39 S-rank Mission
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Minato steps into the Third Hokage's office, the familiar scent of old parchment and incense greeting him. "You wanted to see me, Lord Hokage?" he asks, bowing respectfully.

Hiruzen gestures for Minato to take a seat, his expression grave. "Yes, Minato. I've received word from the Konoha Military Police Force about their progress in investigating the Shimura Clan massacre."

Taking his seat, Minato's brows furrow with concern. "Have they found any leads?"

Hiruzen nods, his wrinkles deepening with worry. "Yes, they have. And it seems your house arrest is no longer necessary. I apologize for the inconvenience."

Relief washes over Minato's features, though his concern remains. "Thank you, Lord Hokage. But what about the investigation?" It is a fact that the Hokage cannot show favoritism to his people, and that is why Minato has no hard feelings toward Hiruzen.

More than that, it unnerves Minato that someone out there specializing in space-time ninjutsu like him has set their sights on Konoha. It is a monstrously difficult feat to erase a whole clan within their home ground without raising the alarms. Even Minato is not confident he can pull off the same feat.

In fact, it is unrealistic for someone to exterminate a whole clan without leaving any traces. Space-time ninjutsu being involved changes things though—

Hiruzen sighs heavily, his gaze distant. "The situation is dire, Minato. The possibility of another war looms over us. I remember the days when I was just a genin, dreaming of a future without conflict. Now, it seems like those dreams are slipping away."

Minato nods solemnly, understanding the weight of Hiruzen's words. "What can we do to prevent it?"

Hiruzen meets Minato's gaze, his eyes reflecting determination. "We must do everything in our power to maintain peace within our village and among the other nations. Someone is lurking in the shadows orchestrating rather disconcerting plans. I am going to send you on a solo mission."

Minato clenches his fists with resolve hardening his heart. "Give me the details."

Hiruzen nods in agreement, a flicker of pride in his eyes. "I know I can count on you, Minato. This here is the documented investigation by Fugaku about the Shimura Clan downfall."

Hiruzen hands a piece of document to Minato who quickly reads the report. He frowns, his brows knitting together as he absorbs the details. "Madara Uchiha... possibility of a trap... his location..." Minato mutters under his breath, scanning through the information provided.

His eyes widen in surprise as he reaches a particularly crucial section. "Madara Uchiha still lives?" he says aloud, incredulity coloring his tone. "But that would make him at least 90 years old... For a shinobi, that was an impressive age."

Hiruzen remains calm, though a shadow of concern passes over his face. "It's not certain if the information is true," he says, his voice steady. "But that doesn't mean we can afford to ignore it."

Minato nods slowly, his mind racing with the implications of such a revelation. "What do you need me to do, Lord Hokage?"

Hiruzen leans forward, his gaze piercing. "You're the only qualified shinobi for this mission, Minato. I need you to verify the truth of Madara's existence. If he truly lives, we need to know his intentions and potential threat to Konoha. There is a reason why Danzo has strange memories of Madara, and I don’t like its implications."

A sense of duty settles over Minato, driving away any doubts or hesitations. He straightens his posture, determination shining in his eyes. "I'll leave immediately, Lord Hokage. Konoha's safety is my priority."

Hiruzen nods, a sense of pride evident in his expression. "I know you'll do whatever it takes to protect our village, Minato. Be cautious, and may the odds be in your favor."

With a final bow, Minato exits the Third Hokage's office, his mind already racing with plans and strategies. The looming threat of Madara Uchiha's possible return hangs heavy in the air, but Minato is prepared to face whatever challenges lie ahead to safeguard Konoha's future.

In the strictest sense, Madara can be considered a rogue ninja. The last time Madara has been confirmed alive is during his duel to the death with the First Hokage who has arisen victorious from the event, only for Tobirama to stake claims to Madara’s corpse.

Minato frowns at the thought of confronting a shinobi from the founding generation of Konoha. It is intimidating, but there is no reason for him to balk— he is Minato Namikaze, and he knows he is the only one who can do this mission.

Arriving at his home, he proceeds to pack up his stuff to his sealing tags. He fills his pouch with the right necessities from camping tools, and the like to an arsenal of weapons that he might be using in this mission.

As Minato finishes packing his gear, he feels a pair of arms wrap around him from behind. He startles slightly before relaxing into the familiar embrace. "Kushina," he says with a chuckle, feeling her playful nip at his ear. "You scared me."

Kushina giggles mischievously, her breath warm against his neck. "Sorry, Minato. I couldn't resist," she says, her tone teasing. "But where are you off to in such a hurry?"

Minato turns to face her, a soft smile playing on his lips. "I'm going on a mission, Kushina," he explains, his eyes reflecting determination. "It's an S-rank assignment from the Hokage."

Kushina's expression shifts to concern, her brows furrowing slightly. "S-rank? That sounds dangerous," she says, her voice tinged with worry. "Is everything okay?"

Minato nods reassuringly, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead. "Don't worry, Kushina. I'll be careful," he says, his tone confident. "It's just... there's something I need to investigate for the village."

Kushina's grip tightens around him, her eyes searching his face. "Promise me you'll come back safely," she says earnestly, her voice barely above a whisper.

Minato nods, his gaze meeting hers with unwavering determination. "I promise," he says softly, pressing his forehead against hers. “I’ll be back before you know it. I’ll come back, I promise.

Kushina's eyes soften with emotion, a small smile gracing her lips. "I know you will, Minato," she says, her voice filled with trust and love. "Just... be careful out there, alright?"

Minato nods once more, his heart swelling with love for Kushina. "I will," he says, his voice steady.

With one final embrace, Minato reluctantly pulls away from Kushina and makes his way out of their home. Minato turns to a corner, and when he doesn’t feel Kushina’s gaze anymore, he uses his Flying Thunder God Technique and reappears at Kakashi’s residence.

Minato softly knocks on the door, his knuckles rapping against the wood in a rhythmic pattern. After a brief moment, the door swings open, revealing Kakashi standing on the threshold, his sleepy eyes widening in surprise at the sight of his sensei.

"Minato-sensei?" Kakashi blurts out, taken aback by the unexpected visit since he with Rin and Obito had just visited Minato yesterday.

"Hey, Kakashi," Minato greets him with a warm smile, stepping inside. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything."

Kakashi shakes his head quickly, feeling a twinge of guilt. "No, not at all. Please, come in."

As Minato enters, Kakashi's gaze shifts downwards, his expression clouded with self-doubt. "I... I'm sorry, Minato-sensei," he says quietly. "I haven't been able to fulfill your expectations... I'm still stuck at the level of a Chunin."

It has been a week already, and only now does Kakashi show a mopey face for his unexpected defeat against Obito during the Showdown Test. No matter how mature Kakashi presents himself, he is still a child to his core.

Minato places a comforting hand on Kakashi's shoulder, his smile gentle yet reassuring. "Kakashi, you haven't failed me at all," he says sincerely. "You're an incredibly talented shinobi, and your journey is your own. Don't compare yourself to anyone else."

Kakashi's shoulders relax slightly at Minato's words, a flicker of gratitude crossing his features. "Thank you, sensei," he murmurs, his gaze meeting Minato's.

Minato reaches into his pouch, withdrawing a scroll and holding it out to Kakashi. "Actually, I came here for a different reason," he says, his tone becoming more serious. "I remember you once expressed interest in learning the Flying Thunder God Technique."

Recalling that one time when Kakashi is hesitating whether he wants to learn it or not, Minato cannot help but chuckle— Flying Thunder God Technique is a difficult jutsu to master and turn into your own jutsu.

Kakashi's eyes widen in surprise, his fingers hesitantly reaching out to take the scroll from Minato's outstretched hand. "Y-yes, I did," he admits, a hint of uncertainty in his voice. "But... I wasn't sure if I was ready for it, or even if I wanted it."

Minato nods understandingly, his expression sympathetic. "I know it's a daunting technique, Kakashi," he says softly. "But I believe in you. You have the potential to master it, just like you've mastered so many other jutsu."

Kakashi's chest swells with a mixture of emotions, gratitude, and determination warring within him. "Thank you, sensei," he says earnestly, his voice unwavering. "I won't let you down."

Minato smiles proudly, patting Kakashi on the back. "I know you won't," he says confidently. "And speaking of not letting anyone down, I need to ask you for a favor."

Kakashi tilts his head, curiosity sparking in his eyes. "What is it, Minato-sensei?"

Minato's expression turns grave as he explains the situation to Kakashi, detailing the urgency of his upcoming S-rank mission and the need for someone to watch over Team Minato in his absence.

"I need you to take care of Rin, and Obito while I'm gone," Minato says, his voice firm. "Keep them safe, Kakashi, and continue training."

Kakashi nods solemnly, a sense of responsibility settling over him. "You can count on me, sensei," he promises, determination shining in his eye. "I'll do whatever it takes to protect them."

Minato claps Kakashi on the shoulder once more, a proud smile tugging at his lips. "I know you will," he says confidently. "Take care, Kakashi. And remember, I'll be counting on you. When I return, I will check up on everyone’s progress!"

Yep, another change coming: Kakashi in the future will be using the Flying Thunder God Technique!

I made another mistake so apologies in advance. From the past chapters, people have referred to Minato as the Yellow Flash 'too early' and I feel bad about it... The popularization of the moniker 'Yellow Flash' only started during the Third Shinobi War. The current timeline suggests that Minato shouldn't be known as Konoha's Yellow Flash yet. It wouldn't ruin immersion too much though, since it is still possible for Minato to be feared as the Yellow Flash by his comrades by the fact alone that he was so fast no one could match him in speed within his generation, even if we include those from other generations.