37 Ten Years Ago
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Ten Years Ago—

Madara's gaze sweeps over the gathered infants and children, his Sharingan eyes flickering with interest as he assesses each one. Once in a while, his eyes will transform to Rinnegan making sure that he doesn’t miss anything special. Fugaku watches him warily, his mind still grappling with the enormity of the situation.

"The Rinnegan is powerful, but it is not omnipotent," Madara remarks, his voice low yet commanding. "That's why I have to make preparations... First, why don't you introduce me to every child the clan has under its care."

Fugaku hesitates for a moment, torn between suspicion and curiosity. But ultimately, he nods, stepping forward to comply with Madara's request. He leads the way, introducing Madara to each child in turn, their names and lineage spoken with reverence.

Madara nods politely as he passes by each child, his gaze lingering on some longer than others. But then, he suddenly stops at one particular infant, his expression unreadable as he stares down at the child.

"This one," he says softly, his voice carrying a strange intensity. "This child possesses potential beyond… measure. Interesting, if this one awakens a Mangekyou, he will be nearly invincible…"

Fugaku's brow furrows in confusion as he looks at the infant in question, wondering what could possibly set them apart from the others. But before he can voice his thoughts, Madara continues, his tone taking on a note of finality.

"I will take this child under my wing," Madara declares, his eyes flashing with determination. "With my guidance, they will become a force to be reckoned with. He will stay with the clan for ten years and then I will take him."

Fugaku's instincts scream at him to protest, to question Madara's motives and intentions. But in the end, he remains silent, a sense of resignation settling over him as he watches Madara claim the child as his own.

Madara is smiling. He truly has found a gem this time. “Don’t bother, Fugaku. It is either the sacrifice of one or many. The clan doesn’t have to associate with me. In fact, don’t look at this in a transactional manner… think of it as a necessary sacrifice, so that at least this child will be remembered as a martyr and not some ryo bundled in a piece of cloth to be paid to a strange peddler. That will be better, isn’t it?”

It is sophistry, but Madara isn’t wrong. Madara looks at the conflicted Fugaku, the younger man’s emotion all too crystal for Madara… Fugaku must be thinking he can take Madara down given how frail Madara looks like— old, rickety, and seemingly weak.

It is true, he is frail physically, but that doesn’t make him any less of a threat.

“Fugaku Uchiha, in exchange for your cooperation, I shall bestow to you the secret method to awaken a Mangekyou Sharingan with the smallest risks available—”

As Madara activates his Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, the world around Fugaku warps and distorts, a surreal landscape forming around him. Pain, hatred, and suffering assault his senses as if he's reliving years of torment in mere moments. Fugaku kneels on the ground, tears of blood streaming down his face, his body wracked with agony.

The secret method to awaken a Mangekyou Sharingan is none other than using Tsukuyomi to forcibly replicate the stimulation that can awaken a Mangekyou Sharingan.

Madara watches with a calculating gaze, his Sharingan spinning with power as he orchestrates Fugaku's awakening. "Feel it, Fugaku," he commands, his voice echoing in the twisted reality of the Tsukuyomi. "Let the pain fuel your strength. Embrace the hatred, let it consume you. This is the path to true power."

Fugaku cries out in anguish, his mind engulfed in a maelstrom of emotions and sensations. Yet through the torment, a spark ignites within him, a newfound awareness blooming in the depths of his consciousness.

Suddenly, as quickly as it begins, the onslaught of suffering subsides, leaving Fugaku gasping for breath on the cold ground. He looks up at Madara, his eyes wide with disbelief and awe.

Madara smiles with a hint of satisfaction in his expression. "Congratulations, Fugaku. You have awakened the Mangekyou Sharingan."

Fugaku's heart pounds in his chest as he tries to comprehend the magnitude of what he's achieved. "What... what ability have I awakened?" he manages to stammer out.

Madara's gaze gleams with pride as he explains, "You possess the ability known as Kansei or Perfect Replication. It is an enhanced version of the basic Sharingan, granting you extreme proficiency in genjutsu usage, sensory perception, and the unparalleled ability to perfectly record and replicate techniques… even Blood Limit Techniques, though there will be limitations to it."

Fugaku's mind reels with the implications of his newfound power. "Thank you, Lord Madara," he murmurs, his voice filled with reverence and gratitude. At the same time, there is fear.

Madara nods approvingly. "Now, how about you do me a favor, and erase any recorded information about me within the clan? I’d also like to put a Cursed Seal on you and to those who I will be helping to awaken their Mangekyou Sharingan."





Madara opens his eyes, his surroundings that of a rock. Living inside a cave for a decade straight without light has not been good for his health, but he has no other choice but to suck it up.

He exhales in annoyance as he feels his connection with a Fission Clone dissipates.

Zetsu phases from the wall, his half-black, half-white visage shifting as he regards Madara with curiosity. "What's the problem, Lord Madara?" he inquires, his voice a blend of whispers.

Madara sighs, the weariness evident in his demeanor as he turns to face Zetsu. "The heir I have prepared, who is nearing his maturity, has exceeded my expectations," he explains, his voice laced with a hint of frustration.

Zetsu's eyes gleam with interest as he absorbs this information. "Exceeded your expectations? In what way?" he probes, his curiosity piqued.

Madara clenches his fists, his jaw tightening with determination. "He has awakened abilities beyond what I had anticipated. His potential is greater than I had initially foreseen," he admits, a mixture of pride and concern tingeing his words. “It truly has been disappointing. I have been suppressing the young boy’s talent as much as possible, and for him to fall in love more.”

Zetsu nods slowly, processing Madara's words. "And what do you intend to do about it?" he asks, his tone neutral yet tinged with anticipation.

Madara's gaze hardens as he formulates a plan in his mind. "I will continue to guide him, to mold him into the ultimate weapon for our… cause. But I must tread carefully. His power could either be our greatest asset or our undoing," he replies, his voice resolute.

Suddenly, a white figure with a spiral pattern on its face appears by Madara's side. Tobi, with his characteristic curiosity, gazes at Madara intently, his single eye/hole wide with wonder. "Lord Madara," Tobi begins tentatively, "I've been wondering... why have I never seen you poop?"

Madara's eyes narrow slightly as he regards Tobi, a hint of annoyance flickering across his features. "Tobi, now is not the time for such trivial inquiries," he states firmly, his tone leaving no room for argument.

Tobi's mask tilts quizzically, but he presses on, undeterred by Madara's stern demeanor. "But Lord Madara, I am genuinely curious. Is it a skill you possess, or perhaps a consequence of your immense power?"

Madara's stoic expression remains unchanged as he regards Tobi with a hint of exasperation. "Tobi, I have more pressing matters to attend to than discussing bodily functions with you. Cease this line of questioning," he commands, his voice firm and commanding.

Tobi nods obediently, though the curiosity still lingers in his eye. "Of course, Lord Madara. My apologies for the interruption," he murmurs before fading back into the shadows of the cave wall, leaving Madara to ponder his plans in solitude.

But then Tobi’s head pops up from the cave wall, “Seriously though, have you never pooped before?” He is very curious about bowel movement and only recently has Tobi gathered enough courage to ask.

And no. This Tobi is not the same Tobi that Obito has. This here is Vanilla Tobi.

Madara gives an exaggerated sigh, “Yes, I have pooped before. No, I won’t tell you what it feels like.”

“It must have felt glorious,” Tobi proudly remarks as he finally vanishes to the cave wall.

Yes, Vanilla Tobi. It indeed feels glorious.