36 Paranoid Investigations
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"Inoichi, are you saying that Danzo's mind contained information suggesting that Madara Uchiha is still alive and pulling strings from the shadows?" Fugaku asks, his voice tinged with disbelief.

Of course, Fugaku knows. He has seen the old monster still kicking a decade ago, but someone has to enunciate them, and he willingly does just that. To Shikaku however, this sounds too ridiculous to be true judging by his facial expression of disbelief.

Inoichi nods gravely. "Yes, Chief. It's highly disturbing, but the evidence is there. It seems that someone has been manipulating events from behind the scenes, and Madara Uchiha's involvement is a very real possibility."

“It is also a possibility whoever destroyed Danzo’s mind has left this particular information to mislead the investigation.” Shikaku lets out a heavy sigh, running a hand through his hair. "Well, if we want to confirm this unsettling information, the best place to start would be Madara Uchiha's grave. If he's truly alive, then that grave might not be as empty as we think."

It is not wrong for Shikamaru to assume that the information is fake. But Fugaku believes this is the right track, and they are unto something big.

Maybe hopefully, Fugaku can lead Konoha’s fangs to Madara who left quite a mark on Fugaku ten years ago— about everything. The events a decade ago have changed Fugaku a lot in so many ways he cannot imagine, everything he has promised to bring with him in the grave not just because of the Cursed Tag embedded in his heart, but also out of some hypocritical self-sacrifice that maybe his descendants would be put as far away as possible from the Curse of Hatred that the clan suffers.

Fugaku furrows his brows, deep in thought. "I don't know the location of Madara Uchiha's grave. But I know someone who might. The Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi. He's been around for a long time and might have some insight into this matter."

A few minutes later, with the Third Hokage leading the way, they arrive at a secluded patch of grass within the village. It is easy for Fugaku with the help of Inoichi and Shikaku to get a meeting with the Third Hokage with urgency, so it is not beyond their means to drag the Third Hokage to search for some grave.

Hiruzen Sarutobi, the wise and aged leader of Konoha, explains the situation as they stand before the possibly unmarked grave of Madara Uchiha. His demeanor is somber yet resolute as he recounts the history surrounding the burial.

"Tobirama Senju buried Madara here," Hiruzen begins, his voice carrying the weight of years of experience. "He made sure to keep the location undisclosed, to prevent anyone from attempting to unearth him for nefarious purposes."

Fugaku nods, absorbing the information. He understands the necessity of such precautions, given the power and influence Madara once wielded. But now, faced with the possibility of his return, the gravity of the situation intensifies.

"I'm afraid I don't know the exact location myself," Hiruzen admits with a hint of regret. "But I have my suspicions. Lord Second had his moments of secrecy, often coming here alone, especially when he indulged in a bit of sake. I don’t know if maybe he is reminiscing, but he seemed sad now I recall it."

Hiruzen's reminiscence is interrupted by a mischievous grin, a fondness evident in his eyes as he recalls his sensei’s habits.

"We could split up and search," Hiruzen suggests, his tone hopeful. "But perhaps there's a more efficient method."

Shikaku, ever the strategist, shakes his head in disagreement of splitting up with a wry smile playing on his lips. "Allow me to handle this," he offers confidently.

With a swift series of hand seals, Shikaku extends his shadows, manipulating them with his Shadow Manipulation Technique. The dark tendrils stretch out, reaching across the ground like probing fingers, searching for any disturbances or anomalies that might lead them to the hidden grave.

Soon, Shikaku feels something with his feelers. He points at a certain patch of grass and explains how he has felt a rigid geometric construct underneath, perhaps a casket. Fugaku and Inoichi immediately go to work, the two of them having the foresight to bring shovels from a nearby garden’s storage. They need to be delicate after all in unearthing whatever dead body is to be found here. They cannot just use Earth Release or other jutsu to unearth a delicate corpse that should have decayed badly for years.

With careful precision, they begin to dig, the soil yielding reluctantly to their efforts. Each shovel-full is removed with caution, revealing the wooden lid of the coffin beneath. Fugaku's heart races with anticipation and apprehension, his mind flashing back to the memories of Madara's formidable power.

Madara has been a true nightmare for Fugaku, and he is right to be afraid— the old ancestor has gone mad, and disillusioned about a dream even now Fugaku struggles to understand.

Inoichi's brow furrows in concentration as he assists, his mind racing with possibilities and implications of what they might uncover. The weight of the moment hangs heavy in the air as they work in silence, with the lonely sound of the scrape of metal against wood and earth.

Finally, after what feels like an eternity, the lid of the casket is exposed. Fugaku takes a deep breath, his hands trembling slightly as he reaches out to lift it open. With a concerted effort, they pry it open.

For a moment, they hold their breath, unsure of what they might find. But as the lid swings open fully, they are met with only emptiness. The coffin is devoid of any remains, confirming their suspicions that Madara Uchiha's grave is indeed empty.

A sense of unease washes over them as they take in the sight before them. If Madara's body is not here, then where is he? And what does his absence mean for the safety and security of the village?

Fugaku wants to confess and say everything that needs to be said, but he restrains himself. He will only be advancing his demise if he so dares open his mouth about ten years ago.




Ten Years Ago—

The Second Shinobi War has left its marks on the Uchiha Clan in so many wrong ways. There is even a certain period of time when no one within the clan has awakened a Mangekyou Sharingan. The Uchiha so desperately wanted the limelight in the war, and for them to advance their shinobi on the frontlines so that they could cultivate their Sharingan and at some point awaken their Mangekyou.

Unfortunately, Tobirama Senju had a different vision for the war at that time— something that Hiruzen Sarutobi has so willingly adapted in his administration, forcing the majority of the Uchiha away from the battlefield.

Fugaku Uchiha massages his forehead in annoyance as reports of dead Uchiha flood in his office. He has only become the Clan Head, and there are already so many complications. Apparently, for a long time, they have their first Mangekyou Sharingan user only to be sent to Amegakure to try hitting a peace talk with Hanzo…

A peace talk of all things!?

It is stupidity at its highest! How in the world the Clan Elders are not doing any outmaneuvering to save their kin? Are the Shimura dogs just that good at politicking?

Hanzo of the Salamander is bad news, and can even be considered a disadvantageous match-up for a doujutsu user such as the Sharingan even with Mangekyou. With a fog of poison where vision is easily compromised, the fearsome Hanzo can worry less about any Mangekyou Ability.

“So young,” whispers a sudden voice. “Has the elders of the Clan has gone senile? You don’t seem that talented. Not even has awakened a Mangekyou, and you are already reaching your 30s… From what I recall, the criteria for picking the clan head are either old age or talent. Last thing I checked, when they mean old age, it means over 50 years old.”

Fugaku frowns as he stares at the strange old man suddenly inside his office— he has white hair, a wrinkly face, and strange purple eyes with rippling patterns.

Before Fugaku can even shout for guards, the world suddenly turns red and everything around him comes to a crawl. Fugaku is a well-read person, so he has an idea of what is happening. He looks at the sudden red moon hanging by the sky. “This is… Tsukuyomi… How do you—”

As Fugaku turns to the strange old man, he comes face to face with a pair of Sharingan— ones that are very same as the recorded Mangekyou Sharingan of Madara Uchiha. “How? How are you alive? You… you are Madara Uchiha…”

Madara Uchiha smirks, his intense gaze locking with Fugaku's. "Yes, Fugaku Uchiha. I am indeed Madara Uchiha, returned from the dead," he says, his voice carrying an air of authority.

Fugaku's mind whirls with disbelief and a hint of hope. "But... how? Everyone believed you were long gone, a legend of the past," he stammers, trying to make sense of the impossible.

Madara chuckles softly, a sound tinged with bitterness. "Legends have a funny way of resurfacing, especially when there are those who still believe in them," he says cryptically. "But enough about me. I have come here for a reason, Fugaku Uchiha."

Fugaku straightens, his curiosity piqued despite his wariness. "What reason could you possibly have for seeking out the Uchiha Clan after all this time?" he asks, his voice cautious.

Madara's Sharingan glints ominously as he leans in closer. "I have a proposal for you, Fugaku. One that could change the fate of the Uchiha Clan and secure its rightful place in history," he says, his words laced with intrigue.

Fugaku narrows his eyes, his suspicions rising. "And what, pray tell, is this proposal of yours?" he inquires, his tone guarded.

Madara's lips curl into a sly smile. "I offer you power, Fugaku. Power beyond your wildest dreams. With my guidance, you can lead the Uchiha Clan to greatness once more," he declares, his voice resonating with conviction.

And truth be told, Fugaku has been tempted.

Fugaku's mind races as he considers the implications of Madara's words. Power, guidance, greatness—the very things he has longed for to lift his clan from the shadows of obscurity. But can he trust this enigmatic figure claiming to be the legendary Madara Uchiha?

At that time, Fugaku was immature.

"And what do you ask for in return?" Fugaku finally asks, his voice steady despite the turmoil churning within him.

Madara's eyes gleam with anticipation as he responds, "Seeing the future is a very difficult affair, but I can manage. What I want from you is quite simple— I need an heir, in exchange, I will help your clan to nurture more Mangekyou Sharingan users."


Next chapter is a continuation of the flashback, giving the full picture of what happened ten years ago. It won't be long, enough to not give Naruto-PTSD-level of flashbacks. There will also be a 'guest' appearance of 'VANILLA' Tobi being funny (at least I think the synthetic creature is funny).
