31 Uchiha Conspiracy
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This chapter is where Canon Expansion begins

After the Showdown Test, Obito is summoned by the Uchiha Clan Head for an inspection which is weirding Obito, considering that such inspection doesn’t warrant the attention of a Clan Head.

Obito sits flatly on the tatami floor, his legs crossed in an informal manner, a stark contrast to the traditional seiza posture expected in formal meetings. Fugaku Uchiha, the Clan Head, regards him with a stern expression, his patience wearing thin.

"Obito, please sit properly," Fugaku demands, his tone firm yet controlled. "This is a formal setting, and I expect you to at least be respectful to this ancestral halls."

Obito glances up, meeting Fugaku's gaze with defiance. "Why should I sit in seiza if you're not even doing it yourself?"

Fugaku's frown deepens, but he manages to maintain his composure. "I am the Clan Head, Obito. I have the authority to sit as I see fit. You, however, are expected to show respect and adhere to our traditions."

Obito remains unmoved, his expression stubborn. "Respect goes both ways, Fugaku-san. If you won't respect me enough to sit properly, then I see no reason to do so either."

It is truly rebellious of Obito to act like this, but there is no helping it. Obito is only human, and he will want to vent his frustration— it just happens he knows that Fugaku is a verbally vulnerable target considering that Fugaku cannot exactly get physical with Obito given that Obito is Minato Namikaze’s pupil.

Minato can be very overprotective.

Fugaku's jaw tightens, but he takes a deep breath, striving to keep his temper in check. "Obito, I urge you to reconsider. Show some respect, not just for me, but for the Uchiha as a whole."

Obito's gaze softens slightly, but he remains seated as he is. "I understand the importance. But respect shouldn't be demanded; it should be earned." He says it in a manner as if it is the others who should be paying respects to him.

It is arrogant beyond measure.

Fugaku's frustration mounts as he scolds Obito for his lack of respect. "Obito, you should know better than to disregard your elders and superiors," he admonishes, his voice tinged with authority. "I am both an elder and a superior to you."

Obito shakes his head, a smirk playing on his lips as he meets Fugaku's gaze. "Then you clearly don’t respect your elders," he retorts, his tone defiant. "Look at my grandma, tsk, moreover the current state of the Uchiha Clan hasn't earned any from me."

"Watch your words, Obito," Fugaku warns, his voice clipped. "You don’t know what you are talking about.”

“I don’t know… what I am talking about? I think I know what I am talking about. The clan has fallen in favor of the Third Hokage, not to mention Danzo is hounding the Clan’s ass with a very Tobirama-mentality, and guess what?” Obito cannot help but jeer as he believes he knows better than anyone how perilous the Uchiha’s situation are— that one day, they will be all massacred by no other than one of their own. “Some random Uchiha out there who is pretending to be Madara is creating chaos and continuing to discredit the clan! We ain’t strong. We are crippled both politically and internally.”

Fugaku's voice carries a note of conviction as he counters Obito's argument. "You underestimate the strength of our clan, Obito," he asserts, his tone firm. "We have reached unprecedented levels of power. We have not just one, but several active Mangekyo Sharingan users among us. On top of that, our numbers of mature Sharingan users are unmatched."

Obito raises an eyebrow skeptically, his expression unimpressed. "Yeah, keep telling yourself that. Power means nothing without stability, Clan Head," he rebuts, his voice laced with cynicism. "And the Uchiha Clan is teetering on the brink of collapse. Our strength is meaningless if we cannot maintain unity and order. And me? I am part of the disunity that so dares talk back to your face."

Fugaku's jaw tightens at Obito's words, a flicker of frustration crossing his features. "The Uchiha have faced challenges before," he counters futilely, yet his voice is steady. "But we have always emerged stronger. We will weather this storm as we always have."

Obito shakes his head, with his unwavering skepticism. "The difference now is that our enemies are not just outside threats," he argues, his tone sharp. "The real danger comes from within our own ranks. Until we address the underlying issues tearing us apart, our strength means nothing. What did you even call me here for, sir? To ask my political opinion?"

The Uchiha Clan is in the most unstable position it has found itself since its inception, and Fugaku knows it. That’s why he cannot bring himself to argue anymore about this.

Fugaku's expression darkens, his gaze piercing as he considers Obito's words. "Do you want to know why you are here? I will come to that, but do you really want to know it?”

Fugaku summons his Mangekyo Sharingan in a poor attempt to scare Obito. But Obito is unmoved.

Obito doesn’t know why the Uchiha has been so cold to him since his youth.

At first, he thinks that it is just a ‘status’ barrier, but there seems to be more to it now that Fugaku has come to confront him.

Obito's eyes narrow as he meets Fugaku's Sharingan with a calm demeanor. "I've seen scarier things than a Sharingan, Fugaku-san," he retorts, his voice steady despite the tension crackling in the air between them. "But if this is your way of intimidation, it won't work on me."

Fugaku's Sharingan fades as he sighs heavily, the lines of frustration etched on his face. "You misunderstand, Obito. I didn't summon you here to intimidate you," he admits, his tone softer now, tinged with a hint of resignation. "I called you here because I am concerned about you."

Obito's eyebrows shoot up in surprise at Fugaku's unexpected words. "Concerned about me?" he repeats, disbelief coloring his voice. "What for? Last time I checked, I wasn't exactly everyone’s favorite Uchiha."

Fugaku's expression softens slightly, a rare hint of vulnerability slipping through his usual facade of authority. "Regardless of the complications, you are still an Uchiha," he explains, his voice sincere. "And it pains me to say this to you—"

Obito's demeanor shifts, his defiance momentarily faltering as he takes in Fugaku's words. “What is it?”

Just what is the real reason as to why Obito has been summoned now to the Uchiha Main Grounds, if not for a check-up of Obito’s Sharingan, then just what?

Fugaku is quiet.

Fugaku's shoulders sag with the weight of the revelation he's about to share, his voice heavy with self-disgust as he begins to speak. "There's something you need to know, Obito," he says, his tone grave. "A truth that has haunted me for years."

Obito watches him intently, a mixture of curiosity and apprehension flickering in his eyes.

"A decade ago," Fugaku continues, his words slow and measured, "Madara demanded a sacrifice from the Uchiha Clan—a youth to be given up to him."

The air grows heavy with tension as the gravity of Fugaku's words sinks in. "This is a secret I swore to take to my grave," he admits, his voice tinged with guilt. "But I cannot bear the weight of it any longer especially now that you have awakened your Sharingan."

Obito's confusion deepens, his mind reeling as he tries to process the implications of Fugaku's revelation. "Why are you telling me this now?" he asks, his voice barely above a whisper.

Fugaku meets his gaze with a heavy heart, knowing that his next words will only serve to further darken Obito's already troubled path. "Because, Obito," he says, his voice laden with sorrow, "with your Sharingan awakened, you have already begun your journey to becoming Madara's heir."

Obito's eyes widen in shock as Fugaku's words hit him like a wave. "What... what are you saying?" he stammers, his voice trembling with disbelief.

Fugaku's expression is grave as he kneels before Obito, his forehead touching the ground. "I beg of you, Obito," he implores, his voice strained with desperation. "For the sake of our clan, for the sake of Konoha, you must end your own life."

Obito recoils, his mind struggling to comprehend the gravity of Fugaku's request. "But... why?" he manages to choke out, his heart pounding with confusion and fear.

"Madara will return," Fugaku explains, his voice heavy with dread. "The news is spreading like wildfire through the village about an impostor Madara. But what if this Madara is the real deal? This is not a question of if, but when? If he gains power again, the consequences will be catastrophic. Our clan's already fragile position will be further destabilized."

Obito's breath catches in his throat at the mention of Madara's name. "Madara..." he whispers, a chill running down his spine. He knows all too well the devastation that Madara is capable of unleashing.

Fugaku nods solemnly. "The Uchiha cannot afford to be seen as a threat," he continues, his tone urgent. "Madara's return only adds fuel to the fire of suspicion and fear. If you truly care for our clan, Obito, you must prevent further bloodshed. End your life before it's too late."

Obito's hands tremble as he struggles to process Fugaku's words. The weight of the decision hangs heavy on his shoulders, torn between his own survival and the fate of his clan. "I... I don't know if I can," he admits, his voice barely above a whisper.

Fugaku looks up at him, his eyes pleading. "Please, Obito," he begs, his voice raw with emotion. "Do what must be done to protect our people. Do not let the Ghost of Uchiha haunt us once more."

Obito’s mind thrums like a drum as connection after connection makes itself known to his head. A lot of things is making sense to him now. He looks at Fugaku, and he immediately realizes that a derivation of Forbidden Individual Curse Tag must have been put in him by Madara or even put in every Uchiha who had been made witness ten years ago.

If Obito is Fugaku, Obito will not take any chances and just murder Madara’s heir… but no, Fugaku is not doing anything like that… This means Fugaku is promised to never touch or kill him.

Obito grins.

A lot of things are making sense now.

Obito has to leave as it is almost time for dinner, “See you again Fugaku-san… I will go now. This meeting has been very fruitful.” And just like that, he leaves the Uchiha main compound.


Madara might be closer than we think.
