2 Three Years Later
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The sun hangs low in the sky, casting a warm glow over the familiar streets of Konoha. Obito strolls with purpose, his strides confident and his eyes fixed on the path ahead. Three years have passed since he first became a Genin, and while the journey has been challenging, Obito finds solace in the memories of his beloved sensei, Minato Namikaze.

As he walks, Obito's thoughts drift back to the days when he was just starting as a Genin, the days of the Bell Test. A small smile plays on his lips as he recalls Minato's calm demeanor and the lessons imparted during that defining moment.

"Ah, Minato-sensei, you always knew how to push us to our limits," Obito reflects. "The Bell Test was tough, but it taught us teamwork and strategy... but seriously..."

Obito's memories come alive, and for a moment, he can almost hear Minato's voice echoing in his mind.

"Remember, success comes to those who work together. Cooperation is key," echoes Minato's voice in Obito's mind. Obito chuckles softly, appreciating the wisdom that still resonates within him.

"Teamwork, huh? We did manage to surprise him that day."

The streets of Konoha are alive with the hustle and bustle of daily life. Obito continues his walk, the memories fading as quickly as they came.

"Time flies. Three years as a Genin and still standing. Not bad, considering everything," Obito muses.

As he rounds a familiar corner, Obito's gaze falls upon the Hokage Monument in the distance. His stride slows, and a sense of pride wells up within him. After some time, he returns at a brisk walk, heading to where the rest of Team Minato should be waiting.


Obito's brisk pace slows as he notices an old lady cautiously making her way across the bustling street. He instinctively quickens his steps, weaving through the crowd to reach her.

"Allow me to help, ma'am," he says with a warm smile as he notices the old lady's grocery. He lifts the groceries up and helps the old lady cross the street.

The old lady, struggling to navigate the busy street, looks up at him with a grateful expression. Slowly, she accepts Obito's outstretched hand, finding support in his youthful strength.

"Bless your heart, young man. It's not as easy for me to navigate these streets anymore," she remarks.

"No worries, ma'am. I'm here to make sure you get across safely," Obito reassures.

As they make their way across the street, the traffic roars around them. Obito keeps a watchful eye, guiding the old lady with care.

Suddenly, the distant sound of hooves grows louder, and a horse charges unexpectedly, threatening to trample them. In an instant, Obito reacts, swiftly pulling the old lady to safety just in the nick of time.

"Oh my goodness! That was too close!" the old lady exclaims, breathing heavily.

"Just part of the job, ma'am. Gotta keep you safe," Obito says with a smirk.

Clutching Obito's arm, the old lady expresses her gratitude.

"You're a real hero, young man. Thank you for being there."

Blushing modestly, Obito responds, "It's nothing, really. Just doing what's right."

With the danger averted, Obito continues to assist the old lady across the street, navigating the remaining obstacles with newfound vigilance. The two share a brief moment of relief before parting ways on opposite sides of the road.

"God bless you, dear. Take care," the old lady calls out.

"You too, ma'am. If you ever need help again, don't hesitate to ask," Obito replies.

The sun hangs low in the sky, casting long shadows across the village of Konoha. Obito wipes sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand, having just assisted an old lady in carrying her groceries, and crosses the streets.

"Thank you, young man. You're a lifesaver!" The old lady beams with gratitude.

"No problem, ma'am! Gotta run now!" Obito waves, already dashing down the crowded market street. Panic sets in as he checks the time on his wristwatch.

Watching the old lady continue on her way, steps lighter thanks to his assistance, Obito is satisfied with the small act of kindness. He resumes his journey through the lively streets of Konoha, and then he realizes he still has a meeting he must partake in. "Ugh… right, Minato-sensei and the others…"

Obito's figure strides confidently through the crowded streets. He wears a long-sleeved blue uniform, the fabric adorned with a vivid orange collar and trimmings that catch the eye of those around him. The jacket, fastened by two buttons at the collar, proudly displays the distinguished Uchiha clan crest at the back.

A crisp white belt cinches his waist, and shinobi sandals protect his feet as he moves with purpose. A standard Konoha dark blue forehead protector is securely tied around his forehead, symbolizing his allegiance to the village, and his rank as a Genin. But it's the distinctive pair of goggles resting atop his head that adds an extra flair to his ensemble. The goggles boast orange lenses and are connected to ear protectors, hinting at a readiness for any challenge that may come his way.

This confident and determined figure is none other than Obito Uchiha, a name often mocked in gossipy circles. The reason is that Obito is quite the troublemaker— Obito is seen as a troublesome child who is an attention seeker, he will say words like he shall become the next Hokage and... does more annoying stuff, calling them pranks or whatnot.

While he just sincerely wants to be acknowledged and be seen, the stigma of being an inept Uchiha has left him with only shunning and mockery. It is a complicated matter, something that Obito doesn't think much about.

"Late again, and it's Sunday!" Obito mumbles to himself, frustration etched on his face. He quickens his pace, maneuvering through the bustling crowd with ninja-like agility.

As Obito races toward his destination, his thoughts race even faster. "Rin's gonna be so annoyed if I'm late... again. And Kakashi will pick me apart!" He clenches his fists, determined to make it on time this time.

He turns a corner and spots the familiar faces of his teammates up ahead. Rin and Kakashi are engaged in a conversation, but as Obito approaches, they notice the urgency in his expression.

"Obito! You made it!" Rin exclaims with a relieved smile.

Kakashi, ever the stoic one, raises an eyebrow. "Barely. What held you up this time?"

Obito catches his breath, panting slightly. "My bad, I have a legitimate reason—"

Kakashi sighs, a hint of annoyance in his voice as he cuts Obito off. "We can't afford to be late, Obito. Sensei's waiting."

Obito nods, determination in his eyes. "I know, I know. Let's go, guys. No more delays."

After graduation from the Ninja Academy, each Genin is assigned to a Jonin to form a team of their own. In Team Minato, the only exception is Kakashi since he is already a Chunin by this point, this speaks greatly of Kakashi Hatake's genius.

These teams complete missions as a unit, and they serve as the standard military format of Konoha. Obito is assigned to Team Minato, and for the past three years, he has been doing missions with his sensei and the others from Rank D, C, and hopefully soon, a B.

The gang walks together, Kakashi leading the way with his usual calm demeanor. Rin walks beside Obito, and her frustration finally reaches a breaking point.

"Obito! Seriously, can't you ever be on time? Sensei's going to be mad again," she scolds, the irritation evident in her voice.

Obito, a hint of defensiveness in his tone, replies, "Rin-chan, I swear, I have a good reason this time."

Rin, half-angry and half-disbelieving, clenches her fist and remarks, "Don't tell me you're helping an old grandma again."

Obito, appearing rather innocent, asks, "Eh? How did you know?"

Kakashi, ever the stoic one, interjects with a dry remark, "Idiot."

Rin sighs, her frustration giving way to defeat. "Obito, if you're going to make excuses, at least try making more convincing ones."

It becomes apparent that Obito's credibility with his peers is not great. The gang continues on, the banter fading as they approach the training ground reserved for Team Minato. Minato is already there, smiling patiently.

"Took you long enough. Let's get started," he announces with a smile, and the gang gathers around their sensei, ready for whatever challenges await them. "First, congratulations for surviving the past three years! I have seen your growth, determination, and willpower, and now an opportunity lies before you! The Chunin Exams is near!"

Minato raises a bell, fitly tucking it into his waist. Turning to the trio, he says, "I know you are familiar with the Bell Test. Let's do it again! I want you to show me how far you have improved for the past three years!"

Team members exchange glances, determination flickering in their eyes. Rin, with a confident nod, declares, "We're ready, Sensei! This time, we won't let those bells escape our grasp!"

Kakashi smirks, his mask hiding it but clearly, there is a hint of competitiveness in his tone. "Last time, we learned a lot. This time, we'll show you what we're truly capable of."

Obito grins, a fiery determination burning in his blue eyes. "Sensei, get ready to be impressed! We're not the same Genin you tested years ago. We are going to set a new record this time!"

Minato chuckles, a proud glint in his eyes. "I'm looking forward to it. Remember, teamwork is crucial. Now, let the test begin!"

 Minato has seen the growth of his students closely in the front-row seat, so he knows how much stronger they have become. The reason he wants to do the Bell Test again is so that he can reaffirm his students' confidence.

As expected it is Kakashi who comes to Minato first.

Minato's reflexes kick in as he swiftly catches Kakashi's senbon needles mid-air, a calm smile playing on his lips. "Nice try, Kakashi. But you'll have to do better than that."

Meanwhile, Rin's well-executed kick at the back of Minato's knee forces him to momentarily lose balance. As he slumps, Kakashi seizes the opportunity, lunging forward in an attempt to grab the elusive bells. However, Minato effortlessly regains his composure, evading Kakashi's grasp.

Minato chuckles, "Quick thinking, Rin. But you're not going to catch me off guard that easily."

Obito, not one to be left out, charges forward with determination. "You can't escape, Sensei!" he declares, launching a series of kunai towards Minato. The yellow flash, however, easily dodges the projectiles, maintaining his focus on the three determined Genin.

Kakashi, undeterred, tries a different approach. "You've taught us well, Sensei. But this time, we won't let you outsmart us." With a swift movement, he creates a diversion, allowing Rin to attempt another angle of attack.

Minato remains composed, enjoying the challenge presented by his skilled students. "Impressive teamwork, but you'll have to coordinate better if you want to win this," he teases, dodging Rin's attempt to snatch a bell from his waist.

The test continues, a dance of skill and strategy, as Minato revels in witnessing the growth of his once-inexperienced students. The air is filled with excitement, determination, and a strong sense of camaraderie. Inwardly, Minato is crying with joy, he has grown very proud of his students.

Minato's eyes narrow as he watches Kakashi, a knowing smile playing on his lips. He's well aware of Kakashi's penchant for sneak attacks and vicious tactics. Kakashi, true to form, swiftly produces a kunai, the metal gleaming dangerously in the sunlight. Without hesitation, he hurls it toward Minato, who reacts instinctively.

Minato skillfully parries the kunai, a fluid motion that showcases his impressive reflexes. As he slides backward, his gaze never leaves Kakashi. In a quick sidestep, he effortlessly maneuvers around Rin, throwing off Kakashi's rhythm and causing a momentary hesitation.

Rin, seizing the opportunity, calls out urgently, "Obito, do it!" She even goes so far as forcibly dislocating her knee so that she can run to Minato much faster despite being in an unfavorable posture and location herself.

Minato glances behind him, spotting Obito already in the middle of his hand seals. Anticipating an incoming Fire Release, Minato readies himself to dodge, bracing for impact.

To his surprise, Obito's jutsu takes an unexpected turn. Instead of fire, a subtle transformation envelops him. The air bursts into smoke briefly, and Minato realizes that Obito has executed a Transformation Technique.

Obito grins slyly as he shouts, "Transformation Jutsu!" Cascading long crimson hair, upturned eyes, and conservative clothes— in front of Minato is his girlfriend, Kushina Uzumaki.

Kushina pouts, her voice softening, "Darling, I am pregnant."

Minato loses his calm for a moment, his eyes widening as he literally gets a nosebleed. "Wha—Pregnant?!"

Kakashi, standing nearby, smugly comments, "Sensei, we have been studying you for the past three years, and we have learned your greatest weakness, so forgive us for using this weakness."

"Huh? Since when?" Minato's eyes trace Kakashi's movements, who have long retreated for some distance. "Sigh… I am outwitted by you guys rather splendidly this time…

Kakashi plays with the bell in his hand, looking at it casually. "You see, I knew you'd let your guard down the moment Obito transformed into someone close to you."

Obito, still in Kushina's form, chuckles. "Looks like we've got you, sensei."

Minato, recovering from his shock, narrows his eyes at Kakashi. "You little brat. Using my personal life against me?"

Kakashi grins beneath his mask. "It's all fair in ninja training, sensei. Now, shall we continue with the exercise?"

Minato sighs, wiping away the blood from his nose. "Fine, but this is a low blow, Kakashi-kun. A really low blow." He grins ear to ear as if the mischief is not in any way a concern to him. It is so easy being handsome and cool, you can almost get away with everything.

Rin comments, her curiosity evident. "Sensei, when is the marriage?"

Minato choked on his spit, caught off guard by the unexpected question. He raises his hand in surrender, a sheepish grin on his face. "Whoa, whoa, let's take it easy, Rin. I surrender. I've seen what you guys are capable of."

Kakashi smirks while Obito and Rin exchange amused glances. Rin raises an eyebrow, waiting for an answer. "So?" She probes.

After Minato regains his calm, he clears his throat and shifts the focus away from his personal life. "Alright, enough about my love life. Let's talk about the performance today. Kakashi, your strategy was good, but remember to coordinate with your team more efficiently. You guys work very fluidly, but I know you can still do better!"

Kakashi nods, seemingly unfazed by the diversion. "Got it, sensei."

Minato turns to Obito and Rin. "And you two, nice teamwork on the transformation jutsu. However, timing is key. Obito, try not to give away too much information with that sly grin of yours."

Obito grins again, unrepentant. "It's a work in progress, sensei."

Rin nudges him playfully, adding, "We're getting there."

For the duration of the day, Minato trains the three of them with zealousness. He picks off their flaws, corrects them, and teaches them applicable knowledge.

Minato observes Obito as he works hard on improving his Fire Release technique. "Focus your chakra more evenly, Obito. You're losing control in the middle of the jutsu. Remember, precision is crucial in a real battle."

Obito nods, determined to get it right this time. "Got it, sensei."

Minato then proceeds to methodically give advice on the ninjutsu of the others, and one by one, he helps his students to progress with their abilities.

Later in the day, Minato gathers the team for Tree Climbing Practice. "Now, this may seem boring, but it's one of the most essential skills as a ninja," he explains. "Chakra control is the foundation of our abilities. Let's start."

Obito inwardly groans but follows Minato's instructions. He focuses a fixed amount of chakra on the bottom of his feet, attempting to climb a tree without using his hands. The concentration on his face is evident.

Minato observes closely, providing guidance. "Control the flow, Obito. Too weak, and you'll lose your footing. Too strong, and you risk damaging the tree. Find the balance."

"This is too easy! The Academy has taught us this already, isn't it?" Though Obito has not fully mastered the technique, he is confident he should be able to easily climb that tree. "Eh? What is this?" Not even as far as four steps, and Obito comes tumbling backward.

Minato grins, then explains, "This here is a Senjutsu Tree, something I plucked from Mt. Myoboku!! The Senjutsu Tree has the ability to absorb chakra and weaken individuals who come into contact with it. At first, I was thinking of you guys training water walking on a simulated sea, but this is many times better!

"Huh? Minato-sensei plucked a tree??" Rin's lips twitch as she realizes how ridiculous Minato's words are.

Kakashi hums with deadpan eyes, "As expected of the Yellow Flash… he is strong… But where even is Mt. Myoboku?"

As Obito struggles to maintain the right chakra flow, attempting for the second time, Minato turns his attention fully to the others. "Kakashi, Rin, don't neglect this practice. It may seem basic, but it lays the groundwork for more advanced techniques. Precise chakra control can make the difference between success and failure on the battlefield."

Minato tirelessly guides his team, ensuring that each member improves their skills and understands the importance of mastering the basics.

The day finally ends, and Obito, with a mix of weariness and excitement, returns home. His grandma, a warm presence in the cozy house, is already in the kitchen, preparing dinner. The aroma of the food fills the air.

"Grandma! I'm home!" Obito calls out, a wide grin on his face.

He kicks off his shoes at the entrance rack, a routine he's been following for years, and makes his way to the dining table. The sight of the spread makes his stomach growl.

"Itadakimasu!" he exclaims, clasping his hands together before reaching for a chopstick.

However, his eager attempt is met with a swift slap on the hands. Grandma, with a playful scolding tone, reminds him to wash his hands first. Obito, slightly embarrassed, complies without protest.

With freshly washed hands, he takes his place at the table. As he digs into the delicious meal, his grandma, a mischievous glint in her eyes, brings up the topic of a particular girl related to Obito.

"Obito, dear, where's Rin? When are you two going to start dating?" she teases, a sly smile on her face.

Obito, caught off guard, blushes deeply. "Grandma, it's not like that," he stammers, trying to hide his embarrassment. "Come on…"

His grandma chuckles, enjoying the moment. The warmth of their home and the playful banter make the evening even more special for Obito. Unknown to Obito, this will be the last time he will have a normal dinner.