Chapter 10 You are bound to me, Honey.
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"So you want a divorce?" She asked with a cold gaze. 

"Yes." I nodded meekly, glancing her eyes.

She gave me a smug look and indicated the maid with her gaze. I didn't think much of it and was relieved that she was taking my request into consideration.

"And why do you need?" She inquired, her fingers rhythmically tapping against the luxurious leather sofa upon which she sat. Her poised presence resembled that of a mighty Queen, deliberating the appropriate retribution for one who had transgressed.

"Because we are not suited for each other. I feel like I'm just a toy boy at your hands. A puppet whom you are controlling with bare efforts. And sometimes you are too harsh with me. And the most important, I feel that since you have no trust in me, then we should part our ways, right?" I suggested the facts, unaware of the danger creeping from behind.

"Hmm, I think that you are going out of line, my dear. Your statements are completely untrue. However, be aware that there will be severe consequences for every accusation you make against me,"she cautioned me. Just then, the maid brought me a glass of water. Feeling thirsty, I gladly accepted it and drank it quickly, while pondering on her words.

"So honey, are you feeling better?" She moved closer to me, seductively asking her questions.

"I told you not to call me by nicknames, then why are you? Hold on, why are you asking about my health?" I asked suspiciously. 

"Wow, honey, you hate your wife so much. I'm worried that if you proceed with your plan to divorce her, it will only infuriate her further. I'm really impressed with your gall." Her continuous clapping filled me with a deep sense of terror.

Soon, my head was spinning and my vision became blurry and indistinct. Shanaya's form started to fade away and become hazy. Eventually, I passed out and began to snore. Observing me in this condition, Shanaya's expression turned smug as she moved closer to me. However, her eyes widened upon noticing the bite marks on the corners of my mouth. Anger consumed her mind and she clenched her fists tightly.

"You have the guts to play with another woman without my knowledge, huh? Ryan Ley, you have undoubtedly crossed my boundaries, and you must face the consequences for engaging in such an intimate act with those bitches," she muttered, her anger causing her eyes to turn red. If her gaze had lethal power, she would have killed him countless times.

After ripping my shirt, she discovered several purple bite marks on my neck. "You've given my favourite spot to someone else! How dare you?" she shouted furiously.

"Call some men, and tell them to move him to the special room. I'll be there shortly after." She ordered.

"Roger ma'am," the maid responded with a nod before contacting the men using her walkie- talkie. Once she had issued the instructions, Shanaya retreated to her room to retrieve a pistol and a leather whip.

"Ryan Ley, you hurt me today. I won't forgive you easily. I gave you my precious fruit, but you couldn't control yourself. If you were in dire need, you could have simply asked me and I would have gladly served you in bed.  You are my husband legally, but you… This is an unforgivable sin, Ryan. How could you betray my trust? I regret having to discipline you, but it is necessary. In this world, you only have me to rely on, and no one else." She thought resolutely, her determination evident in her gaze.

As she entered the room, Shanaya appeared drastically different this time around. She was donned in a sleek black three-piece suit, her hair tightly pulled back into a bun, and her lips painted with venom black colour lipstick. The glimmer of her white teeth added an eerie contrast to her appearance. There was no denying that she exuded an aura of a woman risen from the depths of hell.

Tap Tap

Approaching me, she walked closer with her heels making a resonating sound in the room. In her left hand, she held a whip, while a pistol was grasped firmly in her right.Then she kept those on the table beside me. Following that, she picked up a glass of cold water and promptly splashed it onto my face. Finally, she positioned herself in a seated posture with her legs crossed.

The cold water splashed on my face, causing me to shiver uncontrollably. As I blinked, a throbbing pain radiated through my head. Gradually, my awareness returned, and I focused my gaze straight ahead to find a woman sitting gracefully, her eyes locked onto mine. Initially, I was bewildered by her presence, but then I realised that she was my wife, Shanaya. A smile appeared on her face, although it filled me with apprehension. Timidly, I asked, "Um, wife, where am I?"

I felt completely ignored by her, as she maintained her silence and continued to play with the whip. Her cold demeanour made me realise that I must have done something greatly wrong, something I shouldn't have done. Consequently, I remained silent, refraining from saying anything.

Shanaya stood up, twirling her whip, and gently lifted my chin. "Ryan Ley, you sure have the balls to betray your wife, huh ?" 


"Ah". I silently exclaimed inwardly, determined not to reveal my vulnerability any further, despite the excruciating agony. I quivered due to the pain, yet I clenched my teeth tightly, refusing to let out a scream. Confused, she glanced at the whip and then turned her gaze towards me, smirking. Once more, she grasped the whip and forcefully struck my chest.


I inwardly cursed, feeling frustrated and upset, but I managed to keep my emotions in check and remained silent. Despite Shanaya continuing to smile and assault my chest.


I couldn't stop myself from crying this time, but I managed to stay silent. Despite how painful it felt, I chose to endure it. Once more, she struck my chest.


I was bleeding profusely from underneath my shirt, and eventually I lost consciousness. Shanaya, seeing the blood, threw down the whip and hurried over to check on me. Alarmed by the sight of the fresh crimson blood, she quickly called for the maid. When the maid arrived, she was taken aback by the sight of me, my upper body covered in blood. The men swiftly took me to the hospital, while Shanaya wept uncontrollably, blaming herself for not being able to restrain her actions. Kayla also rushed to the scene upon hearing the news, initially upset with me but her anger subsided once she witnessed the state of my body.

I fainted immediately due to a significant loss of blood, leading to my prompt hospitalization. After thirty minutes, the doctor attended to me, bandaging the wound and assuring my safety.

Kayla and Shanaya were filled with joy as they hung on to the doctor's every word. But as she observed me from the ICU ward window, tears streamed down her face. She then inquired, "When will he wake up?"

"Mostly by half an hour. No need to worry about it." The doctor suggested them. Afterwards, she started expressing her frustrations silently, "Mom, I am a terrible wife, I hit my husband so badly. I am an incredibly heartless person, and I truly deserve to die." She cried on Kayla's shoulder.

"Shanaya, relax dear. It's true that you should not excessively punish him, isn't it? Remember, he's your husband, and have you confirmed the facts before assuming he cheated?" She asked skeptically.

 "I haven't done that, but I was helpless. I cannot tolerate even a brief moment of another woman showing interest in him. It's true that I am excessively possessive, but my love for him surpasses myself​. So, if he engages with another woman, it is only natural for me to feel enraged." Helpless she sighed.

"It's fine, but try not to be harsh with him in future. Make sure to keep him interested in you so that he only has eyes on you."

Shanaya acknowledged with a nod before stepping into the ward. As I gradually regained consciousness, I caught sight of her once more, but intentionally chose to ignore her, focusing my attention elsewhere. Witnessing my reaction, she smiled bitterly and took a seat next to me on the stool. She then reached out to grasp my hand and expressed, "You must be despising me now, darling. I've hit you, yet you never complained​. You know I won't tolerate any nuisance on your part. So why did you put me through this?"

"At the age of twelve, I found myself alone after my mother abandoned me and my father succumbed to drugs. For ten years, I faced numerous challenges, until I met Jessy last year. She brought love into my life, and I too accepted those feelings. Our relationship seemed perfect until the day I encountered you. You forcefully married me, and despite my initial belief that you would be a supportive wife, it became evident that you were the complete opposite. Instead, you turned out to be a selfish and manipulative woman. Despite this, I held onto the hope that you would love me, but unfortunately, it was only wishful thinking. If killing me is your true intentions, then go ahead, but I beg you, please spare me from further torture." I let out a weary sigh.

Hearing this she was full of remorse at her deeds just an hour ago. "No, I won't let you die, nor I want you to be with another woman. You just belong to me. Yes, I'm selfish, and I'm​ selfish for my love, so what's wrong about it?" She queried with moist eyes. 

"Believing in your partner's faithfulness is what truly matters in a relationship, so being selfish in love is not inherently wrong. Thus, if I were to claim that I had not engaged in any sexual encounters apart from you, would you trust me?"

After some contemplation, she finally settled on a choice, her gaze unwaveringly fixed on the scars on my neck. Determination set in as she clenched her jaw and uttered,"Honey, it's important to remember one thing - we are married and that means you belong to me. I spared you this time because you fainted, but if I catch you again, the consequences will be much worse than today. And you must understand, you cannot divorce me until death separates us. From the moment I took your virginity, you became mine. If you desire freedom in your life, then simply be a good boy and listen to your wife. Otherwise, you know that I can become a real monster when I'm hurt. You've hurt me, so you had to face the consequences." She warned me, her eyes fixed intently on my lips and neck.

"And, if you want to play, come to me and I'll show you the Bliss of Heaven, but if you dare do any sort of immoral acts, believe me I'll kill those bitches​ in front of your eyes. Get well soon." With that she closed the door and went outside.

Her conclusion left me shaken, "This woman is undeniably evil. In one moment, she appears affectionate, and the next, she mercilessly threatens. It seems like, there is no way out for me." I let out a sigh.