of the opinion that we must address and eliminate every root issue before we can hope for marriage procedures. What do you all say?”

“Could this be fidgeting you? If so, let us focus on Joseph first, as it's time to make him pay for his sins.” Stephanie and Leona expressed with a nod of agreement, demonstrating their familiarity with the character Joseph.

Natasha was the only one in distress, as she desired to expedite the process of getting married. She was aware that there was someone with ulterior motives who could potentially sow discord in their otherwise harmonious relationship. Consequently, she displayed a somber demeanour due to her lack of understanding of the imminent threats ahead. Thus, all she could do was nod and acquiesce to the prevailing circumstances for the time being. However, deep inside, she had already made a solemn vow to ensure that Ryan remained exclusively hers, through hook or crook. 

Ryan observed a notable shift in Natasha's countenance, as her previous cheerfulness swiftly dissipated and was replaced by an expression of slight heartbreak. In the next moment, he approached and delicately took hold of her hands while expressing, "Nashy, I understand that you may not currently be in a position to comprehend my choice. However, please know that it doesn’t reflect on our relationship. My concern lies whether Joseph may order his troops to detain or kill those closest to me. Therefore, I humbly ask for your forgiveness.”

To be honest, Natasha demonstrates a high level of maturity for her age, exhibiting the ability to navigate various situations effectively by choosing the most appropriate course of action. Due to circumstances, she was unable to marry her crush at that moment. Thus, she couldn't think properly of the future, for who knows what's there tomorrow? After listening to his words, she finally agreed by stating, “I concur with Ryan's suggestions, as Joseph is indeed crafty and malevolent.”

Upon mutual agreement, they promptly gathered and strategize about the impending war. Leona promptly mobilized her troops to prepare for the tasks at hand. Subsequently, the group departed towards Macabre City.

Macabre City, Smith Group

Joseph was sipping coffee and his secretary was beside him telling him about the company's growth and its development. 

But in the eyes of Joseph, he didn't feel anything as he was engrossed in his phone, ignoring his secretary's remarks on the company's progress. His lack of response annoyed her as she moved towards him coquettishly, nudging her bosoms on his arms as she said, “Sir, what's bothering you? You seemed to be disturbed.”

Though his eyes were drifting, how couldn't he grasp the petty actions of his secretary. Thus, he pulled her onto his lap and said, “It's been a day and that jerk hasn't tweeted anything about the incidents. Also, his number is unreachable. Tell me, should I relax or focus on corporate affairs?”

“Aww! My hubby, why are you getting so stressed about such a small matter? I suggest there's a room inside your cabin, so can't you pay attention to your little secretary, hmm?”. As she said, she unbuttoned her shirt, revealing a full view of her round, soft bosoms. It was clear from her words that they had consummated their relationship, making her his woman in bed. For her, success had one requirement: satisfy the boss, and he would grant her anything.

Could a deceitful and wicked man resist the temptations? Probably not. Hurriedly, he scooped her in the bridal way and rushed towards the inside room. Then he dropped her on the bed and said, "You're right. Why bother with such a pest when I have such a sexy and hot girlfriend beside me? Today, you will satisfy me, as I'm getting distracted by that asshole Ryan." Subsequently, he disrobed and threw his clothes aside before advancing towards her. His secretary followed suit by undressing herself. Their clandestine affair unfolded as they secluded themselves in his office, giving in to temptation. As they engaged in their activities, their voices echoed throughout the room. However, he was unaware that his wife, Victoria, was already en route to his room to discuss their personal matters.

The moment she extended her hand to rap on the door, she became motionless upon discovering muffled sounds of moaning emanating from within. And being a woman who still engages in this type of intimacy, she knows with certainty that these moans belong to a woman.

Shocked and devastated, she realized the betrayal that had transpired. The scene that unfolded revealed the deceitful nature of Joseph's character and the depths of his unfaithfulness towards her. Before ramming inside the room, she took a moment to compose herself, considering the fact that her visit was pertaining to a divorce. Upon contemplating for a moment, she delicately pushed the door ajar and made her way into the cabin. Inside, the room was devoid of any living beings, only various inanimate objects. Tiptoeing, she approached the room while retrieving her cellphone and activating the video mode.

Since they were indulged in pleasure, how could they sense that they were being hawked by the CEO’s wife, Victoria. Due to the fact that desire can cloud one's judgment and wisdom, Victoria discreetly recorded the video while they were in the midst of enjoying themselves, continuing until it had reached a duration of one full minute. As it was enough to present before the court for adultery on applying for divorce. Then she kept her cellphone aside and stood there as she began to clap. 

Clap Clap

They both were shocked to their core as they turned towards the noise only to met with horror, Victoria standing there aloofly. Subsequently, she approached them with a neutral expression and stated, “If you have finished, I would like to discuss something.” She then left the room without acknowledging the offensive behaviour of those pigs. She proceeded to enter the cabin, drew her cell phone and called someone, before picking up a magazine, and began to read.

This side, these two lovers were in a terrible mood because they were unable to comprehend the reason for her unexpected visit. Typically, she wouldn't be concerned about her husband's business, as she also owns one. Consequently, they promptly refreshed themselves and hastened towards the room.

The secretary wore a somber expression as she quietly murmured under her breath, 'Why the fuck did she arrive now, when she doesn't even care about her husband?' 

Joseph hurriedly went and said to her, “Victoria about that..” Before he could complete his sentence, he was interrupted by Victoria waving her hand and stating, “I am not here to discuss your personal matters; rather, I am here to discuss our divorce. Rest assured, the current issue is not only based on the bedwarming incident but also stems from the moment when you initially instructed Kelly to ambush my son. Furthermore, I would like to remind you that I am a mother not only to a daughter, but also to a son, whether he is my biological or a foster child. Therefore, sign this agreement and we are done.” With that, she pushed a document that contained one word: Divorce. 

Joseph was in a state of shock resembling being struck by a lightning bolt, and hastily expressed, "My dear wife, don't you think it's too early?”

“What? Do you want me to stay with a man who is unfaithful towards his wife, huh? I'm warning you not to taste my patience, or else the repercussions can be far more torturous than your imagination.” In response to the threat, he quickly signed the document and returned it to her. However, he then displayed a smug expression as his lips curled into a smirk. “Now that we are divorced, do you think I'll leave you so soon?”

“What do you mean?” Questioning him, she exhibited a sense of bewilderment and fear, as she was aware of the beast's prowess in performing various maneuvers. Consequently, she displayed a mix of uncertainty and boldness. Joseph promptly instructed his secretary to shut the doors, stating, “It is now time to engage with my wife.” He eagerly observed Victoria's appearance, rubbing his hands and drooling.

“Your lack of shame is quite evident. It may be worth mentioning, although I am hesitant to do so, that compared to you, my former husband demonstrated a much higher level of respect towards women. He refrained from any physical contact without my explicit consent.

His son, Ryan Ley, actually takes after his father in terms of not showing any unbridled desire towards women. Their self-control is commendable, unlike someone who would wag his tail like a dog and chase after a pretty woman. Shame on you, scum.” She grimaced as she felt disgusted by his leering gaze. 

Joseph was offended as soon as he learned about the praise given to David and his son by his ex-wife. Consequently, he responded by barking angrily, stating, “Hmm. This implies that he was an eunuch who was incapable of satisfying his wife.”

“Wrong. David Ley was a man known for his integrity and self-discipline. For some individuals, the pursuit of sexual conquest may be viewed as a personal achievement to be flaunted. However, true character is often measured by one's dedication, hard work, and contributions in professional endeavors rather than their sexual prowess. One who dedicates himself to his partner is ultimately recognized as a responsible man. There was a time when I shared a similar belief as yours, especially when David didn't seem interested in my physical appearance. However, I later understood that his focus was not on my body but on love. There's a difference. So tell me, you were my husband a minute ago, right? Then did you commit yourself faithfully to our relationship? No. Because you're just a slave to the lust.” 

His mouth twitched as he dared not to refute her words, acknowledging her words were the complete truth. He proceeded to shout at her, asserting, “What significance does that carry, may I ask? As the CEO of Smith Group, with a net worth of 10 billion dollars, I have the authority to act as I please.”

“I'm extremely sorry, my dear ex-husband, but it's currently only five million dollars.” Victoria made a remark with a smirk, leaving him speechless as he remembered that the divorce agreement clearly stated that half of the assets would be allocated to his wife, Victoria. Subsequently, he let out a growl and was on the verge of advancing towards her, but the entrance of the cabin was forcefully breached, with Stephanie leading the way accompanied by her group, closely followed by Lancy and Willow.

Upon entering the room, Willow hurried towards her father and forcefully exclaimed, “Dad, I was not aware of your actions earlier, but I am deeply ashamed to acknowledge you as my father.”

Joseph was completely astonished at the sight of three exquisite women standing before him, causing him to swallow nervously. He had never anticipated that such remarkable, beautiful, and gorgeous women would visit his company. His attention was momentarily captivated by the exquisite appearance of the individuals, causing him to momentarily overlook his daughter's grievances. Consequently, he inquired, “Might I inquire as to the identity of you ladies gracing my modest gathering?”

Stephanie expressed a smirk while uttering, “Stephanie Ley... your death.”

“What? You…You are Stephanie Ley? Impossible, absolutely impossible. How could you be alive since I sent the troop to kill you and that sugar baby of yours?” Upon speaking those words, he sensed a palpable sense of danger emanating from Victoria, indicating that he had unintentionally let the cat out of the bag. Immediately, he received a firm slap on his face from Victoria while she exclaimed, “Joseph, didn't I explicitly instruct you that Ryan and Willow are my children? How could you then authorize sending troops to kill him? How dare you, huh?”

Slap, Slap

Suddenly he pushed her and bellowed at the top of his voice, “You bitch, do I even care about that pest, huh? He may be your son, but he's my greatest nemesis of all time. He is the blood of David Ley. I hate him to the core. Anyway, where is he, Stephanie? Did you forget to carry him, huh? Haha.” Displaying maniacal behavior, he burst into raucous laughter.

“Present Joseph.” Upon his return, Joseph was momentarily shocked to realize that he couldn't see past Ryan, who was strolling inside the cabin with his hands casually tucked inside his pockets. Ryan slowly approached him and inquired, “Did you summon me? I have arrived.”